Feelings ( Max X Reader )

By 8Murphy8

843 53 20

She arrives at the camp she'll be spending her entire summer at. Perhaps it's not as bad as she thought it wo... More

Not Unbearable
RIP Larry
Escape to Toxic Paradise
Dolph's Reign


91 9 2
By 8Murphy8

^i made it for you to use have fun! :)^

"Nikki!" We heard a voice call from the other side of the activities field. Nikki and I were currently messing with a worm we found on the ground. Well, more like I was trying to keep Nikki from eating it. We turned around to see Preston racing towards us with a packet of papers in his hand.

He finally made it to us and bent over panting before he shot up and shoved the packet in Nikki's face. "You're going to be Juliet in my new play so start practicing!"

"Aw, man! Juliet as in that stupid Fabio and Juliet thing?" Nikki looked at the papers with disgust.

"ROMEO and Juliet. And yes!" Preston answered, loud as usual.

"Fine." Nikki groaned before reaching down and picking up the worm, dropping it in her mouth. "Mmm!" She hummed.

"Nikki, no!" I groaned in disgust, face palming.

Preston shivered before looking at me then back at Nikki. "You know what? No! Such a heathen cannot be Juliet!" He stole the papers back and shoved them into my arms. "You're Juliet and you'll like it!" He ran away before I could protest.

Nikki laughed. "Have fun with that!" She skipped off.

I groaned and looked at the papers with annoyance, hearing someone come up and stop beside me.

"The fuck was that about?" Asked Max as he watched Preston run around frantically.

"Preston is making me play Juliet in his shitty play." I flipped through the pages of the packet.

"Really? He made me the wizard." Max grumbled flipping through his own packet.

"WHAT THE FUCK!?" I screeched landing on a specific page.

Max jumped. "Jesus, that's the loudest I've ever heard you talk. What is it?"

"A fucking kiss scene. There is no way in hell I'm doing that." I shivered in disgust.

"A what!?" Max grabbed my packet and skimmed the page. He looked confused and angry at the same time before he masked it with a smirk and laughed, handing me my papers back. "Have fun with that, loser." He walked away.

"What the hell?"

"but guys and gals it's true"

We were standing back stage getting ready for the play as David and Gwen were announcing that the play was about to start. I was wearing an old pink dress over my normal clothes with some kind of golden crown thing as Juliet, Max was wearing a fake beard and a blue star patterned pointy hat as the Wizard, and Neil was wearing tin foil and some kind of futuristic monocle on one eye as Robo-Romeo.

"This is absolutely humiliating." Max said, messing with his fake beard.

"What a waste of time. We could be working on that flame thrower right now." Neil complained.

"Stupid dress. Stupid crown. Stupid Preston." I grumbled, fixing the crown on my head, feeling something from it jabbing into my skull.

"You nervous about your big kiss scene?" Max made kissy faces at Neil and I teasingly, but I saw something else in his eye. I don't know what though.

"Don't remind me! I'm already freaking out." Neil said, sweating and shaking.

"You don't have talking rights with QM's shower drain hair on your face." I pulled the beard down and let it go. It snapped back in place under his chin.

"Ow." Max rubbed his chin before realizing what I said and cringing in disgust. "That's fucking gross." Neil high fived me.

"Has anyone seen my phone?" David asked everyone backstage. "I must have dropped it while doing my smile exercises." He walked away with Gwen following.

"Don't admit to that." Gwen slouched.

Max took a phone with a pink case on it out of his pocket and laughed evilly.

"Is that David's phone?" I asked looking over his shoulder with a smile.

"Yeah, I'm checking his— oh my god he has a Tinder account." Max grinned evilly.

"Seriously?" I laughed. "My dad has that!"

"Guys!" Neil whined. "You're adding to my anxiety. If you don't return the phone I'm gonna have a panic attack. And that's on you!" Neil pointed at Max.

"Oh, man he's got like seven pictures on his profile." Max snickered. "Pfft. Can you say desperate!"

