The One Unworthy of Legends...

By ShadowWalker83995

710 26 85

Currently rewriting. This story is not abandoned. Skarlet is a timid scaredy-cat running from her past, Cody... More

~ Prologue ~
~ Chapter 1 ~ Midnight Meeting
~ Chapter 2 ~ The Hero
~ Chapter 3 ~ A Mysterious Stranger
~ Chapter 4 ~ The Hero Arrives
~ Chapter 5 ~ Pursuit of Strength
~ Chapter 6 ~ Roadside Murder
~ Chapter 7 ~ Lion's Den
~ Chapter 8 ~ Facing The Wolf
~ Chapter 9 ~ The Guild Master
~ Chapter 11 ~ It's a Date!
Bonus Chapter Amelia ~ Demon and The Nun
~ Chapter 12 ~ Alley Cat
~ Chapter 13 ~ Unfortunate Assassin
~ Chapter 14 ~ A Dance With Death
~ Chapter 15 ~ A Kidnapping in the Night
~ Chapter 16 ~ The Ritual
~ Chapter 17 ~ The Spider Den
Bonus Chapter Andy ~ The Beginning
~ Chapter 17 ~
~ Chapter 18 ~
~ Chapter 19 ~
~ Chapter 20 ~
~ Chapter 21 ~
~ Chapter 22 ~
~ Chapter 23 ~
~ Chapter 24 ~
~ Chapter 25 ~
~ Chapter 26 ~
~ Chapter 27 ~
~ Chapter 28 ~
~ Chapter 29 ~
~ Chapter 30 ~
~ Chapter 31 ~
Bonus Chapter Illia ~ A Thief's End
~ Chapter 32 ~
~ Chapter 33 ~
~ Chapter 34 ~
~ Chapter 35 ~
~ Chapter 36 ~
~ Chapter 37 ~
Bonus Chapter Sariel ~ The Lost Bishop
~ Chapter 38 ~
~ Chapter 39 ~
~ Chapter 40 ~
Bonus Chapter Amelia ~ Price of Duality
~ Chapter 41 ~
~ Chapter 42 ~
~ Chapter 43 ~
~ Chapter 44 ~
~ Chapter 45 ~
~ Chapter 46 ~
~ Chapter 47 ~
~ Chapter 48 ~
~ Chapter 49 ~
~ Chapter 50 ~

~ Chapter 10 ~ Rude Awakening

14 1 1
By ShadowWalker83995

Skarlet surfaced from a deep sleep, a groan threatened to leave her lips as the pain in her sore muscles washed over her. She felt for a moment that she was tossed into the sand at the edge of a shore, hot and angry water beating against her. She was about to lift her torso to start waking herself up when she realized she wasn't alone. The pain and groggy sleep filled delirium had dulled her senses but as time passed they began to work again. She listened to the rummaging sound. She went to move her hands and realized that she'd been sleeping so hard, hard enough that they'd managed to tie her hands behind her back. Damn, I didn't wake up even while they. . . Shit did they touch me. Her focus moved to her body, but soon found that her clothes were in a natural state and nothing felt of with her body.

She sighed as her nails slid out and began working on the ropes.

"Hey, you found her stash yet? Damn thing hides her money like an animal." A gruff voice spoke up, there was also the sound of rustling.

"This sword looks nice, for a runt." Another voice spoke up, "If we trash the place and take her money she won't be able to pay, then we can threaten the inn keeper. Boss will be thrilled to put the beast out in the street where she belongs."

Skarlet frowned as she looked over at the two men rummaging through her stuff, she then glanced over at the door and it's broken lock. A quiet snap sound announced her freedom as she quietly got to her feet and spread her fingers, sharp claws glinted like the anger in her eyes. She looked at the two men who invaded her space, a big burly man with a tattoo on his bicep of a dragon wrapped around a sword. the other man was thin and wirey, he looked like a back alley thief while his burly companion looked more like a club bouncer. She lunged at the smaller man, a smile lit her lips.

