Undefined (CoTE x Male Reader)

By Crandeline

42.9K 1.2K 345

Did this on a whim, it's also helpful as I can improve my writing skills while writing this. More

Chapter 1 - An Undefined Student.
Chapter 2 - All Kinds of People.
Chapter 4 - Countermeasures.
Chapter 5 - Abilities of the Undefined.
Chapter 6 - Afternoon For A Friend.
Chapter 6.1 (SS) - Monologue.
Chapter 6.2 - P.E Escapades.
Chapter 7 - An Incompetent Leader.
Chapter 7.1 (SS) - A Rundown.
Chapter 7.2 - Another Friend.
Chapter 8 - Fruited Labors.
Chapter 8.1 - Ichinose's Trial.
Chapter 8.2 (SS) - Overcoming.
Chapter 9 - All According To Plan.
Chapter 9.1 (SS) - A Genius.
Chapter 9.2 - Friends.
Chapter 10 - Reflection.
Chapter 10.1 (SS) - Hypocrite.
Chapter 10.2 - Midterms.
Chapter 11 - (SS) Ichinose's Improvements
Chapter 11.1 - End of Midterms
Chapter 11.2 - Head First
(Present) Student Profiles: 1st Years
Chapter 12 - Ayanokōji Kiyotaka
Chapter 12.1 - Karuizawa Kei is a good friend

Chapter 3 - Class Scouting.

2.1K 76 9
By Crandeline

3:51 PM

"and that's all for homeroom today, if any of you want to ask questions do feel free. Those who want 1 on 1 advices and questions with me is free to call me on the faculty room~" Cheekily, Hoshinomiya-sensei went out of the room happily.

"Thanks for today, Sensei!" Everyone in class bid their farewells to her, along with their seatmates and friends.

"Ah! Before I forget, does anyone want to volunteer? Kanzaki-kun, Tōdo-kun and I are about to scout the other classes, we would appreciate a few helping hand everyone!" Ichinose calls out to the whole class.

Almost everyone put their hands up and volunteered, not to mention, It's obvious some of the boys wanted to score some points from her.

No matter how proper... I guess they really want to start of their high school lives with a girlfriend. Same goes for me, the only difference is that I'm not that desperate for it.

Though... I doubt me or any other normal blokes has a chance on Ichinose.

"Amikura, we appreciate your help."
I looked to my side and decided on getting some friends I know to help.

"I gotchu Tōdo-kun!'' Like bros, we gave each other thumbs up.

A wise man once said, 'Everyone is a bro no matter the gender' its a masterpiece of a quote, if I do say so myself.

"Then I'll come too..." Shiranami pulls up in front of us, I'm not sure if she'd be of any help, but I can't just reject her like that.

I looked over Ichinose, surrounded by quite a number of our classmates. 

What the hell? This isn't a field trip you idiots...

"We've got volunteers now, sorry for everyone else that wanted to come, but we've reached enough number of people." I spoke to everyone.

There's no reason for me to show irritation if they're just too excited, that's exactly why I just smiled. Another one that didn't really reach my ears.

I dragged the overwhelmed Ichinose out of the crowd.

Really, can't she just say we can't have that many people going around just to look for some clues?

All of which that wasn't invited went out with some disgruntled and dissatisfied voices.

"Sorry Tōdo-kun, seeing everyone that excited to scout just made it hard for me to outright reject them..." Ichinose apologizes, It's not clear why she apologized to me... In my opinion, a word of gratitude would've been more befitting for her.

"You're too good, they knew you couldn't reject, so that's why they tried forcing the issue." I explained.
"We both know they're not bad people, but next time, be sure to get straight to the point. Okay?" I wasn't exactly amused by their behaviour. It's not frequent I lecture someone... but I suppose if it's something about social, I know what-to, and what not-to.

"Haha... I'll be sure to keep that in mind." Ichinose's words wasn't all that convincing, with her nervously chuckling like that.

"Yeah yeah... and what are you doing in the corner, Sō?" I made a dash to the door and opened it. Seeing the surprised Sō just peeking around the corner.