"WIZARD!" Preston's voice suddenly shouted, making Neil jump. "You're about to get your queue! I will not have you ruffians ruin my big debut! Now get!" Preston began to push Max to his spot before turning back to me and pointing. "You too, Juliet! Go!"

I sighed and made my way to the little entrance that I have to crawl through to get to Juliet's coffin. I heard space kid outside the coffin as Juliet's father and the platypus playing Juliet's mother.

"I'm afraid we have no other choice. We must turn to... pause... black magic!" Space Kid acted. That was Max's queue.

I heard the smoke bomb explode and Max speak up. "Yo, did someone say black magic?" He said. I snickered, knowing Preston is freaking out right now.

"Ah, mighty wizard. Please revive my daughter who died so foolishly." Space Kid said.

"What's in it for me?" Max asked, going off script.

I couldn't hear well but I'm sure Space Kid told Max it wasn't his line.

"Yeah I'm just messin'." Max said. "Okay. One revived daughter. Coming right up. Latinusspeakitus revivedeadjulietus. Man who wrote this?"

That was my queue. I stood up from the coffin. "Hola. Julieta ha vuelto." I said, face flat. I just wanted to mess with Preston for making me do this stupid play. I heard Max struggle to keep in his laughter as the curtains closed.

I stepped down from the coffin and Max offered me a high five with a giant grin. I took the offer of course.

"Well, that's it for me." Max smiled, pleased.

Preston walked up to us and he looked furious. "Thanks for your contribution. An inanimate object stuffed with hay could've acted better!" He turned to the platypus with a smile. "Platypus, you're doing great! Stole the scene. Keep it up!"


"Alright people! Get your shit together!" Preston said before turning to me and pointing a warning finger in my direction then walking away. I chuckled at his anger.

We turned to Neil who walked up behind us. "You're up next. Break a leg, buddy." Max said with a smirk.

"You're right!" Neil said, eyes going wide in realization. "If I'm injured I can't preform! Hit me. Hit me hard! It's gotta look convincing." He screwed his eyes shut and prepared himself.

Max smacked him weakly in the face before taking a picture of him with David's phone. I watched what he did over his shoulder with a grin.

"What are you doing?" Neil asked.

"Changing David's Tinder profile, of course. Hey how do you spell conquistador?" Max asked.

"C-O-N-Q-U-I-S-T-A-D-O-R. Conquistador." I answered, counting the letters on my fingers.

"You sound like you're in a spelling-bee." Max snickered. "Nerd."


Little did we know that three stupid girls were about to take the show.

We watched from backstage as Neil was up but got kinda distracted with messing with David's phone. We matched with a woman named Bonquisha on Tinder and messed with her as well as messed with random apps on his phone, taking pictures and messing with his settings.

I took the phone and held it up on the front facing camera, putting an arm around Max's shoulders as he flipped off the camera, both of us giving evil smiles. I tapped the 'take picture' button before setting the picture as his wallpaper and handed the phone back to Max with an evil snicker.

"Perfect." Max grinned as he continued to mess with different things.

"I'll be right back." I said, turning to go where I needed to go.

"Wait. Where are you going?" Max stopped me, looking mostly bored like usual but was that disappointment in his eyes? What?

"Uh... restroom." I smiled nervously. "I'll be back don't worry."

"Psh. I'm not worried." He looked away and continued to mess with the phone, looking slightly flustered.

I rolled my eyes and continued to walk in the direction of the bathroom. I turned a corner and saw Neil on stage acting. I snickered for a second before I was cut off by a hand and the overwhelming smell of daisies.

I was dragged into one of the dressing rooms where I was pushed up against the wall of the room. I groaned and rubbed the back of my head that hit the wall rather harshly.

"Take it off." I heard an annoying voice say.

"Wha..." I look up to see the three flower scouts I met about two weeks ago during one of our attempts to escape. "What?"

"I said, take it off! I'm gonna be Juliet like I should be for my Neil!" Tabii demanded. "I'm going to steal the show with that kiss scene. It's gonna be so hot!"

