Rooming with Chase

By book_bitch07

379K 7.9K 2.4K

I run out of the shower and crash into somebody making us both fall to the floor. What is it with me and cras... More

Next Book!!


5.8K 141 87
By book_bitch07

*•*•*•30 questions?•*•*•*

Status: Not edited

"That's not how you do it!! Are you stupid?" I yell at Chase when he lets an eggshell fall into the cup. He is so lucky we used a cup before we threw it in the bowl. After I found the cake mix we got the ingredients and started to work, and it's going horribly. What person his age doesn't know how to crack an egg? It's cooking 101. I have known how to crack and egg since I was like 7. My dad had taught me, we were making this exact cake.

"I'm not stupid, but you're making me feel stupid."

"Well, learn to crack an egg the right way and then you will not be stupid."

"I'm sorry if I can't crack eggs the way you like." He says and starts trying to take the eggshell out of the cup. He finally gets the eggshell out of the cup and throws the egg in the bowl. "So what now."

"Milk." I say ignoring the box. I have made these many times, for bake sales, car washes and school events and those are like once a week so I made these a lot. Oh and cheerleading events.

"But it says water."

"Well do you want heavenly cupcakes or good cupcakes?"


"Then you will choose the milk." He starts walking to go get the milk. "Pour one cup." He does as told and then we add the oil and start stirring. "Where are the cupcake liners?"

"I think they're in the pantry next to the sugar." I go to the pantry and they were right there next to the sugar. I grabbed them and the cupcake pan, and went back to the island that was in the middle of the kitchen. We start pouring the mix into the cupcake liners and I put them in the oven.

"What should we do to kill time?" I say and sit on the island.

"Let's play 30 questions." He says and puts everything in the sink.

"30 questions?" I say with a questioning look.


'Isn't it 20 questions?"

"Well we could play 20 questions, but that would make us ordinary." He comes and stands next to me facing me.

"What's wrong with ordinary?"

"The problem is that you're not ordinary."

"Is that a good thing?" I cock my head to the side.

"It is." He smiles and I smile back

"Okay then let's play 30 questions, but let's add a twist since we're not ordinary we can NOT ask ordinary questions."

"What are food's you can't stand to be around?" He asks, that's not much of an ordinary question.

"Uhm cereal, Ice-Cream and cauliflower."

"Wait I brought you cereal the other day and you ate it, everybody likes Ice-Cream, and cauliflower is practically broccoli."

"Cereal, I hate it, but I ate it so you didn't feel bad, I recently started to hate Ice-Cream, and cauliflower is ghost broccoli not broccoli." I continue. "Now shh it's my turn, what is the weirdest thing you do when nobody is around?" He was quite for a while contemplating weather to tell me or not. When he finally speaks I can't believe the words that came out of his mouth.

"I watch The Powerpuff Girls." I burst out laughing. This can't be true.

"Really?" I ask in between fits of laughter

"Yep, my favorite is Bubbles. She's hot." He nods proud of himself.

"They all look the same." I shake my head smiling.

"No they don't. Anyways shh." He stays quiet for a second of a good question. "If you could be part of an old rock band which band would you like to be in?"

"Easy, the Rolling Stones." I say making a 'pff' noise. "Do you have a nickname? If you do what is it?"

"I do, my family calls me Bugsy."


"Because I dressed up as Bugs bunny for a year when I was little." He chuckles and I smile at him. "You princess, asked two questions so I get two. What's your favorite zoo animal?"

"Umm probably the Koala." They're just so cute and furry.

"Okay, if you could have a meal with 4 people living or dead who would they be?"

"My dad, Fatso the clown, Hailey- my best friend from back home- and Abraham Lincoln." I smile when he makes a face when I said Fatso the clown.

"Why Fatso the clown?"

"Because I wanna know if he really is a killer clown." I shrug. "I get two now. So this is not an extraordinary question but do you have any siblings?"

"Yes I do I have seven sisters." He smiles. Oh really?

"What are their names?"

"Well the oldest is Oakley then Dawn, Amelia but we call her Amy, I'm the fourth child, my twin Charlotte next, Bailey and Zoey she's my favorite don't tell anyone. Wait I almost forgot about Isabella. Okay moving on what was your favorite cartoon you used to watch as a kid?"

"Most probably Little Einsteins, or SpongeBob SquarePants. What's one of most disgusting thing you've seen someone do?"

"Once I saw somebody eat a cheesecake of the floor while it was upside down."

"It was Lucas, wasn't it?"

"Yeah, he said and I quote 'cheesecake is still cheesecake bitch'" He says and snaps his fingers.

"That honestly sounds like him."

"Anyways do you know how to play any instruments?"

"Yes I do I can play the piano, guitar, drums, the flute, the violin and another one I can't remember too well so let's not make that one count. Anywhore, what was the last book you read?"

"Probably To Kill a Mockingbird for some class. What's the nastiest thing you've ever eaten?"

"Okay so Seb and I play refrigerator roulette, we got the idea from Liv and Maddie, and once I ate a two month old egg roll on top of a three week old burrito. It tasted like shit but I didn't have to do my chores for like three months so that was fun, now that I think about it dad was there and he and I were trying very hard not to laugh when Seb almost barfed because he saw me eating that." I laugh at the memory and Chase laughs with me. "Okay so-" I get cut off by the sound of the oven timer going off. "Let's go get the cupcakes."

"Yeah let's go." He helps me jump off the counter and a cramp hits me out of nowhere. "Hey, are you okay?" I nod my head once the cramp passes. We go to the oven and he turns it off while I get the cupcakes out. Oh my God they smell so good. We take them back to the counter in the kitchen and wait a while for them to cool down. "While we let them cool down, questions?"

