Life's Requiem, Death's Cater...

By TMWolf

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Sequel to Champion's Sword, Galar's Shield Reunited once more, Cassandra and Leon embark on their next journe... More

A Toast
Of Farewells
Welcome to Kalos!
Many Meetings I
The Bug Badge
Many Meetings II
New Friends
Memories & Hints
Team Flare
Beaches & Rock Climbing
Flare & Stone
Good Times & Good Friends
More Questions
Earth & Fire
The Ups & Downs
The Plot Thickens
Snow & Sun
Breaking Point
The End's Beginning
Life's Requiem, Death's Caterwaul
What Comes After
A New Lease Part I
New Lease II (18+ Explicit)
A New Life

The Future and Past

236 5 8
By TMWolf


Lumiose City

"So the Vivillon question tripped you up, too?" Cassandra laughed as they took the elevator down from the top level where both had just completed their battles against Clemont, the Lumiose City Gym Leader. Beside her, Leon groaned, rolling his eyes as his shoulders slumped.

"Yeah; I forgot how they looked since it's been a while since we battled that one in Santalune," he groaned, but then laughed as he held up the Voltage Badge; the very same one that she had. It was very-much so befitting an electric-type-based gym, bolts of energy converging towards the center of a curved triangle. It was a brilliant yellow, too; not unlike her lover's eyes. "It was a good battle, though--that kid was really strong, and his lil sister was adorable, too. Reminded me of Hop a little! Oh, and Agravaine evolved, too, so now he's a full-fledged Pokémon! I think he's gotten a little cockier now, though."

"Well, he is a lot stronger. I'm glad I decided to evolve Elektra before the Gym--and that she wanted, too, although I ended up not using her too much. I think she likes being stronger, though. She's got that drive."

"Just like her trainer," Leon winked. "Okay, so that leaves... Kay still needs to evolve and so does Arwen. Then you have... Sasha and Rex."

"Yeah, hmm... I think with a bit more training Sasha should be ready--she's been at the second stage a while. As for Rex...I dunno how he evolves still... Do you think Kay is ready? I have a stone for her whenever."

"I think so. We can train a bit more then bump her up before the next Gym," Leon mused, pausing as the elevator came to a stop and the doors opened. He hummed thoughtfully, "I hope Calem, and Serena do okay; we haven't seen them since the last Gym."

Cassandra chuckled, "Well, we had quite the detour. They could have been held up or stopped to do training. That, or maybe we just missed them, and they took on the Gym last night. We were pretty much wiped and all."

"True!" he laughed, thoughts flickering to the night before. The twist in his gut; the anguish; Raihan's word; the silence in the dark. His only reprieve being the gentleness of her sleeping visage, and the sweet grip of sleep. He pushed the memories aside as he hummed aloud, "Should we get some food before we head on to the next area?"

"Wouldn't hurt--we slept in pretty late," she snickered. "There's a couple of cafes I thought we should try around the center, and then we can stock up on potions and such, too--."

A familiar ringing made her pause, and she pulled the Holo Caster from her pouch. They raised a brow, but the ringer's name came up Sycamore, so at least it wasn't you-know-who calling for more crazy speeches.

"Hello there!" the Professor beamed, waving his hands. "I wanted to talk to you for a little bit. Could you come to Lysandre Cafe?"

"Lysandre Cafe?" Leon frowned, nose crunching at the name. The guy really had a cafe named after him, huh? He supposed he wasn't surprised, but his opinion of the man made it less exciting as it should have been.

Sycamore chuckled, "Do you know where it is? You can see it from outside the Pokémon Center right by Prism Tower. It's the red cafe. Just hop in a taxi if you can't find it. Be seeing you soon!"

His image vanished, and the redhead sighed, "I... really don't want to go."

"Me neither. Lysandre Cafe? Really?"

"I knooooow. Like I get it: he's basically made the region high-tech and awesome, but... uugh I know it's 'cause I have bad juju vibes from him, but... ugh."

"You said it. Well, let's go heal our teams and then head to the cafe. Fifty poke dollars Lysandre is there."

"Pfft. I bet one thousand he is."

"Wait--no, you can't do that--I already bet he is!" he laughed as they veered towards the Poke center just down the way.

