Meet Me Under The Stars (girl...

Autorstwa Allysia_Nicole

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"Hey hall buddy" She said as she looked down at me. "N-n-nikki.." I stuttered. Her left hand was around my wa... Więcej

Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Author's Note

Chapter One

717 20 0
Autorstwa Allysia_Nicole

"Mia wake up, you're going to be late for the first day!"

I groaned as I heard my mom yell from down stairs. I look to my alarm clock and see that its only 6:45. "Mom school doesn't start for another two hours! I think I'll be okay!" I yelled back. "Still get up and get ready! I made breakfast so get dressed and come eat!"

I rolled out of bed and looked around my room. It's still all too new for me. We moved here in the middle of the summer and I haven't changed a thing in my room. There were still boxes in the corner, just waiting to be opened. I wasn't happy at the fact that we had to move. It was sudden. I had plans to go out with friends and possibly get into a relationship this past summer. That was before I had gotten the news that we were moving to another state in the middle of nowhere. My dad had taken up a new job in one of the areas that he had wanted to live in his whole life. So being the good daughter I am, I agreed to packing up all my things and moving without a fuss.

I got out of bed and put on some basic clothes. Ripped jeans and a loose white off the shoulder top and paired it with my black converse. I went to the bathroom that was connected to my room and straightened my long blonde hair.

I'm not anything special. I'm what some would call the "basic" blonde girl. I stand at around 5'3, with blonde hair that goes down to the middle of my back, and green eyes. My body is probably the only thing that I like about myself. I have somewhat of an hourglass figure, and a decent sized chest and bum.

I walked down the stairs and met my family in the kitchen. My younger brother was shoving his food in his mouth and looking at something in his phone. I sat in my seat across from him when my mom joined us by putting down both my plate and hers.

"Where's dad?" I asked. "He went to work a little early this morning. He wanted to get a head start at the new office." I nodded and began eating my food. My family has always been really close. That's one reason I didn't mind moving as much. Even if I didn't manage to make any friends, I at least knew that my family would be there for me. Lame? I don't think so, I quite like it.

" You're still taking your brother with you to school right?" My mom asked breaking the short silence that was happening. He still didn't bother looking up from his phone, just continued to stuff his face. "Yeah I already said I would. Can't go back on my word now, especially since he is already about to miss the bus."

My brother is two years younger than me. He was born a little later in the year though so he's only a freshman while I'm a senior. At least its the first day in a new area for the both of us. We can learn the high school together.

A little while later my brother and I both hopped in the car and made our way to the school. I have to admit, I was a bit nervous. I didn't really know anything about this small town. I didn't know what to expect from the kids at the school. As we pulled up into the student parking lot I couldn't help but drool at the school. Even though the town was small they had a pretty new ,and might I add huge, school. The inside was nice too. You could tell that they were more modern but still had the little bit of traditional in them. There were lockers in the halls and standard one person desks in the classrooms. Thankfully my mom had already gone and gotten me my schedule and locker info before the year had started, so I was able to get down where I had to go. I still had to go to the office though to get shown around.

My brother and I walked into the office. There were the basic office ladies and then one student sitting in one of the chairs at the side. He looked a little young, maybe a sophomore or freshman. "Well aren't you a sight for sore eyes." He spoke while looking towards me. One of the office ladies spoke "Mr. Andrews, that's enough." He stood up and shook my brothers hand. "Hey I'm Dan, nice to meet you. I'll be showing you around today." My brother took his hand and introduced himself. "I'm Mitch. It's nice to meet you too." Dan waved to the office ladies and turned to me. "I'm looking forward to seeing you around." he said as he winked and left with my brother.

I looked at the office lady that yelled at him before and she just shrugged. "He's a cocky one that boy, but he's a good kid." I laughed a little and sat down in one of the chairs. "Miss Montgomery should be here soon to show you around." She spoke again. I thanked her and went on my phone. As soon as I started to read one of my Ebooks, a girl rushed in.

