The Infamous hero

By Mercury_Sol

223K 3.6K 3.9K

what if Izuku Midoriya thought he was quirkless but instead he was a conduit. this story will have 4 types of... More

The beginning chapter 1
zero to hero chapter 2
Taking steps chapter 3
underdog chapter 4
A day to remember chapter 5
Same old stuff chapter 6
U.S.J chapter 7
Recovery chapter 8
going all out chapter 9
Best of the worst chapter 10
Hero temps chapter 11
Hero vs Hero Killer chapter 12
Another day Chapter 13
20k (not a chapter)
pros vs novices (part one) chapter 14
Pros vs Novices (part two) chapter 15
The session (Filler) part 1
I-Island special [1/2] Chapter 16
I-Island special [2/2] chapter 17
Camp camp Chapter 18
Taken Chapter 19
(Not a chapter) New book
Who's your daddy Chapter 20
All for none chapter 21
(Not a chapter) Winner
Time heals Chapter 22
licenses? Chapter 23
X games mode Chapter 24
Alrighty then Chapter 25
Past life Chapter 26
Enemy Chapter 28
Hero to Zero chapter 29
Ready or not chapter 30
It's a bird Chapter 31
Whatever it takes Chapter 32
Recovery part 2 Chapter 33

Give me a break Chapter 27

1.1K 40 70
By Mercury_Sol

"Curdan Cay is a prison made spicifcly for Conduits. It was made by the D.U.P with the help of Brooke Augustine. It was made 20 years ago. 4 years before Midoriya was born. If All for one made Curdan Cay for Midoriya, he would have to know 4 years before he was even born that he would be a Conduit." Aizawa says.

He was in a room sitting at a table with all the teachers of U.A and All Might. "But this is All for one, so we'll have to take everything he says with a grain of salt." He added.

"It's unlike him to say anything without reason. He may very well be involved with the D.U.P." All might said. "I still find it hard to understand the reason to make a prison just for Conduits, given their rarity. Why couldn't we just have imprisoned the criminal Conduits in regular prison rather than gather them all up in one location?" The teacher from class 1-B Vlad said.

"People are scared of Conduits, even if they're locked up. So sending them to a prison far in America seems to be the 

best option for most, though I'm not sure if the Americans are too fond that themselves." Midnight stated.

"I think I understand now." Principle Nezu said making the teachers give him their full attention. 

"What do you mean?" Aizawa asked. "Well, if we believe what he spoke is true, All for one had some involvement with the D.U.P, that would mean he is interested in Conduits.

The Department of unified protection's main objective is Conduits. Anything Conduit-related, the D.U.P is on top of it. The reason anyone would wish to join the D.U.P would be because of Conduits." Nezu said as everyone stared at him to continue.

"Which leads to my next observation, All for one and Midoriya have very similar quirks but they do differ. You see Midoriya is a Conduit, so despite his quirk being called a quirk, it is not. Well, not a regular quirk.

Conduit quirks work differently. Conduits can manipulate a specific type of matter, along with having superhuman strength, speed, endurance, and agility. Speaking frankly, one Conduit would be strong enough to fight top pro heroes." Nezu stated

"Where are you going with this?" Aizawa asked. "Conduits are powerful, any criminal would desire such power, so why doesn't All for one have any Conduit abilities?" Nezu asked making everyone's eyes pop out. "What makes you think he doesn't have one?" Midnight asked.

"Midoriya's quirk allows him to copy quirks from Conduits only. I'm presuming the same must be for All for one, he probably can only obtain quirks through regular quirks and not Conduit quirks." Nezu said.

"So you're saying that would be the reason for his interest in Conduits?" All Might asked. "Precisely. He must have tried to gain Conduit quirks but was unable, Therefore with no use of Curdan Cay, he's willing to give it to his Conduit son who can obtain those abilities." Nezu told them as they let everything sink in.

"On the chance, everything you said is true or just coincident, that would also mean the D.U.P have worked with All for one. Therefore making them criminals." All Might stated. "Makes sense seeing as the D.U.P have some sort of obsession with Midoirya. Even going as far to try to take him forcefully multiple times despite him being under "U.A" protection." Aizawa said.

"But now that raises another question. Are the D.U.P still going to try and take Midoriya?" Midnight asked. "The only thing stopping them is the "U.A" protection, They're not allowed to enter the premises but once Midoriya steps foot outside. They're allowed to take." Aizawa said.

"Is there really nothing we can do? I mean he is still a kid, no one should have to worry about getting kidnapped every time you leave your home" Ectoplasm said.

"Anything Conduit-related and the D.U.P have more authority than heroes. Even the "U.A" protection has its limitations. Take the USJ for example. They shot at children and trespassed on private property, and they got away with a small scolding." Snipe stated.

"I'll have to speak to the Hero public safety commission about this. The D.U.P can't just be able to harm the students." Nezu said a little frustrated.

"Where is Midoirya right now?" All Might asked. "He's under house arrest since he and Bakugo had a little fight last night. Izuku will be under house arrest for two days." Aizawa said.

"The internships starting soon. And now that All for one is out of the picture and assuming he controlled the D.U.P, I wonder if they'll start any trouble now." He added. "Guess we'll find out if they still have an interest in him." Vlad added.

"But still, if All for one really controlled the dups, then why would they target Midoriya before?" Midnight questioned.


"What?! Fighting?!" Everyone shouted as Izuku and Katsuki were cleaning the dorms. "Keep it down you extras!" Katsuki shouted. "I feel like 'fighting' isn't the proper word for it. More like a total embarrassment." Izuku said. "F#ck you!" Katsuki shouted.

"Fighting is unbecoming of U.A students-" "F#ck off four-eyes!"

