Ìñ †ïmê || 𝕊𝕒𝕟𝕖𝕞𝕚 𝕩 𝕂...

By Uko_Ryoiri

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What will happen if Kanae didn't died when fighting with Doma? Will the story going the same? Will less peopl... More

𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝚋𝚎𝚐𝚒𝚗𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚐
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Chapter 33
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𝙰𝚞𝚝𝚑𝚘𝚛'𝚜 𝚊𝚏𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚠𝚊𝚛𝚍

𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟸𝟺

1.5K 51 5
By Uko_Ryoiri

"So you are saying that you have a fight with your sister and then she left you outside of the mansion?"

Sanemi said in a bit of confusion.

"And so you come to see me because you don't know where to go?"

Kanae just nodded as a replied.

They were at a back yard of Sanemi's mansion. Kanae was sitting on the porch chewing ohagi happily, while Sanemi was leaning the door frame beside Kanae.

"Kanae, you come to see me because you don't know where to go, or you just want to come eat ohagi?"

Coldly said Sanemi. Suddenly, ohagi was shoved into his mouth by none other than Kanae.

"You don't need to say much Sanemi-San, it doesn't like this is a first time."

That's true, it wasn't a first time that Kanae come to see Sanemi at his mansion, and stole his favorite dessert to eat.

"The ohagi that you bought is always delicious, you should buy more, you know."

Kanae said happily chewing ohagi that Sanemi bought for her, or to be truth she just assumed that Sanemi bought for her.

"So you will have more ohagi to eat?"

As expected for Sanemi, Kanae nodded her head as a replied for 'yes'. Looking at a ohagi that only have 2 left, Sanemi grabbed both last 2 piece and put it in his mouth.

Shocked by Sanemi's action, Kanae exclaimed.

"Ah! Sanemi-San why you eat the both two pieces that were left!"

"Well, it's mine since the beginning! And you eat more than me!"

Sanemi shouted back at Kanae, following with her puffed. After a few second, It seems like something was come to her mind, Kanae asked bluntly out of nowhere.

"I heard that Genya-Kun is learning breathing techniques with Gyomei-San, is that true?"

Sanemi sighed as Kanae's question before telling her that it was true.

"I thought you would teach him, but seems like you didn't."

"Who want to teach that kid to learn the breathing techniques, in the opposite I would be more grateful if he just stop being a demon slayer."

Kanae can sees a hatred in Sanemi's eyes, but not hatred toward Genya, it's a hatred to himself that he can't prevent his only left brother from this dangerous work.

"You say like you hate him, and want him to go away from your sight. But in fact, you still love and care for him don't you? You just don't want him to be in dangerous."

Inhaling her breath before continued.

"That's the fact that you can't hide from me Sanemi-San. You and me are the same, try every way to protect their only younger siblings."

End of her word, she feels a small form of water at her eyes. As Sanemi gazed at Kanae, he was shocked at the look at Kanae that almost like to cry.

"K—Kanae! Are you ok?"

He don't know what to do as he saw Kanae started to cry, he just crouched down to hug Kanae.

"Hope you don't mind."

Mumbled to himself as he pat Kanae's back, wishing she would stop crying.

"I...I just want Shinobu to have a happy life, but she keep insisting to stay and doing dangerous thing."

Sanemi just stay silent, didn't know what to say and thinking it may be a best choice to let Kanae say all the things that she keeps to herself.

"A...and Kanao...I didn't wish for her to fight. All I want is to have everyone live in this world happily and didn't have to go through the pain."

Crying out more than before.



Sanemi looked confused at Kanae that suddenly call out his him.

"I didn't cry ok. The things that you see today is just an illusion."

Kanae said seriously, looking into Sanemi's eyes.

"No I will not pretend to not see. cause you are."

"Nah you didn't see it."

She said trying to make Sanemi thinks it just a delusion, even though she knew that she can't convince him to think like that.

"I think I have to go now, see you again soon."

After her sentence, she immediately ran out of Sanemi's mansion, not forget to waved her hand as 'goodbye' to Sanemi.

"Oh and Rengoku-San, Tanjiro-kun and his friend going to come back from their mission soon!"

Shouted Kanae loudly enough for Sanemi to hear.

"Maybe we can go greet them for their success of mission together."

A smiled formed on her face.

"Well we will meet again eventually. So, you can just go greet him by yourself, or bring your 2 sisters along with you."

She nodded at Sanemi's word before running back to Butterfly Mansion.

๑۞๑,¸¸,ø¤º°'°๑۩ ——— ๑۩ ,¸¸,ø¤º°'°๑۞๑

Greeting with Shinobu waiting for her sister to come back, in front of the entrance door.


Confused by Kanae that saw her sister waiting for her in-front of the door entrance.


Shinobu shouted.

"I'm sorry."

The 'sorry' word from her mouth make Kanae being more confused.

"A—Ah! What are you sorry for!?"

Running to her little sister, worrying can be seen in her face.

"Did something happened to you!? Did Yushiro or Tamayo do something bad to you!?"

Kanae asked in scurry, even though she knew that the second question that she ask is not possible to be happen. (Not Tamayo but maybe Yushiro—-)

"It....It's nothing, I just miss you. And I'm sorry for not listen to you that try to stop me."

Shinobu hug her sister tightly before looking eyes to eyes with Kanae.

"But I'm still not going to change my mind, so please don't stop me."

The determination voice of Shinobu make Kanae gave up to stop her.

"Fine fine, but if it start to be very risky to do. Please stop ok?"

Said Kanae hugging her little sister back.

"Now let's go inside!"

She said dragging Shinobu inside the mansion.

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