"I'm so sorry that I'm late Mrs. Shaun. I got rushed by a bunch of kids as soon as I got to my locker." The office lady smiled. "It's okay Miss Montgomery, she hasn't been waiting for too long." I looked up to see who was going to be taking me around the school. She was tall. Around 5'8 or 5'9. She had tanned skin that made her light blue eyes stand out more than they already did. She had short black hair that fell just right above her eyes. She flashed a smile at me and extended her hand. "Hi I'm Nikki. I'll be the one showing you around the school today."

I took her hand. It was big but soft. "I'm Mia. It's nice to meet you." She smiled again then turned around and waved to the ladies. They waved back and smiled at her.

As we walked around I couldn't help but notice how popular this girl was. About everyone knew who she was. They would come up to her and talked to her about something or another and she would smile at them and introduce me to them. The bell rung and the kids that were hanging around went to their classes. Once everyone got settled and the late bell rang she turned to me.

"Sorry about all of that. They usually aren't like this, but it is the first day." she laughed. I smiled at her "It's okay. We're not going to get in trouble or anything for not being in class already are we?" She shook her head. "Nah we have an excuse. I'll tell your teacher why you're late when I take you to your class." I nodded and we continued the tour. She showed me everything and showed me where all of my classes would be.

We got to my first period and before she opened the door she turned to me once again. "I hope you're able to get the hand of everything. I know half that tour was chaotic." I smiled and thanked her.

We walked in and the teacher was in the middle of talking about the class rules. "Hey Mr. G. I have brought you a present." She said. "This is Mia Baxter. I was showing her around the school, since today is her first day here." The teacher smiled. "Thank you Miss Montgomery. It's nice to meet you Mia, I'm Mr. Grant. Have a seat in that empty desk over there." He said. I walked to the seat to the right of the room that he instructed me to sit in. I looked up and saw Nikki smile at me before she walked out of the room.

Mr. Grant continued to go over everything. He let everyone chat the last five minutes of the class and I had a couple girls come up to me and introduced themselves. The red head girl in the back changed the subject. "So Mia, we happened to notice that you came in with the golden girl." I raised an eyebrow. "The golden girl?" Lucy, a short girl with shoulder length brown hair spoke up. "Yeah Nikki? She's probably one of the most popular girls in the school. She's on the basketball and powerlifting team. Everyone knows her around here." A boy I hadn't talked to yet came over and chimed in. "Yeah and she's smoking hot." Another girl who looked similar to him came up and punched him on the shoulder. "Too bad she doesn't swing your way." He rolled his eyes and they walked away talking about the subject some more.

I just stared at them and then cracked up along with the rest of the group. Lucy spoke up again first. "But yeah, everyone's got their eyes on her. You're lucky you were able to meet her so soon." I couldn't help but think about everything that was just said. I figured she was popular from earlier, but this popular? It seemed everyone had a crush on her. Guys and girls alike. I laughed awkwardly. "Haha I guess I am."

Another girl came up with her arms crossed. She wore her blonde hair in a tight high ponytail. "Don't get any ideas new girl. Nikki is mine." I didn't have a chance to say anything before Lucy spoke up. "Chelsea. She's taken. You don't exactly have a chance with her either." Chelsea scoffed. "The two of them have been rocky anyways. As soon as she's single you can bet that I'll be the next one on her arm." She stated as she walked away from us as quick as she had came in.

I didn't know what to think. Lucy and I talked some more as we walked to our next classes. She took me to mine and then went to her own. By then the talk that I had been with Nikki had gotten around and more people began to talk to me about it. I told them the same things over and over. I could see why they would all have a thing for her. She seemed sweet and was pretty.

I was able to make some more friends in the next couple of classes. As I was walking to lunch my brother came up to me with Dan. "Someone's popular." My brother mocked. I didn't know what he was talking about. Dan spoke up next. "Dudette literally everyone is talking about how you were talking with Nikki." I looked at my brother with wide eyes. "The freshman are even talking about it??" My brother laughed. "Yeah, I have so many people coming up to me asking about you because of it." I shook my head.

