Plausible Deniability **EDIT...

By MeadHalfEmpty

19.7K 480 170

They were an agent down and desperate for help. Per SSA David Rossi's recommendation, Unit Chief Aaron Hotchn... More

Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five
Part Six
Part Seven
Part Eight
Part Nine
Part Ten
Part Twelve
Part Thirteen
Part Fourteen
Part Fifteen

Part Eleven

902 22 3
By MeadHalfEmpty

This was going to be harder than I thought. I couldn't keep my eyes to myself, all of us sitting around the table with a new case. I tried my hardest to focus on the pictures of the dead man in front of me but watching her chew on the cap of her pen, her tongue swirling around the lid...made my mind wander.

"Aaron?" Dave nudged at my arm, "are you okay?"

"Hmmm?" I looked around the table at everyone staring at me with concern. "Sorry, I guess I'm kind of out of it today."

"Long weekend?" Morgan grinned and winked in my direction.

I pinched at the bridge of my nose and ignored his comment, "I'm sorry, what were you saying?"

"I was saying that maybe we should call in Emily," JJ continued, "this seems like her kind of thing, I mean this guy came all the way from Russia and he's in the Interpol database."

"If anyone would know about this guy, it would be her," Morgan continued, "we could at least give her a call and see."

"Okay," I nodded in agreement still only half paying attention, "Garcia, see if you can get ahold of her and let me know. We'll have to head to Boston without her but maybe she can meet us there."

"I get to meet Emily?" Evan smiled and perked up in her seat.

"We'll see," I smiled in her direction, suddenly realizing that Evan and Emily have never met. "Wheels up in twenty."

Everyone started to gather up their things and scramble to get their stuff together but I noticed that Evan was still sitting in her chair, zoned out with her face in her phone. I waited until everyone was out of the room before I approached her,

"Hey, are you okay?"

She rolled her eyes and jumped from her chair for the door, "yeah."

"Stop," I blocked her way with my arm and looked around again to make sure no one was watching us, "what is it?"

She sighed and glared up at me, "my dad just text me that they're going to be in town this week."

"Really? For Ethan?" I dropped my arm and let her go, following behind her around the bullpen.

"Yeah, it's been ten years. There's this thing...his name is downtown."

"Really? You never told me that."

"It never came up."

"Evan, if you need to sit this one out, I can make it work."

"Are you kidding me?" she stopped in the middle of the walkway and practically begged, "please don't make me sit on my couch with my parents all week. I'd much rather be in Boston trying to catch this fucker."

"Evan, I was just suggesting," I looked around to see who was watching us, "ten years is kind of a big deal."

She groaned and started to head towards the stairs, "Aaron, please don't."

"Fine, then, I won't." I followed behind her and turned into my office, jumping when I suddenly felt something pinch at my ass. "Are you kidding me?"

"What?" she barely grinned as she passed me for the stairs.

"Don't do that," I looked around in a panic to make sure no one saw her grab me in the middle of work. Evan was still having trouble with work boundaries and after the weekend that we had, I knew it was only going to get worse.

"Oh, come on," she backed me into my office, like a mouse in a corner, "it's been a while."

"A while?" I chuckled and looked out the blinds before I closed them, slightly, "it's hardly been twenty-four hours."

"That's a long time."

"Evan," I gave her that look and gathered the few files I needed on my desk. "You're gonna have to behave."

"Do I have to?" She leaned against the door, her eyes soft and full of want.

"Yes, you do," I tried to hide my grin. "At least until we get to where we're going."

She perked up and her eyes got wide, "and what does that mean?"

I couldn't hide it, my mind suddenly coming up with a naughty idea. I couldn't deny that I wanted her too, even though I still felt a bit sore and dehydrated from this weekend. "It means that when we land, you're going with me to the crime scene. But we're going to make a little side trip, first."

"Oh, really?" she bit that lip and walked my office to my circle my desk. She looked me over like I was a piece of meat hanging in the window and I saw her hand twitch, wanting to reach out and touch me but the glance over her shoulder at the open door reminded her that we weren't alone.

"You're going to behave until we get there. No sarcastic comments on the plane. No side-glances. Is that understood?"

I could see her body shiver as I told her what to do. In any normal situation, she would have resisted and argued with me or made some crude comment but only with a sexual undertone, would she actually do as she was told.

"Yes, Sir."

"Good. Go get your things, we're leaving in a few minutes." It took everything I had to keep a straight face and not laugh or smile like an idiot while I told her what to do. I could tell that she was enjoying it, however, her walk to the door being stiff and with purpose. "Agent James?"