There was another person just behind him.

"If I recall correctly, Sayo Andō-san, was it?" This girl had short brown hair and already a very outgoing appearance.

Ando was one of the students which couldn't introduce themselves.

I caught wind of her name through Sō and Amikura.

"Hehe, Hello Sadi-kun" Ando smiled nervously, knowing that eavesdropping isn't really a good habit.

"Ohh Do you guys want to scout too?" Ichinose recommended, looking the two over my shoulder.

"I guess we have no choice..." I feel bad but, If it were another set of classmates, I'd have sent them home.

"Yay!" Ando cheered.

"Are you guys ready yet?" Kanzaki calls out to us from the other door with Amikura and Shiranami with him.

Since we consisted of 7 people, there
would be an imbalance later.

(Legit forgot about Shiranami when I was writing this scene so I had to rewrite everything...)

"Yeah Kanzaki-kun, I'll just get my bag." Ichinose says, grabbing her bag from her chair.

"I'll fix the classroom up later once I finish scouting, so no need for you guys to worry" I stated. "There's not that much of a mess anyway."

Some seats were a little bit misplaced, nevertheless, with a little arrangement and sweeping, things would look better in a wee.

Exiting the room with our bags in tow. We stopped just right in front of the elevator.

"What class do you guys want to go to?" Ichinose turned and looked at our group.

I wouldn't mind scouting with Sō, however, this is a great opportunity for each other to get to know more about one another. Hence, I should opt for a different acquaintance like Kanzaki this time.

"I wouldn't recommend you going to Class-C, as I've been there before, It's better to steer away from that class and leave C - D for me and Kanzaki." Saying that, I tapped Kanzaki by his shoulder.

Ichinose and some of my other classmates is bound to meet Ryūen, and now is not the time for it. If I get Kanzaki's words about Ryūen, it should get the whole Class cautious about him and his class.

"I have no objections to that, you 5 should all go to Class-A. I expect all five of you should get something good with that, right?" Kanzaki was all in tow.

Complimenting the five of them, at the same time pulling out his phone.

"Once we're all done let's meet up in front of the building's entrance." We all exchanged contact information to each other, Ichinose immediately created a group for the seven of us.

//I'll be a little late, but I'll finish it quickly// Marking the first text in the group chat, me and Kanzaki started walking towards Class-C.

"Take care both of you!" Ichinose waves at us as we turn on the leftmost corner.

"Take care Sadi-kun! Go get some more friends for me!" Amikura teased, while they moved away as well.

"Yeah, you guys too!" I said with the same volume as her, Kanzaki simply waved at the rest.


Whilst we were walking through the corridors that connected to Class-C, tons of other students were also going on and about.

"What was Ryūen like, Tōdo?" Kanzaki initiated. Asking that question as our walk that was filled with footsteps and gossips continued.

"Not that bad, but clearly a dangerous student if you get on his sights." I looked up above, recalling the events yesterday.

Those were the only words I could use that would clearly describe Ryūen's personality.

"Ahh... The fists-through-the-walls kind of person?" Kanzaki mentioned a weird term, I didn't even know there was a term for things like that.

"That was suspiciously specific, but yeah he's more or less like that." Replying with that, we turned to a corner and saw Class-C in our peripheral vision.

"Speak of the devil and they'll appear." I quoted. Tapping Kanzaki's shoulder once again.

"What's the problem?" He asked confused.

"What do you mean? We can't just barge in you know...?" His confusion sparked a confusion in my head too.

"I mean, we can greet nicely..." Kanzaki mutters under his breath.

I'm having serious doubts if he was being serious right now...

"Let's at least form a plan, I don't want them to look at the both of us weirdly, you get that?" I sighed, this would've been a whole lot easier if it wasn't Ryūen we were dealing with.

"I don't really know what kind of plan we need, shouldn't it go like: greetings first then they greet back, normally?" I can safely assume Kanzaki's opinion of other students is being clouded by our current class.

Mine too.