"Argh!" the man grunted as he was attacked, "Shit she's awake, I thought you tied her up?"

"Course I did, she was so out that it wasn't hard." They both had black hair and brown eyes, probably related.

Skarlet ripped her claws down the first man's back and leaped away as the small man drew a knife. "Come on runt, we can take a bitch like you." The man exclaimed as he leaped forward and slashed at her, Skarlet barely dodged right into a punch from the second man. They looked down on her, a deep confidence in their smirks. They were the type of people who only picked on the week, they did research on their target before striking. This normally would have been bad, but for once her opponent's luck was worse than hers. No one could have guessed that get power had risen so quickly.

She slammed into her desk, wincing with pain as she spat out the blood. They both came at her at once, she dodged by leaping up onto the desk and out of the way of a punch before leaping over them in order to dodge the blade stabbed at her. Shit, the room's too small and I don't have a weapon. The slim man lunged at her, with a swing from his knife. Skarlet leaned back and deflected the blade with her claws before lashing out once more. He deflected and Skarlet was forced to dodge. She rolled backwards, her hand touched a piece of clothing and tossed it.

The big man was hit in the face by a bloody shirt, he stumbled just as Skarlet leaped up and slid under his swing. She brought her leg around the back of the slim man's shin. She hooked his leg from under him, surprise lit his face as she stabbed her claws into his chest. She planned to claw him to pieces when she suddenly threw him back. She yanked herself backwards at the same time but wasn't fast enough. A fist blasted past her face, pain exploded like she was standing to close to a bomb that just went off. Blood poured down her face as she slammed into the wall. Her nose was broken, she stumbled for a moment, the slim man leaped at her and pain came out once more as she was stabbed.

Skarlet grabbed his arm and ripped her claws through it, he let out a shrill sound and yanked his arm back. He managed to keep hold of his knife. But she wasn't done, she leaped at him like a cornered beast with her claws slashing at him.

She grazed his arm just enough for him to drop the knife. Skarlet then snatched the knife from the air and stabbed him, Bang, Skarlet's vision went white as she was sent smashing through the door. But a smile lit her lips, as she knew where she'd stabbed. He's dead, there's no healer here, one minute that's all he has before the hole in his heart becomes fatal.

"Cale! Shit you stabbed Cale. I'ma kill you cat!" The burly man kicked the remains of the door, splintering it to pieces that rained down on her. Skarlet willed herself to move, Ah, my damn leg. She winced in pain as the man drew a sword from his waist and raised it above his head.

Shit, shit, shit, Skarlet's hand weakly moved about as she tried to get up. Come on! Skarlet rolled herself over just as the sword came down and missed her by a hair. She dragged herself across the floor, inching closer and closer to the knife laying beside Cale.

The burly man stabbed his sword into her tail causing her to let out a short scream of pain. "Ah, fuck." Skarlet grabbed the door frame and pulled herself forward, hissing in pain as her tail ripped from the sword.

"Oh no you don't you little shit." The burly man quickened his steps and stood over her ready to stab. Skarlet yanked herself forward once more as the blade came down. She grabbed the knife and slung her hand into the sword blade. She punched the side knocking it off course and into the wood floor. She then stabbed the man in the leg.

"You little runt!" The man shouted as he struggled to pry his sword up, Skarlet backed against the wall and pulled herself up. My head is so fucking dizzy, my balance is off. She looked like a crazed cornered beast. Her bloodshot eyes, blood soaked through her white tank top and bloomers. She was barefoot, claws out and a frigid bloodlust seeping from her. She brought the blade up to attack. The man let go of his sword and punched her right in the gut. In response Skarlet grabbed his arm with her claws. She let out a growl like sound as she tore his arm too pieces, relishing in his sounds of pain.

"Aargh." The man exclaimed as he yanked his hand back, pulling her towards him where he socked her right in the face. Everything went white, she couldn't think, but instinctually she went for it. Even as she was losing consciousness and sinking, she felt her hand moving as she stabbed him over and over again. The world tilted as they both fell, the ground would greet her soon.