"Too late, bet made. You owe me nine-hundred and fifty poke dollars if he's there."

"That's not fair."

"All is fair in love and war."

"This has nothing to do with either!" he laughed.

"I claim right as your girlfriend to do outrageous shenanigans like this," she replied, totally dead pan in tone, and he laughed again.

"Oh is that right? Well, as your boyfriend, I refuse to play along and will pout profusely until you give into my dorky chams and give up on the bet!" he proclaimed, clapping his hand to his chest.

She clicked her tongue, "Damn. You figured it out."

His eyes glowed brightly, "Ha ha! Yess, I did it!"

"Alright, alright, c'mon, Master Boyfriend," she giggled. "We gotta use this time to brace ourselves for hopefully not the crazy to come."

"Yeah, right. Knowing our track record, Lysandre will be there.'

"Hey, a girl can dream, can't she?" she shrugged, and Leon just smirked.


And as it turned out: No, a girl could not dream.

The cafe was easy enough to find--the sole, red-colored cafe anywhere near the Pokémon Center by Prism Tower. Really, they didn't actually think Lysandre wouldn't be there--it would be too good to be true. Still, they had a small sliver of hope it really would just be Sycamore. Alas, those hopes were dashed as they stepped into the cafe where the waiters were prepping tables and at the very back the Professor stood--with the man they least hoped to see. He carried himself as he always did, and one wouldn't have thought he'd said the words he had last they spoke. Yet, he had, and now they could not help but feel a twinge of anxiety at the sight of him. Cassandra was, without doubt, that the man had some nefarious plans, but she had no true proof and she couldn't just accuse someone of something like that without it. Not to mention, Lysandre was revered throughout the Kalos region. No one would believe her.

And if Sycamore was here--smiling and chatting happily with the man, so he probably wouldn't either.

"Ah! Leon! Cassandra! Quickly, over here!" the Professor beamed, waving them over. They glanced at one another--the reluctance was palpable--and walked over. Lysandre regarded them, a knowing look to his eyes as Sycamore gestured. "I was just having a conversation with Lysandre about Mega Evolution."

The red-haired man nodded, "Indeed. Fascinating, this phenomenon... Ah, but I would like to congratulate you both as well. Mega Evolution is something I, too, would like to be able to use."

"Well, you kind of have to be chosen for it--or rather, proven worthy, you could say," the redheaded woman mused, lifting her wrist up. Perhaps a bit arrogant, but it felt good to rub it in the man's face.

"Actually," their dark-haired companion chuckled, "Lysandre himself is of royal ancestry... He truly is a chosen one, you could say."

Lysandre chuckled, "True. I am a descendant of the king's younger brother. That being said that story is three-thousand years old, so it might not be entirely reliable."

"Still," Sycamore grinned, then paused, eyes widening. His grin grew even wider as he regarded the two, "Say... do you two know where the Holo Caster is made?"

"Lysandre made them," Leon replied, glancing at the man in question. The corner of his mouth curved upwards just slightly.

"Right! They're made in Lysandre's lab! One of many creations that have benefited this region--all thanks to this great man here before us. Hell, he even supports Trainers and Pokémon research with some of the profit from the Holo Caster."

"Oh really? How... philanthropic," the former Champion mused, a perfected fake smile on his face. He was suddenly very glad for all the interviews he had to force himself through over the years of his career. Yet, even so, he had a feeling Lysandre could see through it as he met their gazes.

"It's nothing, truly. You see, people can be divided into two groups. Those who give... and those who take... It's just as how the Kalos region's two Legendary Pokémon gave life and took life," he explained, his gaze lowering as a strange, yet gentle smile came over his face. "I want to be the kind of person who gives...

He paused again as his smile became a frown, brows creasing, "But in this world, some foolish humans exist who would show their strength by taking what isn't theirs. They're filth!"

Leon and Cassandra jumped slightly, not expecting the sudden outburst. It made her frown, too. Was this where he got his conviction from? Why was he so insistent on getting rid of filth? But how exactly? That was the question that twisted her gut the most.

Lysandre sighed as he faced Sycamore once more, though his gaze seemed far off, "Long, long ago, the king of Kalos sought to take everything for his own, and he created a terrible weapon. Then the fire of destruction was unleashed... That is the legend that has been passed down.

