Till Death Do Us Apart ✔️

By The_dreamygirltales

158K 8.7K 1.5K

Divya Sharma, A sweet silent and a calm girl fighting with her own fears from her past. Her small family with... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58

Chapter 31

1.9K 134 13
By The_dreamygirltales


I din't know what to do.. how should I even tell him?

I decided I'll do something other than just going and telling it.. but my dumb brain wasn't coming up with any idea since long!

Ok anyways, lemmi just make it simple so I quickly called him and asked to come to the terrace in the lunch break.

I know he was curious but gotta wait.. I bunked the class and along with Anu went to arrange a few things on time.

I was nervous, hell nervous..

"Chill Divi, you just have to say I love you", Anu said casually

"Exactly, I have to say I love you", I said biting my nails

"It's simple Divi, don't worry", she said

"You tell me, how did you confess it to Aarav?", I asked

"Ok fine, it's tough", she looked aside

"That's better", I glared

"Ok leave about me, come now practice your dialogues", Anu said

"Dialogue? I have one?", I asked

"Never mind Divi, I'll be your script writer for now.. ok so listen carefully and repeat the same with him..

Arjun, you are the rainbow in my life, you are like an insect to the flower, a tree to the nest, the egg shell to the chick.. it's just a few examples Arjun, but you.. you are my life.. I love you Arjun, I love you..", Anu completed

"What the hell yuck! Is that a proposal? He would probably run away if I fell this.. get lost Anu", I shouted

"Woah woah chill Divi, I was just kidding.. just tell him that you love him, rest I'm sure you will tell it out once he's here", she said

"I'll manage madam, you please dont give any further advises to me", I glared

"Ok as you say.. now what do we do?", She asked

"Just wait, it's just 30 minutes more for lunch, so let's just stay here", I said

She nodded and we soon it was time! My heart was thumping so hard that I could myself listen to it..

Why am I feeling so nervous? Cool Divi, just say 'I love you' as soon as he come ok? That's it, it's as simple as that..

"Ok then all the best Divi, I'm leaving now", Anu hugged me

"Stay Anu", I asked

"I don't wanna be a third wheel Divi, and don't worry it's gonna be fine.. I'm sure you will do it best", Anu said

"It's simple to say", I frowned

"Fine fine, now smile and go for it ok? Bye", she kissed my cheek and left the place

I'm alone now! He will be here any time! What do I do when he's here?

Why am I so confused in life? Can't I for once be clear and confident in what I do?

I hate myself for this..

Ok anyways, that's not important.. focus Divi, Arjun will be here very soon.

I suddenly heard the door sound and being extremely tensed and nervous I quickly hid behind the wall and I saw Arjun come..

I was behind him so couldn't see his expressions, but I'm sure he's confused now.

He kept looking at the small arrangement I did and for a while I felt him rooted seeing the same..

What happened to him? Is he sleeping with open eyes?

He suddenly looked away looking at his surroundings.. I'm sure he's searching for me now.

Unable to find me he again turned around..

"Divya are you there?", He called

Shit! I slowly came out from the wall and took a few baby steps towards him looking down not knowing what to say or how to say..

I was literally biting my nails looking at the floor which held no design and taking small steps than a actual baby would take.

"Divi", I heard him

I instantly looked up and found his eyes on me and I felt my body go rigid all of a sudden.

God, save me!


I moved inside and couldn't find anyone but what I saw surprised me to the core.. I was shocked!

There's rose petals arranged in heart shape and above which it was written 'Marry Me?' and my jaw hit down seeing it..

Did Divya just call me to show this? Is she asking me to marry her? She wants to marry me? Does that mean she loves me like I do?

I looked around but din't find her anywhere, where are you Divi?

I kept looking at the same words again and again and I still feel this a dream.. I just hope I don't wake-up and get disappointed.

I turned around to look for her and I found her already behind me looking scared and tensed biting her nails looking down.

She's scared to confess? It's kind off clear now of why she called me.. ofcourse if she's write 'Marry me?' there then the meaning is clear..

"Divi", I called her

She quickly raised her head looking at me with her widen eyes and seems like she's getting nervous of the same.

I chuckled internally thinking of what she's thinking over and over again..

She came forward but kept fidgeting her fingers and we just stood with no word for so long and I'm sure she kept thinking something or the other getting more nervous..

"Speak up Divi", I whispered holding her shoulders

"Ahh Arjun, I.. I mean I..", she looked elsewhere

"Look at me Divi", I said

She lifted her eyes up at me and looked deep into my eyes.

"Shutup Arjun, I'm trying to say something so stop making me more nervous", she pushed my hand

"What did I do?", I asked

"I don't wanna look into your eyes", she said

"Why is that so?", I asked

"Because.. I don't know, just don't look at me", she said

"Where should I look then?", I asked

"Turn around", she said

"What?", I asked

"Turn around Arjun", she said

I rolled my eyes and turned around but smirked seeing her reaction.. she's trying to tell it out, I know it's hard.. coz I faced the same when I had to confess but I'm enjoying this side of Divya now..

