Never again

By swiftgirlil

31.2K 1K 277

Andy and Robert already knew each other when he came back to Seattle to be the captain of station 19, but whe... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
A/N - super important quiestion!!!
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21 - Epilogue

Chapter 16

956 37 10
By swiftgirlil

It's been four weeks, an entire month and Andy almost didn't speak to Robert all that time. Just things involving Maddie or work.

The day after what happened with Andy they talked to the boy's parents and explained everything. They apologized on his behalf and promised to talk to him. The next day he apologized to Maddie.

Now Andy and Robert lived at the same house and were almost at zero communication. Maddie noticed the face he wasn't sleeping in Andy's bedroom anymore, and that both her parents didn't smile as often and above all how they both stole short glances at each other when the other didn't look. They longed to be together but Andy still couldn't decide what to do and all Robert wanted was to respect Andy's requests and stay away, hoping she'd come back to him.

Maddie see things, and she can tell how upset her parents were. But knowing them both and how they tried to keep that away she let them think she didn't know things were wrong.

She's gonna have to leave for school in 20 minutes, she was sat in the kitchen eating her breakfast.

Andy's in the kitchen as well, drinking her morning coffee, scrolling through her phone as she does. She noticed something on her shared calendar with Robert 'appointment with Julie' she can't help it and rolled her eyes as she sees the name.

How much she hates that woman, she can't even describe it with words. She took a deep breath and closed the app.

Robert was just coming into the kitchen when he saw Andy rolling her eyes. Not knowing what was that about he decided to just remind her about the appointment when Maddie will go to get dressed.

Soon enough, Maddie is done eating and she goes to her bedroom to wear the outfit Andy had chosen for her the previous night.

He clears his throat before speaking "Julie... she has an appointment with the on today. I'm gonna join her, she's suppose to find out the gender" he says casually.

"Mhm" is all Andy answers.

"Andy please talk to me... it's been a month and it's keeling me. Please..." he's bagging. He loves this woman in front of him so much, and the fact he sees her every day and can't hold her or kiss her is hurting him.

"I would. I just don't know what to say..."

He takes a deep breath, trying to come up with anything to say while Maddie isn't there and she's open to talk even just a little "do you still love me?" Is eventually what comes out of his mouth.

"Of course I do. How could I not love you after everything? Im just... I'm so scared. Because I swore I won't let you hurt me ever again and now you're here and we have this beautiful little family... and something is about to ruin it"
The tears were welling up in her eyes.

He walks towards her, cupping her face and forcing her to look at him "Andy listen to me. I love you. More than I loved anyone in this life and this little family we have is everything to me. I won't let this baby ruin it, we'll get through it but I'd never do something to hurt you. Never again. I promise." His eyes shines from the tears in them as he finishes speaking.

"Robert it happened before..." she looses his eyes.

"What do you mean? Baby I promise I would never hurt you on purpose." The sadness in his voice is crystal clear.

"When you came back and found out about Maddie things started to fall out with Julie. You came back to me. How am I supposed to know it won't happen again the other way when the baby comes?" She pulls away from him and gets up to take a few steps back as she speaks.

"It won't. What we have is so different and better than what I had with Julie. You are my everything Andy. Please don't do this I love you." Again he goes to her and taking her face in his hands looking directly into her brown eyes "I love you Andy. You and Maddie are my world and I'd never leave you".

He leans down and try to kiss her but his lips only briefly touches her lips before she turns her head to the side escaping the kiss.

"You don't know that." She says as the tears streaming down her face, staining her now rosy cheeks.

"I need to take Maddie to school" she whispers before walking away. Leaving Robert hurt and confused.


Maddie seats at the back seat as Andy's driving her to school. It's only a short drive, less than 15 minutes.

Maddie being only four, didn't really know what's going on between her parents. She notices small things.

Like how both weren't talking as much, not smiling as much. They used to hug and kiss a lot but that wasn't happening anymore and above all Maddie sees her father sleeping in the spare room every night instead in his and Andy's bedroom.

"Mommy" the four year old says softly.

"Yes Maddie?"

"Are you mad at daddy?" Andy chuckles at the question "no baby I'm not mad at him" she replies.

"You think I don't know things because I'm little but I know things." She comments the slightest attitude.

"Oh yeah? What do you know?" Andy knows her daughter. She's not stupid and she probably see how their conversation changed and the physical attention they use to share had changed over the past two weeks.

"I know you and daddy are not happy like you were a few weeks ago so I want to know what happened. Because I don't want daddy to leave again..."

"You are the smartest four year old I know you know that?" Andy tries to change the subject.

When she gets no response from Maddie she realizes she has to give her some answers "listen Maddie. Daddy and I are not mad at each other. We still love each other and you very much. But... there is something that could really change and effect our lives and it's kinda makes mommy scared and even sad sometimes but we'll get through this okay? And whatever happens, we both love you more than anything and we're still your parents."

Maddie doesn't say anything for a moment, hearing her mother's confession. She didn't want Robert to leave her and all she wanted was that everything would be back like before.
"Mommy when I'm scared, or sad what helps me is always a hug from daddy. The kind of hug you don't want to let go of because you know he loved you"

Andy's heart melts as she hears her daughter speaking so maturely.