I didn't know if this was a good or bad thing for me. Only time will tell I suppose.

I walked in to the cafeteria and got some food. I looked around for a place to eat and heard my name being called. I turned to my right to see Lucy waving at me with a big smile on her face. I sat down next to her and joined up with her little group of friends. "So what classes do you have after this?" she asked before stuffing her face with her apple. "I looked at my schedule. "Um lets see. I have art right after this, then dance, then science, and I end the day off with photography."

"Hey you're pretty lucky. Having the second half of the day being mainly electives." I looked up and saw where the voice came from. He was a brunette boy with the fairly tanned skin. He had some pretty nice muscles and soft brown eyes. "That's Mark. He's my brother." Lucy spoke up again.

"Hey Mark, I'm Mia." I smiled at him. Something clicked in Lucy's mind. "Wait! You have dance 5th period?" I looked at her. "Yeah, why?" I asked before eating some of my lunch. She hugged me really tight. "We have the same class again! I can't wait. Are you going to join the team?" I finished chewing. "Yeah I was thinking about it. Glad to see I'll have a friend in that class."

Lunch went by pretty quickly. I got to get to know Mark better which was pretty nice. Turns out he's on the football team. He invited me to come and watch the game that was happening this Friday and I agreed to come along with Lucy.

I got into the art room expecting to see a decent amount of people. There were only 5 other kids in the class so far. We still had a minute or two before class so I sat down and waited to see if anyone else was coming in. The bell finally rang and I noticed that the teacher still wasn't there. Weird.

"That would be a good idea. I think its going to come out pretty well. You might even be able to win another competition if you do it the way you described." I heard as an older lady walked into the class. I looked around the room a little more to see how many people there were. Then I heard a familiar raspy voice. "You think so? I was a little iffy on the idea at first." I looked up to see Nikki walking in a little after the teacher had. She was carrying some boxes for the teacher.

I was in the back of the class so she wasn't able to see me. I was kind of glad about that. She seemed to bring me a lot of attention and I wasn't sure if I liked it.

Nikki put down the boxes and continued to chat with the teacher for a little bit. Then she look directly at me and smiled her bright smile. So she did see me?

After a little more chatting she came and sat next to me. "Nice to see you again." she spoke before the teacher began introducing herself. I looked to her. "You didn't tell me you were going to be in this class with me." I said. She shrugged. "I wanted it to be a surprise." I just smiled and payed attention to what the teacher was saying.

"Mia?" The teacher called me. I stood up. "Yes ma'am?" she smiled. "It's nice to meet you. I'm Mrs. Anderson. I'm excited to see what you can do. It's your first day and Nikki has told me a lot of great things about you." I blushed and sat down after responding.

I looked at Nikki and saw that she was doodling something in her sketch book with a grin on her face.

"Nikki can you come up here again? I want to hear more about your ideas." the teacher called as she finished her lecture. "Sure thing. I've got so much to tell you." Nikki responded. As she got up and grabbed her things she looked at me again and smiled before mouthing bye.

The rest of the class was pretty basic. We had to draw some ideas for the first project and that was about it. Nikki and Mrs. Anderson talked almost the whole time.

I wonder if everyone loved her. It seemed like it.

I met up with Lucy in the locker room. We talked a while about random things. As we were stretching the teacher came in and we did some basic introductions. We had to freestyle to a song of our choice so the teacher could assess what our skills were. Luckily I was the second person up so I didn't have to wait too long.

Lucy and I chatted a little more before some of the other girls came up and talked to me. "Mia! your dance was so good! I have no doubts you'll be able to make the team!" A small girl with freckles and a bright smile spoke. "Yeah you did amazing." another one chimed.