Again he turned, this time back towards the two Trainers, "Kalos is beautiful right now! There will be no foolish actions if the number of people and Pokémon do not increase! That being said, the future isn't decided. You can't be sure each day will be like the one before. What the king of Kalos did was reprehensible, but... the ultimate weapon did manage to wash the world clean of that era's filth."

"That's..." Cassandra began but was cut off as the man suddenly held out his hand, and in it was a rock in the shape of a crown--a King's Rock, she realized. A rare item not easily found. She had maybe only one or two left in her storage from her journeys. Reluctantly, she took it.

"Consider it as an apology for taking up your time," he replied, bowing his head. "Unfortunately, I need to take my leave--I have important matters at my lab to deal with. Do send me your research on Mega Evolution when you're able Sycamore--I genuinely do wish to learn more."

"Of course, my friend! I am happy to do so! Take care now," the Processor beamed, clasping hands with the red-haired man before he sauntered off. Once the door closed, Sycamore grinned, "What a passionate person! He's just like a blazing flame! Perhaps his pride in his lineage is what makes him burn so intensely."

"I'm not so sure about that," Leon frowned, still watching the way the man had gone. "I don't think it's pride in his ancestors--or from any true goodness."

"Yeah that's... the way he talks about filth and no foolish actions if the number of people and Pokémon doesn't increase? That... that sounds like a lot of crazy talk," Cassandra added, meeting the Professor's gaze firmly.

Sycamore waves his hand, "He's just passionate, I assure you. Besides, what Lysandre says isn't the only way of looking at things... it's not necessarily the truth."

"And it's not--there's more to the world than giving and taking," the purple-haired man responded firmly. "And for what 'filth' he sees--actually, what does he even define as filth? The people that take? That's a pretty broad stroke definition."

"He's just frustrated with people who hurt others--that show their strength by taking, as he said. He's always worked hard to make the world a better place, and it can be hard to watch all your efforts not do as much as you hoped," the Professor argued, a sympathetic smile on his face. "He just wants the world to be a better place."

"You know," Cassandra sighed, rubbing the back of her neck, "I've met a handful of people who thought the same thing--and it usually ended up with them doing bad things to get their way. And I hate to break it to you, Sycamore, but Lysandre sounds a lot like them."

"Yeah... a man like Lysandre is the one who nearly destroyed my home," Leon added, gaze and voice firm. The Professor looked between them, visibly conflicted. The former Champion sighed, "I know that's not what you want to hear, and I know you've known Lysandre a long time, but..."

"I... No, I understand your concerns," Sycamore smiled, but it was forced. "Truly, I do. You two know probably better than most about these things, but... I promise you. Lysandre isn't like that. He just wants the world to be a better place, and he does it by creating new innovations to improve society. That's all. He's just been frustrated lately with a lack of progress in his work. He truly means well, I assure you."

"I wish I could say we were convinced... Sycamore, I know what we're saying sounds crazy, but... just be careful, okay?" Cassandra pressed.

"I know how you feel, too--I didn't want to believe Rose could do something... so terrible when he'd done so much good, but..."

The Professor's smile lessened, "Don't worry; I understand your concerns. Just, please; have a little faith in him--or at least in me. Lysandre will come around and see the good in the world again. He will. I know he knows deep down that what's truly important is the time you spend together with others! Just as you two treasure these moments spent traveling the Kalos region with your Pokémon!"

The redhead opened her mouth to speak, but then thought better of it. She sighed internally before nodding. Leon reluctantly followed her cue.

"We'll do just that, Sycamore. We'll see you soon--hopefully with more data for your research," Leon spoke, and the trio shook hands before the Professor departed, though with less vigor than before. The cafe workers glanced at the remaining two Trainers before returning to work. Sighing aloud this time, they ordered a few sandwiches and drinks to go and were all too happy to be out of the building and heading towards their next destination.

"I hope he doesn't think badly of us for what we said," Cassandra rumbled, nibbling on a bit of her meal, which did little to quell her swirling gut.

