a diddly bop of character whu...

By disturbedthing

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PAIN. More


5 0 0
By disturbedthing

The city was unbearably empty on the outside.
It was the middle of the day- the sun was beating down on the buildings, and the windows glistened in the light. It was so quiet- it seemed the citizens had taken refugee inside.
Signs saying places were closed were flipped over. Doors were locked and curtains were closed.
Yet curious little kids and adults peeked out the window to see the fiasco that was taking place before them

With a stifled cry, a rather small adult fell to the hard concrete floor with a thud. A loud whimper was heard as Soren attempted to muffle his screams and pleas for help.
To add to the terror, Soren felt something warm rise up in his throat and mouth.
His eyes widened as blood dripped out. Grasping at the ground, Soren hacked out some of the blood that only made it more difficult to breathe. Sweat dripped down his face, and his chest heaved up and down as he tried to breathe.
Tears streamed down Soren's
face, and he hastily grit his teeth to try and bear through the pain- to smile through it.

In the distance, a massive dragon like creature lashed its fluffy tail back and forth.
It towered over Soren. It's charcoal black fur speckled with blue markings, accompanied by rough, jagged pastel pink horns made it quite menacing.
The spread our feathery wings had enveloped and tucked back into it's body. Blood matted her fur- it was beginning to dry in the sun.
Letting out a roar, the dragon shifted back.

There, Wyetta Meyers, town hero, stood.

"Oh, Soren Soren Soren...." Wyetta's eyes glittered. In such a soothing voice, she cooed "Look at me."

Soren looked up at Wyetta once commanded to do so.

Kneeling down, Wyetta put her index finger under Soren's chin, wrinkling her nose in disgust as blood got on her finger.
Nonetheless, she continued.
"You naive little baby..." In such a condescending yet sympathetic voice, Wyetta spoke. She was dumbing down things for her opponent. "Thats all you are. A naive little baby."
"Did YOU think you could expose me?" Wyetta raised an eyebrow and tapped her foot as she waited for an answer.

Soren tried to crawl away and let out a loud yelp as he felt Wyetta's boot come crashing down on his back. After coughing a bit, he managed to answer with a "I thought....I t-thought Crash and I couLd-" , before he felt more blood trickle up his throat and in his mouth. A few more tears streamed down his face as he felt the boot press into his back, a small snap! becoming audible. Though at this point, Soren couldn't bring himself to scream. He just tried to crawl away, but Wyetta wasn't letting him.

"I thought you were a hero, why would you listen to Crash?" Wyetta asked with a laugh. "HEROES don't work with villains. What were you thinking?"
A large smirk spread across her face as she heard Soren choke out "I-I doNt know..m-ma'aM-". A small hum could even be heard before Wyetta continued with what was now a monologue.
"I know you don't know what you're thinking. You're just a baby, Soren. A little baby. Crash must have suggested his idea, and you went-" Wyetta paused and whistled. "WOW CRASH!!! You're SO smart and SO right!! That's a great idea Crash, you're so smart.' Was he right, Soren? Look at you. Oh, just look at you- you're broken and weak and you aren't going to survive this. Small little babies don't survive attacks like this."
Her eyes twinkled as she paused yet again.
"This is going to kill you emotionally or physically. You're going to die!!" Wyetta clasped her hands together. "There's gonna be less competition for me."

Soren's eyes kept fluttering open and close. He just couldn't focus on what Wyetta was saying.
He felt...very warm and fuzzy. And everything around him felt warm. And wet.

"Close your eyes, take a nap Soren." Wyetta murmured. She moved her boot off his back.

A small whimper was heard, yet Soren was thankful for the pressure that was off his back.
Wyetta's words were now suddenly soothing. He couldn't make out what she was saying, but it sounded so comforting. Crash would be there soon, right?
Soren sputtered out more blood.
His head lolled to the side as his eyes closed shut.

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