Now I'm changed {soukoku}

By Imabakuhoe

74.7K 2.1K 4.8K

After Dostoyevesky's death having Dazai nearly witnessing the death of all of his friends, he finally has an... More

β™‘ Prologue β™‘
✧ Chapter One ✧
β™‘ Chapter Two β™‘
✧ Chapter Three ✧
β™‘ Chapter Four β™‘
✧ Chapter Five ✧
β™‘ Chapter Six β™‘
✧ Chapter Seven ✧
β™‘ Chapter Eight β™‘
✧ Chapter Nine ✧
✧ Chapter Eleven ✧
β™‘ Chapter Twelve β™‘
✧ Chapter Thirteen ✧
β™‘ Chapter Fourteen β™‘
✧ Chapter Fiteen ✧
β™‘ Chapter Sixteen β™‘
✧ Chapter Seventeen ✧
β™‘ Chapter Eighteen β™‘
✧ Epilogue ✧

β™‘ Chapter Ten β™‘

2.4K 71 144
By Imabakuhoe

Dazai barely managed to open his eyes from drowsiness, though he recognised he didn't feel much pain, he could feel slight pain but it also felt like it was glossed over by an unusual pressure.

When his vision de-blurred he could see his leg laying on Seven's lap being carefully bandaged. In any normal circumstance Dazai would have pulled his leg away and closed himself off, but he felt too tired for that and somewhat sympathetic for Seven.

She would sniffle and occasionally wipe her tears away, Dazai noticed how red her eyes were. Even if he felt somewhat vulnerable, she didn't mean to hurt him, truthfully speaking he had expected something like this, he had though it would happen earlier but when it didn't he pushed it aside and thought maybe his prediction was wrong for once, it wasn't, it was just a time he hadn't expected. 

"Seven-Kun..." he whispered softly causing her to shoot her head up and watch his expression, she then looked down at her hands and how they were bandaging his leg, she pulled away carefully, making sure Dazai's ankle didn't get hurt. She then placed her hands on her lap looking downwards as if to bow in shame.

Dazai analysed the room him briefly, just to get his bearings of his surroundings, he noticed a lot of wet bloodied cloths, as well as bandages both clean and dirty as well as rubbing alcohol and bandage scissors. He looked at Seven who was sniffling again
"I'm sorry, I know it makes you uncomfortable if someone looks at your uncovered skin but I couldn't just leave you bleeding on the floor ." She responded her shoulders giving a small jolt, Dazai sat up, patting her head comfortingly
"It's alright I'm not concerned about that, what I am though is how you're so good at bandaging." Dazai commented as he stared at his leg, she looked away sadly
"Even though I may have said I preferred Chuuya over you, I have a lot in common with you, suicide and bandages being one of them." She muttered sheepishly, Dazai looked at her in surprise, she was such a cocky and confident person.
"But you don't seem like it.." Dazai spoke looking directly at her
"Neither do you, you're like me, making jokes and laughing away all your feelings. You seem completely fine, if not annoying." She added, Dazai chuckled, he couldn't argue with that.

Seven took a shaky sigh in, as she stood up walking over to a counter picking up her phone and typing a text.
"The real reason all of this happening is because Five's ability went haywire and made yours or Chuuya-Sama's and Six's dreams all come true, so we're trying to stop any of them from happening."
"Figured it had something to do with Five-kun's ability."

Seven nodded and began to explain the whole situation to Dazai: about how Six's dream became looped with either his or Chuuya's, how to solve one problem they had to solve two others at the same time, whilst also keeping themselves and their families safe.

"That pain you felt that only subsided when Chuuya was there, was Five training your body to go into what's called the Plane of Visuri, the pain is associated with Chuuya-sama's dream and the only reason it would calm down when you were around each other was because Chuuya was reassured everything was okay. You reacted the same to how you would react if your dream came true but you felt the pain from Chuuya-sama's dream."

Dazia nodded, everything from the past two weeks was beginning to make perfect sense, it was just baffling how three teenagers were attempting to completely alter something that was almost completely set in stone.

