I Don't Give A Damn | Squid g...

Od xLocus-Oregonx

43.1K 1.3K 581

Having a father that abandoned you out of nowhere disappear life couldn't get worse, could it? When (Y/N) an... Více

Chapter 2 | Unordinary
Chapter 3 | Interesting Combination
Chapter 4 | Trust
Chapter 5 | Guarding
Chapter 6 | It's okay
Chapter 7 | Sacrificing
Chapter 8 | Quarrels
Chapter 9 | I'm Sorry
Chapter 10 | Just like him
Chapter 11 | Sir
Chapter 12 | Judge

Chapter 1 | The Offer

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Od xLocus-Oregonx

Hearing the alarm from (Y/N) phone was an unpleasant sound to hear on a morning day. At first, she ignored the alarm then remembered she had school to attend to. She sighed in annoyance, then got herself up from her bed and went towards the small closet that she had. She changed into her uniform and brushed her hair. Then she quickly grabbed her backpack before she exited the apartment. She pulled her phone out and was going to put her earbuds on till she heard someone yelling her name. She turned towards the direction to see it was her uncle, Jun-ho.

Why was he here? (Y/N) wondered. She rarely saw her uncle since he was always busy doing his job at the police station. She walked up to Jun-ho while she put her phone and earbuds away.

"Why are you here?" (Y/N) asked.

"Well, I just saw you walking and thought that you'd possibly want a ride to school. So you don't take the subway " Jun-ho said.

(Y/N) titled her head. "I'll take your offer."

    (Y/N) smiled at Jun-ho when she got in the front passenger seat. Obviously, she knew that Jun-ho didn't coincidentally saw her walking right out in front of the apartment she lived in. After all, he knew where she lived. Jun-ho started driving toward (Y/N) school when attempting to make conversation. (Y/N) already felt that the small conversation that Jun-ho was trying was too forceful. Jun-ho would try to bring back memories when she was younger which were happy but painful memories.

"Why did you come to see me?" (Y/N) finally asked.

"I wanted to see if you were okay. With your grandfather in the hospital."

"Who told you he was in the hospital?" (Y/N) questioned.

"Doesn't matter. Why didn't you contact me when your grandfather was ill? I could have help with the medical bills."

"My grandfather doesn't need any of my father's side of the family help. After all he isn't over my mother's death." (Y/N) told him. "Also I hardly even talk to you."

Jun-ho heavily sighed. "I've been busy. I'm aware that's not an excuse, but I want you to know that you can call me whenever. Even if I don' pick up, I will respond later. I'm not like you know who."

(Y/N) chuckled. "I know you're not like him."

"Good cause he's a bad example."

    Jun-ho pulled to the side of the road near (Y/N) school where other kids were entering the building while chatting to their friends. (Y/N) thanked Jun-ho for the ride then went ahead, walked inside her school, and straight to her class. Where the next several hours, (Y/N) had to deal with more assignments along with dealing with the strict teachers as well. More specifically, she had to deal with her math teacher. When the day was finally over, (Y/N) walked out of school and started to walk to the hospital to visit her grandfather.

Of course, she could have possibly called Jun-ho to pick her up but she went against that thought.
The walk to the hospital was very far, to say the least, but that didn't matter to (Y/N). As long as she gets to hang with her grandfather it was worth it. When Arriving at the hospital, she went up to the third floor and headed to her grandfather's room number.      (Y/N) saw her grandfather reading a book before he notice his granddaughter entering the room.

"(Y/N), I thought you'd be coming tomorrow." He said.

"I was but I wanted to see you today. How are you doing?" (Y/N) asked him.

"I'm doing just fine. How were your classes? Straight A's ?" He asked

"Yes sir, straight A's still." (Y/N) smiled. "How're your lungs doing?"

"Same as always dear." He started aggressively coughing. "I need you to do something for me."

"Yeah of course, what is it?"

"I need you to stop wasting your money on my treatment." He painfully told her.

(Y/N) immediately stopped smiling. "No, I'm not going to that."

"(Y/N), you need to save your money for your future, not for me. Regardless, I'm going to die with or without this treatment. Do you understand why I want you to stop paying for it?"

(Y/N) didn't respond to her grandfather right away, she knew he was right. The treatment that her grandfather is taking isn't going to cure him at all. His lungs weren't approving there were weakening him day by day, where it's unknown which day will be his last. Yet (Y/N) wasn't ready to stop his treatment because, without it, he'll die much sooner. Then again (Y/N) knew her grandfather was gonna die either way. Which she wasn't prepared for. (Y/N) was also running out of money to pay for his treatment since they didn't have insurance to cover his medical bills.

"I understand." (Y/N) said with a sorrowful tone in her voice.