They joined us on the floor. "I'm Lexi." the freckled girl spoke. "And I'm Jen." The other one said. "It's nice to meet you two." Lexi hit my arm. "You don't have to be so formal. You're our friend now." Lucy and I looked at each other and laughed. "It's ok Lexi and Jen are some of the coolest people here." They both smiled at the same time.

As we were laughing and talking about something, a girl with long brown hair and piercing blue eyes came up to us. "New girl." I looked up at her. She had her arms crossed and a stern look on her face. "Nice dance." I smiled. "Thank yo-" before I could finish she interrupted me and started again. "Don't think this means I like you. You'll still have to prove to me that you can actually dance with everyone else. Oh and a word of advice. Stay away from Nikki. You might think she's cool and charming, but she's not for you." and just like that she was gone.

"What was that about?" I asked the group. Jen had her head in her hands shaking it. Lexi spoke to her. "I swear Jen. Your bestie really has it going for her." Jen spoke up. "Yeah not that Nikki is a fan of it." Lucy laughed at them. "Thats Michelle. Her and Chelsea have had a rivalry for Nikki since freshman year." She said.

"Didn't you say that Nikki was taken?" I asked. "Yeah she sure is. Since sophomore year. That doesn't seem to matter to people. They think they have a chance with her now since her boo moved to another state during the summer." Jen rolled her eyes as she said this.

Damn. Wasn't expecting that one.

"People here are a little selfish when it comes to her. I can see why too. I'd definitely want to get some of that if I had the chance to." Lexi said. We all laughed. "So is everyone here like a little gay?" I asked the group after everyone calmed down. "Not really. A lot of girls here, and some guys too, are bi or gay yes. A lot of the girls here though only have a crush on Nikki. She just has that... ya know charm to her." Lucy said. "Makes since." I shrugged.

"What about you new girl?" Jen asked. "You a little fruity?" I laughed. "Nah I'm straight." They looked at me surprised. "You're straight?" Asked Lexi. I nodded. "Damn looks like I lost." She turned to Jen who had her hand out like she was asking for money and a cheeky grin plastered on her face. "You two made a bet about my sexuality?!" They laughed. "Yup! I called it saying you were straight, and Lexi said you definitely were a little gay." Jen said.

We all laughed. "So her charm hasn't gotten to you yet." Lucy said bumping my shoulder as we got done changing in the locker room. "Nope. I don't know why people are so obsessed with her. She seems like a normal nice girl." I stated. Lucy gave me a look from the side. "Just give it some time. She'll get to you." I laughed. "Like I would fall for a taken girl." Jen popped in. "You never know."

We walked out when the bell rang. I had science next. Biology if you want specifics. The late bell rang as soon as I walked into the class. "Nice for you to join us." The teacher spoke. He was a middle aged man who looked like he was done with everything. "You can take a seat in the back at that table." He pointed to the last table by the windows.

I got closer and noticed that it was Nikki. She was looking at the trees in the schools yard. "Nice to see you again." I spoke. She jumped a little the turned to me with a big smile. "Hey hall buddy."

I looked at her puzzled. "Hall buddy?" I asked. "Yeah ya know since we hung out a lot in the halls this morning." She chuckled. I just shook my head and smiled. She was a dork that's for sure.

"Alright class. Now that everyone is here let's get started." The teacher began talking about something I didn't bother paying attention to. Nikki had written something on a piece of paper. I looked at it as she slid it to me.

you got a little drool coming out over there

ah shut up. hes so boring

yeah welcome to Mr. M's class. hes the stubborn old man that you can never seem to please

I laughed a little

Not even you?

well I mean he loves me but still he can be hard sometimes

everyone seems to love you

yeah but i dont see why

After that she turned to the window and sat there with her head propped up on her arm. She looked a little upset.

Class took forever to end but when it finally did Nikki put on her smile and waved by to me before heading out.