Fuck me Skarlet thought as she sunk into the darkness, it was heavy and thick as a dream swamped her senses till she was standing in a cave.
Where am I? She wondered as she looked around. Oh, I'm here. . . Skarlet thought as the shadows receded a small bit revealing a Dark cavern with a giant magic circle carved into the floor. There was dried blood caking the edges of those cracks. A few bodies lay on the floor though they shimmered like a mirage and she couldn't seem to focus on them. Suddenly a laugh echoed out and she turned to see a figure, blurry like the others standing at a pedestal. The only thing she could make out was his red eyes as she tried to focus she winced in pain.

"Argh, my head!" She exclaimed as she grabbed it before crouching down. Soon enough the pain subsided and she regained her feet, she then started walking, ignoring the blood and bodies around her. Where are you? Are you alive? She moved faster, running through the cavern, she bolted past the cackling shadow. The sound of water dripping and screams echoing in the distance. The roar of monsters and the deep scent of death.

"I'm sorry! Wait please wait for me!" Skarlet called out as she skidded to a stop. In front of her sat a little girl with black hair and cat ears. She was sobbing and rocking back and forth.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. . ." She just kept apologizing over and over again. Though as Skarlet approached she quieted down, then she looked up with fiery red eyes.

"It's your fault! this was all your fault, you are a bad luck charm. The curse of the red eyed black cat was never a lie, you foolish girl. How will you atone for all of this?" The little girl screamed, but as she accused a dark looming creature crept from the shadows. It reached for her, Skarlet wanted to warn her, to save her. But there is no saving the past. Shadowy claws wrapped around the girl and sunk deep as she screamed, her accusing face turned sorrowful and pleading.

Skarlet couldn't look away as the girl was dragged kicking and screaming into the darkness. The whole time she screamed "Save me, mommy, daddy, PLEASE!"

Skarlet awoke and sat up,wincing as she realized blood was dripping from her nose and mouth. She heard a voice nearby.

"Skarlet, shit what happened!?" a boy was asking, Skarlet glanced up to see the boy from the guild. You know my name I see. She thought as he helped her up. He seemed worried about her, that scared her a bit. Don't get close to me foolish hero.

She just brushed him off as he tried to check her over. She realized her stab wound had been healed, her nose was no longer broken. The blood that was still coming out soon stopped.

"You look like you got hit hard, are you sure you're ok?" He asked

"I'm fine." She replied as she pushed past him and stepped into her room, Damn it's a mess in here. Skarlet grabbed her bag of money, and fished her sword from the bag the burglars threw in the corner. She then pushed past Cody and headed down the stairs to where the receptionist stood.

"Everything alright, I heard a commotion dear." Cherrille Asked as Skarlet walked up.

"Um. . . my door?" Skarlet asked as she set some money on the table. A blush was resting just under her skin and she did everything she could to keep it from rising. "I'm sorry." Skarlet choked out, but Cherrille just nodded.

"Oh, it's fine dear, I have plenty of adventurers who stay here. I have spare doors out back. I'll have it replaced soon enough." Cherrille replied as Skarlet left.

I should visit a Blacksmith. The cool night air greeted her as she slipped into the street, I have to buy new gear, and stuff anyways. Skarlet walked down the street, her eyes up for once, there was no one out. The sky was filled with stars, and the moon was high, it was beautiful if only a little cold. Skarlet was dressed in just a bloody tank and a pair of short bloomers.

It didn't take long to make her way to the blacksmith, the shop was closed obviously, but a light was on inside. Skarlet knocked on the door and waited, the light flickered as a figure moved in front of it.

The door creaked open and a short man with a long beard peered out, "I ain't payin' for no prostitute, go fine another door ta knock on." He spoke in a gruff voice before trying to close the door, Skarlet shoved her foot into the crack and prevented him from closing it.