I sighed in relief. "Oh thank god. You can have it. I've been trying to think of an excuse not to preform that scene." I say, taking off the crown and setting it on Tabii's head.

"Wait, really? You're not even gonna resist?" Sasha asked, raising a brow.

"Nope. You can have it. Break a leg." I say taking off the dress that was over my normal clothes and handed it to Tabii. "I gotta pee." I left the dressing room and headed to do my business.

After I was done, I made my way back to Max. "Hey how's it going with Bonquisha?" I asked.

Max only laughed evilly before looking up at me, confused. He pointed at me. "Where's your—"

"Fret not, Robo-Romeo!" Tabii's voice cut him off. She walked passed us and onto the stage.

"The Flowerscouts kidnapped me for my role. Tabii is like, in love with Neil or something and she wanted the kiss scene so I very willingly gave it up. I think I have a concussion now, though." I rubbed my head with a cringe.

Max looked oddly relieved, but it changed to excitement for the chaos that was about to ensue and then slight concern.


"I have been revived!" Tabii's voice shouted.

"I don't know who this bitch is but she is killing it! Ugh!" Preston said excitedly.

"Oh, Robo-Romeo! Soon the evil empire will be upon us and you will have to fight to save the galaxy." Tabii turned her gaze to Neil, crazed. "Let us kiss one last time before you possibly die in the battle." Tabii leaned closer and Neil leaned away, sweating bullets.

"Yes. Yes!" Preston said quietly.

Just as they were about to make contact, a woman's voice spoke up.

"Who the hell is this hoe!?"

We turned to see... Bonquisha!? She got up on stage and watched Neil with an angry gaze. Shocked, I whipped my head to Max who looked extremely excited. I got closer to him and looked at the phone. Yep it was definitely Bonquisha. I grinned, taking hold of his arm and shaking it, watching the new show with excitement as Max giggled like a maniac.

"Wha- who are you!?" Neil asked.

"Don't you 'who are you?' me, David. You call yourself a conquistador? I thought we had meaningful texts. I told you my age, sex, and location." Bonquisha said, angry and hurt. Good job, Neil.

"Uh, excuse me!? Who's this?" Asked Tabii.

"Well, David, explain yourself." Bonquisha demanded.

"I-I'm not David!" Neil said, shaking his head. He looked unhealthily pale.

"He's my Romeo! You best step off before I rip that weave off your head." Tabii warned, stepping closer to Bonquisha unafraid even though Bonquisha could tower over everyone in camp. Even David! And he's tall!

"Oh you wanna go little girl?" Bonquisha tested, taking off her hoops.

They began to fight and Neil was so stressed out that he fainted, falling from the mountain prop he was on. Preston looked like he wanted to die as Max and I laughed at the scene.

"Oh man this is going better than I could've hoped!" Max grinned.

Preston turned around to us angrily. "You two! You did this! You rats!"

"Of course we did. Your play's stupid, Preston." Max explained before David stepped in.

"Max! Y/n! What is this!?" He asked, looking angry.

"David! Heh—we found your phone!" I smiled innocently at him, taking the phone from Max's hand and handing it to him. David smiled, happy to have his phone back.

"I'm not sure how this could get any worse." Preston mumbled. Just as he said that, we heard sirens and the screeching of tires. Max and I turned around and smiled widely. It just got worse.

Two men in black suits got on stage. "Nobody move. We've pinpointed some questionable searches from a phone in this area." One said.

"Such searches include 'how to blow up a summer camp, super murder plot, and what do boobies look like.'" The other flipped through a notepad.

David looked at his phone and saw the wallpaper of Max and I. "Aw, dang it."

I looked at Max, face deadpan. "I was gone for five minutes."

Max chuckled nervously and shrugged. I only punched him in the arm and shook my head. "Ow." He rubbed his arm.

"There he is!" One of the men said.
"Get him!" The other said and they rushed after David.

"The theatre! The cruelest mistress of all. My career, like the mistakes of so many teenage girls, has been... aborted." Preston fell to his knees.