"I don't think he will, but... I think he'll have trouble believing us--I know I would. I mean... Hop and Gloria both told me Rose seemed fishy, but I didn't listen. I couldn't. I spent my whole life believing he was a good person--seeing him as like a father because he basically did help raise me and make me who I was. Even after it happened... even after waking up at the hospital and seeing all the pain and damage he'd caused... I couldn't believe it at first. Rose had really betrayed Galar. Betrayed me. Lied to me. Used me. And when we confronted him with the brothers... to be honest I still couldn't believe it some then, and even now--sometimes... I dunno, I feel like it was a dream almost. No--a nightmare," Leon sighed, and when his girlfriend's hand found his and squeezed, he squeezed back.

"That's how it goes with people you care about and spend your life believing one thing--when in fact it was another. And sometimes they are good starting out and become bad over time and we just... get blinded to it. And when the truth comes out... we have to somehow move on because that's all we can do," she replied, glancing over at him. She could see the pain in his eyes. The betrayal had been so deep, and she knew it would hurt for years to come. He'd never had true closure, either, and that always made the wound deeper. She hoped one day he could just totally move on, but she was one to talk--even now she still had lingering regrets about N. She wasn't sure she ever wouldn't, having failed him so horribly. Leon and her friends were a good remedy, and telling her family the truth had helped, but the pain was always there still.

She supposed that was, in part, why they meshed so well; they understood that kind of pain--that inner anguish they could never fully quash. Not anytime soon, anyways; perhaps with more time and the right support they could, and she intended to be that support for as long as he would have her.

"Yeah, you're right... and I'm glad I had you with me and still do--and everyone, too, of course. I owe Raihan the most for right after everything. He helped pick me up off my feet after I lost to Gloria. Got me drunk as hell so I was a sobbing mess--yes, he recorded it," he laughed, shaking his head, "--and, yes, he will definitely show you if you ask. But he got me drunk and to just... let it all out without people watching me. He just took me to his place so we could chill and just eat pizza and drink all night and so I could just be sad about it and not have the press coming down on me. That, and so Hop and Gloria wouldn't see. They didn't need that on their backs when she just won."

She chuckled, "I take it this was before going home for the BBQ that was mentioned?"

"Ha! Yes, it was. There was no time to head home after the Cup, what with the paperwork and publicity and all that, and I was just exhausted, to be honest. So, yes. Raihan did me a favor and gave me a safe space to be drunk--not unlike what I did for him way back when, to be honest--and then I was able to keep a more genuine smile at the BBQ at home. It was rough, but I managed, and then, well... definitely a lot of rough days after that. Just trying to figure out what I was doing with my life--what could I even do with my life now?"

"And you decided to make the Battle Tower," the redhead mused, a slight wry smile on her visage.

"Yep!" he snickered. "It was a good idea, truth be told, even if it didn't give me back the glory I wanted deep down... but it did help ease the pain--for a time. It wasn't until I met you I realized I was just fooling myself and, really, I just... needed to talk about it and stop kidding myself and face reality--to stop trying for something that would never be mine again and that I didn't need to be mine."

"You mean Champ?"

"A hero--really. I realized that, finally; I wanted to be a hero again. Someone who inspired others and gave them hope, and I thought only could as Champ. But... that's not who I am anymore. I'm just Leon, and it's Gloria's time to shine and be that hero--she's the one who helped save Galar and all."

Cassandra snorted, nudging his side, "Hey, now; you're the one who went to stop Eternatus first and held him off until Hop and Gloria arrived with Zacian and Zamazenta. Without you, there would have been more damage and people hurt and you even protected those two at the cost of your own safety. You are a hero, Leon. And you shouldn't think you're ever not--especially not now. You still inspire people."

"Aww, thanks, 'Cas, but c'mon; I'm just a paper pusher and Battle Tower Trainer now."

She clicked her tongue, "And that's a load of bull. You work hard every day to make Galar better and that is absolutely inspiring and heroic, and people see it. They still talk about you with adoration wherever you go, and you damn well know it. Now stop being so harsh on yourself."

"Says the one who is just as bad as me,' he mused right back, brow raised when she sent an accusing look. "I know full well you still feel bad about a lot of things, too, and struggle to accept you're a hero to Galar just as much as I am for what we did to stop the brothers."

"I--," she started, but then closed her mouth as her cheeks turned a shade of pink. "I'm just--I just wanted to do the right thing, and... I am trying with what happened. With N. It's just... a slow process."