Seven then walked up to and stand directly in front of the the brunet, a red glow surrounding her, it reminded Dazai of Chuuya when he used corruption, just it didn't seem to be mixed in with black and it slowly got brighter.

Seven reached out her hands waiting for Dazai to hold them which in turn caused Dazai to raise any eyebrow at her
"We're going into the plane.." she justified with a shrug, Dazai didn't question it any further and placed his hands in hers, allowing himself to be covered in that red glow too. It felt odd seeing any other colour but blue surround him and it felt odd knowing that an ability was actually working on him, but he couldn't say it felt unpleasant.

Dazai felt a sense of drowsiness overtake him, almost as if he was fainting, he could feel the world spinning around him dramatically, until finally everything went completely black.

He awoke in the same place Chuuya had, little glowing lights mimicking stars surrounded him with a scarlet red background that seemed to drag on forever. Rows of variously coloured doors all with names in alphabetical order.

Seven looked around easily as amazed as Dazai was,
"You've never been here, have you?"
"No, no I haven't.." Seven breathed out, utterly entranced by everything, she got up her eyes twinkling as she spun to take in the full view an awestruck smile present on what had been a previously miserable face.

Dazai smiled following her lead and standing up as well, that's when he noticed that all his injuries and all of his pain was gone, Dazai checked his leg by shifting his weight onto it experimentally, but it felt completely fine.
"Your not in your actual body, we've sort of taken a form that our mind wishes we had." Dazai blinked staring at the palms of his hands
"So would all my scars be gone too?" He asked more so to himself but Seven has heard it too
"If that's what you'd want then yeah, your body would be completely fine."

"Is there a mirror here, I'm willing to strip." Dazai asked complete seriously, causing Seven to stare at him with a look of bewilderment until she let out a loud guffaw. 
"I'd rather not see you walking around here naked!" She laughed brightly causing Dazai to smile.
"Wow! So rude are you saying I'm not attractive?" He prodded, she giggled lights
"Nah, you're just not my type."
"And what? Chuuya is?"
"Yes, actually."
"Well I can't argue with that, Chuuya truly is a specimen to behold." Dazai spoke as he clasped his hands together wiggling his hips, Seven stared at him unimpressed
"Alright lover man, let's get this over with I don't know how much time we've got left, if my prediction is correct Chuuya-sama will be using corruption and you need to reach him in time." Dazai gulped down any nerves he had surrounding Chuuya  and the way the other felt towards him, deciding to push that thought away for now and find Chuuya's door.

He only needed to take a few steps to find his and Chuuya's doors, they where in alphabetical order based off of your last name, so of course Dazai's and Chuuya's were right next to each other's.

The brunet noticed a key sitting in Chuuya's door, which might he add he really liked; it was as if it had been dipped in wine, Dazai liked that Red that painted Chuuya's door.

Red was very much Chuuya's colour.

However in contrast Chuuya's name was written in blue cursive, it stood out against the deep red though Dazai still thought it was odd that out of all the colours on the planet, blue was the one that had been chosen.

Dazai turned his attention towards his own door, grinning broadly, 'how befitting' he thought to himself as he traced his hands over his name. However something caught his attention, a door on the other isle with it's name scratched out. Dazai quirked his head to the side in confusion, squeezing between his and Chuuya's door to go to it.

It was mostly navy blue with traces of lighter blue and red swirled in various fiery patterns painted onto it, whoever's name was written on it had been mostly scratched out but Dazai could make out that the name was much like Chuuya's door was written in red.

Dazai couldn't help but remember that Seven and her group were all assigned names of number, and their memories of their given names had been stripped away, but if the doors had your actual names on them, then that meant Five had purposely scratched peoples names out, to prevent them from knowing their actual names.

"Dazai-sama? You ready? We're gonna run out of time." Seven asked as she fiddled with the key on Chuuya's door, Dazai took one final glance at the door and then back at the door, shaking his head he called back to her
"Yeah I'm coming."


"Do you know what happens in Chuuya's dream?"
"More or less, Five told me the gist of it."
"Is it bad?"
"It depends on what your opinion of bad is." Seven replied finally managing to open the door
"But..if you think loosing Chuuya-sama is bad then yes, yes it is bad." That didn't make Dazai fell any better at all, in fact it worried him even more.

