His princess ✔️

By _KYR0S_

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➤ STARTED SEPTEMBER 2021 ➤FINISHED FEBRUARY 2022 adriana hernandez , didn't have the best upbringing of life... More

「1」it had been his fault.
「2」each of them had their own battles to fight.
「3」noah couldn't accept it , it had been his fault .
「4」you can't die , just yet .
「5」r e c o n i c l e
「 6 」unsaid words
「7」unwanted memories
「 8 」r e v e a l e d
「1 0」a blissful sleep
「1 1」u h o h
「1 2」o h n o
「1 3」 o o p s
「1 4」s o r r y
「1 5」h o m e

「 9 」h o m e s i c k

8.2K 248 6
By _KYR0S_

after the incident that had taken place, adriana immediately forgotten about it and so they were back to being a whole family again.

however, adriana was still denying that alessandro is her father. the little girl's school finally was having a parent teacher conference, which meant that adriana has to go with him.

"why can't i stay home by myself?" adriana asks once again as they were getting ready to leave for the school, "because you aren't old enough, and i don't trust rome." alessandro explains for the 5th time, "why not? rome is cool" she says, by that time alessandro just sighs as he focuses on the road.

"i don't get why you bother driving, don't you have people that work for you?" adriana asks as she watches the scenery change from the beautiful rows of flowers and trees to buildings.

"Just because I have people that work for me, doesn't make me incapable." he responds. lately adriana has become more talkative than usual, which is exciting for the family.

she was no longer that malnourished 5 year old.

"hm, when do i get to see mom?" adriana asks, which catches alessandro off guards, he remembers introducing the two, but he wasn't prepared for her to ask to see her.

he personally didn't want to co parent with blair since all the pain she's caused him, but adriana isn't just his daughter.

"when do you want to see her?" he asks, trying to keep his voice level as possible, he hated talking about blair.

"what about this weekend, i want to  spend a weekend with mom." she continues, "adriana, how is it that you accept your mother so quickly, when you barely know her, and you haven't even called me dad." alessandro points out the obvious as he makes his way into the school parking lot.

"why would you ask a child that question" the little girl says frustrated, "last time we talked you said you were a big girl." alessandro defends.

"but daddy that was last time" the little girl says unaware of what she just said, "say that again" alessandro tells her as he wanted to hear being called a dad again.

"say what again"

"the word after but"


"no, the word before 'that'"

"daddy?" she says, and she finally realised her mistake. "that was on purpose!" she says crossing her arms, "well, we'll work on that" he says happy that she at least considers him her father.

| ~~~~ |

alessandro's pov:

my heart started to hurt, it felt like i was frozen in time, i always hated the word 'goodbye', i didn't want to see blair, seeing blair happy without me.. i knew it was selfish of me to keep adriana to myself but.. adriana is the only thing i have left of blair.

the weekend arrived in a flash, and what i dreaded the most happens, adriana looked so happy to be with her mother, i started to feel insecure.

'she won't need me anymore will she?' these thoughts swarmed in my mind, as she was away at her mother's.

i started to feel this loneliness, i guess i was accustomed to adriana always being around.. i didn't think that just letting her see her mother for the weekend would cause me this much pain.

The two of us intertwined as the music continued to play, soon it felt it was just us dancing in the ballroom, "you look dashing as always." blair says, "and you look extravagant" i respond, and we both closed in for the kiss, "would you still be with me if the magic is gone?" i murmur into her ears.

i snapped out of my thoughts, as noah taps me on my shoulder, "aww does someone miss their daughter" noah says, "shut it." i say trying to forget those meaningless memories, "it's okay, I miss adriana very much as well." noah says sullenly, as he sulks away.

"i just noticed how much adriana completes our lives, without her this household would've fallen apart already." i tell him,

"...you're right" noah says not denying it, both of us just looked at each other with sadness to our eyes, as young boys we always wanted a happy and loving family, but we soon realised that would be impossible to have... but as for adriana we wanted to make sure she knew she was loved.

if i couldn't have the childhood i dreamed for, then at least my daughter can live my dream. I think that would make me very happy..

adriana's pov:

i was super happy that daddy let me have a visit with my mother, i always wished for a mom and a dad, and suddenly it was given to me.

my mom was really pretty, and when i looked at her more i start to realise that, she was part of me so i can be pretty too!

"mama, how was i made" i ask her, mom seems surprise at my question, "why do you want to know?" she asks sweetly, "because i am curious"

"well you know the saying, sometimes curiosity kills the cat." mom tells me, "maybe you're right" i say, spending time with mom was really fun, but i didn't like her boyfriend, his name was Jack.

even though i wanted to visit mom, i started to feel homesick.

"i want papa" i say, when my stomach started to hurt more. "you'll see your papa soon!" mom encourages me, but i started to cry.

"i want papa" i cry, then jack suddenly grabs my wrist firmly, "hey. You should be grateful that she even wants to see you" jack says coldly, which makes me cry more.

"jack!" mom says almost in a scolding way, but jack continues to glare at me.

my wrist was red with jack gripping my wrist, what seem like ages was only an hour. i had been staring out into the window waiting for my father.. it was strange to call my supposed brother my father.

but i miss him and wanted to be home, and soon i see a really sleek car pull into the driveway.

i raced myself to the door and before i could reach it jack stops me, "sir-" i say but he wouldn't listen, but before he could say anything i was happy to see papa emerge from the door.

"papa!" i say with tears in my eyes as i run pass jack and into papa's arms.

it was a surprise to him because of the way he looked, his expression was of shock.

"baby" he says as he embraces me into a hug, and all my worries were gone.

"i wanna go home" i say trying to stop myself from crying. i miss papa so much.

published: 1.10.22



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