"Alright, let's do that." I was internally laughing at this. High school life wouldn't be complete if you didn't commit social suicide at least once.

I'm sorry Kanzaki, but blame yourself for suggesting such an action to me.

"Okay. Let's go." Taking deep breaths, I pushed Kanzaki's back to give him a boost when he entered the perimeters of Class C.

I took a peek just right behind the door and I saw that a lot of them weren't present. Still the majority are still seated.

"Hello everyone, sorry for barging in. We were scouting other classes to get to know." A flawless recovery from Kanzaki, introducing himself and me, simultaneously explaining what we were here for.

"....hello?" A girl with a little over shoulder length blonde hair greeted back.

She had some of her friends around her seat, it was clear she had a certain kind of influence already.

"...." I looked over some familiar faces I knew, namely Chin-guy or should I call him Ishizaki?

He blanked out in front of us, Chin didn't know what to say.

"Why hello there Sadi-kun" Hiyori, whom thankfully was just few seats from us, greeted me.

"What the-"

"I would love to talk to you Ryūen, but I'm currently preoccupied talking with Hiyori, so just wait there, okay?" I accidentally snapped on him, flashing him a creepy smile. It would've been a lot more perfect had I clicked my tongue.

Looking in front, I saw that Ryūen was on the podium again, but this time with the black american on his side.

"Look at you getting all cocky just because of yesterday, hah." Ryūen giggled, jumping down the podium he previously sat on.

Do you want to get your ass beaten?

I-so wanted to say that out loud, it's unfortunate I'm forced to be silent since Kanzaki is here.

"We're just here to get acquainted with other students, if you don't mind, that includes you too, Ryūen." Kanzaki mediated the whole room with his polite words. I'm thankful as another fight might have broken out again.

"I see. Then feel free to know these guys." Ryūen welcomed it, mostly the former part.

He went out the room, the huge guy in tow.

Once everyone inside saw his fading figure, they started to introduce themselves.

Mostly the girls looking to know Kanzaki more.

"Hey bro, was wondering if we could talk?" My ears perked up hearing the voice of a guy. Turning my head to that direction, I was genuinely surprised at how C- Ishizaki spoke.

He's been humbled down heavily by Ryūen.

"Oh? You wanted to ask something?" I greeted back.

Hiyori was just at my side watching this all unfold.

"You've been the talk inside this classroom, you know? You're really strong." Ishizaki talked enthusiastically. Most of them were confusing my reckless actions to be bravery, which, I don't know if it's a good or a bad thing.

"Not strong, but I know how to throw and fend one off-" My eyes widened as I realized my mistake.

That is, fighting Ryūen yesterday.
I'm sure she knows it by now...

"That's right Sadi-kun, I thought you weren't going to fight?" I refused to turn my back and face that sweet voice. For now I'll need some explaining...

"Well, Ryūen just wanted to see what I can do... We can't really call it a fight, just think of it like sparring." That was the best comparison I could think of, one that didn't really hold any lies.

I could clearly hear her unconscious muttering behind me, it's a good thing Ishizaki is here to prove that my words weren't a lie.

I decided to finally turn my back to face her; despite being a little scared.

"But next time do be careful, okay?" Hiyori's words were soft and gentle.

"I'll see what I can do..." My next fight with Ryūen is likely to be the last. That's what I knew.

"I'm sorry to interrupt but... Did you train in any kind of martial arts?" Ishizaki smiled, it honestly fitted him more to look like an idiot rather than a delinquent.

"I wouldn't call it training or anything, but I knew some. Studying these things does help, but in the end, the one who's got more experience is more likely to win." I explained it to them.

Experience is an important part in fights, you'd know how and when to dodge-throw, the more experience you have, the less likely it is that you break your composure. Plus the human body is designed so that if a bone were to break, once it recovers, it's even stronger than before. Just to fit the current environment.

The same way goes for muscles, once it gets worked and sore, you'll see more definition and hardening of it, the key to all of this is rest. If the human body gets the necessary time for it, the adaptability of one kicks in.

