Le Scénario (Dramione Oneshot...

By powderedonut

61.8K 4K 826

[Dramione Short Story Compilations] _ DISCLAIMER: All characters belong to J.K. Rowling All rights reserved ... More

-Draco Baby
-not an update
-Ms. Granger
-Accio Love
-Accio Love (2)
-Happy Valentine, Love
-A Mistery and A Serendipity
-The Devil's Possession
-quick questions
-An Abandoned Malfoy?
-Stupidly in Love
-Father's Day Out
-Professor Granger
-Be My Bride
-Happy Ending?
-Happy For You


1.3K 36 16
By powderedonut

Haihaii! Apa kabar kaliann? Maaf banget yang nungguin aku update tapi aku ga update" :'). Jadii, aku masih adjust to uni life, jadi agak susah ngatur jadwal. Kemaren abis orientation week aku langsung lanjut ngurusin gathering night terus sekarang mid exam hehe. Tapii, aku lagi nulis oneshot lagi kok sekarangg, cuma blm selesaii. You can expect it no longer than Nov 10th as I'll finished my mid exam on Nov 2nd<3 Anyway, have a nice rest of your day!

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