Seven opened the door peering around then let out a little "hm" with a shrug, she had probably expected it to be very dramatic, but actually it is was very peaceful. She walked in leisurely whilst Dazai followed her.

Unlike his dream which started out in the middle of a death filled city, Chuuya's dream began in what was his unlit apartment, even Seven who had walked once in Chuuya's apartment knew it was his
"This spells out Chuuya-Sama's home in all six thousand five hundred languages." She murmured as she walked around, somewhat enthralled.

Dazia hadn't been in Chuuya's home other than that night they had slept together and in the morning he had tried to keep his eyes low, thus he never had the chance to fully appreciate that Chuuya -whilst his fashion taste was terrible- was actually a very good decorator.

There was a wine display on the wall, all held up by a massive dark oak and metal wrack, his living room had a grey fluffy carpet with black silk couches, soft silver fairy lights dangled from the roof atop the furniture it's cold tone reflecting on the clean surfaces of the floor and on giant plants that sat in corners in white vases. The home most certainly looked modern but it still had that warm and welcoming feeling to it. It was far cry from what Dazai's home looked like, his home looked like a failed attempt of some form of nineteen-thirties to nineteen-fifties dark academia, but, at least he tried.

Dazai noticed a mirror in the kitchen, remembering what Seven had said before, he walked up to the mirror and tugged at the bandage on his neck as it was the most convenient place. He honestly didn't know how to react when he saw his tanned skin complete clean, no scars no bruises, nothing, just plain pure skin.

Dazai ran his fingers over his skin, relishing in the feeling of unscarred and unbruised skin, a feeling he hadn't felt for many, many, many, many years.
"You look depressed." Seven spoke up, making eye contact with him through the reflection of the mirror
"I don't know... it's nice, but feels wrong." Seven came up next to Dazai pulling her sleeves up both her arms from just a little bit above her wrist, going to just above her elbows were covered in bandages
"I get it, I've been wearing these since I got captured by silver." She undid her own bandages revealing her own clear skin
"Under my bandages are burn scars as well as many self harm scars, they're probably very closely linked to my actual name, seeing as I forgot how I got them in the first place, but even if I don't know what triggered me, part of me still feels the pain. You get it don't you?"
Dazai nodded, he very much understood that, even if he no longer allowed himself to indulge in forbidden coping mechanisms. He understood very well that sometimes he didn't even know the reason why he was hurting, he just was.

Seven then crouched down and wrapped the medical cloth around her arms, whilst Dazai re-bandaged his neck. Just as he did the final loop and tucked the end into another one the door opened with sound of keys rustling.

Chuuya emerged from the other side of the door clad in his normal attire, he heaved a sigh while stretching his back. He then placed his hat onto his coat hanger, slipping his coat off, placing it onto his coat hanger as well, he fumbled with his shoes as he took them off with the opposite foot then slid them under the shoe drawer, probably feeling too lazy to bend down and properly place them inside the drawer.

Dazai and Seven stepped backwards so the ginger could go into his bedroom watching as he closed the door silently behind him.

"Come on you know you wanna see~" Dazai chimed poking Seven in the shoulder, she glared at him as she crossed her arms
"Aren't you talking about yourself?"
"I've already seen." Dazai smirked, Seven's face turned red looking away completely and utterly embarrassed
"That's not my business! pervert!"
"I didn't get come here to get called a pervert." Dazai complained with a fake pout
"And I didn't come here to get encouraged to spy on someone who's changing." Seven shot back with a weak glare, they blinked at each other before they began to laugh.

Chuuya then emerged from the door, dressed in a red t-shirt and a grey hoodie with what looked like black jeans except for they looked more comfortable than jeans. Dazai felt like he had seen it before.

The smaller man then walked over to the tv turning it on but not bothering to change what was playing and just left it on whatever -the news. Clearly he wanted some background noise, he then walked over to the kitchen and began rummage through his fridge for some food, in the end he settled on something in a large deep bowl, he placed it in the oven and then walked over to his wine wall, tapping his foot on the floor as he thought about what to get, he then went onto the very tips of his toes, his finger just barely managing to grasp onto the tip of the bottle.

