Contracts That Bind Us

By LunarPlayer16

2.6K 90 46

Alastor does something that upsets Angel's life and puts a target on the spider's head. Now with Alastor inju... More

Nightmares In the Twilight
Misery In the Silence
Alive and Free
Breakfast Retreat
Echoes of Reality
Impulsive Chaos
Bold Thinking
Evening Troubles
Shocking Revelations
Magical Undertaking
Shadows of Doubt
Proficient Energy
Demands of Being
The Clock Strikes

Mending and Healing

158 5 3
By LunarPlayer16

Few ever dared to step in the way of an overlord and even fewer would even dare to step in the way of an Ars Goetia. Behind the tall legged owl floated a deep blue book with golden writing and pages. The red tongue of the book hanging down, a faint baby blue wisp like magic floated around the book.

A flick of the Goetia's tail feathers sent the few sinners scurrying away, as the red tunic blew behind the being. Stolas grumbled under his breath, he didn't particularly like coming to the Colony but it wasn't like he had much of a choice in the matter. With the amount of stuff he has asked the deer overlord to do, he at least owed him this. Pulling the grimoire closer, he finally reached the radio tower, the faint music escaping the building. Before he even got the chance to knock the door swung open and he was met with a white and pink spider demon. Mismatched eyes stared up at him, a scrutinizing look on the sinner's face. The spider's top arms were crossed while the lower set laid limply at its side letting the fluffy pink sweater hide most of its white fur. Stolas has heard about this demon before if the billboards in the lust district were anything to go by. Stolas stood there for a few moments trying to get his head back under some control, this was Alastor's place correct?

"Um, hello." Stolas stated.

"So you're a Goetia. Yah know I'd thought you'd look a bit more menacing." The spider grinned, showing off its golden tooth. Stolas opened his mouth to respond before a staticy voice echoed from in the house.

"Angel, stop pestering him."

"But, Al!"

"Angel, get inside and let him in. He's an old friend." Alastor shouted. The demon grumbled before pushing the wooden door the rest of the way open allowing the goetia inside. Stolas cast the spider another small look before bowing his head and entering the house, and pulling off his feathery top hat.

"Didn't expect you to have company." Stolas stated as a shadow moved forward taking the hat from his hands and unclipping the tunic from his shoulders. Alastor cast the owl a look from where he was sitting on the leather couch.

"Angel, can you please go fetch the items from that list I gave you."

"I-" A shadow floated down towards him, a stack of bills in its hands.

"Angel, they will be most useful. So please be on your way." A mumble escaped the spider as he nodded, grabbing the money from a shadow.

"I'll be back in an hour, I swear it will be an hour this time... I can get this all at the emporium?" Angel asked, looking over his small list of items.

"If Rosie doesn't have them, they should be in the shops around hers." Alastor informed as the spider cast the Goetia one final look before leaving the building, shutting the door behind him.

"He seems friendly. I never thought of you as a lover, Alastor." Stolas stated as the deer's ears folded against his head a low growl escaping the other demon.

"He's a contract." Alastor informed.

"Really, with the way he cares about you." Stolas chuckled.

"Just do what I asked you here for."

"And what exactly was that, you didn't really fill me in while on the phone." Stolas stated before moving around the couch finally seeing the deer demon. "Oh, I understand." Stolas mumbled. Even though the overlord was pretty bandaged up, Stolas could still sense the others' pain. A small oink escaped the demon pig on the overlord's lap, surprising the owl for a moment. Kneeling down beside the couch, he called the grimoire to his side before flipping through the pages.

"May I ask how this happened?"

"I killed another overlord." Alastor stated.

"You overlord's and your constant fights." Stolas muttered as he continued to move through the pages, he just needed to find the one he needed.

"Like you aren't allowing imps to the surface." Alastor spat as Stolas glared at the deer for a moment.

"I don't dig into your life." Stolas snapped, getting a laugh to escape the radio demon. Alastor scratched the pig behind the ear, getting it to move into his touch, a small content noise escaping the creature.

"Says the guy that always asks if I've found someone to settle down with everytime we speak." Alastor responds before rolling up his right pant leg. Stolas rolls his eyes, finally finding the page he needs. "How is Stella taking it?"

"You know a lot of arguing."

"Arguing or just her screaming her lungs out at you." Alastor states as Stolas shifts to face the other demon.

"The second one, mainly." Stolas admits as his hands give off a faint green glow before he places them over Alastor's shin.

"Should have expected it." Alastor mumbles.

"Well... you know not every marriage works out." Stolas responds. "So tell me about that little spider that I just saw."

"Not much to tell, he was a friend from the hotel and I just won his contract from Valentino." Alastor admits as the owl gives a small nod.

"He likes you, you know." Stolas states. Alastor hums at the statement, he knows Angel does. He really does know, he heard him say that he loves him. He just doesn't know what to do with that information and now with the spider around him constantly...

"Do you want advice or do you want me to sit in silence and keep working?" Stolas asked before pulling his hands off the overlords leg. His leg no longer roared in pain with any movement, it was still sore but that was to be expected. Pushing down the sweatpants leg he looked to Stolas.