I saw her sigh, her shoulders falling quickly as she turned back to me, "Yes, Agent Hotchner?"

"You will follow my orders this time or I will see to it that you're properly disciplined."

"Yes, Sir."

She sat in her usual spot in the back of the plane by the window and Reid immediately went for the seat next to her. He pulled a deck of cards from his pocket,

"Wanna play?" he gave her his sideways smile and set his bag in the floor.

"There's no time for cards," I scolded and showed a bit of jealously as I sat across from them. It was known to everyone on the team but Evan herself, that Reid had a crush on her. "Boston is a short flight," I reminded them, "let's get started."

Garcia's face popped up on the television screens, "at your service my beautiful babies. I got ahold of Emily and she is on her way. She was actually on a case in Minnesota, so she won't be long."

"When will she be getting here?" Derek asked, perched on the arm of the couch.

"She should be landing by the time you all get to the station and settled. Do you need me to patch her in?"

"No, thank you, Garcia," I had my nose in my tablet and tried to focus. My mind was already ahead a few hours to me and Evan alone in a car... "Just make sure she stays updated."

"Yes, Sir," I heard Garcia reply in the background and I shivered, suddenly realizing how much I hated being called 'sir' if it wasn't Evan saying it in that playful tone. I took a deep breath,

"Alexander Malk," I started, "was part of 'The Higher Order', the Russian group of terrorists-"

"Vysshiy Poryadok," Reid cut in to say the name in Russian and looked to Evan for approval, who was busy reading though the iPad file to see his shoulders fall in disappointment.

"-they were responsible for the kidnapping and torturing of Russian government officials to gain information. Malk was the 'lead torturer'," I looked at his picture and memorized his face.

"How the fuck did this guy slip through the cracks?"

"Apparently, he bribed a guard at the prison but that didn't end well," Garcia broke in and showed a few pictures of the guard, murdered on the prison floor.

"So, he escaped a Russian prison to come to America, why?" Derek questioned.

"Did he know that Emily was here?"

"It's possible," I scrolled though the file, "She's the one who finally caught him and put him away."

"But if he's looking for Emily, why would he start in Boston, of all places?"

"Yeah, you'd think he would have weaseled some information out of someone."

"Oh, my sweet chocolate, that's where it gets juicy. There is a known Russian gang held up in the Boston area, who are known for being all sorts of anti-government. Now, I couldn't find any direct connection to that gang and Malk but there is a man-"

...I noticed Evan reached in her pocket for that cinnamon lip balm and apply it slowly...

"-one of the past members of this gang, a Byron Effie, was affiliated with a Russian government official whom of which Malk did torture and kill a few years ago."

"Do you think that Byron and Malk know of each other?"

"It's possible, but it's hard to find any actual 'proof', since, you know, gangster stuff, but I did find-"

...I watched Evan's fingers twirl around curl while Garcia spoke, unaware that any slight moment from her took my attention away from details that I should have been paying attention to...

"So, they did probably know of each other. This guy in Boston hears that he's escaped and needs in the country, help him skip past customs. Probably says he knows where Emily is or will help him find her."

"You guys...things just got a little complicated."

"What happened, Garcia?" I snapped my focus back and tried to pay attention.

"I was tracking any activity on Byron Effie, just in case, and I just got notified that he's been found dead."

The plane sighed in frustration.

"Seriously," Evan rolled her eyes. "Who wants to take bets that Malk got to him?"

"He probably realized that he was being duped and killed him," Reid grimaced at the new images that were being sent to our screens.

"Garcia, get all you can on Byron Effie and his death. Let the corresponding police station know we're on our way and inform them of the situation. Then get ahold of Emily and let her know."

"Aye, my Captain." And with a click, she was gone. I took a moment to run over how we were going to split up when we landed in a few minutes and tried not to get over-excited about telling Evan to come with me.

"Dave, you and Derek go to the station. Make sure everyone is up to speed on what's going on. Make sure they know about the possible connection between Effie and Malk. Also, let them know that Emily is coming in to help. Reid, why don't you stay behind at the airport and wait for her, get her caught up on anything she missed. Work victimology while you're waiting. JJ, can you please see if you can establish some kind of timeline of Malk's activities? Call the prison, call customs, anything. You can go ahead and go to the station with Dave and Derek and set something up." I tried not to pause, "Evan, come with me to the crime scene. We need to see what Malk is really capable of."

I watched her face for any sort of excitement but for once, she was doing what she was told. She sat there, still and cooperative, scrolling through her tablet.

Everyone nodded and got to work, Reid getting up from his spot and walking to the front of the plane to video chat with Garcia.

"I'm surprised," I finally said once everyone was out of earshot and busy.