"Look how tiny he is! Awwww~" Dazai commented, Seven smiled as well as she watched, she was the same height as him but she was still younger.

Chuuya got a wine glass and then poured his wine into it he then stood by the counter taking small sips as he thought to himself.

"Breaking news; a man commits suicide off of the port mafia building"

Chuuya snorted a little
"What kind of person commits suicide off of that building? At least try to romanticise your own death a little bit"
"Woah! Seven do you think Chuuya want to comm-"
"Don't even finish that sentence Dazai-sama." Dazai pouted again
"Rude." He muttered

"What am I even saying? God, that stupid bandaged idiot rubbed off on me." Chuuya muttered angrily sipping into his wine
"Literally." Dazai commented again , glancing sneakily at Seven who's face reddened again as she gave Dazai a judgmental and disapproving side eye.

"The victim isn't known to have any living relatives, but plenty of his friends have come to the site."
"Do we know the mans name? Anything about him at all?"
"He works at the Yokohama Armed Detective Agency and goes by the name Dazai Osamu."

The sound of breaking glass echoed in the apartment causing Dazai and Seven to turn their attention from the tv to Chuuya, the glass of wine he was holding had fallen to floor, breaking into little bits, causing the wine to splatter onto the floor, mimicking the appearance of blood. Chuuya's eyes where blown wide with shock, he ran up to the tv getting closer to see the blurred pictures of Dazai laying on the floor with blood surrounding him.
Both his and Dazai's eyes widened when Atsushi appeared on screen, sitting on street curve next to Yosano who was petting his head softly as he cried, her head was dropped so even if she was crying or even the slightest bit upset it wasn't visible.

Dazai felt a pang of guilt stab in the chest as he watched, he had never considered how much people might actually care about him, he knew maybe Atsushi would, maybe Chuuya would be a little upset, but he didn't think everyone would be this upset. Chuuya scrambled from the tv running towards his door and grabbing the first coat his hand came in contact with, a blackish green leather jacket.

Dazai finally knew why he recognised what Chuuya was wearing.

Dazai wanted to run after him but Seven grabbed onto his wrist, he turned his head to ask her why they weren't running after Chuuya but he didn't need to because their surroundings immediately changed.

Dazai and Seven found themselves right in front of his body, contrary to what many think his body wasn't mangled or broken on the floor, his head was completely and utterly smashed at the back however. A pool of blood lay around his head that had trickled it way over and around his body, Dazai now understood why his he's head had hurt when Five used his ability on him, it was the pain from his head cracking on the floor, just he didn't feel it for a split second like you would in suicide.

Over in the distance they could hear a variety police officers shouting, Dazai and Seven stared at a each other in confusion until they heard a familiar voice screaming

It was Chuuya.

Dazai turned his head where he saw Akutagawa staring at his dead body with trembling fists, his head shot upon hearing his superior shouting, the dark haired male turned to Atsushi, who's eyes, Dazai noticed, were bloodshot. Atsushi gave the other man a brief nod, getting up to walk towards the police officers, he lifted his hand weakly to get their attention but shot backwards when a police officer stepped back in surprise, Atsushi, Dazai and Seven peeked their heads in in between the police officers.

The  Dazai felt his heart crack, Chuuya seemed to have given up reaching him, either that or he felt too mentally exhausted to bring himself to carry on, his knees gave out under him as he let out a choked sob, he gripped on to the police officers sleeves helplessly, tears streamed down his face as if all his sadness had filled him up and was now flowing out his eyes.

Atsushi quickly slipped through the barrier of police officers, over to Chuuya grabbing his hand gently, he gave the police officer a sympathetic look and a nod, causing the man to let go of Chuuya and the rest to move out the way.

"Atsushi?" He spoke in barely a whisper, Atsushi tried his best to muster up a smile but in the end he just choked out more sobs
"He's dead." He affirmed to Chuuya as if he knew Chuuya was still in denial that Dazai had actually killed himself.

