Empty Space

By golden_betty13

18 8 0

When told she might not graduate due to the state of her maths grade, Ila Harris has to scramble to find a tu... More



5 2 0
By golden_betty13

"I wish he'd sneak into the locker room," muttered her friend while gazing out the window. The other girl whipped her head around, dropping whatever item of clothing she was folding.

"Ew. Ew. Ew." She ran towards the window.

"Ila I swear to God-" the girl, who was originally drooling out of her mind, ran alongside Ila, attempting to beat her to the punch.

Within a second, limbs and curtains were a tangled mess. Teenage girl squeals erupt from the pile on the floor.

"You're disgusting."

"I'm opportunistic."

Before long, Ila gave up, letting her friend be a perv. She laid on the floor, defeated, while her friend peaked over the windowsill, only her eyes and forehead were visible from the outside world, as she watched a tall, blond boy dress.

Ila reached over and hit her friend's ankle. "Hey, babe, we were literally just talking about how creepy it is when guys find their way into our locker room at school."

"Maddie was right, he doesn't play a sport but is totally toned. He's not ripped but he's in shape."

"Wowww, just gonna ignore me huh? 'Cause I'm calling you out on your hypocritical bullshit?

"If you don't go for him I will."

"I bet in .2 seconds he will have another one of his ladies of the night over to get in a quickie before his mum comes home."

"Ugh, why do you have to ruin all of my fun." Ila didn't have to get up to know what killed her friend's mood. "I've got nicer hair than her."

"Hey. We don't put down other girls here." She looks at her friend, who's gotten down to her level, resting her head on the carpeted floor. "But yeah, Maya, I know you do." Smiling at the thought of her silliness.

"Seriously though, why haven't you?" Maya asked, pushing Ila's arm. "I know how your mum's crazy about him, with her stamp of approval I would've already been climbing that tree a long time ago."

"You're gross. It's just," she said, hesitating. "I'm kinda already, sorta- it's relatively new-ish, seeing someone." And with that horrid thing that some may call a sentence, Ila's eardrum bursts. The two girls sit up rapidly so Maya could smack her friend silly for not telling her soon.

"I hate you to bits. Why didn't you tell me? Who is he?"


"... she?" Ila bit her lip. That was all the confirmation Maya needed. "I bet she's smokin'. How'd you two meet? Where? Was it like, 'ugh, I've always known it was her, from the moment I set my eyes on her,' or more like a 'we hooked up and the rest is history'?"

Ila's face reddened from the topic of conversation and the absurd amount of questions being thrown at her at light speed. "You know that dumbass training thing I had to do for work?"

"Shut it. You told me it was boring and full of know-it-alls-- wait, don't say you're dating a know-it-all!"

"It was! And no, she is definitely not a know-it-all. She's smart and funny. And she's fantastic at espresso bar, like hella good."

"Okay, okay. She sounds like your dream girl, full of as much coffee knowledge as one could get packed with the latest Shakespear quotes. But how did you guys get together?" Ila rolled her eyes.

"It was our last day and she was just so bold." Ila covered her face with her hands, remembering what had occurred over that boring and overly-scheduled weekend. "She told me to meet her at the coffee bar in the morning right before we had to leave. I get there and there she is with a muffin and a latte with my name on it... and eight little words asking if I would go out with her."

Maya fainted fakely, falling once more onto the carpet and broken curtains. "She sounds amazing. My heart can't take any more cuteness. I think it's in overload."

"Alright smartass, don't break my curtains anymore than you already have. Speaking of that, I think we should hit up Ikea after school tomorrow, you know, to repay me for the damages your hormones have caused."

Skipping over her comment, Maya sat up. "If only I had a picture, then you'd get my 'Maya Stamp of Approval'."

"Fine," Ila said, giving in to peer pressure, rolling her eyes once more in playful protest. Maya squealed, clapping her hands together. Man, talking about relationships really turns Maya from her 'I fucking hate everyone, go fuck yourself' to 'and then he winked at me, I think I died'. "This was us last weekend."

Maya grabbed the phone out of her hands at lightning speed. "I'm going to ignore the fact that you lied and said you were bra shopping with your mum last Saturday, which-- who the fuck goes bra shopping with their mum at 18-- and just focus on how adorable you both are. And what is this lovely lady's name?"

Ila leaned into her best friend, peaking at the screen in front of her. She smiled a bit, holding back the full-mouth smile she wished she could do at the sight of them both together. Ila was kissing a tall brunette's cheek while they stood in what seemed to be a park. "Natalie."

"Natalie has been stamped." Ila phone dings just as Maya's metaphorical (and greatly appreciated) stamp has been placed, diverting both of their attention to it. "Here, it's just an email."

Ila's stomach drops and the room spins as the words 'come to my room after school' are written in bold. "Oh. My. God."

"What's wrong?" Maya asked, leaning over to try and see what the hubbub was about. "Did Jeremy send you a dick pic? I hear he's been sending it to a bunch of different girls, you know throwing the dart to see if it sticks."

"First, I don't think that's how the saying goes and no... uh, it's Mr. Jennings, he's saying that he wants to discuss my grades." She drops her phone, rolling back onto the messy ground, hiding her face in the curtain. She releases a loud groan.

"Hey, look at it this way: you've got a hot girlfriend and a hot neighbor."

"Go home. No one wants you." Ila retorts, really wanting Maya to just climb on top of her and hide her away for the rest of time. Luckily, their friendship has mastered the art of telepathy and Maya is on top of Ila in no time, hugging away her shitty cards.

Ila's phone dings one more time.

"I swear to God if that's the principle expelling me I'm gonna hurl."

"It's only your mum," Maya reads from Ila's dropped phone, unlocking it before letting out a gasp.

"What? Is she kicking me out? Well, I'm having quite the shit day if I do say so myself."

"Bitch, you better tell me everything when you get back tonight."

"What in the world are you talking about?" Ila asks, lifting her head a bit.

"You're having dinner at the Hemmings' house tonight." 

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