While I've only fought Ryūen once, everyone who witnessed our little scuffle knew the difference between the two of us. His violence was at it's peak, backed up by absolute confidence that was stemming from his experience.

"You two looked to be equally insane, when I watched the both of you, I was seriously inspired." Ishizaki nods his head in a satisfied manner.

"Yeah yeah." I ended it at that. "So we were scouting, do you want to go with us?" I asked Hiyori.

It doesn't look like she's made any progress on making friends, I guess I'll lend her a hand with that.

"Eh? I can?" She was confuzzled.

"You can come too if you want." I invited Ishizaki with us too.

He didn't really look to be a bad person, I should be able to trust him in supporting Hiyori in their class.

If my opinion turned out to be wrong, then I'm no more less than screwed, not as much as Ishizaki though.

"I'll get my bag then-" Ishizaki ran to his seat.

"If it's too heavy, I can carry the bag for you." I said to Hiyori.

She was grabbing her bag, which the same as yesterday, looked to be somewhat heavy.

"No, No, I'm thankful, but it's really just fine." She showed me yet another gentle smile as we went to the door.

"Kanzaki, you can go meet up with the others before me, we three will check on Class-D." I made my voice a little louder. Just so he could hear it in his crowded state.

"Okay!" He couldn't help but almost shout due to the people around him.

I suppose I would need to focus more on Class-D. If either of my hypothesis turn out to be wrong, then it's both bad... One just so happens to outweigh the other.

With that out of the way, we made our way to Class D.


"I'm out, 100%" We didn't even enter the room, yet Ishizaki was already counting his eggs.

"Why is that?" I couldn't help myself but ask.

"They seemed normal, just a little too over excited... In my opinion." Hiyori backed my question up.

"No, just... Just look inside..." He seemed to be truly frustrated for some reason.

Sure, there was clearly something setting these people off from normal. But I can't get anything good with that, and that alone.

"Uh-huh...." I sighed at this, following his remark at what was putting him off.

Few seats were empty, which wasn't unusual. The whole room was rowdy due to a boy that was showing signs of serious normieness, in addition, the girl which I saw on the very first day.

She had short beige colored hair and pretty good proportions.

The classroom was all happy with the exception of very few, mainly the- oh.

Was that the dude I accidentally pushed in the elevator...?

"Let's go." I just walked straight off after looking through the whole class.

Nothing too much, full of normies, and some sad people which didn't get to be in a group.

"Nothing was really out of place..." Hiyori mutters. While that was true in terms of normal high schools, this school was by no means normal.

It might be a misunderstanding in our part, but I expected them to at least be suspicious about this school. Just from a second ago, we saw that they were, in no way concerned about any of the shenanigans.

This might just lead to their downfall.

"What can you not stand about them exactly, Ishizaki?" I might have gotten some useful information about this class, yet I'm still puzzled by Ishizaki's behaviour.

"The girls were latching on to that one guy like parasites, while all he did was smile and internally enjoy himself. And what's worse is the girl that's attracting most of the boys... Those kind of people are disgusting for me you know what I mean?" In Ishizaki's terms that was entirely correct.

In my perspective they were much much worse, I can already count the possibility of them screwing up the school's games.

"I agree that they were a little weird.." While still polite, Hiyori agreed with us.

Surprisingly, the three of us had similar thoughts.

"Are you bothered by the ones left out due to this?" Countable, but there were few students whom was alone in their seats. Including the brown haired guy I accidentally pushed on the elevator.

"Of course, what else!" Ishizaki roared in agreement. Clenching his fist due to irritation.

"Mhm. I think making friends is a lot better than to think you have a chance with very charismatic people." Hiyori said that with a sympathetic look.

I'm glad to have these two as my friends. Though... I can't speak my mind as they might think I'm a twisted human being.

I used believe that most things has lessons to be derived from, meaning I didn't particularly believe in useless happenings. 

