Virgil Sanders the Queen of S...

By fanfictionreadervek

76 5 2

There are actually three types of sides. Light and Dark of course. Then the Gray. Each have their leaders. Al... More


Prophecy of Lies

16 1 0
By fanfictionreadervek

Music is not mine

Diana now asleep with Thomas letting her sides converse in the real world.  The moment of silence however.

You see Diana's Gray Sides have casted themselves into the deepest parts of her Mindscape. And unlike Anxiety who didn't fully block Thomas's connection where Thomas couldn't even summon him. He couldn't see Anxiety and their connection was deep into Thomas's subconscious.

Yet her Light and Dark sides could summon her Gray Sides. You see the difference between Anxiety and Diana's gray sides is one fact. The fact that Anxiety didn't cut off his connection to Thomas to protect him. The fact that he is literally turning his own powers against himself to protect Thomas.

That and Anxiety purposefully made sure that Thomas has nearly full access to his mind. Which means 100% of his Brain, and by doing so ensuring any side coming after him or joining would not take even a pint of that power.

Anyway Dolores and Dawn concentrating their powers together to summon the Queen. The monarch of the Gray sides to their aid.

"WHAT DO YOU WANT", The Gray Monarch practically screams dead glaring at them. However this side was terrifyingly tall. Practically towering over the others in height. It was damn miracle that she didn't wake up the two humans.

Daphne, Marian(Depression), and Ares(Hatred) quickly step behind Dolores who stares at the monarch impassively. Completely unfazed from her fury. Afterall they promised to never summon her again unless under a life or death situation. To the monarch or Hera, this was not a life or death situation.

Hera true to her side was wearing completely gray, sliver and gold finery. She is elegantly dressed in a fine Kimono and a long haroi. A long veil flowing down to said haroi.

Hera is the side of Humanity itself. Quite surprising yes? Well considering how freaking rare these sides are, that and the fact Diana is insanely powerful.

"Thomas's first side is being tortured by a void of voices. Anxiety. Anxiety has been protecting by turning his own abilities against himself.", Athena declares feeling courage burn in her chest as Hera turns to the small child cuddled by his mother's arms.

For one glance her eyes glow a blinding white before she steps. Her eyes now their shining gray.

"What is it?", Dolores demands as Hera shakes her with determination and conviction.

"You do not understand. Anxiety is a dual side. A side of Anxiety yet a side of Humanity. This why I sealed myself in Diana's subconious. It appears I have failed.. I will answer no more questions to protect Diana only. Goodbye.", Hera answers before disappearing into thin crisp air.

Leaving the sides in questions completely unanswered. Diana's son or Thomas left to face the consequences of Hera's actions and secrets.

"What a horrible woman", Dawn sighs before heading back to the mindscape to tear apart the library for answers. Athena quickly joining her. The two other light sides staring at the dark sides silently.

Yet they found nothing, they only found a prophecy which didn't even make the slightest bit of sense.

                         Child of Humanity
           Cared for by the Soul of Humanity
Will be rejected by Humanity and lose Everything
          The world will burn by its creations

  Humanity will reject itself in the favor of Love
Soul of Humanity rejected for the Love he gave will
              Wither out into Something New
Monsters, Witches, Ghosts, Vampires, Werewolves, Hybrids will come to light as the world is destroyed
The Mother of Supernatural, Queen of the Supernaturals will rewrite Humanity's fate

The prophecy continued however it was completely wiped out. The moment they tried reading the words became to scribble over themselves. Turn white or some case completely illegible. Nothing would make it became legible again. There also the fact any one of Diana's sides who was able to remember past this, somehow vanished completely. They simply didn't exist anymore.

Again this all done by Hera. And when searched by Diana's sides, it was discovered that Hera was no longer a side but became a soul.

Souls are not ghosts but spectral beings with evolving powers from their original forms. Normally these powers adapt and evolve to create insanely overpowered entities that humans cannot interact with unless they believe in them, see them as they wish to be seen or the spectrals possess them.

Souls of Humanity being the most dangerous as their powers can evolve into anything and everything. That plus they are the ones with the most complex forms and almost be completely physical beings. That plus the fact that when they possess a human. They could destroy the human soul and completely take over.

However as greatly known Souls of Humanity could only be formed. There was no way to creat a spectral being of humanity's magic nor sentience. As it would embodied the meaning of humanity and would constantly evolve and adapt.

