My master :Sasunaru

By VictoriaMasonga

730K 14.4K 9.1K

Bond to be a servant,inorder to support his mother Naruto lands in the hand of Sasuke Uchiha and the love tha... More

Chapter 1
chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 9
Chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
Chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
Not A Chapter
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
Chapter 24
chapter 25
Chapter 26
chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
chapter 37
Chapter 38
chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Not a Chapter
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
chapter 64
chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80

chapter 10

14.6K 286 190
By VictoriaMasonga

                   Naruto's pov

I stand Infront of the entrance with three maidens and the butler,I see itachi coming inside with three bodyguards,we bow our heads and look at them"Naruto! How are you doing?!"itachi asks while putting his hands on my shoulders and a grin on his face"I'm alright young master  and how are you""oh drop the formalities I told you to call me by my name ...but I'm alright but where is Sasuke""he's in the dining area...and you can give him your Jacket"I say looking at the butler"ok..."itachi removes his Jacket and gives it to the butler

"Right this way"we start heading to the dinning area I open the door for itachi and he goes in and I go after him, the bodyguards stay behind and I close the door"Hy sasuke how are you doing?"itachi says looking at him with a grin on his face and sitting down"just go straight to the point why are you hear?"" Sasuke if you don't are pretty darn rude!"Sasuke rolls his eyes"oh God...,itachi I didn't go to work today because of you so it better be important itachi"he glares at him

"I'll go and prepare some tea"I say to them""oh that would be great Naruto please go ahead"itachi says smiling at me then I turn towards the door and leave

              Sasuke's pov

I look at Naruto's back and he closes the door behind him...he has been pretty distant since that incident but I know it's my fault but still I just want to blame everything on him over and over again,it is irritating me seeing him avoiding me over and over again we are not making eye he sick of me,who does he think he is? I know right now I'm acting like a jerk which I am but ..,itachi snaps me out of the serious discussion which i was having in my mind

"Hy sasuke I'm talking to you... listen to me"itachi waves his hand Infront of me"what do you want?why did you come here?""errr like I've just told you the reason like a minute ago""*sigh*just tell me again""are you don't usually zone out what's wrong...did something happen?""no just tell me the reason you came"I put my right leg over my left leg

Naruto comes back in with four maids carrying the food and a guy who I think his name is sai and Naruto carrying two glass plates, Naruto starts telling the others what to do

"Ok....marriage that's what I came to talk about,you know how dad is"itachi says looking at the things placed neatly on the table and just for a sec I think I see Naruto frozen for a bit then back to his usual self

"What about it?"I ask him removing my gaze from Naruto"you need to choose a bride soon sasuke dad is bothering me everyday to talk to you about can't tell me that you have no one in mind""I do have someone in mind"I look at Naruto and I see him gulp"really who is it?"Itachi's eyes sparkle with excitement"I don't want to tell you""Hmph....I heard that Sakura was here sometime back...what did she want to tell you?""Marriage"I see Naruto raise his head and looks at me our eyes meet then he turns to the other side

"Marriage? With"itachi asks surprised and I nod my head"so what are you gonna do""thinking with all the things I could get maybe marrying her it would be great-"Naruto drops the plate and we all turn to him"Naruto?...."itachi says his name worriedly"oh I'm I'm sorry"Naruto says looking down,sai puts his hand on Naruto's shoulder"are y-you ok?"sai asks,itachi stands up and goes towards Naruto..."maybe you are not feeling well you should go and rest"itachi says"no no I'm alright don't worry"

"I'll pick the broken pieces"sai says kneeling down"no don't I will you may hurt yourself-"naruto kneels down too"aah"sai cuts himself with the glass on his finger"sai are you ok..."yeah-yeah I'm fine it's just a little cut- "naruto takes sai's finger and puts it in his mouth to stop the blood I widen my eyes to the scene and I narrow them feeling a certain urge to kill sai

"I twod myu tuu mmwot pwwik theee mgwass(I told you to not pick the glass)"Naruto speaks while sai's finger is still in his mouth"don't worry Naruto I'm alright"sai gives a faint smile, Naruto removes the finger from his mouth"ok fine but I'll pick the glasses..."he begins to pick them up and pilling them piece by piece

I'm pissed, I'm mad...I don't know why I'm reacting like this"Everyone get out!"I shout in a cold voice at everyone,and everyone looks at me in shock and fear"I said get out!"they start to leave"except you Naruto,Hy take that from his hands " Naruto turns to me confused,one of the maids takes the broken pieces from his hand and they leave

"What is wrong with you?"itachi says sitting down"are you possessed by a demon or something?""shut up"I look at Naruto and see him looking at the ground.....


At 9pm I finish talking to itachi and he decides to leave,Naruto stands up to walk him out"come back here after"I order him. Naruto and itachi leave and I sigh to myself

                 Itachi's pov

Naruto start to walk me out  and we get in the corridor"so Naruto do you want to explain why you dropped the plates after you heard about sasuke marrying Sakura.....?"he stops in his tracks and looks down,I know why he dropped them,I know why Sasuke suddenly told everyone to leave

I know it all but I can't do anything,I stand Infront of him and look down at him"is it still have feelings for him?"I ask him and he turns to the other side while still looking down

"Naruto?.... tell me.....""'s true that I still have feelings for him but....""but?""but I don't want him to find out please don't tell him,I want to forget about him, about this feelings because I'm the one who will always end up hurt if I cling to this feelings itachi"he raises his head at me with his sorrowful eyes

"So I don't want him to know... within a few months the contract will be over and I will forget about him""huh?,how can you forget him now when you failed to forget him all those years.... Naruto you are a jinchuriki and you know how important you are to the clan....I can make everything possible for you to be with sasuke just accept that you two were fated to be""itachi I don't want him to be with me because he's forced to, no itachi!,he doesn't even love me"

"But naruto he..."I stop myself before finishing the  sentence...I know Sasuke loves him but he doesn't want to accept it,I know what is going on but I just can't blabber my mouth out"arrrgh Fuck!""itachi language""Naruto you shouldn't be worrying about languages right now but....""you have to go...will talk later alright?"he looks at me then smiles damn he's so adorable when he smiles i just wanna squeeze his adorable face"right right I should go..."I hug him then I break the hug"bye Naruto..."I start to leave........

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