"I know. Me, too," he replied, softly now, and placed a kiss on her forehead. "We'll get there--together."

"Yeah... Together. You sappy dork," she chuckled, lifting his hand up to kiss the knuckles.

"You say it like you don't like me like this," he winked in kind, making her laugh.

"No, no, I definitely do," she mused, smiling foolishly as they came to the Route 14 gate. Tossing away their meal, they headed on through, passing under both gateways and stepping out into a very different view from before and the one before that. Desert-like landscapes that had turned to a fashionable cityscape were now a thick, forested area with yellow-green grass and dark leaves on the trees, which were so dissimilar to those back home. Their branches protruded out over the path head almost like gnarled hands. There was a scent to the air, too--a little mustier and more humid than before. It made her think of Hoenn a little bit, but a more-so woody smell than the ocean. There was a playground set around, too--a slide to a sandbox and a pair of swings. A quaint spot that brought a small smile to her face and served as a distinct foil to the darker woods ahead.

"Wow didn't expect to see a playground just here randomly," the redhead giggled as she headed towards the swing, Leon right on her heels. She grinned as she spun around and fell back into the swing's seat, pushing with her legs to go back and forth. Her lover laughed in kind, sitting himself in the other swing to move gently back and forth.

"Yeah, it is kinda weird... man I don't even remember the last time I used a swing--or a slide for that matter," he grinned, glancing over at the other equipment.

"Geez, same... I don't even remember a playground back home--I just always played with Elm's Pokémon or the other scientists. Also Champa, my mom's Machamp. I played a lot with him... for which I should probably apologize for finally one of these days!" she snickered.

He snapped his fingers, "Ooooh right! Didn't your mom say you were an absolute horror for him?? Like he didn't have enough hands to contain you!"

"Hey! Or... Okay, yes that is true. I was a pretty big troublemaker," she grinned impishly. "I'm pretty sure I tired him out more than a Pokémon battle! That's kinda why my parents went and got Arcanine for me--or well, he was a Growlithe then. I was, uh, not good at making up names. Not original at all."

"Ha! I was the same--Charizard, remember?" he snickered with her. "Your dad got him from a breeder right?"

"Yep! I was five and just crazy with child energy, and since Champa was no match for me... well, I needed a companion who could both keep me safe and keep up. Turns out dad had a work friend who retired to do breeding and they had a few eggs hatched that ended up Growlithe. They'd been bred specifically for their temperament but also battle strength--now, I don't remember right, but I think Dad mentioned they were meant to be police Pokémon? But because mine had blue eyes--just an aesthetic mutation--they decided he would be better with a normal family, and, well, kinda matched well with me and all soooo..."

"Hey, he was right. You and Arcanine were one hell of a team--sometimes I think even Charizard, and I weren't even as strongly bonded.'

"Nah, you guys are. I just have five extra years on you," she grinned before glancing down at her swaying feet, a sad, but happy smile on her face. "We were inseparable, of course. He went everywhere with me on adventures, and he was the best Pokémon a girl could ask for. He protected me like I did him, and he made my dream of being Champ real in the end. He kept me safe in every fight, every region--until the end."

"That he did," Leon replied, reaching over to squeeze her hand. She smiled at him, and though her heart stung, her eyes didn't this time. "I find it kinda funny, you know--not about what happened I mean!"

She laughed, "I know! Go on."

"Heh, well, I mean like... you and Arc met and synched so good right away. Me and Charizard, though... I found him as a Charmander way back when. I don't know for sure, but Magnolia was pretty positive Poachers had gotten to his mom. Charizard moms never leave their babies alone and vulnerable, you see, and they're so rare in the Wild I could believe it. It's better now thankfully than it was back then, but... yeah. I found him just hurt and alone on the edge of the Slumbering Weald, so I brought him to Magnolia's lab to help nurse him back to health. He almost died a few times, truth be told, and it took a lot of work--and convincing my mom to let me stay over--but... he woke up--

He paused to grin, "---And promptly started spewing Ember attacks at me! He was so scared and angry, and I don't blame him one bit. He finally calmed down, but I think he was just scared he didn't know what to do. He cried a lot that night--more than I heard any other Pokémon cry. He missed his mom. And I... it'll sound weird, but... I just knew that's what it was because... I felt like that, too."

