Starter Squad (With Pikachu)

By Usapyon645

3.5K 31 12

Follow Pikachu, Charmander, Bulbasaur, and Squirtle as they journey through the world of Pokémon on a quest f... More

A Wild Encounter
Showdown at Viridian
The Caterpie Ambush
Charmander Gets Punched in the Face
The Forest King
Fight Fire with Fire
Updated Cover
Ooo Look At Me I'm A Big Scary Ghost
The Lizard Slayer
The Legend of Blue Shell Man Guy

Choose A Starter!

521 5 1
By Usapyon645

[The episode begins with Red in Professor Oak's lab deciding on what starter Pokémon he should get, then it shows Squirtle, Charmander, Bulbasaur, and Pikachu]

Charmander: Come on, kid! (Camera-Red's POV he gazes upon Charmander) Pick me! I breathe fire!

Squirtle: That's a lie. He only knows scratch. (Annoyed, Charmander proceeds to scratch Squirtle in the eyes.) MY EYES! AUGGHH! AAAHHUUH!!!

[Squirtle screaming]

Pikachu: And I can make electricity. Very helpful!

Bulbasaur: Hey! Hey kid! Ddeeuh Check out what I can do! (shakes) Gyyahh! (sprouts vines) Ehh? Ehhhhh?

Charmander: Yeah, no one cares. Look at your options, kid! Which one of us is gonna win a battle? (points at Squirtle trying to take pain away) What's this guy gonna do? Squirt water? Yeah. Great. That's that's useful.


Charmander: (Points at Bulbasaur trying to know how to use his vines) And then there's this...thing. I don't even know what it is. Some kind of vegetable, I

Bulbasaur: How do I put them back in?

Charmander: there's this...Rat. (Presents himself proudly) And then there's the walking flamethrower. Which one do you bring to a battle? The choice is obvious.

Pikachu: Yeah, Me!

Squirtle: Don't listen to them! The first gym is rock type. You'll get killed if you pick Charmander or Pikachu. I, on the other hand, double as a flotation device in the event of an emergency.

Charmander: Wow. That has to be one of the dumbest things I've ever heard you say.

[Red picks Squirtle, picking him up]

Charmander and Pikachu: Hey what!?

Squirtle: Now that's more like it! (Red turns and walks away with his starter.) Have fun sitting in the lab for the rest of your lives, suckers!

[The door closes.]

Charmander: DAW, COME ON!

Pikachu: Dyuh...I can't believe this.

Bulbasaur: Uh, hey, guys, could you, uh, help me out over here? I...I really don't know what to do with these. (Charmander sets Bulbasaur's left vine on fire) AHH! AAAHHH!

[Later that day...]

[In the Pewter City Gym, Squirtle is seen facing Geodude]

Squirtle: Hoh! You want a piece a' me!? You want a piece of this!? You're goin' down!

[Squirtle uses Bubble on Geodude, which just pops on his face]

Squirtle: Yeah! How do you like me now!? How do you like me- (gets punched by Geodude) AAuGHhhuuoOHH!

[Squirtle flys off the screen]

To Be Continued...

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