Atsushi still held onto Chuuya's hand leading Chuuya to Dazai's body. Chuuya stared down in disbelief, he placed his free hand over his face, heaps of emotions flowed through his body, small laughs of disbelief escaped from his mouth, making him look like a mad man
"This bastard actually killed himself." he laughed but his laughs were laced with painful sobs as he sunk onto the pavement just before the caution tape. One of his hands formed into a tight fist on the cold pavement, the other clutching at his black jacket.

Unlike Dazai who had screamed out in agony, Chuuya remained silent, crying solely to himself. Atsushi bent down to slide his hand feebly over Chuuya's back, trying to be as soothing as possible, albeit it was useless considering he was crying as well.
"and... the last thing I said to him was 'I hope I never see you again'..." Chuuya whispered as he cried.

Dazai rememberd that, after saving Chuuya from corruption they
-of course- argued. But Dazai didn't mind because he knew Chuuya didn't mean it.

The scenery around them suddenly changed again to the inside of a grand church, it was a beautiful place, really, leave it up to Chuuya to create such a beautiful place without even being awake. The pillars and walls were made almost entirely of cloudy white marble, the windows picturing various religious happenings were beautifully tainted with various befitting colours. Unlike most funeral settings the sun shone brightly flooding through the coloured windows, painting the room with a splash of colours.

Dazai was quick to notice how the members of the agency and the workers of the Mafia were all mixed together.

He could see Atsushi standing in between Kyouka and Akutagawa, holding onto Kyouka's hand along with Kyōyō who stood on her other side rubbing her back calmly. Akutagawa and Atsushi were sitting pressed up closely to each other, Dazia smiled a little knowing Chuuya knew exactly what was going on between them.

Dazai also looked towards Chuuya , he was wearing an all black suit, his hat was nowhere in sight instead his hair had a small clip of a black flower in it.

Dazai walked up to where he was laying in the coffin along with Seven who peered over the edge of the coffin
"You look nicer here than you ever have in your life." She commented causing Dazai to let out a dramtic sigh
"You just don't have refined tastes like m-"
"It's probably cause this is Chuuya-Sama's dream and he views you as pretty or something, actually, now that I think about it, you kinda look a lot like Snow White." She spoke thoughtfully.

Dazai looked back at himself, she wasn't wrong, dark hair, fair skin, flowery casket, it very similar to the was like the famous fairytale. Dazai wondered if it was because of that time with Shibusawa, when he had called himself Snow White, if that was the case Chuuya really had a knack for remembering meaningless yet somehow endearing things. Seven motioned for Dazai to stand in the middle of walk way, that way they could watch whatever was going to happen next, thats when the dream then began to speed past them, as various people came up to give speeches, only words here and there were audible as well as certain faces, it seemed Chuuya's dream had decided to skim past everyone else's speeches, until finally the scenery around them became clear again and the soft murmur of peoples voices were no longer muffled.

Chuuya was then the one to stand up and walk to the podium, as he walked by, a select few of people turned and gave him sympathetic sad smiles.

Chuuya heaved a huge sigh blinking away his tears before lifting his gaze from the floor and up to the crowd.

He took a deep breath before he spoke and then looked up at the audience.

"I really hate him."

He began causing evening in the room to let out small laughs, trust Chuuya to start a funeral speech with saying he hated the person who died.

"I really hated him, I hate how he made fun of my height, or how he found it awfully amusing to annoy everyone around him. I hate how he liked my cheeks and told how they were chubby or how he made irritating comments about the way I dressed or called me gay because I dressed better than him."
"He's delusional." Dazai muttered, all Seven could do was laugh.

"He was a pain to work with and be around and to spend time with, but despite all of that I still felt fond towards him, for all the irritating behaviour he made it up but saving me, or attempting to comfort me when I felt horrible in his own....Dazai way. Honestly for all the times I said I hated him...."

There was a pause a broken smile spread across his face, letting his tears flow out in two thin streaks

"I also wanted to say how much I loved him."

Seven felt Dazai stiffen next to her, she turned her head to look at him, she couldn't help but beam at his expression, his pupils were dilated, his face glowed magically, Seven wanted to tug at him and say she was right but she was interrupted by Chuuya speaking again

"I loved him as a friend, as a partner, as an enemy and -as horribly disgusting and out of character as it sounds- I loved him as a lover." He spoke causing people to snigger  again.

