The Awakening Series (Private...


223K 3.7K 439

🩸The Awakening Series private Chapters 🩸 Rated R chapters for all mature content throughout the series. ⚠️... More

~TKOAVK~ The Chosen ~
~TKOAVK~ The Bite~
~TKOAVK~ Time to Taste
~TKOAVK ~Timeless Night~
~TKOAVK~The Pleasured Filled Passionate && Desired Night~
~CBARVK~The Bite Fight
~CBARVK~The Chemicals React ~
~CBARVK~A Midnight Swim ~
~CBARVK~ Captured By Him~

~TKOAVK~ Sick and Sadistic Piece of Shit

28K 504 66

Nicklaus POV.
Duke Aldon in media.

I'm bored. Officially, bored as hell! Xander and I are currently meeting with his governors. I just, want to be with Claire, watching her curvy body as she trains. However, duty calls. We have to meet with the governors. Before, we head to the Northern Kingdom.

Governors are responsible to govern and protect a Kingdom when the king departs. They aren't descents from wealthy houses. However, they are descendants from respected houses that have shown nothing but, undying loyalty for the wealthy house of their assigned Kingdom.

For Example, Xander governs are Count Cloven and Duke Aldon.

Count Cloven is from House Tyrell, who follows and serves House Vlad.

His ancestors have been loyal companions of my ancestors for decades. His father was my personal guard for over 100 years. Count Cloven, has protected Xander, during his human years. If it wasn't for him, pretending to be a human companion of Xander. He would have died a human life. He has earned his place to govern my brother's Kingdom.

Duke Aldon is quite unique. He was Xander's human best friend, many years ago. Xander, almost killed him when he was first turned. He came to me, with the dying boy in his arms and begged me to turn him. He begged me to save his life like I saved Xander's a couple of days before then.

Granting my brother his wish, I turned Duke Aldon immortal. Duke Aldon was so gracious, he has sworn to protect me and would give his new life for my own if the time presented itself. As he grew older he became Lieutenant Aldon. He kept his promise.

He saved my life. He risked his own life to save my life about 100 years ago! In return, my father rewarded him handsomely. Lieutenant Aldon became Duke Aldon, the first turned vampire, who has ever been honored to call himself a lord. He has been adopted into the House of Vlad. Besides Xander, he is the most wealthy and powerful turned Vampire that has ever existed. He is considered to be our blood.

So, for the last past eight hours. I have been here.

Discussing, plans, war strategies, and a bunch of boring B.S... When all, I want to do is get back to Claire. I need to get back to her.

Besides, she has to be punished for pulling that little stunt earlier. My balls, are still tingling, only making the urge to allow her sweet juices to ease away my pain. Honestly, the urge to explore every inch of her body is becoming stronger by the second. I miss her.

The mood in the room is full of good vibes. We are all family here, but Claire isn't here.

She should be here, sitting right by my side, taking her rightful place as my queen. Unfortunately, that will never happen. I care too much about her safety, to even consider allowing that to happen.

I take a sip of the blood, forcing myself to swallow down the bitter content. No one's blood can even, please my taste buds anymore. Ever since, I tasted Claire's sweet, intoxicating and honey-laced blood. That's the only taste that can satisfy me now. I can't take it anymore. I'm going to go see my little firecracker.

"Nicklaus," says Xander. "Do you agree?" Agree to what? Honesty, I wasn't listening to anything that they were discussing. I nod my head and wave my hands dismissively. Finally, deciding to listen in.

"Now, that my brother is actually listening," says Xander making the others laugh, though I can hear the irritation in his voice. He knows me too well. "Does anyone have any concerns, or perhaps anything to add in?"

"How should we handle the hunter problem? There have been numerous reports of suspicious activity!" says Count Cloven. "There are also rumors about a so, called trueborn huntress queen. I know! We don't necessarily, entertain rumors. However, with all the suspicious activity, and different reports about hunters settling in our kingdoms! Surely, you can understand my concerns."

"The rumors are true. There is a trueborn huntress by the name of Isis. That is rumored to be a direct descendant of Maddox Hunter," Xander tells. It's true. She is his great-granddaughter, which means that she is the hunters' Queen and their heir to the hunter throne."

"And when were you, going to make me aware of this. Our people," I snap. "Safety is in jeopardy, as long as that huntress bitch has breath in her body. The war between us and the dogs means nothing. If what you say is true. Killing that huntress is far more important, than anything else."