Essentially Hera can completely disappeared and nothing would bring her back. Hera was the most loyal side to Diana, they all knew the only reason why Hera would leave was to keep Diana alive. From something external. Or not in her life, or mindscape.

Thus they were left to draw on the board which was filled with nothing and literal nonsense. Of a side prophecy so ancient that it literally had been told as folklore by humans.


Anxiety sighs softly in his soft galaxy bubble that blocks him from the void. His face forever lost in tears of the black blood. The voices laughing at the visions that they gave the dream weaver.

They knew Anxiety did not love himself. They know that Anxiety has never been taught to love himself. He has only been taught to love others. To love Thomas. They were his powers. They weren't meant to sentient.

But they weren't the powers of Humanity. That is the power they crave from Anxiety. That way they could leave. That way they had the chance to be more than an echo. They didn't care what they became. They wanted to live. They were a trio of three echoes. Yet they were one and did not wish to be one.

Anxiety . . . . No. They were anxiety.

"What is your name, Anxiety?", the voices hum in their screaming. Did someone even name him? Oh wait, Thomas gave a Sanders Side their names. No one knows the voices' dual side. Thomas could never name him.

"Thomas will never name you. You won't let him. We are what makes you anxious. We are Anxiety. You are Humanity. What do you name yourself Humanity Sanders?", the voices taunt as their side curls within his bubble. His blood being a stain against his beautiful stars, planets and galaxies. In truth it is funny that anyone thinks this is a void of darkness and nothing.

In truth, the void was once a beautiful space. An endless universe of galaxies, nebulas and pocket dimensions. The void was made from the voices. The voices were made from his blood.

In this moment, Anxiety understood what the voices that tormented him desired. And at that Anxiety decides to grant their wish. But in a way that wouldn't hurt Thomas nor anyone else.


Anxiety's hands reached out of bubble. His whole body shook violently against the black ink and tar. Afterall his blood had turned poisonous. Anxiety carried on however and with a small smile grabbed onto the first voice.

Sides were born commonly only four ways.

For the first sides they were born out of their human's magic and bound to a concept of human life or humanity. Humans used to have a magic but after a dabbling of unnameable and unspeakable arts, their magic was cursed to take the forms of what they created. Sides. Human souls without a body. They could form magical bodies by taking in magic. In doing having to bond with a bodied human soul.

Anxiety's mere existence had broken this curse and its rules. Anxiety wasn't a being made out of Thomas's magic. Anxiety was born out of a universal magic and the two concepts that made him a dual side. At to his knowledge.

Anxiety had turned his own powers against himself to stop them from trying to consume Thomas's magic. Thomas is an innocent soul and a good person. He should have the right to perform magic and have his abilities. Anxiety has broken a universal curse for one person. The voices were a reflection of his powers and now the curse in its anger.

However he never cared about that. Anxiety was Thomas's side. His existence was defined as a being to teach Thomas how to be a good person, be there when others wouldn't and help Thomas live the life he wanted. Anxiety vowed to give him the best life possible. To give Thomas the chance to do anything he wants and not be defined by what has happened in the past.

The second way sides were born was by the first side and subconscious. The first side recognizing a problem or a future life development their human would face. They would pull more of the human's magic and apart of the subconscious to form new sides to face said issues. If the human was aware than the continued existence of said side was decided by them. The concept that they would be permanently bound to.

The voices were a creation of the powers he refused to inflict onto Thomas. He refused to make a child continuously anxious and scarred of of their own shadow. Even if technically he, himself, is a child. The first sides were never exactly allowed to be children. As it was either to grow up or watch their host wither away and die.

The subconscious mind was obviously the mind that Thomas wasn't aware of. Yet Anxiety gave him access to. As of right now, Thomas was in charge of keeping himself alive. Processing important information against useless info. Keeping himself breathing. Choosing which memories he would delight in.

Fighting off dragons and monsters, bacteria and intruders, and saving kingdoms(somantic cells and red blood cells). There was no way he could continue Thomas's fairytale adventures.

Anxiety's left hand clenched onto the first voice. His hand was nearly completely charred black. His veins pulse violently against the poison. He wasn't done however. As he grabs tight onto the pool of his blood and he pulls.

There was an outcry of power. The voices stare in silence, "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!".  There was nothing they could do to stop him now. The galaxy grabs onto the first voice tightly. The galaxy rips the voice from Anxiety's hand. The poison leaving the ink charred hand.