"You're going away for a long time, buddy." One of the men said as they dragged David away.

"You can't take me to prison! I've been framed! I'm just like Steven Avery!" David pleaded, struggling.

Maybe this was getting out of hand.

I looked at Max to see he was already looking at my worried face. He sighed and spoke up.

"Wait. I can fix this. Everyone stop." Everyone looked towards us as Max spoke and walked onto stage.

"Who's this wiz-kid?" One of the men asked.

"Bonquisha, I'm sorry. You were texting me all along. I took David's phone just to mess with him." Max said. I looked at him, shocked. He's not taking the fall.

I walked on stage and stopped beside Max. "We led you on. And we're sorry." Max looked at me, eyes widening and you can clearly see the gratefulness in his aquamarine eyes. I only smiled at him in response and I think his face turned a little pink. Could be my imagination though.

"Oh, nobody plays Bonquisha like that." Bonquisha stood, towering over us.

"Kick their asses!" Gwen cheered from the crowd.

"Max, Y/n, shame on you two." David scolded before looking up at Bonquisha. "My apologies, ma'am."

"What about me!?" Tabii yelled, looking between Max and I. "Where's my apology?"

"I gave you Juliet. That's your apology." I said.

"I'm gonna be honest, I'm not sure who you are." Max said.

"Well, the kids apologized." One of the men said.

"I'd say they learned a lesson." The other said.

"Affirmative." They dropped David harshly. "You in charge here?"

"Uh, kinda?" David replied, crumpled up on the ground.

"Hm. What's the deal here?" He pointed at Neil. "Why do you got nerd kid in your theatre camp?" Man one asked suspiciously.

"Are you guys running some kind of camp scam?" Man two asked.

"Oh, no sirs!" David shot up from the ground and frantically waved his hands. "Nothing morally grey going on here!"

"Fair enough. Since we have you here, have you seen this man?" Asked man one, pointing to a picture that man two held up of Cameron Campbell.

David held his arm nervously. "Oh— uh, I've been told to tell you no."

"I can't argue with that." Man two said, putting away the picture.

"Let's get out of here." Man one said as they walked back to their car and drove off.

Tabii dropped down beside Neil. "Oh, Robo-Romeo, alas doomed by the tricks of this wizard and life without my sweet Romeo is a life not worth living! Oh, happy dagger, blah blah blah, kill me." She plunged the fake dagger into her stomach and pretended to die.

"Damn right." Said Bonquisha as the curtains closed.

Preston announced that it was the end of the play and apologized for the "sheer absurdness" that everyone witnessed but got tomatoes thrown at him anyway.

We listened to the boo's, Max grinning. "Well that all worked out."

David turned to us. "You two have got some serious explaining to do." He scolded.

"We stole your phone and identity and played with women's hearts. What do you need explained?" Max explained and I nodded.

David was about to say something until Bonquisha came up behind him. "Excuse me, sugar. You owe Bonquisha a date."

"I-uh, but that wasn't—"

"Nuh-uh! Somebody's going out with Bonquisha one way or another." Bonquisha picked up David and walked away with him pleading to "just be friends."

"I think we just witnessed a kidnapping." I nodded slowly.

"He'll probably be fine." Max responded with a shrug.

We turned around to see Sasha and Eren dragging Tabii off stage. "Sorry about our friend." Sasha apologized.

"Yeah, she's the dumb one." Eren said as they knocked over props on their way out.

"Ugh." Neil stood up. "Why am I so sweaty? What did I miss?"

"An Oscar worthy performance by yours truly." Max put his arm around my shoulder and I put my arm around his, nodding with a proud smile.

"They don't give Oscars for stage performances." Neil stated.

"Yeah, that's how good it was." I smirked.

*you're cool 😎

Extra scene:

Later that night, Max was wide awake thinking about everything that happened. The one thing he couldn't get out of his head was the smile you gave him. He was confused with this feeling and it was frustrating him. He sighed and closed his eyes, seeing your smile again. He growled.


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