The unknown gender of Nagisa...

By Caitlin_Anime

69.4K 1.8K 326

7 years have past when koro sensei died now Nagisa became a teacher in training but he won't tell his class w... More

1. Nagisa As a Sensei
2. The little game
4. The E-class Mountain
5. Training and Meeting
6. Busy Nagisa
7. The story of Nagisa Sensei
8. Meeting Takaoka
9. New house member
10. The Surprise
11. Karmagisa
12. New Student
13. Singing Battle
Desc. 1
Desc. 2
14. Stolen Steps and Song
15. A Song for Sensei
16. The Winner
17. Vacation and Games
18. Vacation and Games Part 2
19. Copycat
20. E-class Cleaning
21. E-class Cleaning Part 2
22. Machine Sensei?
23. Halloween
24. After Christmas is Raillie's revenge
25. What you wanna be
26. Spoiler Alert
27. miss Blondie
28. Till we meet again
Book 2

3. Nagisa is mad

3.9K 106 3
By Caitlin_Anime

Sorry i run late on posting today 😅

Nagisa's Pov

It's friday today other classes are having their PE outside, while my class are still in class cause according to the principal the previous principal won't let them do PE so i have a little plan

I walked inside my class and saw my students all bored, some are looking at the window watching the other class, some are chatting, i walked over my desk "students can i have your attention" i asked well not actually asked but command, all of them sit in their seats and listened to me "I was informed that 3-5 class was not allowed to do PE by the previous principal? Was that true?" i asked, they become silent for a moment when someone spoked "Y-yes miss.." Kaiyo-chan answered "Well in that case why don't we go do PE today?" i said, they were all shocked "f-for real sensei?" Kai-kun asked "Of course why not i mean i already got permission by the principal" i said and do a close eyed smile, all of them cheer "alright put on you're PE's and let's go!" i shouted "HAI!" all of them said

Time skip

Third person's Pov

Nagisa was already outside tge other teachers are confused on what 'she's' doing here, after a few minute 3-5 finally comed out all smiling "sorry if we maked you wait miss" Shinoa said "it's alright" Nagisa replied, the teachers were shocked then one teacher camed up to Nagisa angrily "excuse me, what are the 3-5 class doing here!?" she shouted "why, can't they be here?" Nagisa said pissed of "YES THEY CAN'T!" the woman shout again "and why? Do you have a reason?" Nagisa gets more pissed of but don't want to let a bloodlust out "YES I DO! THEY ARE THE 3-5 CLASS THE LOWEST AND THE DUMBEST CLASS IN THIS SCHOOL YOUR JUST A TEACHER IN TRAINING AND I'VE BEEN WORKING HERE FOR 3 YEARS!" the lady shouted again, right now the 3-5 students are scared cause they might get punished again while the others are scared because they don't want they're new nice teacher to get fired, when Nagisa heard the word 'dumbest and lowest' he got really mad and lest out a little bit of bloodlust "look her you lady just because they are in the lowest class doesn't mean they are dumb and just because you work here for 3 years doesn't mean you own this school, AND YES I'M JUST A TEACHER IN TRAINING, you can insult me but i wont let you insult my students, and i also have right to bring my students here because i got permission BY THE PRINCIPAL!!!" Nagisa shouted in rage, right now the teachers and students are shaking is fear of Nagisa, his students are all got more scared when Nagisa started shouting cause they never seen their teacher this mad before then suddenly "Yamete (stop) SENSEI!" Ruko shouted hugging Nagisa with Kitsune and Harumi to calm down Nagisa, right now Kaiyo ang Harumi started crying, Nagisa calmed down hearing the voice and the crying of his students "I-I'm sorry please don't cry Kaiyo-chan, Harumi-chan" Nagisa is freaking out trying ti calm down his students, then Nagisa turned around to face to face with the lady again "Look i don't want to see you trying to treat my students like that ever again"Nagisa said glaring at the lady "h-hai.." is the only thing that the lady said "come on class let's go somewhere else" Nagisa said "Hai sensei" his class replied

That's all for today it's night time here it's currently 8:48 pm i kinda forgot to post TvT I'm very sorry

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