"Yep, as I was saying. Who is your most famous relative?"

"Most probably Chris Wood."

"Holy shit, really?" I get exited Chris Wood is a babe if they're related I would faint, oh my God I know a relative of Chris Wood.

"No, I don't have any famous family members." He laughs as he see my excitement falter and my prissiness settle in.

"You suck you had me excited for nothing asshole."

"So my question is, what is your favorite family memory?"

"Umm it's not a family memory more like a dad and me memory." I smile.

"There was this day that I was coming home from kindergarten, I was so upset because everybody used to bully me because I couldn't spell my name. That day I got home with tears streaking down my face demanding that dad changed my name, and he told me a story about how I got my name. He told me that it took him about a couple of weeks to figure out my name." I can feel a couple of tears build up, but I'm not letting them out now.

"My mom had died after giving birth to me, so he was pretty broken inside, wracking his brain trying to figure out what to call me. A couple of weeks after I was born he decided that he should call me after the person that gave their life so I could live mine, he told me that the idea of naming me after mom came to him when he looked in my eyes and saw that I had her eyes. He told me that my mom's eyes were the bluest of blues that he fell in love with her eyes just like he did with mine." Screw it the tears are gonna come out, god I'm such an Elena I can't stop fucking crying. I wipe my tears with the back of my hand and look at the cupcakes. God now I want a cupcake, I'm blaming all of this shit on my hormones.

"That was a nice story." He says as I grab a cupcake and start eating it, oh my god they're so good.

"Yeah he always found a way to cheer me up he never liked to see me sad." I say and he grabs a cupcake too.

"Why-" He starts but cuts himself off.

"Why what?"

"Nothing question for another time." We continue eating our cupcakes and finishing the game, talking about random shit and about nothing in particular, I could notice that he had something that he wanted to say but didn't I decided to not press any further, he will say what he wants to say soon. After we eat the amount of cupcakes we want, we leave the rest on the counter with a note that said.

Thank you so much for letting us use the kitchen even if you didn't know, it really made our day. Here are some cupcakes as a thank you. Byeee.


When we start walking back to the dorm my feet start to hurt. Why? "My feet hurt."


"Don't know unknown reason." I say and think of something. "Can you give me a piggy back ride?" I say with pouty lips and puppy eyes. Yes I'm a child, but I really don't want to walk.

"I'm kind of unaffected by the pouty lip and puppy eyes, I have seven sisters after all. And they are all master manipulators."

"Please, my feet are about to give out." He rolls his eyes but squats down anyways, I happily get on and he starts walking to the dorms again. "So, tell me about them."

"About my sisters?" I nod, he smiles and starts telling me about them.

"Well you already know Zoey is my favorite, she is the sweetest little kid you'll ever meet on this planet, she will make you say yes to anything with her puppy eyes if you say no you'll feel very guilty because you said no. My second favorite is my twin, charlotte, she is crazy as fuck, you kind of remind me of her, she will say yes to any dare or challenge you send her way she's very competitive. Bailey is less crazy than Char but she will always and I mean always tag along to go on a crazy adventure with Charlotte, I mean those two are partners in crime."

He keeps talking animatedly, smiling and chuckling at his sisters. "Amy is the weirdest of us all, she will say the creepiest shit in the most random moment, but she makes us laugh so we keep her around. Oakley-" He gets cut off by me chuckling. "What?"

"Nothing you just talk so passionately about them, it shows how much you love them." I rest my head on his back.

"I really do they are the best sisters anyone could ask for, well except for Isabella she may be an alien, but we love her so we won't tell area 51 just yet." I laugh and he laughs with me.

"You know Mark sent an e-mail to area 51 once, in that e-mail he said that his baby sister was ready for the aliens to take her home, back to Mars. He was 16 when he sent that e-mail."

"Mark's your brother right?"

"Yep." I say popping the 'p'.

"How many siblings do you have?"

"I have 1 Marcus but I feel like I have three, because I have Mark who you already know is my brother, I have Seb I have always considered him a brother since we grew up together and then there's Shawn my brother-in-law."

"Your brother is married?" I nod against his back.

"Yep for about 11 years now." I smile at the memory of their wedding. Not to brag but I was an amazing flower girl. I spread those petals like a boss.

"How old is your brother then." He says and he adjusts me on his back.

"He's 33." I yawn and I can see that we're about a couple feet from the dorms.

"Okay princess stay awake for a bit longer we're almost there."

"Okay." We get to the door and very silently we enter Fredrickson, we did not want to wake the dorm supervisor that was very asleep. We got to the room and even though I was very, very tired I decided to take another shower. When I get back to the room Chase is taking his shirt off. He looks good. I should stop having these thoughts. "Hey."

"Hey." He says and lays down on his bed. I lay down in mine and turn around to face him.

"Thank you." I whisper.

"For what?"

"For our after-hours adventure. I'll let you in on a secret, it made me forget about the pain."

"I'm glad princess." He smiles back and turns off the lights. "Good night, Addie."

"Good night, Chase."



Hello humans of this earth. Here is chapter 21. If you have made it this far you must think my book does not suck, let's hope your opinion stays the same. So they baked, they played 30 questions, they ate cupcakes, new core memory, and we found out some more stuff about his sisters.

Anyways babes hope y'all are being good in school, home, friendships, life, etc. If you guys enjoyed this chapter make sure to as always, comment, vote and share. If you don't that's okay there's always next time and if you do that is also okay.

Thank you guys so much for reading. I will be seeing all of you hopefully next Friday. Byeee

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