Wine soaked bRAIN

By newpoet

402 51 110

Poetry inspired and written with the influence of red wine. More

Wine soaked bRAIN
Wine Memories
Wine Sermon for Poets
A Wee Wine Poem Of Saturday just to Sing.

words of the red juice.

51 8 12
By newpoet

Red red wine what is it about you?

I wish to sing and dance, be merry and hoppit 

around the dinning room, with many a word

falling free on my laptop, never wish it

to really stop, but I know that I must

limit myself to just a few, wee glasses.

not consume the whole bottle, no

that would be selfish

the glasses just measure 

and make is more civilized.

But I just also need enough brain left to type?

Sing sweet red wine brain songs

filled with wine soaked words

sing with you once again

just enough this night

by the moonlight

and I will write about the special 

magic you can wheld.

1. The idealist in me is very free

with a little assistance of wine soaked brain cells.

2. All me silly worries seem to fade and go away

with just a few little glasses of that special blend.

3. My jaw becomes slack, an when it is time to sleep

I don't grind my poor old teeth, my shoulders lower

down to a natural place instead of being near me ears.

4. Pour some more hit me with this special juice

for then my words of all the best things will be heard.

and seen in the every bested glorious magical traveling

through out the virtual world.

5 Dreams of traveling oceans deep

swimming around coral and kelp

tickling clown fish under their chins

and making dogfish yelp.

6 working on impossible things

in words all starting in "I's" if imaginary 

stories to tell boaring the brains of ordinary 

friends going beyond the willing reads.

Impossible challenge of six thounsand six hundred and sixty six

poems of six and all before bedtime???

forget it in one long drawn out breath,

I really must be kidding myself?

Now I must have had too much juice that day to committee myself 

to such impossible task, so now I am just fried mushie mush

and it is raining with the frogs a croaking a chorus.

So I say goodnight to the red wine,

and go to bed and close my eyes travel and dream.

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