Dazai felt as if he could collapse any second, thankfully Seven seemed to understand and she shuffled closer to him for support. Chuuya smiled brightly through his tears, until he just stood up there with his arm cue ring his eyes as he cried.

As such Kyōyō to come up and usher him for the podium and into a hug.

Then exactly everything went black as if his dream had ended, but voices still echoed through the empty space indicating that it hadn't ended just yet.

Dazai felt eyes on him so he turned his head to the side, coming into view with Seven beaming up at him, he looked at her as sudden realisation hit him
"You knew didn't you?"
"Course, both of you are so obvious, it honestly baffles me how you can tell that Atsushi-san and Akutagawa-san like each other but you can't tell with yourself and Chuuya-sama." Dazai scratched his head as he thought, was everything really that obvious? He didn't think it was.

"It's just that, why would Chuuya like me?"
"Hm... well think about it like this. Why then would you like Chuuya? You don't see him often, you argue with him, you're relationship is just as complicated on your side too. It's the same for him, he also asks himself that. But you do love him, so what's the possibility of him not feeling the same if one of you is capable of developing these feelings?"

There was a pause as Dazai pondered about what she was saying until she continued again.
"You two are a lot like a chemical reaction, if one of you changes the other reacts to it and changes too, you becoming this more humane version of yourself prompted him to change as well and finally realise he loves you too."
"But he didn't love me in the Mafia, he had no reason too ."
"True but that doesn't mean he didn't care about you, or like you." She retaliated, elbowing him softly in the ribs pushing him slightly to the side
"Come on~ stop questioning his feelings and celebrate a little, your little crush loves you back!" She laughed as Dazai stumbled back giving her a smile
"Yeah, only problem is the way I found out takes away from the romantic aspect of it though, not how I'd imagined it." He laughed a little, Seven gave him a lopsided smile
"Better this way then never." She replied as the black space around them began to form into another part of the dream.

Now they stood outside, with just Chuuya standing in front of Dazai's grave, though Dazai could see Kunikida standing by the car as if he was keeping an eye out on Chuuya. Despite Kunkida's watchful eyes, it didn't stop Chuuya from sitting on his grave, his back leaning on the headstone. Dazai liked that, it showed just how close he and Chuuya actually were, Kunikida in the background looked like he wanted to go and tell the ginger off but Yosano shook her head in disagreement.

Chuuya sat in silence on the grave for roughly around five minutes, as if he was still trying to convince himself that he was sitting on Dazai's grave and not one of his other friends. He then got up and dusted himself off, he turned to Dazai's grave placing all the flowers that he had moved out the way so he could sit back. And finally he placed his choker on the grave

"owners aren't supposed to abandon their dogs you know?" Chuuya spoke laughing bittersweetly to himself
"I love you Osamu."

Dazai's eyes blowed wide as he heard his first name slip through Chuuya's lips, Chuuya had never said his first name, Dazai had never let anyone call him by his first name, other than of course his parents -but almost every time they had uttered his name he had been shaken with fear.

This was far from it however, his whole body felt light, like he was floating higher than the clouds, he had never felt so elated in his life. He had never let anyone this close to him in years, but if he'd get this same feeling each time, he'd never want Chuuya to say anything other than his name.

The dream then faded around them, leaving yet another continued chasm of nothing but a soft red background with little sprinkles of light dusted through it again. Dazai felt Seven tug onto his sleeve he turned his head to look at her a confident smirk that reminded him all too much of Chuuya.
"You ready to go save your future husband?"
"As ready as I'll ever be." Dazai replied with the type of smile he'd have given when he was concocting some type of smart scheme.

Seven closed her eyes as if she was focusing closely, with a small sigh and a smile she snapped her fingers
"We'll be out in just a minute" she spoke as she opened her eyes
"What did that do?" Dazai asked
"I can burn anything as long as I know what it looks like, the item I know best are my gloves so I gave them to Five, so now he knows to deactivate his ability on us."