I'm a lot different now I suppose. Some things are useless, some things have negative effects, that's it's better to not do it at all. As a great man once quoted: "False knowledge is more dangerous than ignorance." It's better to have nothing, than something which will only do harm, while I was learning these all, it was a slow process, but my view towards other people changed.

Fair punishment as they say, if you do a heinous crime, it's only correct to have the equivalent be done to you.

For instance, a child molester getting castrated. No exceptions even women. Though the equal amount in women is far less painful.

I never felt pity for these kind of people, or perhaps the more correct term to that is I lost it all.

What I'm saying is that, people need to learn from their mistakes the hard way. Class-D isn't an exception.

"I still need to clean our classroom, what will you guys do?" I turned my head to Ishizaki and Hiyori.

We're just in front of our classroom, and I feel as if it would be rude asking them to wait for me.

"I'll buy some things from the mall so, see you guys!" Energetic as earlier, Ishizaki jogged his way to the elevator. 

"I don't mind waiting, Sadi-kun." Hiyori took a glance inside our classroom, deducing that I shouldn't take too long.

This isn't too bad, I suppose.

Ichinose and Hiyori would get along quite well, I'll introduce them to each other later.

"Thanks for that, take a seat for now there... I think I'll check something above that." I pointed towards the closest seat to us. This is a perfect opportunity for me to check the suspicion I had yesterday.

Taking a front desk nonchalantly, I laid it above the podium. It's a little dangerous, however, this should only take a second or two. I took of my shoes as I carefully climbed the podium then the desk.

"Isn't that dangerous...?" Hiyori stood up and questioned my actions.

"Oh no? Just give me a second, I think there's a hidden camera up above here-" I took hold on top of the chalkboard to prevent myself from falling. And as I expected ... My other hand got hold of something small in the farthest corner of the board.

I used some strength to pull myself up and my eyes confirmed, that there was indeed a small camera.

"Peace." I smiled like that, just for the person watching this to see.

"Careful!" I heard Hiyori's voice and a seat clacking right after I let myself go and landed few feet below.

Grabbing the desk and putting it back where it used to.

Wearing my shoes, I grabbed the broom.

"I don't know if this will be useful for you, but there are cameras watching the student's every move inside and outside the school. It's a crime to put some cameras inside a student's room, plus I confirmed that there were none in our dorm rooms." I laid out bare what I found. I doubt she needs to worry about those kind of things seeing that she doesn't really have an attitude problem, I hope it at least gives her a rest inside her mind.

"The school is creepy... This only adds to that. I've had some of my suspicions too... So thanks for confirming Sadi-kun." Her distress coming from the school was very see-through.

So much for elites, a better term for their students would be guinea pigs.

"Now's the perfect time too, we can make a lot of friends and share some of what we found, preventing them from falling to their trap." I smiled, not showing the annoyance hidden in my head.

This school is such a pain in the ass.

Come to think of it, what the hell am I doing enrolled here again?

"Friends?" Addled by that term, she thought deeply about it.

"That's right, let's go meet some of your soon-to-be friends shall we?" I cheered her up, tried to.

Putting the broom and dustpan inside the locker on the back.

"Eh? What do you mean?" Introducing strangers to her is clearly weird, at first at least.

If it's Amikura and some of my other classmates, they're sure to hit it off.

"They're downstairs, you'll see when we get there." After grabbing my bag, I pushed her puzzled self out the door.

She could only narrow her eyes and think of who I'm going to introduce to her.


"Took longer than I expected, I just confirmed something." I waved my hand towards the group just right in front of the entrance.

"It's fine, we didn't wait and..." Amikura smirked mischievously. Her eyes scanning through the girl with me.

"Since we're all here, let's introduce ourselves to her, you guys don't mind right?" Rather than a question, Ichinose phrased it more like a request.

All 6 of them agreed to it.

"I'm Hiyori Shiina, from Class-C... It's nice to meet you all" With a little hint of shyness, Hiyori introduced herself.

The others were pleased and it looked like Hiyori would fit well with them...

Now that that's out of the way, I can go all out on making countermeasures tomorrow.

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