"W-wait, I'm not a pro- nevermind, sir, I'm looking to buy." She spoke, her timid nature leaked out as the man opened the door. Her eyes found anything to look at except his. While guys eyes looked her up and down, he realized she was covered in blood and sighed.

"Well, come on eh, its cold out." He opened the door and led her inside his shop. There was a counter directly in front of the door and the main area had walls lined with hanging weapons and sets of armor. He led her behind the counter where two doorways split the hall. He led her into an office in the door to the left then he tossed her a blanket from the back of a couch against the left wall.

"What's with the state of ya?" He asked, sitting down at the desk that looked towards the door. He was looking at her sword, examining it with his eyes.

"Bit a trouble" She said, looking down.

"that there your sword?" He asked, he looked at her, though she didn't see it. He had a look in his old eyes; worry. She nodded in reply, standing up as nervousness set in.

"That there, a dangerous weapon. . ." he mumbled, "Like a legend sword, but I'd classify it a demon sword rather." He didn't speak loudly and she didn't hear him.

She looked towards him, narrowing her eyes slightly in curiosity, he shook his head, "It were Nuthin child."

"Tis here sword, its got you in bloody jaws, and the only way to keep it from consumin' ya is to keep chuckin' food down its throat." He explained, he seemed genuinely scared of the sword, this confused Skarlet, but she just patted the handle of the sword nervously.

"Who gave that to ya child?"

"I don't know his name."

"Ahm, well don' worry bout it none." He replied after a short silence, then he got up. "Ya need some gear no? Come, I'll get ya set up."

After getting her to agree to pay him later, he got her a new full set of gear. A black sleeveless shirt, with a silver steel chest plate with an engraved cat face on one breast. He gave her a short, above the knee skirt with magic thread woven in, it had a protection enchantment so it was about as strong as the steel chest plate. He'd made her some open-toed boots with dark red wolf fur around the top, a metal carving of a cat face was on the outward facing sides of the boots. He also made her some black fingerless gloves that went up to her elbows, they also had wolf fur around the top near her elbows and had straps on the forearm with silver cat shaped buckles. A neat little collar sat around her neck, it was apparently woven with a flexible Mithril alloy and magic thread. The blacksmith had said that the collar would be able to take most people's sword strikes head-on and be fine. In other words, it's purpose was to defend against decapitation. The last thing he got her was a cloak, it had a silver chain that let her wear it around the neck. The hood was shaped with cat ears that rested around her ears and the front had two points that looked like teeth and two buttons on the hood for eyes. Other than that it was a black cloth cloak with a red wolf fur trim around the sleeves and bottom. She actually felt cool wearing it, but she pushed that thought away.

She felt like he just wanted to add a collar to the armor set, he'd said "Cats just look good in a collar." It wasn't a condescending tone he used, it was genuinely what he thought aesthetic-wise. He'd made the comment that slave collars could be cuter, or more stylish, he was in his own head. As a craftsmen, those things probably mattered to him, Style, design, functionality.

He'd also sold her a decent knife and a new sheathe for her weapons. The sheathe was the same type she had before, a shoulder to waist back sheathe that connected to a belt around her waist, she hung the knife sheathe on the belt. There was also a bonus feature to this armor due to it being woven with magic thread, it could self mend with a small input of mana. It was also a custom set he'd apparently made for her. When asked he simply mentioned that her parents were good customers. Which was actually odd, he didn't seem to recognize her initially. She wondered when her parents had commissioned this for her.

"They expected great things from ya kid, we all did ya know. Though most turned they backs like cowards. I got ya. So if ya need gear or weapons come see me. I'll give you a discount." He smiled at her, there was no fear on his eyes, no hate, or disdain. He looked at her in a way she hadn't seen in a long time. He looked at her like a proud parent, and she felt like crying. But she didn't, she thanked him curtly and turned to leave.

Skarlet, in her new armor, pulled the hood down and headed home. I'll need to visit the guild tomorrow, and accept some more Quests. Then pay the old man for his assistance. She thought as she hurried down the moonlit road. She dreaded the night, the dreams that would plague her.

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