"How come you wear those gloves? Doesn't it hinder you?"
"When I was alone working for Boss, out of anger and just being in a dark place I burned things even if it wasn't necessary, whenever I still feel hopeless I feel like doing the same, they're like a way to stop myself."

Dazai nodded but didn't have a chance to say anymore, as they returned to the apartment they came from, Seven got up a little dazed and looked at her phone.

He eyes widened then turned her head towards Dazai hurriedly,
"Fuck! We have to reach Chuuya-sama in fifteen minutes, he's been using corruption for forty-five minutes already!" Dazai upon hearing this, got up forgetting quickly, forgetting that he was back in his actual body, wincing in pain as he stood.

"Where is he?!"
"At the port." Seven replied in a panic
"If we take a shortcut we can make it to the port in a little over ten minutes by car." a light bulb went off in Seven's mind
"Car! Oh- oh- We can make it in less time!
"What? How?"
"I have a motorbike! We'll cut the time down to at least six or seven minutes!" She exclaimed, grabbing Dazai by his sleeve, tugging him down to the elevator.

Once they made it down, Seven got on immediately, swinging her leg over the top
"You're not afraid are you?" She asked noticing how the brunet was hesitating
"I rode one once but I can't say I had a great experience afterwards."
There was a pause as Dazai got on
"I felt like I was going to throw up." He muttered, wrapping his arms around Seven's torso to keep himself in place
"Well it's either risk throwing up or watching Chuuya-sama die." She replied kicking of the engine and speeding off, knowing full well what Dazai was going to say.

Dazai felt very reminiscent of the first time he had ridden a motorbike, the sun was setting that time too, funnily enough he had been on the same road as well. He decided to focus his mind on that instead of the growing anxiety that there was a chance he wasn't going to reach Chuuya in time.


"Get on that thing? Are you stupid? Well actually don't answer that. You're obviously stupid. The point is I want to die but I don't want it to be painful, idiot Chibi."
"Will you shut the fuck up and get on the damn bike, unless you want to walk back?" Chuuya snarled as he sat on his bike and stared irritatingly at the brunet.
"Fine, fine! At least then you'll get execute for killing an amazing man like me!" Dazai smiled, getting on the bike, sitting behind Chuuya, he felt odd having his body pressed up so closely to Chuuya's, the last time the two of them had touched was six months ago when they met and were forced to hold hands; both them promised silently to never bring that up, especially Dazai considering Chuuya's hands were bigger than his.

Dazai couldn't help but wiggle around, trying his best to get comfortable on an immensely uncomfortable seat.
"Will you stop squirming? I don't want to be this close to you either." Chuuya snapped causing Dazai to tut
"It's not that, ugly, your seats making my ass uncomfy" Dazai pouted as he knocked his head onto Chuuya's back
"Like I care about the well being of your damn ass, suck it up." Dazai rolled his eyes
"I'll have you know my ass needs to be in tip top sha-"
"Shut the hell up."

Chuuya glared at him then started the engine and they took off, he was obviously going to take into account that Dazai was there, so he going to go just a tad bit slower than normal -but not by much. The streets were relatively empty as they drove, unlike what Dazai was expecting the world around them didn't speed past them, instead it almost felt like it went in slow motion, allowing Dazai to take in the full experience.

Chuuya saw Dazai's amazed expression in the reflection of a passing car and decided he was going slow down more.
"Hey Dazai" he called out, his eyes widening when he felt Dazai squeeze closer to him.
"Yeah?" The younger replied
"Let go with one of your hands." Chuuya instructed causing Dazai to blink at him stupidly,
"What? I'm going to die."
"No you're not, you trust me right?
"It debatable sometimes." Dazai muttered to himself,
"But yes I guess so." He finished with a shrug
"Then let go." Dazai thought to himself for a moment and sighed but ultimately let his hand slip from Chuuya's waist and into the air, surprisingly his balance was still kept, a foreign feeling one might describe as pure euphoria exploded through him as he felt the wind push through his fingers, Chuuya turned his head slightly in his direction and gave him the first of an abundance of fond smiles, something Dazai hadn't seen in years.