"You... your dad, right?" the redhead pressed, slowing her swinging to a gentle push. Her lover nodded, his own smile like hers had been now.

"Yeah. Truth be told... It'd only been a few months since Dad died that I found Charizard. Did I tell you how he died?"

"It was out in the Wild area right? He did work out there?"

He nodded again, "Yep. He was a Ranger, basically; he helped keep all Trainers--young, old, experienced, inexperienced--safe. He put his life on the line with his Pokémon to make sure the stronger, more wild ones didn't hurt them or worse. And... Well, one day a Bewear went on a rampage and was hurting a lot of Trainers, so of course he stepped in. Normally he should have been able to handle things, but... and this is just what his coworker told us, but... supposedly the Bewear went to attack a kid that ran when he shouldn't have, and my dad jumped in and took the hit. It was a fatal blow, and although his Mudsdale got in and finally quelled the Pokémon with his partner, it was too late.

He paused to sigh, "But--he died a hero. That I know. My dad was someone who always wanted to protect Galar and its people, and he died doing just that. I admit, though... I was mad at first--when he died. He just... he left us. He left me, my mom, and Hop was barely a year old. And he was just gone. I didn't even get to say good-bye to him that morning, and then afterwards... I always saw how hard it was on my mom. It's why I did my best to help out all the time and be a good big bro to Hop and care for him when Mom was busy with work. Yeah, my grandparents were around, but it wasn't easy for them either, so I ended up doing a lot.

And though I was upset he left us like that--without him there to make us laugh or help with homework or the fields... how mom cried almost every night. How Hop would never get to know him; how Grandma and Grandpa lost a son even if only an in-law... I was mad for a bit, but then I was just sad because really, in the end, I just missed him. I missed him telling me all his adventures and the people he saved; missed helping him till the fields with his Mudsdale; missed wrestling with him in the living room; missed the stories he'd tell at night before bed; missed him just being there. It hurt. A lot... and when Charizard cried like that that night... It reminded me of myself. He was angry, but, really, he was just hurt and sad and lonely. And I understood."

"I take it Charizard sensed it, too?" she asked softly, and, to her surprise, he laughed.

"Actually--no, he didn't! Not at first. I tried talking to him, but he'd spew fire... but I was stubborn and I just--I wanted him to know he wasn't alone and... that it was okay. That he'd be okay, because he would be. Because if he was okay.. Then I would be, too. And I dunno; I guess talking to him and not giving up on him... I guess something reached him finally and when I was able to finally stroke his head he just--I dunno... I guess he just gave in and let me comfort him. And I just told him that I knew--just that I know, and... he understood.

He lifted his head to grin, "And after that we cuddled together and slept through the night. Magnolia told me she found us curled up in his little pen when she woke up, and, well, we've been best friends ever since, and he helped me get through dealing with my dad's passing. I think I did the same for him, and then... Well, then Rose came into my life, and I guess I let him take the space left by my dad because I still needed it. I see now that was a big mistake on my part, but back then... I did need it. Because he gave me strength to support Mom and help raise Hop, too."

"You know there's nothing wrong with that... and to be honest, he probably was genuine back then."

"I know--I think so, too, and yet... I wish I knew the whole truth, too. Because looking back... Well, really... I'm ashamed to admit I forgot my dad for a while. I struggled to remember his face without seeing his picture--to remember the times we had together. It was only after I came home for a while that I really remembered and realized... Rose wasn't like that at all--even when I was a kid. It wasn't the same, or at least I don't think it was, and it make me feel... I dunno. Confused? Unsure?"

"Yeah, that makes sense to me. Betrayal does that, I think," Cassandra replied, smiling softly and this time she reached out to squeeze his hand. "You had a good dad, Leon. He loved you and your family a lot... and I bet he'd be proud of the man you've become."

A light flush came to his cheeks, "Heh. Thanks, love. Mom certainly is, anyways."

"Mine, too, y'know. They like to gush about you to the neighbors."

"Your parents are good people, too, y'know."

