Teen Wolf No More


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Allison Argent returns to Beacon Hills after twelve years since leaving (in Teen Wolf Season 2 Finale) to fin... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

Chapter 1

368 6 0

Beacon Hills
Allison's POV

It has been twelve years, twelve full long years since I was last in Beacon Hills and it has been on my mind since I knew that I was coming which was about two months ago.

As I drove into town, well, now a full-blown city, I couldn't help but shake to my core, being more anxious as I drove closer to the apartment I rented on Commerce Way, Steiner Apartments Room #402, my thoughts fully on the people I left behind; Lydia and Scott.

Scott, Scott McCall, the boy, who was by now a man, I did my all to not think about seeing over the last few months with little success the closer it got to my trip here even though I didn't know if he was still in town.

Being that I flew overnight, I planned to spend the Friday morning re-familiarising myself with the city's latest map, especially places that I will be visiting to reestablish Argent Arms International in Beacon Hills and then spend the afternoon checking out said places in person before going to Lydia's home in the evening to check if her mother still lived there and if Lydia was around.

With a plan in mind, I parked my rented car in the apartment building's parking lot and then went on to check-in.
Martin House
Allison's POV

The evening arrived and saw me park my car at Lydia's House, hoping that at least her mother was still around.

Halfway to the front door, the door opened and out came a man around my father's age followed by a hand which pulled him back in, drawing a chuckle out of the man and a feminine giggle from the inside before they quieted down for a few seconds before the man walked out once again and the door was closed.

Having paused, I resumed my walk to the door.

Hearing my footsteps approaching, the man raised his head and paused for a second before resuming.

"Uh, good evening." He greeted.

"Good evening." I reciprocated as we passed each other.

A second after we crossed paths a thought crossed my mind that the man kind of looked like Scott. Well, a mature version of Scott. But I was probably seeing things.

With that thought, I rang the doorbell and it didn't take long before the door was opened and Natalie appeared in just a shirt, a very large shirt.

"You know, Lydia is about to..." Natalie began to say, obviously having thought the man who just left had returned, only to pause when she saw that it was not him. "Oh, sorry. I thought you were someone else. Hi...!"

I saw a little recognition enter her eyes as she trailed off but it didn't seem like my identity clicked and since it has been over a decade since I was in town I wasn't surprised.

"Hi, Mrs Martin." I returned the greeting and then sped the process along. "I'm Allison. Allison Argent. I'm a high school friend of Lydia and I came to check if you still live here so I can ask for a way to contact her."

"Argent?" She asked as though she was trying to see if she could recall a high school friend of Lydia by that surname but my training let me notice that her guard went up the moment I said Argent although soon after full recognition followed. "Oh, Allison! Come in."

Natalie stepped aside to let me in and closed the door behind her before directing me towards the sitting room with small talk.

"Excuse me," Natalie excused herself once we were in the sitting room and went upstairs.

Left alone, I looked around the room and just like the other rooms it looked different from the last time I was here but since I wasn't interested in the deco I looked for photos to clue me in on the Martin household's photographed moments and the first photo my eyes landed on, right beside me, was of Lydia and Natalie on Lydia's high school graduation day.

The photo reminded me of a time long passed and a conversation Scott and I had in my car in the woods while we were supposed to be watching Jackson but ended up doing something else entirely different after we spoke about staying together even after college.

How silly we were to think that we could have it all when we couldn't even see past high school let alone the end of our sophomore year with everything that was going on at the time.

This thought brought me to one possibility that I didn't want to consider and I have been trying to avoid for a long time now, the possibility that Scott could be dead.

It was one of the reasons Lydia was my priority visit.

Lydia and Scott and Stiles weren't close friends when I left, something that increased the chances of Lydia being alive even though I didn't want to admit it, but she was my only source of reliable information since my family no longer had contacts inside and around Beacon Hills.

Being that Natalie mentioned Lydia when she opened the door for me I was sure that Lydia was alive and well, fortunately. I...

I heard the front door open and felt the anticipation of meeting my high school best friend who I haven't seen or spoken to in over a decade exponentially build up. I didn't know how Lydia was going to react to seeing me again but...

"Hey, Natalie!" A man's voice suddenly called out a second before the door closed behind him but it did not belong to the man I crossed paths with when I arrived.

"Granma!" A child's voice followed and all my thoughts came to a halt because as far as I knew Natalie only had one child, Lydia, so a grandchild meant that Lydia was now a mother, a mother to a baby girl.

"I'm upstairs, I'll be down in two!" Natalie answered.

"I wonder why." The man muttered aloud coming towards the sitting room. "This place reeks of sex and we're far from where the action took place, thankfully."

"What's sex, daddy?" The child asked curiously.

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