"Ok so.. I.. me..", she was saying

"You understood right? So let's just go", she said

I could sence she's annoyed.. Aww Divya! You are cute either way.. 

"No, no way Divi.. you where telling something so continue it", I controlled my smile

"You understood what I wanted to say Arjun.. you know it", she said

"Say it Divi", I whispered turning around

"I.. I Love You Arjun", she said closing her eyes

Finally she said it out, something which my ears where longing to hear and heart was longing to feel..

"Say it again", I whispered

"I Love You Arjun, I really do.. you came in my life filling the void making me much better than ever and making me feel loved every moment.. it's only you whom I need my entire life Arjun..

I din't know when it started, I was running away from you initially but today you made me confess it all to you.. I love you Arjun.. I want to fight with you, pamper you, care for you, marry you, have kids with you, grow old with you, and die with you Arjun..

I love you so much", she said and was already in tears

I pulled her in my arms squeezing her tightly and I realized even my tears where flowing down with her confession..

She loves me and I don't need anything in life..

"Shh Divi", I rubbed her back

"I love you Arjun", she whispered in my arms

"I love you too Divi.. I love you so much", I hugged her tight

She looked up at me and slowly wiped my tears with her small fingers. I backed off wiping her tears away and kissed her forehead cupping her face and she closed her eyes feeling it..

She tipped toed and cupped my face reaching my level.. what's she doing?

She smiled softly and placed soft kisses on my both the cheeks while my eyes involuntary closed due to her touch..

Damn! She's affecting me so much!


I was nervousness, ofcourse I'll be.. the way he looks at me only sends me shivers down and if I have to confess it's beyond my nature..

But I had to do this and I did it.. I confessed! I told it all and felt light doing it.

I couldn't control my tears saying all those coz unknowingly he meant the world to me.. I never actually realised but he's the only one I would ever need in any situation of my life.

I Love You Arjun.. so much that you can ever think..

I smiled looking at him and kissed his cheeks but what he did next surprised me..

"Not a kissie darling, I need a proper kiss", he whispered in my ear

"Shutup Arjun, we are in the college", I glared

"Then let's go somewhere Divi", he pouted

"No, I have a class next hour and I can't ignore coz I came today specially for the same coz I don't understand shit and I really have to pass in that Arjun", I said

"Ok chill chill, ok fine attend the class but we are going out today.. and please don't tell no, I know exams are nearing and we both have tons of stuff to do.. but just one day Divi please", he pleased

"Don't say please Arjun, ofcourse I'll come.. I wanna spend time with you as much you want to", I smiled

"You really love me Divi?", He caressed my cheek

"You made me fall for you Arjun, I really love you and I'm sure about it..", I assured

"Thank you Divi, you don't know what this means to me.. I have been waiting for this since so long and I still feel it as a dream", he hugged me

"I know Arjun, I'm sorry for making you wait.. I wanted to be sure before I take a step", I said

"I know, I love you", we joined our foreheads

"I love you too", I kissed his nose

"Ok now don't make me loose it all..", he rolled his eyes

"Fine, we actually have to clear this all.. I wasn't supposed to do this here but I din't know what to do either", I said

"Trust me I'm the happiest in the whole world now.. and don't worry let's clear together", he said

We took all the flower petals to a side and with which I wrote 'Marry me?' and cleared it all around..

"Done?", He asked

"Yeah, now what?", I asked

"I'm hungry", he said

"Come let's eat now.. I have class in just ten minutes", I said looking at my watch

"I din't mean food Divi", he smirked

"I'm silent and quite, but I understand few double meaning stuff so no.. don't even try", I glared

"Don't scare me Divi.. now come, let's get food in your stomach", he smirked

I smiled sheepishly and went along with him joining Aarav and Anu and had to bear all the teasing they did all the time..

Having less time, I ate my lunch quickly and rushed to the class.. thankfully I understood something now and I hope to pass this subject atleast..

As discussed me and Anu came back near our usual spot, the back gate and found Arjun and Aarav already there..

"Hey", I smiled

"Hey darling", he pulled me by my wrist such that I collided with his front

"Arjun", I whispered looking at him

"We are here bro", I heard Aarav

"So? Isn't she my girl now?", Arjun asked

"Shutup Arjun, leave", I said pushing him little

"Where are we going?", Anu asked

"We both are leaving home Anu.. let them have some quality time", Aarav winked at Arjun

"Ok sure why not, shall we leave?", Anu asked

Anu hugged me once and both left while I looked at Arjun who's already looking at me..

"Where are we going?", I asked

"Come", he held my hand


Hey guys

So finally confessed and not single's anymore 😉 Hope you liked the part and enjoying the current track as well..

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