Dazai began to genuinely laugh, not even bothering to try and grip onto the bandages that were flying off of his arms. He felt elated and his happiness only continued to grow when they stopped at a stop light and felt Chuuya place his hand on-top of  the one Dazai was using to grip onto his waist. He turned towards him eyes widening as he saw the younger, with red cold cheeks as if a thick blush covered them, his eyes were slightly watery from the wind, his hair completely disheveled. Chuuya was even more surprised to see many of his usually properly wrapped bandages undone.
"Chuuya you're staring, I know I'm attractive but you're being obvious, I told you're gay." Chuuya rolled his eyes as he snapped out of whatever trance he was in,
"And I told you, you could trust me." Chuuya spoke finally then started his engine again. Dazai pressed his head onto Chuuya's back grinning broadly, whilst holding his hand out in the wind again, it was the first time he had felt like this in years and yet again -just like when he had met Chuuya, all the firm ideas of wanting to die, the ones that he had so surely engrained in his brain seemed less appealing than before.

Dazai had caught a glance of Chuuya's face in the reflection of a passing building, usually when he rode his motorcycle he was smirking or angry, but now a soft expression lay bare on his face for Dazai to see, he looked genuinely happy to be experiencing this, he looked happy to be here with Dazai.

Once they made it back to Port Mafia, Dazai acted as if he felt sick, feeling slightly self conscious that Chuuya had seen him express so much emotion, especially an emotion he hadn't felt properly in years -many years- genuine happiness.

Chuuya knew he was fibbing but he decided not to say anything about it, still feeling elated. They never talked about it but it would be a lie to say it hasn't crossed their minds everyday for the next month.


Dazia wondered if that was when Chuuya began to care about him, they still argued and threatened to behead one another but Chuuya did seem to be looking out for him more than he had been. Dazai had also noticed how  much more careful Chuuya had become when suicide was involved in the conversation.

Dazai wondered if that was around the time Chuuya first had the dream of him dying? It would have been different seeing as he was in the Mafia, but it was still a possibility.

In around six or so minutes, they made it to the Port, Seven swerved her bike around the sound of the tires screeching in the air. They got off taking in their surroundings while searching for Chuuya, the place was just as expected, broken buildings, rubble, smashed cars, injured people who attempted to fight him off. Dazai heard Seven gasp behind him prompting him to to turn spin around to see what was wrong,
"Five!" Seven called out, running towards the him, he lay with his back to a building, a dangerous area for someone to be in when Chuuya was using corruption.

His arm has a huge gash going through it, almost reaching his bone,
"Five- five! A-are got okay? Shit." Seven muttered to herself in a panic, her hands trembled in a blind panic, her fingers also shook, moving slowly to snap her fingers together in order to comfort herself, but Five took ahold of her wrist
"Don't- burning something won't heal my arm." He scolded weakly, Seven looked at him worriedly
"I- I can't, I- have too- your arm-"
Five shook his head shushing her with his finger, Dazai stared at them, he wanted to help but he didn't know how, they didn't have bandages-

Dazai looked down at his hands then back at the injured male and so with a sigh he began unwrapping his bandages from around his arm, he felt naked and empty but he had no choice.
"Here, use these." He spoke as he crouched down, taking Five's arm and gently wrapping his bandages around it. Seven noticed Dazai's naked scared hand and understood where they had come from, following his lead she pulled up her sleeves and unwrapped both her arms from bandages. She really wasn't exaggerating when she said you could feel the pain she was in, every scar spelled out unbearable sorrow, Dazai understood all too well.

Now that Five's arm was throughly bandaged he looked at Dazai, and shakily took out a bottle of water from his pocket
"Drink it. It's the criteria so your ability will work again." He rasped out, Dazai stared at it and then took it happily drinking it all in one go.

"Chuuya-San is on the roof of the cargo building, nearest to the ocean." Seven had a bad feeling about it and as a result she picked Five up and picked him up on her back.
"We need to go with him."
"We'll only hinder him Seven."
"If we don't something bad will happen I know it." There was silence and Five sighed, Seven was rarely wrong about these things.
"Alright let's go, we only have four minutes."

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