"So how was class?" Izuku asked. "Sorry can't say. Aizawa said we'd get a sh#t-ton of work if we did." Jirou said. "Alright then keep your secrets." Izuku and Katsuki began cleaning again as everyone sat on the couch and watched tv.

Izuku and Katsuki were cleaning in relative silence. Izuku decides to make a conversation. "So, think of a hero name yet?" He asked. Waiting a few seconds he answered. "Mega king explosion!" Katsuki said.

"That's so dumb." Izuku said chuckling. "At least I'm trying, your using your real name as a hero name now that's stupid!" Katsuki retorted. "I couldn't think of one, I was gonna use smoketastic or something like light smoke, ya know?" Izuku said.

"Those names are trash! You should've used Deku, now that one suits you." Katsuki said smugly. "That's stupid. Do you really think I'm stupid enough to use a dumb name like that? If that's the case you should use it" Izuku told him.

"Eat sh#t, that's your name!" "Nah, you made it so it returns to sender." "It's yours!" "No, it's yours" It wasn't the best way to keep a conversation alive but it was making time go by faster.

The students watching tv could hear them. "I think they're getting along now." Uraraka said happily. "Not sure that counts as getting along." Tsuyu said. "They should just get married." Kaminari said flickering through the tv channels.

"I heard that you f#cking socket-outlet!" Katsuki shouted. That's mean!" Kaminari wined as he stopped on the news channel.

"-ght here!" "Ms. Augustine right here!" "Augustine!" The news reporters chanted trying to their questions answered. The class all stopped what they were doing and looked at the tv.

"You!" Augustine said pointing at a reporter with blue skin and black sclera to ask her question. "Thank you. Now, the folks back home have to ask, why open a D.U.P Headquarters here in japan if all the escape Conduits have been rounded up?" She asked.

"That may be true. But we have some sources that speculate there still may be more Bioterrorits in hiding here in Japan. And we will stop at nothing to get them all." Augustine said looking at the cameraman.

Ashido quickly grabs the remote and changes the channel. Staying quiet for a moment, everyone looks towards Izuku. Only to see him still vacuuming.

"Uh, Midori?" Ashido called. "Yeah?" He asked. "You okay?" Kaminari asked. "No." Izuku said. Everyone got quiet. "There's so much dust in the carpets! Is this a fingernail?" Izuku asked.

Everyone chuckled and thought it was best to leave it at that. "Dude, did you not hear the tv?" Kaminari asked. Well, not everyone. "Shut up dumbass!" Jirou shouted. "But..." "Shut up!" Everyone shouted. "I swear to god I'm going to kill you!" Katsuki added.


Izuku laughed a bit. He really did have some great friends.The next two days passed by pretty quickly. Izuku was allowed to go to glass, but Katsuki still had one more day of house arrest.

He got to class and quickly sat down since Aizawa was already there. "Alright class, today you're going to have a special guest come here and give some advice on what to expect on your internships and stuff. so welcome the big three-" "Hello!" Mirio shouted jumping into the room.

Everyone looked at him like a maniac. "Come on everyone say it with me! Plus ultra!" Mirio shouted. The silence was loud. Izuku was signaling for him to stop.

"Mirio, I think you're scaring them." Tamaki said as he and Nejire entered the class. "This is fun! Hopefully, we can find out more about their quirks!" Nejire said waving at Izuku.

"Oh hey, it's Midori's friends." Ashido said. "Oh, you met them before?" Aizawa asked. "We did. Though I do believe that girl is obsessed with Midoriya." Yaoyorozu said. "I'm not obsessed!" Nejire said pouting.

"Well, there was that one time-" "We're not here for that!" Nejire stopped Mirio from continuing. "Anyways, that's what I was going to say. Since we're already acquainted, let's get down to business." Mirio said.

"What did you have in mind?" Aizawa asked curiously. "I'm going to fight the whole class." Mirio shouted. "Okay." Aizawa said. "We're going to do what?" Jirou asked getting a little scared.

"We're going to go to ground gamma and we're going to throw paws!" Mirio said happily. "Yay!" Nejire cheered clapping her hands. "Okay, you all heard. Go change into your p.e clothes and meet us at gym gamma." Aizawa said walking out.

"He not going to go all out, right?" Uraraka asked Izuku who didn't answer. "Right?" She asked again fearing the worst. "the best advice I can give is don't look down. Always look him in the eyes." Izuku told her which didn't help with her nerves.

Everyone went to go get changed and made their way to gym gamma. Once inside they see Aizawa and the big three wearing their p.e clothes. "Alright everyone I'm going to sit this one out." Izuku tells them.

"What! You scaredy-cat!" Kaminari shouted. "No, it's not that. I train with the big three all the time, if I'm in there I going to be the only one fighting him since I already have to experience." Izuku told them.

"I'll alow it. come to the sidelines then." Aizawa said. Izuku nodded and started walking away with Todoroki following. "You too!?" Kaminari asked. "I didn't get my hero license. And I hate my dad." Todoroki said walking away.

"What does that have to do with-" "Alright, the rest of you get ready and make sure to get as much experience from this as you can." Aizawa told them walking away to the sidelines.

Mirio was standing across the students of class 1-A. Izuku, Nejire, Todoroki, Tamaki, and Aizawa were by the wall waiting for it to begin. "10 bucks he takes them all out in 1 minute." Izuku said to Aizawa. "You're on." He replied.

"Izu...20 bucks he does it in 30 seconds." Nejire said. "I wager my dad's credit card." Todorki said. "If you win or lose?" Izuku asked. "Yes." Todoroki said.

"Begin!" Mirio shouted.

Let's go

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