    (Y/N) quickly talked about another topic with her grandfather so they wouldn't have to speak about his future death. They both started talking about history and later played a game of chess until it was time for (Y/N) to return to the lonely apartment. The apartment that (Y/N) could hardly pay the rent on time and knew she wouldn't be able to pay it next month. Although she had bigger issues to worry about.

(Y/N) said goodbye to her grandfather, and left the hospital where she continued on the way to her home. On the way there, she was walking through a park where a man holding his business suitcase approached her. The man was wearing an excessive grey suit with his black hair well-groomed as not an inch of his hair was sticking up. The man seemed to be in his early twenties however, you can never be too sure.

"Hello, Ms. Can I talk to you?" He asked.

"I don't want to buy anything from you and I don't believe in god." (Y/N) said assuming that's what he came to speak about.

"What makes you think I'm here for any of that?" He questioned.

"Well....you have a suitcase that bibles could possibly be in. And you look like a salesman with how good-looking you are. Respectfully." (Y/N) told him.

The man smiled. "I appreciate the honesty. But I'm not here to talk to you about any of that. I just wanted to ask if you wanted to play a game?"

    (Y/N) was now puzzled. She started to look around her surroundings to make sure she wasn't getting abducted or something. The man didn't even blame the girl for checking her surroundings, after all, people never trust him. (Y/N) didn't see anyone in sight so she looked back at the man.

"What game?" (Y/N) sighed.

"I'm sure you've played the game ddakji before, right?" The man asked.


"Play a few rounds of ddakji with me. And each time you win, I'll pay you 100,000 won."

(Y/N) eyes widen. "Each time I win I get 100,000 won?"

"Correct. But if I flip yours you give me the same exact amount of money. Also, you can go first." He opened his suitcase and pulled out the two ddakji that were red and blue. "Which color do you wanna play as?"

"Blue." (Y/N) said.

    (Y/N) got the blue ddakj and threw it straight at the red ddakji where, unfortunately, didn't flip. The man got his red ddakji and threw it straight at the blue ddakj where he managed to flip it over.

"I forgot to mention. I will use your body as pay."

"Excuse me?" (Y/N) said as she felt disturbed by what the man had just said.

At first, (Y/N)  thought the man meant something else when he said those words. Nevertheless, the image that she thought was going to happen was instantly gone once she was slapped assertively across the face by the man.

"I will take 100 grand off per slap." The man smiled.

    (Y/N) looked back up at the man with her face feeling that assertively slap that he has just given her. She could stop the game right now, yet she could win 100,000 won. It only cost her being slapped a bunch of times if she doesn't flip his red ddakj. Therefore, barely any harm will be done to her at all. She took her glasses off, slide them inside her pocket so it wouldn't get damaged from the slap she was about to receive.

"Again." (Y/N) said.

Each time (Y/N) threw her blue ddakj, she would repeatedly miss and be slapped over a dozen times. A couple of people walked by them, taking a quick glance whenever (Y/N) was a slap across the face before they continued where they were heading to. All except for one woman who had enough of seeing the girl being slapped. So she walked up to both of them.

"Excuse me Sir, but what kind of father slapped her own daughter repeatedly!" She yelled at the man.

The man looked back at the woman attempting to tell her that they were just playing a game. Yet the woman wasn't buying it until (Y/N) stepped in.

"Ma'am I'm perfectly fine. I was just playing a game with my father." (Y/N) lied.

(Y/N) only lied because she really wanted to win the money but then thought she suddenly got an idea. The man looked at (Y/N) with a surprised expression on his face. He didn't think she defended him. Nor did he think that she'll go that far calling him, her father.

"A game where he only slaps your face?" The woman questioned (Y/N) not being convinced.

"Correct ma'am. That's how my relationship is with my father."

That's when (Y/N) knew how to sway the woman.  (Y/N) turned to face the man once again and slapped him across his face as he did to her. The man clearly did not see that coming from (Y/N) but when he looked at the other woman's facial expression, it seemed it might have worked. The woman was baffled, to say the least even as (Y/N) slapped the man a second time. Then a third and fourth time that prior the woman to finally leave since she thought those two people were out their minds slapping each other across the face. The man put his hand over his cheek now understanding how it felt being slapped several times.

"Are we still going to continue playing the game?" (Y/N) asked the man.

    The man thought for a moment, wondering if he should let her continue playing the game after she slapped him four times. Well, she did defend me from that lady. The man thought. Instead of him letting her continue playing the game, he just handed her the money. (Y/N) definitely took the money without a thought but wondered why he gave it to her. She didn't even win the game. The man grabbed the two ddakj from the ground then placed them back inside his suitcase like they were earlier.

"I didn't win." (Y/N) said.

"I'm aware. But let's just say I have heart." The man said.

"Alright. Tho, you do have to tell me what kind of salesman you are? With slapping people across their faces and all."