"Yeah... a hug from daddy helps me too." She almost whispers as parked the car "now come on let's get you out of the car"

Andy and Maddie walked hand in hand to the entrance. Just before Maddie had to go in Andy bends down to the girls level.

"Maddie I love you more than anything you know that right?"

Maddie nods and right when she was about to turn to go in she turns back around to face her mother "mommy please make up with daddy. I liked how you are boyfriend and girlfriend and we have an almost normal family. I don't want it to be over..." she looks to the floor as she speaks and Andy's heart almost break when she hears it.

She give her daughter a kiss on her forehead and watches as she goes in with her teacher.


Robert parks the car and walks into the doctor's practice, Julie chose some private doctor with a long last name she heard good things about.

He spots her right away and walks over. Through the entire drive there he thought about how to starts the conversation, he isn't really interested of her. He cares about the baby.

So he decided he should just ask if she has any sicknesses because of the pregnancy and ask what was today's appointment for exactly.

"Good morning!" She greets him with a wide smile of her face but a simple "morning.." is all he says back.

"Someone is moody today... is thought I was the one who should have pregnancy symptoms" she tries to joke but Robert doesn't care, it just annoys him.

All that she did since she told him was to ruin the relationship he had built with Andy and make him nervous all the time. She doesn't get to make jokes and he wasn't even 100% sure the baby was his.

"Is there a Julie here?" A nurse calls out stopping Robert from saying anything back and Julie quickly rises her hand and confirms she was there for the appointment.

She lays down on the bed and watches at how uncomfortable Robert seems. "So how are we feeling?" The doctor asks as she comes into the room.

"No more nausea so I guess good" Julie replies smiling.

"Okay you I guess you're the father?" She's referring to Robert now. He coughs "yeah... Erm... I read that we should fine out the gender soon?"

"Indeed. I think we would know that today. Do you want to know or...?"

"We do" Robert says before Julie can says anything else with how he knew her she'd want to wait and have a gender reveal party but he wasn't up for it.

The doctor puts some gel on Julie's belly and starts moving the machine around showing them the baby. It wasn't the first time Robert had seen an ultrasound in love before but it's the first time he sees his own baby and it feels like magic.

Then she gets to the part of what between the baby's legs and she confirms again that they wanted to find out.

"Congratulations! Your baby *boy* looks healthy!" She says excitedly.

"Oh it's a boy!!!" Julie says proudly looking down at her belly bump.

"Now we know for sure he's gonna be smarter and better than Maddie. Plus at least he has both his parents to love him and take care of him"

"Julie shut up and don't you ever talk about her again. I don't want you hear you even mention her name" rage is clear in his tone.

"I'm gonna leave you alone for a moment while I print for you some pictures." The doctor steps outside the room before anything gets worse.

"She's my son's half sister I can talk about her!"

"She's my daughter. She's perfect and Andy raised her so well that I wish for our baby you'll be half of the mom Andy is."

"Come on... don't tell me she got you wrapped around her finger like that..." she chuckles.

"I want a paternity test."

"What?" She acts surprised.

"You heard me. I'm gonna say it to the doctor when she comes back" Robert says and sat in the extra chair in the room.

He couldn't stand hearing Julie talking shit like that about the woman he loves or his daughter. If it wasn't for the baby he'd choose to never see or speak to that bitch again.

Julie doesn't respond for a minute after he says we he wants a paternity test. "Robert I'm scared for the baby, it could hurt him. I don't want to do this." She eventually says.

Neither of them say another word after that. Each scrolling through their phones, waiting for the doctor to came back.

Robert's leg is fidgeting, bouncing up and down quickly. He had this weird feeling in his gut. He was nervous, almost even mad. His relationship with Andy was in the edge and she might leave him, he knows her. She was opening up this morning telling him about her fears but he didn't know what else he can do to show her how much he lives her, how much what they have is nothing like what he had with Julie.

He can understand her, when Andy came back to his life after five years their 6 month long relationship in the past and their daughter brought them back together not he's gonna have a baby with his ex that were his girlfriend for longer than a year it was going to be hard to convince Andy he loves her and he will never hurt her again.

Ever since he found out about Julie's pregnancy and told Andy he couldn't not to think if it would be better to just not know about Julie's baby. Because his family was complete and happy before that.

But he knows himself and he knows how he felt when he found out about Maddie. And he also knows how much he loves lady and how grateful he is to be a father, he wants to be there for the baby this time. It's mostly the hard part with sleepless nights and a baby crying all the time. But also, it's all the firsts he wasn't there to see Maddie does. First word, first step, the first time she smiled. He probably would give anything to be there for Maddie and Andy from the start.

Then the doctor wanks back into the room, cutting Robert's thoughts. She had a few pics in her hand and she handed the first to Robert and the others to Julie.

'18 weeks׳. That's what was written on the picture. And it's kinda weird because she's supposed to be starting her 17th week according to what she had told him.

He thinks back to that missing week. When it hits The anger starts to built up in him. He can't believe this.

Now he knows why it felt so weird and what felt so wrong about it from the start.


Hey bestiesssss
How are you all doin? Last night's episode kinda gave me hope and my day was great so far so I'm good!

Thank you sooooooo much for 8k reads!! That's so amazing and I could never imagine that.

I hope you enjoyed the chapter! Don't forget to vote and comment!

(I was to lazy to proofread so sorry for any mistakes)

This story is coming closer to an end. Just four more chapters!


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