"I don't need advice." Stolas blurted out a laugh as he waved his hand in a circular motion at Alastor. The deer demon huffs before changing sides on the couch so the Goetia can reach his left side and he pulls up the side of his red t-shirt. "But I get the feeling you're going to tell me anyway." Alastor points out as Stolas smiles. A chatter comes from the shadows around him, drawing Alastor's attention.

"Well, I think that...'' Alastor tuned out the demon's words focusing fully on the chatter of the shadows. His ears twitched as the chatter became more frantic, more chaotic. A series of whispers forced him to push Stolas's hands off his side, ignoring that the injury was still giving off a lot of pain.

"Alastor, what's wrong?" Stolas asked as the deer demon got to his feet grabbing the microphone. The shadows darted around his heels, as he threw the front door open. "Alastor!" Stolas's voice sounded, and the radio demon chose to ignore the call. The shadows chattering grew louder as the static around him increased in volume. A small pull came from his leg but he pushed the pain out of his mind, his pacing picking up. Electricity popped against his arms and danced through his fingers.

"Let go of me, yah fuckin bitch!" Angel's scream carried through the air. Angel's heel slammed into the demon's jaw, getting him to release his grip on the spider's legs. "Fucking asshole!" Angel snarled his nails digging into the other demon holding him off the ground. The pink limousine sat beside them, the back door wide open.

"I would recommend releasing my contract." Alastor hissed, his voice becoming deeper, and the shadows raced forward. Their claws digging into the two demon's as they dropped Angel to the ground.


"You alright dear?" Alastor asked as a loud pop of a car door came from the otherside of the limo. The silver of a gun shone in the dim light of the pentagram above them, Alastor let out a little growl as electricity sparked between his fingers.

"Al!" Angel's voice sounded distant as he stared at the weapon.

"Hello, Alastor. I'm surprised that you are still breathing after the thrashing we gave you." Valentino snapped.

"I'm not the one dead, am I?" Valentino gave a low snarl in response.

"Not yet you aren't." Alastor's smile grew a bit wider as he shrugged before pulling his hands behind his back.

"You are going to leave, Valentino. We will finish this at a later date."

"I think we should finish this right here and now." Valentino snapped.

"If that's what y- '' Alastor raised his hand just a bit, a shot of electricity soared out striking Valentino in the hand. He didn't mean to do that. A loud yelp escaped the overlord, just as Angel scrambled to his feet, grabbing Alastor around his stomach pulling the radio demon on his shoulder. Alastor growled at Angel but didn't remark on the carry, as the spider started sprinting back towards the radio tower.

"How did ya know!" Angel screamed as Alastor looked at the demon carrying him.

"You act like I wouldn't have shadows on you, darling." Alastor admitted as Angel burst through the front door before slamming it shut behind them. Stolas peaked up at the two from where he stood flipping through his grimoire. Angel not so gently dropped Alastor on the ground as he ran his fingers through his hair.

"What the fuck Al!"

"What do you mean?" Alastor asked as he got up from the ground brushing himself off.

"What the FUCK!" Angel screamed, not helping Alastor's confusion.

"Stolas, can you give me and Angel a few minutes?" Alastor stated as the Goetia snapped the book shut.

"Very well, I will be outside." Stolas answered before heading out of the building. Once the door was shut, did Angel start his pacing mumbling in Italian under his breath.

"Explain to me what I did?"

"Why did you save me?" Angel blurted as he stared straight at Alastor.

"What do you mean? Why did I save you?"

"Why did you get my contract? Why did you do this to me Alastor? I don't understand." Angel screamed.

"Angel, please relax." Alastor whispered before getting to his feet.

"No Al, I don't understand. Why did you save me?" Angel pleaded, tears flashing in his eyes.

"Because... because..." Alastor stumbled over his words for a few moments, he wasn't certain what to say. Finally, he was able to get his words back. "I enjoy being with you, I enjoy seeing you happy. And you come home night after night drunk, high and beaten down. I couldn't take it anymore, so when you asked... I did what I thought was right." Alastor admitted before he noticed Angel was staring at him.

"You did it because you enjoy being around me?"

"Is it really that hard to believe, Cher? We spend almost every night together whether it's cooking, watching movies, pulling pranks on the others, or just talking until daylight. I enjoy all of that." Alastor confessed. Suddenly Angel was in his arms, his lips crashing into his own, startling the deer demon. Shoving Angel off of him, Alastor's ears flattened against his head, static growing louder and louder through the room.

"Shit! Al, I'm sorry! I shouldn't have done that." Angel mumbled.

"I'm just," Alastor tried to get his words out, he wasn't fond of touch but he didn't mind when Angel did touch him. A kiss however... ", not ready for that, yet." Alastor whispered. Angel rubbed at the back of his head, his face turning a bright pink.

"Yeah, I get it. I'm sorry." Angel responded, his voice a lot quieter than the static. It took a few more moments for Alastor to get the static back under control.

"Are you two done?" Stolas asked through the partly open window. Alastor grumbled had the owl been watching that whole time. Stolas's chin was resting on the palm of his hand and it was braced by his elbow on the sill, but his eyes were fully focused on the two demons in front of him. "I just happen to have a date tonight, so I need to get this healing done." Stolas stated getting a small laugh from Angel. 

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