"I'm the type of salesman that helps people have the opportunity to earn money. There are other games like this where you can make even more money, you know?"

"Why did you ask me to play games with you?" (Y/N) asked, realizing that he could have asked anybody else.

"Well...(Y/N), with your grandfather dying, I thought you might be interested in the games." The man said.

(Y/N) stood still. "How do you know my name?"

The man ignored (Y/N) question. "Your full name is Hwang (Y/N). Seventeen years old. You're attending (S/N) High school. Your grandfather is sick and you've already wasted all of your money-making you in debt by hundred seventy-two million won."

"Who the hell are you?" (Y/N) questioned as she narrowed her eyes.

He raised his eyebrows. "As you said, I'm a salesman." The man smirked. "Anyways, just think about joining. It might save your grandfather's life including help with your debt situation.  But hurry, We don't have many spots left."

    The man handed (Y/N) a business card before leaving elsewhere. (Y/N) put her glasses back on before looking at the card the man had just given her. On one side the card had three shapes that were a circle, triangle, and square. On the other side, the card had a phone number to call if she wanted to participate in the games. Looking at the card was so tempting for (Y/N) but the question was should she accept joining the games?

She put the card back inside her pocket and thought about the offer until she got back inside her apartment. (Y/N) sat on her bed and just thought. If solving her debt and grandfather's situation could be easily solved by playing a couple of games, she could do it. Worst case scenario she'll lose the game. She grabbed the card the man gave her then called the phone number. The phone rang a couple of times till someone picked up.

"Hello, Do you wish to participate in the game? If you wish to participate, then please state your name and birthdate." The person said.

" Hwang (Y/N), (Y/B/D), 2004." (Y/N) said.

    During the call (Y/N) was told a time, and address for her to go and wait for a vehicle that will pick her up. (Y/N) looked at the time and to see it was almost time to go. She went to change out of her school uniform and into her regular clothes that were more comfortable. (Y/N) exited out of the apartment, then headed to the location. When (Y/N) reached the spot, there wasn't a single sound around her except for the bottle rolling around down the sidewalk.

She knew it was late, although (Y/N) would expect to see one drunken person at least walking.
Minutes pass, where a grey van pulled up right beside (Y/N), with its front passenger seat window rolling down. The driver had a red hood over their head, preventing (Y/N) from being able to see who it was.

"Password." The driver said.

"Green light. Red light." (Y/N) responded.

    The side door from the van slid open, revealing people fast asleep in their seats. (Y/N) got inside the van sitting on the only spot that was available to her whereas the side door started to close. (Y/N) was about to pull her phone out, when she saw gas was coming inside the van, making her cough defiantly until she lost consciousness. When (Y/N) did arouse awake once again, she was no longer in the van but was laying down on a bunk bed with her clothes changed. She wondered who the hell changed her? (Y/N) was now wearing teal pants, a sweater, a white shirt, and vans. (Y/N) noticed there was a number on top of the left side of her sweater that said 026.

(Y/N) looked around her surroundings, to see multiple bunkbeds including people who seem to be wearing the same outfit as her. The only difference was that every person had different numbers on them. (Y/N) climbed down from her bunk bed and onto the ground where most people were at. A lot of people were confused about what was going where suddenly a man grabbed and trip a girl down onto the ground. Causing a form a crowd to watch what was going on.

(Y/N) watched where another man join in pushing the girl yelling at her for stealing his money. Then it escalated where a guy with a tattoo on his face came back to attempt to fight the other men before the silver door opened. Five people came in wearing a red jumpsuit with four of them wearing a circle mask all except the one that was standing in the front of them, wearing a square mask. (Y/N) assume there was a ranking system with the mask meaning that square was a higher rank than the circle. The man with the square mask started welcoming everybody then explaining that everyone will play six different games over the next six days and whoever wins, receive a handsome amount of cash. Numerous people didn't believe what the square mask guy was saying, causing some of them to lash out.

"I  don't trust a word you just said. Enticement, abduction, confinement. After all that illegal activity you give us these excuses without even revealing who you are. Give us one good reason why we should trust you." One man said.

    (Y/N) thought that was a good heck of speech that the man had just said. Where next the square mask man turned on the screen on the flat tv that was above the silver doors. Showing footage of the men that had spoken.

"Player 218, Cho Sang-woo." The square man paused. "Age 46. Former supervisor of Team Two at Joy Investments. Embezzled money from his clients, invested it in derivatives and futures, and failed. Current loss, 650 million won."