Anxiety pulls a star that would shine as bright as possible. What would fight to protect him as he slept. He held the shining star, one of his very few companions, with a sad smile. The galaxy floats the voice now blood ball to the star.

Anxiety's hands begin to glow a bright gold strands. He begins forming the children. The sides. Anxiety begins to change. His eyes cry dripping gold.

" I am granting your wish", Anxiety hums as two creativity Sander sides are born. It would take time for them to be made of the subconscious. But power from him won't take long.

By technical and literal terms, he is their mother. But there was no way to safely raise them with his powers and the curse. Speaking of which, he couldn't leave them to grow with Thomas. As that would just leave Thomas as the parental figure.

He is Humanity and Anxiety for a reason. He knew that Thomas's life was going to be harsh putting it lightly. He knows futures that he shouldn't be aware of.

The third way sides are created is by human souls. Souls that don't get enough time or mistreated badly enough. The first side summons a soul and binds them to their human's magic or a universal magic performs said deed. Or souls that regret or repent their actions to warrant a second chance.

Said human's magic and sides would bind to the new human. If the human had any magical energy left if the sides didn't take all of it. However that also implies the human's subconscious powers.

The first side would not literally be that side's parent for obvious reasons. They were just summoning a side.

Again breaking the rules, Thomas had to be ten for his soul to form a magical core. Anxiety is a magical soul. His entire being is a core. That's why if there wasn't another way, Anxiety was perfectly fine with being alone. As by creating a side now by using Thomas's "magic" would actually take time off his life.

One side normally totals 25 years of human life from average powered first side. But considering the fact that Anxiety is most likely an S class side times that by nine. Or in other words 225 years of life.

That's for one side by the way. Anxiety knows he is making four sides. Yet he has no idea the chain reaction that he is creating.

There was no way he would risk Thomas's life like that. Nor is he risking the sides' lives. He loves them too much to do so.


Patton was a fresh college graduate happily enjoying his career. Sure his childhood was not the best at all. And the fact that he learned his only friend was his own side. Or the fact that his side was the Side of Familial Love & Therapy.

Being a pediatric doctor was one of the greatest decisions that Patton decided. Seeing the endless joy of stopping pain from kiddos was reliving. Helping Emile, his side, learn how to live for himself and have his own life in the real world was the number one.

Patton wouldn't replace his brother for anything. Sure, working together as coworkers took some getting used to. Afterall, sides had yet to be explained medically and to almost all of history every mention of magic was erased. Magic also being completely outside the realms of science and couldn't fully be explained by it.

However combining the two, Patton Rhys couldn't help but imagine all the countless possible abilities. He was shocked to discover the C U R S E. But even more shocked to discover that his side couldn't find himself able to consume all his magic. Both emotionally and literally.

So a compromise was made, they were Emile Rhys and Patton Rhys. Twin brothers by adoption. The greatest mystery of them all when they discover they were biologically brothers as well. They would just spilt Patton's magic in half.

It was complicated to put lightly. Learning that sides were essentially killing their humans by consuming their magic. Making their bodies either adapt to the current medically well known human body or collapse in on itself.

Sides, again unless willed to seen by their humans, simply won't be seen at all. So learning that he had been willing Emile to be seen and able to be touched by everyone was well a lot. However learning he could fix was amazing.

What he didn't know at that time, was the fact just giving half of his magic wasn't enough. Patton had willed over half of his flesh or life away to Emile. He was cursed to die young in exchange of Emile living the rest of his life.

The universe would most definitely try to correct Patton's defiance of its laws. That's why Patton became the first wizard and scientist in over several centuries.

Patton doesn't regret it. Even he revealed his powers to protect children from a shooter. Patton bleeds out his blood. There's no time to fix the wound as the second banging blows again.

"Patton Rhys, Emile Rhys may you both live again.", a voice calls terrifying Patton who floats in a realm of nowhere. Looking for the beyond.

As the white void fills with color. Not by Emile but another. It's soft and gentle. It soothing at least that what Patton thinks as his vision blurs.

There was one thing Patton couldn't forget. As the gentle colors call, "Sorry if I ripped you from your life. You and Emile still share apart of your flesh. Side of Morality and Heart. Side of Familial Love and Therapy. I wish you luck.".


"Janus —-, may you actually live instead survive more.", A voice calls after he just died.

Janus laughs at voice while sitting in this void of nothing. It wasn't white but a tar of ink black. It wouldn't let go. It was a paste that stuck onto him.