"Oh, trust me, I know; my parents went through a lot growing up, too, and even more when they got married and ended up having me. It wasn't planned, you know!" she laughed, grinning brightly. "They didn't go into specifics, but I was an unexpected pregnancy, and since they wouldn't even consider the idea of not having me, they did their best to make the most out of their lives. It meant a lot of hard work--they could only afford living in New Bark Town where thankfully Mom could work as a security for Elm and Dad had to borrow a Fearow to fly to Saffron to work for SILPH Co. It was a lot of long hours but in a way it was a good thing; Mom made good friends with Elm, who ended up babysitting me a lot. And Dad worked hard and was smart enough he got promoted pretty quick, and while life was pretty rough at first, affording everything and caring for me... they made it and helped me grow up happy and without feeling I was going without anything.

She paused to snicker, "Or, well, okay. I was pretty lonely. I was kind of the only kid in New Bark Town besides Ethan, but he never liked to play with me. That was okay, though--I had fun playing with the Pokémon and then Arc once I had him and I was happy. They were, too, even after having to give up on some of their own dreams for me. Or, well, Mom lost her Olympic dreams from an injury, but she never got a chance to get it back because of me... but they don't regret it. I know they don't, and I'm blessed to be their kid. Silver is, too, even if he won't ever admit it easily."

"Damn, your parents really are something. I never knew your mom was a potential candidate for the Olympics!"

"Oh yeah! She was a major contender for Weight Lifting before her injury. She was pretty devastated at first since she even left her family behind to achieve it, but... Dad was with her the whole way even through recovery and their love kept them going and happy, and I ended up making them happy, too. Especially once I became Champ and got loaded!" she laughed impishly, and Leon laughed with her.

"Okay yeah that is a big bonus!" he bellowed. "My Mom wasn't too far off although she made sure I got to be home until I was old enough."

"Ooh yeah, I remember that. Smart woman there. Good for Hop, too. Got to live and be around his hero all the tiiime," she teased playfully, swinging a little higher.

"Stooop!" he laughed. "I mean, you're not wrong--although I think he's finally grown out of that some, for which I'm glad. It was just hurting him in the end."


"Yeah... he tried too hard during his Challenge to be me and this weird idea that if he lost he'd embarrass me, and so it hurt him deeply when he did lose... I still hate how devastated he looked when I tried to talk to him after a loss once. Now that he's found his own path... we talk like real people--like brothers now, and I'm glad for it. He's not worried about being someone he isn't, and he's going to become even greater than I was. I just know it."

"Yeah, he will," she mused, glancing over with a grin, "Because he had such an amazing brother to raise and inspire him."

He blushed again, rubbing the back of his neck, "Aww, love; you're spoiling me."

"Only cuz you do the same."

"I do, and I want you to remind you that what happened is still not your fault, and won't ever be, and you're an amazing woman who I am honored to call my girlfriend and have at my side. I'd be lost without you--literally and metaphorically."

Cassandra paused, blushing now, too. Her cheeks practically matched her hair as she huffed and looked away.

"Damn you, flustering me like that."

"Only because I love you," he beamed as he stood up from the swing to come over to her side. He hovered over until she looked up and then leaned down to capture her lips in a deep, meaningful kiss. For a brief moment, he thought back on their argument, but let it be shoved away remembering how much he loved this exquisite creature before him--the one who had dragged him out of the abyss and snow and made him a better man every day.

"I love you, too," she replied back softly when he pulled back, a gentle smile on his face. She giggled after a moment, "So... time to head out now we've bared our heart and soul to each other?"

He laughed loudly, and held out his hand, "Yeeeeah, we probably should get going, but I definitely loved hearing more about your family and childhood."

"Goes double for you--and definitely don't forget what I said," she grinned, taking his hand so he could pull her up and then hold on, entwining their fingers.

"Only if you don't," he mused and then motioned with his head, "Alright. Off to the next Gym--and hopefully more Mega Evolution secrets."

"Yes! Off we go!" she laughed in kind, and into the woods they went. 


Leon's past is my own making, along with what happened to his dad. I used the few canon facts we know to make it, so it is all based on canon with my own twist and additions to make it how I wanted :'] 

By the way this is Leon's dad as I imagined him along with his Mudsdale:

"Chrys" comes from Chrysanthemum to keep with the flower names xD Also cuz the meaning works good :') the Horse is an Arthurian one, and part of why Leon names his Pokemon Arthurian names too.

Now for family pic xD

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