"She is no threat, Nicklaus. I have been monitoring the situation for a while now. I promise you she will be eliminated the moment she decides to side with her race."

"It better be," I warn. Hunters are nothing but humans with a tad bit more, speed, brains, and strength, but true-born hunters are offspring from a Trueborn vampire and a hunter. Mixing species are never good for anyone. That's another reason why I cannot claim Claire. If she decided to remain human, which I'm all but most certain that she will.

Our offspring will become Dhampirs, which are ten times more powerful than true-born hunters.

Creating a true born hunter or huntress, or Dhampirs has been forbidden way before the Awakening. If the beloved of a vampire refused to be turned, they were sterilized immediately, sealing their childless fate and honesty that was the easy way out. Having a Dhampirs as a child would have been far worst. They are the most deadly supernatural race to ever exist.

"I said you have my word. Nicklaus," he declares. "Do I need to remind you that I'm the one who helped track and kill Maddox Hunter? I can handle his offspring. I have handled his offspring for decades now. Trust me when I say, the girl is no threat. "

"You know the dangers. There is nothing else to discuss." He's right. Xander has proven time after time that he is more than capable of dealing with that species. He can handle it.

"With that new information, my concerns have increased. How should we handle that problem Xander," Count Cloven asked again. 

"I mean. It's well understood that you have everything under control, but you shall be absent," he points out. "

"Good point. The girl and her human sister have settled in Elephant land. I have sent a spy to watch them from the far. She has also, killed any hunter who may have come in contact with them to reveal that the rumors are true." He explains. "My spy has been instructed otherwise not to engage, with the girl and her sister." Explains, Xander, as he stands and walks towards the balcony," The hunter, doesn't know of her heritage, and I attend to keep it that way."

"So, how can you be sure, that she is a direct descendant of Maddox Hunter?" Questions, Duke Aldon. Yeah, how can he be sure? It's very rare for true-born hunter to not know their heritage. Especially a Hunter, they are considered to be the Vlad family of the hunter world. Hunters around the nation would die to protect that girl. Fuck, every species around the planet will die to protect that girl. She can become their savior.

"I was there when she was born," admits Xander. He turns to face me, knowing that he has officially pissed me off. We share everything. Why the hell wouldn't he share this with me? What is he hiding?! "She is the daughter, Madelyn Hunter, without even knowing that critical piece of information. If you take one look at her, you would know." My hands, flinch into tight fists. 

I stand to my feet immediately.

I was just about to punch Xander, right in the face. When a rush wave of pain knocks the wind out of me. I bend over with my hands crouched over my stomach. Xander is the first by my side, followed by the others. "What is it, Nicklaus," ask Xander.

Another shot of pain hits me, followed by another shot of pain. When vampires bond with their human beloved they can feel their emotions. Sometimes, they can even feel their pain, and I'm a hundred percent positive that I'm feeling my beloved pain.

Which means, " I need to get to Claire."

Claire POV

"Stop moving now, before I stick my d**k back up you, so fast and hard. You won't be able to move ever again."

My entire body goes limp. I'm disgusted. Appalled. Just listening to his words, makes me feel nauseous. I know for a fact his words aren't a threat. He would take me by force if I didn't follow his command. He runs a sharp nail down my skin. A shudder of shivers follows behind his wake.

"Please don't," I manage to mutter. That's all I can manage and say but that seems to do more bad than good.

"You plead are even sexier than I remember," he says, gently squeezing my nipple and turning me around to face him. His evil green eyes, travel's up and down my body. "I love your silence more. The way you quietly take every inch of my d**k. Never once did you try to fight me, when I enter your precious jewel."

He brushes my lips with his finger. I jump in response and this sick, sadistic, piece of s**t, has the audacity to moan! I'm trying my hardest to stay still, remembering his threat, hoping and praying that he will leave after he has his fun. "You have no idea how many times. I dreamed about, having you again. I've dreamed about tasting your sweet, and intoxicating scent. "He lowers his head and places his lips directly in front of my ear.

 "I have beat my d**k, after each and every dream." He admits. 

Gross, he's sick and crazy.

His vile and disgusting tongue enters my ear and I hold back the urge to scream. An unpleasant chill travels throughout my entire body. "You want me don't you?" he asks. Sounding crazier than I thought, this vampire is far past sick. He is insane. I try my hardest to bite my tongue, remain quiet, and follow his command.