Maybe he should have been more aware. But considering he just died. Janus was far more focused on this somewhat afterlife.

He didn't notice the pain of the void sinking into his body/soul? Until it was changing him. Until every nerve was on fire. He was screaming.

It may have for what was an eternity. He was practically paralyzed in pain yet he was moving.until he heard another voice yet in his head. And the void wasn't there. It was a world.

. . . ssssSs . I am a side?!

"What are you?!", Janus screams in his mind as the voice spoke again, "You are both sides of Thomas Sanders. Janus and Deceit.".

"Side of Perception, you cannot unbind yourself for you both cannot live without the other.", the voice booms again cutting the thought out of Janus' well . . . his side if their mind.

"Janus, Side of Truth, Reality and Absolutes.", the voice almost gestures at him as if it did have a physical body. For Janus it literally made sense as he has no idea what sides even are! All it meant was a role that was forced on him.

"Deceit, Side of Lies, Fanasty and Illusions", The voice hushes Janus explaining the pair like they were a fucking coin.

"Together you make a perception. But also you make Empathy. You are side of Empathy and Perception. Nothing Thomas degrees based off his view of you can change that.", The voice booms as Deceit hums in pure excitement at that. . . Ssss that's good we're not completely bound by whatever he says . . . ssssssSs

But who is said Thomas? More importantly what fucking novel did he even get iseaked into?! This world isn't his own.

For asss muchh a novel would be interestinggg. Ssadly you are now apart of a human. Welll we are

Deceit, explain! In where

Janus was not prepared for his eye to turn all the to the left side of his head. To a his left side that has become Deceits. Nor for that side of his, their head to hold snake like features.

"I am sorry. I can only to a certain degree dictate the powers given to. This in the time was the most merciful option.", The voice says weakly, sorrow clear in its echo. Deceit pauses in recognization of the voice, Janus stares at Deceit's eye widening in shock.

Ssss . . Anxiety?! For what it's worth, thank you. I promise to be good to Janus

That isn't this person's name right?

Sides that are not from human souls by summoning a of magic, don't get named. Unless they are named by the first side, Anxiety, or Thomas. Anxiety will never receive a name.

Whys that?!

He's protecting us and Thomas. Thomas won't ever become aware enough to ever name him. Thus his name is Anxiety Sanders.

Not anymore. He's the only one besides you that I can get answers from. What side is he?

Side of Humanity and Anxiety. He'll barely be able to talk to us. Sides normally live in the Mindscape. Yet he placing us in Thomas's mind. Subconscious. Thomas will be aware of us

Janus notes that information clearly. Realizing the person that was dropped into his lap to help him. Deceit clearly wants to live as much as he does. Plus they are a team in this, Deceit feels gratitude to Anxiety as he summoned them.

"Can I name you?", Janus asks softly with a plan. He, Deceit and Anxiety are going to become the most powerful sides. For they are not bound to the whims of a human life. Thomas is most likely a child. They'll play the game and do their jobs but they find a way to live this second chance.

"I - — Are you sure?", Anxiety whispers gently as Janus nods. His body glowing a soft gold. Quickly sensing Anxiety's injuries and exhaustion, "I'm sure.".

"Rest now, Virgil Meraki Sanders.", Janus hums with a power. Deceit notes it sensing something coil around Virgil making fade away to the realms of rest.

The white void breaks away as they step through into the modern fantasy world of Thomas's mind. Janus wonders who shall become known to Thomas first, as they won't be.


Thomas spent the next remaining weeks learning about sides from his Mom. How to recognize them, tell what they are and fun things.

Mom told him that the answers to help Anx - - VIRGIL His mind screams at him as his memory clicks together. His other parent, Ma or Virgil Sanders, Thomas calls out softly as his mind agrees to that parental name.

He wants more answers though. Mom said there is no accute knowledge to help. Maybe because it's one of his parents. Thomas couldn't help himself looking at the stars and asking for logic and knowledge.


Virgil stares at the stars as a part of the Mindscape and his magic pull to create a side. He smiles softly knowing that his plan is working. He has tricked the realm that Thomas's "magic" is his own.

Virgil watches the Side of Logic, Rationality and Knowledge form into creation. A small smile softly graces Virgil's face as he holds the side before the side vanishes. "Sleep well, Logan Sanders.", Virgil gives out an answer before gently pushing Logan to Thomas's mind.

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