"Why? This guy is a maniac," she didn't look up from her iPad.

"Not with the case."

She looked up and grinned, "why are you surprised?"

"You're a terrible poker player."

"We only played once and there was a lot of wine involved, okay."

"Sure," I smiled to myself and kept my eyes down until we landed.

Once we hit the tarmac and gathered our things, I took it slow and calm as we all separated into our cars and headed off to do what we needed to do. Evan threw her things into the back with a sigh and immediately started to mess with the radio. She hated radio music, "it all sucks" is what she would say.

"Okay, that's enough," I finally said, my excitement starting to turn into anxiety.

"I want some music!"

"Then pick one!"

"Are you already frustrated?" she giggled and turned up the volume.

We had only driven a few miles and yes, I was already all worked up. "Sorry, I just – just behave."

She turned away from me and watched the lights out the window. The sun was starting to set and the traffic of Boston was starting to slow things down. She only changed the music one more time and started tapping her foot when,

"Am I allowed to show my excitement, yet?"

"Not yet," I grinned and looked at the GPS on the dashboard. I had taken the few minutes on the plane to find a place to park the car away from where we might be seen. I was thankful that the crime scene was a bit out of town and there were several parks on the way that probably had a few turn-off's we could stop at. The thought of pulling off somewhere and parking the car to mess around made me feel like I was breaking the laws that I vowed to uphold. I was an FBI agent, why did I think this was acceptable? Unit Chief of the BAU locked in the backseat with his inferior when they should be at a crime scene working... instead, being half naked and touching sweaty skin, heavy kisses and her sitting in my lap...


"What?" She broke my daydreaming.

"If I'm not allowed to show any excitement, then neither are you."

I looked down at my lap shifted in my seat as we came to another red light. "Sorry, I can't be as discreet as you."

"Are you kidding me? I'm sitting in a puddle."

I grinned and checked the map again, knowing that the turn was soon. But not soon enough. I turned to her and wondered how she was behaving so well. I reached across the console and put my hand on her thigh, squeezing my fingers into her jeans. I felt her tense up and wiggle in her seat,

"Aaron, I swear," she swatted my hand away and crossed her legs, turning away from me with a sigh. "Are we there yet?"


I double-checked as we pulled into the park area that there wasn't anyone around. I followed a sign for 'camp parking', thinking it would be secluded enough that no one would bother us. I watched her eyes grow wide and heard her knee bumping against the door as I put the car in park and killed the engine.

I took a deep breath and smiled to myself, still in disbelief that we were going to do this. This was so unprofessional.

I looked over at her, her breathing was deep in her chest and her eyes were locked on something out the windshield, I'm sure counting the seconds until I gave the okay. I waited just a few moments longer, partially to gather my own thoughts but also to build up the anticipation. Until I finally said,

"Come here." I reached for my seatbelt and before I could hear it click, she attacked me with a hot kiss. I laughed against her lips and she crawled across the console and into my lap, her hip bumping into the horn on the steering wheel.

"Shit," she jumped in my lap.

"Here," I reached down and tried to find the lever to lean my seat back but Evan ended up elbowing me in the rib. "Ah! Okay, why don't we just get in the back seat?" I pushed her hair out of my face and pecked a kiss on her cheek. She nodded with a sigh and tried to crawl back across to the passenger side,

"They make this look so much easier in movies."

I laughed in agreement and got out of the car, checking the tree-line again before I opened the back door. I crawled into the seat, tossing her jacket into the far back and waited for her to get back inside. We both let out a deep sigh,

"You okay?" she asked as she scooted across the seat to me.

"I'm trying to get out of my head, right now," I admitted, "this is so unprofessional."

"But are you having fun?" she turned me to her and kissed down my neck.

The respectable SSA Aaron Hotchner wouldn't be caught dead with a boner in the back seat of a company car with his agent unbuttoning his shirt. But I could feel the feel the pressure of my dick pressing against my pants as I shifted around the back seat. I could feel her fingers unbuttoning my shirt and try to pull my arms out of my jacket. I shimmied my way out of my clothes and folded them over the front seat while I heard Evan rustle around next to me,

"You need some help?" I turned to her just as she knocked her hands on the roof of the car, trying to get her shirt over her head.

"God, dammit..."

I laughed and helped her out of her clothes, planning to fold them in the seat like mine but with each item of clothing that I helped Evan out of, she would toss it in a different direction.

"You better keep track of your clothes. We don't need you showing up to the crime scene half dressed." I grabbed her jeans that she threw into the back and moved them to the front with my things.