    The square mask man continues on exposing many people to how much they are in debt. Following that, he assured everybody once they win all six games they will receive the money. Another man asked how much money would they get once they had won.  The square mask man presses a button on the control that he was holding, showing a huge piggy bank over their heads where the money will drop. (Y/N) seeing that piggy bank, she knew there will be a huge amount of cash if she was going to win in the games against all these people. After that, people got into serval lines with each of them waiting for their turn to write their signature on the piece of paper. When it was finally (Y/N) time to sign, she didn't hesitate to as she quickly wrote her signature before getting out of the line.

Once everybody was done signing their signature, they were all lead to the place where their pictures will be taken. When it was (Y/N) turned she didn't smile nor did she frown but once it flashed she followed the rest of the people that were done. (Y/N) and others walked out with the sun shining on them and a doll standing on the other side of where (Y/N) was at. She didn't like looking at the doll at one bit so she turned away and by surprise, to see her math teacher was in front of her. With his number being 062.

"Mr. Wang? What are you doing?" (Y/N) asked in disbelief.

"I could ask you the same thing. I did not expect to see one of my students here." Wang said with his arms crossed.

"I'm assuming you're in debt as well?" (Y/N) asked.

"Unfortunately yes." He paused. "Wait. You can't possibly be in debt for someone so young."

"You would be surprised." (Y/N) said with a weak smile.

    Then the PA System announced that the first game is Red light, Green light. Whoever moved when it was a red light would be eliminated from the game. They address that there will be a timer for them to get to the other side before it runs out. It sounded so simple for (Y/N) that she had full confidence that she was going to win this first game. Considering the game they were playing was childish for (Y/N).

"This sounds so simple." Wang said.

"Right?" (Y/N) said. "This should be an easy win."

    Everyone was getting prepared to run once the doll said green light. (Y/N) stood near her teacher Mr. Wang until the PA  system said "Green light." Causing (Y/N) to run up right next to one player that was number 250.

"Red light."

    (Y/N) and number 250 immediately stopped where they were as the doll turned towards them when saying red light. Unfortunately, the person that was in front of them moved.

"Player 323. Eliminated." The PA system said out loud.

"Dumbass got caught." Number 250 grin.

"How unfortunate." (Y/N) mumbled.

A single bang was heard, causing everyone to wonder what that sound was. Whereas player 323, fell towards the ground right away. (Y/N) was confused but at the same time concerned about what the sound had come from.

"Green light." The PA system said.

(Y/N) and player 250 walked a couple of steps before the PA system quickly said, "Red light." Both of them stopped right near player 323 seeing him still laying on the ground not moving an inch.

"Hey, you got eliminated, idiot. You can stop with the act." player 250 whispered.

Right after that, player 323 puked out blood from his mouth, with his body shaking violently. (Y/N) noticed that player 250 started to stumble a bit from being shocked by what he was seeing. (Y/N) was about to tell him to stop moving before player 250 was shot down when he attempted to run away. With his blood scattered on another player causing her to scream and to be instantly shot straight in the head. Making everyone run in terror.

(Y/N) didn't dare move even when hearing the screams as she remembered that if you move on a red light you're eliminated.
Being eliminated equals death, what (Y/N) had concluded after seeing player 323 shot down. All I have to do is to stay still. Just ignore the screams, (Y/N) told herself. The screams continued on until the last shot was fired. The woman on the PA system repeated the rules to everyone once again before resuming the game.

"Green. Light."

(Y/N) and the old men were the only ones moving before the rest of the people proceeded to follow them. (Y/N) noticed that the timer was catching up to them so she needed to get to the other side quickly. Her breath was increasing by the second whenever they said red light. (Y/N) desperately didn't want to be killed so going slow would slightly increase her chances of surviving this game. Especially not to mess up.  Yet unknowingly by her, the Frontman was also hoping that she didn't get killed in the game as well.

He didn't realize earlier that his own daughter had joined till the game had started with him watching from his flat screen tv while he drank his alcohol in hand. His eyes were glued on the tv up to (Y/N) jumping to the other side of the line, right on the last second when they were going to say red light once more.
When (Y/N) landed on the ground,  she felt fully relieved that she wasn't shot. She got herself up from the ground to see who else was about to cross over the line. Some players were so close to nearing the line while some got shot.

(Y/N) notices Wang her math teacher was so close to crossing the line making (Y/N) hope he lives. Even if he was strict about giving her assignments sometimes. A couple of green and red lights later, Wang finally crossed over. Including other players as well made it before the timer went out killing the rest of the players that didn't make it on time.

"Considering how much homework you assigned to me. I'm glad that you made it." (Y/N) told Wang.

"Thanks." He breathes heavily. "I guess."

"Also I forgot to ask, is there any extra credit I can do?"

"What would you ask me in time like this?!" Wang asked furiously.

(Y/N) rolled her eyes. "Cause the last time I check, you didn't GRADE my work."

I apologize if I made any Errors in my writing. But I hope you enjoy reading it.

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