I got to the photography room and sat down on one of the couches in the room. It was a pretty cozy room for school. Definitely better than my last school. It had couches and bean bags for the seats and ferry lights all around the room. The other students and the teacher came in just a couple minutes later. They all introduced themselves and I was able to meet a couple more new friends.

The teacher had given us all different assignments. A girl named Ally and I were assigned to take photos of the football players.

"Okay, so I'll go down to the field and see if I can get some good pictures. You go on the bleachers and see if you can get some from up there, 'kay?" I nodded my head as she instructed.

"So new girl. Got your eyes on anyone yet?" She asked out of the blue as we were heading out of the main building. "Well everything is still pretty new to me. I suppose I do have a thing for mark though. He's pretty cute." I said. "Oooooh the quarterback. Yeah that's a catch right there." We laughed.

We got down to the field and parted ways. I went up the bleachers and got the camera in the correct settings. I looked down at the field and saw the football guys getting ready. I caught a glimpse at Mark and waved. He smiled and waved back to me before putting on his helmet and getting ready.

I started to take some photos casually. As I did a noticed a familiar girl running on the track. It was Nikki. Damn she had some muscles on her.

All day she was wearing a hoodie and some ripped jeans that were just a bit too big. Now she was wearing a shirt with the schools colors and some Nike shorts. Her legs were long and toned. As she ran, you could see her muscles flex. She also had some pretty defined arms for a girl. It wasn't a lot but you could tell there was something there. Woah this was a new site for her.

"Nikki sure is one fine specimen." I turned to see a girl standing next to me. I looked at her questionably. "Sorry. I'm Anne. Nice to meet you." "Mia." I replied. "So you liking what you see?" She asked. I laughed. "I don't like girls. I was just surprised is all. I've only seen her in loose clothes."

Anne looked back at Nikki. "Yeah she's always in some sort of loose clothes. You should see her without any though. She's fine as hell." She winked at me.

I looked at her shocked. "Are you and her a thing?" I asked. "Nah she's been my best friend since we were kids. So ya know, I've seen her body at sleepovers."

"Ah" I went back to taking some photos. Nikki had finished her run and was cheering on the rest of the girls that were about to finish. A group of girls all went up to her and started gawking and fangirling. I rolled my eyes and took some more photos. Nikki saw me and waved with her usual big smile. I waved back.

A little while later the girls were gone and I was finally alone on the bleachers. That was until Anne came back up asking if I've seen Nikki. As I was about to reply Nikki came up the opposite side.

"Someone call my name?" she asked while drying sweat from her hair. Anne ran up to her and draped her arms on her shoulder. "Look at you stealing all the girls. Let me have a chance at least." Nikki laughed.

"You can have them. I got Katie." It was Anne's turn to laugh. "Like I could have any. They're all in love with you. Except for this one." She motioned towards me.

Anne was an inch shorter than Nikki. She had brown hair that went down to the middle of her back. She was a little lighter than Nikki but still tan. Anne also had some facial piercings and hazel eyes.

"Is there something wrong with that?" I asked her. "Nah straight girl. I was just stating a fact that's all." she replied. Nikki just laughed. "Go get in the car Anne. I'll be there soon to take you home, let me just grab my things." Anne gave Nikki a kiss on the cheek and left.

"Sorry about that. She can be a bit much sometimes." Nikki said as she leaned on the bleachers beside me. "It's okay, I found it amusing." She looked up at the clouds and then back at me. "Did you have a good first day?" she asked. "Yeah. I made some new friends today. I also got invited to the football game by the quarterback apparently." Nikki laughed. "Ah mark. Be careful with him okay? He's known as a bit of a player."

"Thank you for the advice, oh wise one." We laughed together before we heard some girls calling Nikki's name. "That's my que to leave. See ya later" She waved as she ran off. A second later a group of girls came up the bleachers all excited. They looked at me and then around then back to me. I just shrugged. They all left clearly disappointed.

What a strange day. I got to meet some pretty cool people at least. I still didn't know what to think about Nikki.

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