She barely laughed before jumping back into my lap and digging her fingers into my hair. I knew we were gonna have to do some major regrouping before we showed up to the crime scene but all my worry suddenly disappeared when she pulled my face into her chest.

I kissed at her skin and played with her nipples, tasking the stale lotion that she probably put on this morning. I felt her still trying to crawl her way into my lap, a leg sticking to the leather seats on either side of me. I kneaded at her thighs with my hands and rocked her into me, feeling the heat between her legs. I didn't want to admit it but I was just as hungry for her as she was for me. I felt like I barely got to play with her, even though we were locked away all weekend. All I wanted to do was feel her skin and taste her body and I couldn't get enough.

I pushed her up and off of my lap so I could push my boxers down when I heard a thump on the roof,

"Ow, shit!"

"I'm sorry," I laughed and rubbed the top of her head.

"This is bullshit, Aaron," she laughed with me and climbed off of my lap. "We should have just rented a room for a half hour."

"I'm sorry," I ran my hands up her bare legs, "this is the best we can do right this second."

"I told you, we should have just fucked in your office before we left." She grinned and crawled back over to me, her fingers tracing up my inner thigh. She smiled against my lips and traced her tongue down my jaw just as I was feeling a hand reach through my boxers.


"Hmm?" I hummed against her cheek.

"Please take these off so I can ride you."

I grinned and pulled my boxers down past my knees and pushed them to the floor. She kissed me on her way back into my lap, her hands practically clawing at my neck and pulling at my hair. She wasted zero time wrapping her hand around my dick and lowering herself on me,

"Fuck, Aaron," she breathed into my neck, her hips rocking slowly. I pushed her curls out of her face and nibbled at her neck as I tried to catch my breath. I never quite got used to how good she felt, every single time taking my breath away and making me feel like I needed to cum immediately.

Our moans and sighs filled the car and I could see the humidity start to fog up the windows. I could feel the car slightly rocking as she thrust into me and groaned into my ear. I held her hips and moved with her, trying not to push up too much and make her bump her head again but I wanted more of her.

"Evan," I moaned in her neck, "wait."

I don't know if she didn't hear me or ignored my disgruntled whine but she didn't stop. I could feel myself getting closer and gripped her hips harder, my nails scratching at her skin.

"Ungh, fuck."

"Don't. Not yet," her voice was shaky in my ear and her hot breath on my skin was driving me crazy. I wrapped my hand around the back of her neck, "not yet."

All I could do was moan and whine into her chest and try not to cum until she told me to. I tried to make my mind focus on something else, my eyes looking past the fogged-up windows out into the dark. I wondered how long we had been in the car and wondered what we could say about being late to the crime scene...

"Fuck," she bit into my shoulder and there were no more distractions. She sank into me, her fingers desperately pulling at my hair. I buried my face into her chest and let go, her screaming and the sound of her head knocking against the roof again, making me relax enough to cum for her. "Fuck, Aaron."

I smiled and kissed at her sweaty skin, feeling her body relax into me and her arms loosen from around my shoulders.

"It can never be more than twenty-four hours ever again." She kissed at my hairline and pushed back my damp hair,

"We'll see." I looked up her and wiped her curls away from her lips so I could suck her tongue into my mouth. She still tasted like the whiskey she had on the plane and her lip balm.

"Don't make me beg for you." She grinned and fell into the seat, her legs sticky with sweat.

"You already begged for me, earlier," I reminded her and pulled my boxers back up. I reached over the front seat to turn the key in the engine enough to be able to roll down the windows and let a small breeze into the car.

"Shit, I don't wanna get dressed again." She leaned her head back and let her hair get blown around, cooling the sweat around her forehead.

I smiled, "come on," I playfully slapped her leg and pulled at the door handle, "we need to get back to work."

"Fuck in the back of a company car and Hotchner says, 'be serious'," Evan winked at me and opened her door, "shit." She slipped out the back seat, her bare feet on the grass.

"Please, come on! I don't want anyone to see you!" I scurried to the front seat to get my pants and my shoes back on before the light from the car grabbed anyone's attention.

She groaned and quickly got her clothes back on and pushed her boots back onto her feet. She walked around to the way back and fixed her makeup quick before hopping back into the front seat.

"Can you tell?" she turned to me.

"Can you tell, what?" I started the car back up and checked the time.

"Tell that I just fucked you in the back of a car?"

I rolled my eyes and smiled, her makeup looking exactly the same as it did before we parked the car.

"You look great."

"Shit," she checked the mirror and started to smudge around her eyes, "maybe we should do it again."

I rolled my eyes and whipped the car out of the parking spot and headed back into the Boston traffic.

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