Empty Space

By golden_betty13

18 8 0

When told she might not graduate due to the state of her maths grade, Ila Harris has to scramble to find a tu... More



3 2 0
By golden_betty13

School didn't entirely suck for Ila today.

She had two study periods, one even with Maya (who was, yes, very pissed about the radio silence she got instead of the hot gossip about the Luke Hemmings).

"I still can't believe you've never told me that you two would share baths together. I feel like this is best friend shit I need to know," Maya whispers. They sit in the library during Ila's second study period, both putting in the finishing touches on last night's Spanish assignments (well, final touches for Ila's, Maya is pretty much completing her's from the beginning).

"I don't know. It just never came up. I didn't feel like it was super important."

"But it is. You've known he's been on my 'To Bang' list since year 9."

"I guess. What good would that information have been? We don't talk anymore. Well, kinda. It's more history-rooted banter. So nothing productive."

"You could've been hyping me up this whole time indirectly."

"Also, can we go back to your bang list? I really hate that that exists."

"How many times do I have to explain this? It's not an actual list. It's only a metaphorical list of people that if I had the opportunity to let them break my back, I'd say yes in a motherfucking heartbeat." An angry shush sounds from the Librarian's desk across the library. Maya simply furrows her brows and frowns at the lady.

"Still. It feels a bit... weird. But, I'm not about to recreate a whole ass episode of Friends-"

"I've never-"

"I know, I know you've never seen the show. Just take my word for it that it was a whole thing with Ross-"

"Anyway. It's just a friendship crime that you've never told me about Luke."

"I know, I'm sorry. I feel pretty yucky now that I haven't told you that I go over for dinner every week-"

"I can't even look at you right now."

"Or that our mums have been besties since they went to school together-"

"I could commit murder right now, you know?" Maya smiled her fake smile.

"Or that we were considered, at one point-- but a very very short point-- in our lives, bestest friends-"

"It's like you want to be killed. Do you need to talk about that?" An even louder shush came after Maya's spoken-at-full-volume statement leaves her glossed lips. At that moment, as Maya suppresses a giggle, turning her lips in on themselves, Ila couldn't help but admire her best friend in all of her rounded edges and pink-hued eyeshadow. If pink were a person, it'd be personified as Maya. She was soft and warm, but also strong and didn't put up with anyone's shit. She was just cool and confident in herself and made Ila nuts with jealousy at times when it came so naturally to Maya to just be herself.

"Do you need help finishing your homework? The period is going to end soon and Señora will be pissed that you don't have it done." Even not having her homework done, Maya was cool, calm, and collected-- even when she had to present it. She could go up there and just pull something out of her ass. Ila remembers when she had watched her best friend get up in front of their Spanish class and recite a whole ass Selena Quintanilla song when she forgot to do their assigned-for-two-weeks project (earning herself a C+ surprisingly), knowing that she had picked the right friend.

After being hurt... She needed someone to 'look up to' in a way. To pull her out of her own head. To brush off the fact that she might've forgotten to finish last night's history homework (worth only 10 points, mind you) and not have a panic attack. But Ila did do her history homework after getting home from dinner, that was just a one-time example.

"It's the least you could do after doing me so wrong," Maya replied with a smirk.


If Maya was pink then Ila would be an earthy green.

Despite their names being one of the same (think about it, they rhyme), they were quite different.

Even in the colder months of Australia, Ila could be found wearing a flowy, opened flannel with a tank underneath, living her earthy dream, while Maya would opt for something with a pastel vibe to it.

Ila loved how polar opposite they were. Yes, Maya did participate in walking barefoot in the grass whenever Ila asked her to (it's good for grounding and connecting with the earth, Ila read once). And yes, Maya loves going thrifting with her (says it's because of 'the deals' and that sustainability is just a bonus). But she does draw a line at piers and beaches and just anything with a large body of water (some childhood trauma, Ila guesses... Maya doesn't want to admit it's because of the seagulls. And sand. Yuck).

Ila's last period, Environmental Science, had her yearning, once again, to just be able to walk along a pier or a beach or any body of water she could get her hands on and just soak it all in. She has always thought about writing next to some water. It's a simple dream, but one that feels more attainable.

Thoughts of water and writing and walking were interrupted by a buzz from her pocket. She slyly reaches into her backpack, grabbing it and peering at its dimmed screen.

Natalie: Hello my love. Got any plans for after school? I was thinking-

"Ila? Are you listening?" A voice asks, pulling Ila away from her phone.

"I'm sorry." And she means it.

If it weren't for her grades and constant participation in his class, she would've gotten her phone taken away and detention (her school had some extreme measures set if you got caught with your phone), but her Environmental Science teacher was cool. A young man, balding prematurely but confident about it, just carried on with his question, letting this slip-up slide.

"No worries. I just asked..." the man carries on with his question on the effects of desalination, a topic familiar and interesting for Ila. 

"Um, well. I would believe that this process causes increased energy dependence, I think it also releases greenhouse gas emissions, and not to mention it takes quite a heavy toll on ocean biodiversity. The brine it produces increases how salty the water is, causing animals and plants to have a hard time living in it. Desalination benefits us greatly, but the cons may outweigh the pros." Ila hopes that was enough and that it didn't sound messy and choppy and just like she wasn't listening, because she usually was. As she said, that was a one-time thing and only for a moment. 

The teacher smiled at her before continuing, appreciating the thoughtful answer, showing she has been listening.

He carried on with his lesson, moving onto the water cycle, which is usually enough to keep Ila's attention, but she couldn't help but be distracted by Natalie's text and the fact that the dreaded meeting with her teacher has crept up on her without warning. It only-

And with the ring of the bell, students were dismissed and Ila was on her way to meet her doom.


Maya had told her not to worry.

She said to keep her head held high and take whatever shit he had to say-- whether that shit was good shit or bad shit.

It was very bad shit in Ila's eyes.

She walked out of the school, numb, his words bouncing around in her mind.

What was she going to do? It felt like everything was crumbling around her. Why did her chest feel really heavy all of a sudden?

She tried to get out of the school as fast as she could, not knowing why there were so many people idling around the campus on a Friday. Ila even bumped into someone trying to walk out, but she was so wrapped up with her thoughts she couldn't see who it was, only managing to peep out an apology.

Just as she makes it to the parking lot, a friendly and familiar voice brings her out of her head.

"Surprise." Natalie leans against her car, holding a paper bag and a frappe. Forcing a smile to her face, she runs up to her girlfriend, hugging her tightly. "What's wrong?"

Not wanting to get into it, Ila stuffs her face deeper into her shoulder. "Just a shit day. But it's better now."

Natalie was the first to pull away, tucking Ila's hair behind her ear. "I brought you some goodies from work, figured I could drop them off during my break."

"This is exactly what I need." Ila looks around the parking lot, seeing the large number of students growing by the minute, all decked out in school colors. Then it donned on her.

"I'll kiss you after my shift, what time tonight?" Ila looks towards the door, seeing Maya pop out of the front doors.

"I'm sorry, I totally forgot about the game this evening. Maya and I usually go together."

"I thought you hated school spirit?" Natalie questions, giving her a slightly confused smile.

"Yeah but I like watching football and it's like a thing between us. We go to the game, she talks to some cute guys, then we pick up some food and head over to my place for a sleepover." Natalie just nods her head in understanding.

"I get it, I had my own things when I was in school. Have fun tonight, be careful."

"God, you sound so old. You graduated only last year."

"I know. Which makes me wiser. Now go have fun. Call me later." Natalie states, rather than framing it as a question.

Ila nods her head, walking away with her treats in hand, towards her best friend. She needs a good cry. 

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