With each passing second, my control slips and alters.

"Tell me you want me, sweet Claire," he demands as my control is officially gone. I don't know if it was the pet name. Or the fact that he said my name at all, but I can no longer fight it. My control is gone. I take a step back, bracing myself/. To make a run for it. The sick, and sadistic piece of s**t eyes glows, brighter with excitement

"I belong to King Nicklaus," I tell him as I take another step backward.

The sick, and sadistic piece of s**t burst pout laying, sounding like a dying hyena, and tells me, "I'm master Azazel sweet Claire."

Here he goes, with the pet name again. "It's my job to punish slaves, who act out of line. I can do whatever I want to your body and your master would most likely reward me for it." I allow his words to sink in. Now, that I think about it.

King Nicklaus was the one to stop Xander from, whipping him at the sick, and sadistic piece of s**T at the auction.

I recall, him saying. There is no law that permits against rapping a human. I hate to admit it, but this piece of s**t may be right. No one will save me. King Nicklaus doesn't give a hell, what's done to me. I'm on my own. One look into his evil eyes confirms what I'm thinking. He right! There will be no consequences for him taking me.

Just when I was about to give in Xander's words appear inside my head. There is a crime in rapping a human who has not been auctioned off and classified. That's right! I'm not just any slave, I'm a chosen. No, a master can punish me unless I break a rule. 

"I haven't done anything to deserve a punishment." I remind him.

He gives me a big creepy smile. His fangs are now poking through his top lip and his evil eyes are glowing brighter. I can't shake the feeling that he knew I was going to say that.

"Sweet, Claire" he chuckles, placing himself right back in front of me. "Do I need to remind you that humans are absolutely forbidden to learn about Vampire histories?" He asks, throwing the book about the vampire studies onto the floor.

The sick, and sadistic piece of s**t pulls me and buries his face into my neck. We are so close. I can feel the hot air from his breath and smell the metallic odor that beams out of his pores.

"Please don't!" I plead again. You can hear the sound of defeat in my voice.

"I already told you. I like you better silent," he says, unbuckling his pants. "But because you insist on talking. I will have to silence you another way."

My body goes into shock when he pulls down his pants. I start to panic. No, No, No!

This isn't going to happen again. The sick, and weak piece of s**t, roughly grabs me by my left arm.

Adrenaline must have kicked in because I start to fight. I kick my leg out, colliding my foot with his manhood and just like King Nicklaus, he resembles a deer caught in headlights, surprised and then stiff. He crouched over in pain as expected and that's when I make a run for it,

I'm almost there, inches away from the door. When I'm pulled by my hair and slammed into a wall. My body crumbles, as I slide onto the floor. Seconds, later his powerful hand collides into my stomach, knocking the air out of my chest.

"You see, I was going to take it gently but, you just had to act like the stupid, little b**tch that you are." He growls, slamming his hand into my side, breaking my ribs in the process. I howl out in pain. "Does that hurt baby? He mocks, "Don't worry I'll ease your pain, just like you're going to ease the pain that you caused."

Without further warning, he grabs a handful of my hair and shoves his manhood in my mouth. I can feel his full length in the back of my throat.

He starts to ram in and out of my mouth. The sound of his moans, covering my ear-splitting screams. As time goes on, he continues his assault, slamming and raming at a fast pace.

My vision becomes blurry as he starts to slow his pace. I can feel that he is close to erupting. I manage to find the strength to use my brain and just before he releases his seed.

I bite down with so much force......... I draw blood.

He yanks his manhood back, and now his screams of pain are filling the air.

I try to pull myself up off the ground, but the pain is unbearable. I'm gasping for air, and start to cough up blood. Everything around me goes blank.

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226K 2.7K 61
exactly what the title says *=smut chapter started june 2020 so dont judge the first few chapters πŸ₯²
1.3K 25 18
ok this is not a slow burn at all its just a quick read ok nothing special just a little splash of what could be in a mixed of the wattpadd genres so...
231K 6.7K 15
This was my first book on Wattpad. Beware of unrealistic situations, stereotypes, bad grammar, and a fast moving plot. ***COMPLETED***
134K 2.8K 34
warnings It contains bxb rape violence kidnapping abuse blood killing So if you are uncomfortable you can leave .