Teenwolf/TMR one shots

By Kiertje13112006

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TW/TMR one shots so yeah that's it pls just try it. It took so long to make πŸ₯Ί pls i take requests. 1. Back... More


Thomas pack

667 12 0
By Kiertje13112006

Thomas has returned with his pack. When the MCCALL pack finds out, they want to speak to him alone, but Thomas expects it to be a trap and immediately informs his pack as soon as danger threatens.

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"Follow me," a tall man says to my pack.

We just got off a helicopter that picked us up from the save haven. We follow him into a large building.

"Where is Melissa? I need doctors. I have a large group of teenagers who have been living in the wild for the last 4 months. They speak English. Ask if you can touch them first because they are aggressive," says the tall man.

"Okay pack, listen to what the doctors say if there are any problems, tell them to go to me or Jorg," I say telepathically.

Since we've been a pack, a telepathic bond has developed between us, but it works very weird; I can talk to the whole pack and to each individual but they can't say anything back. Except Newt, and Minho. But Newt is my mate, and Minho is the 2nd alpha.

Everyone is taken to rooms. As they attempt to separate Newt and me, a soft growl comes from My chest. The doctors immediately take a step back.

"Hey Tommy, it's okay I can defend myself," he says into my ear.

"I swore I'd never let you out of my sight since that day," I say sharply. A shiver goes through my body at the mere thought.

A doctor comes to us. He looks at me a little strangely.

"Stiles....ummm and your friend come along," he says.

"What's a Stiles?" I hear Newt say in my head.

"I don't know, maybe a word for people like us?" I say back.

We follow the doctor into a room. As soon as the door closes, I immediately start questioning him.

"Who are you? Who was the one who took us away from our home? Where are we? Where's the rest of my pack? What are we doing here? What do you want from us?" I say everything in quick succession.

"Hey Tommy calm down, calm down, he hasn't hurt us so far okay... I haven't seen any weapons and he's not wearing anything. If I smell anything weird you'll be the first to hear it okay. Calm down." Newt says, putting his hands around my waist.

The doctor stares at us for a moment, then sits down.

"To your first question. I'm Liam's dad. Whoever picked you up and found you is Scott's dad. We're in Becon Hills your new home. The pack is at school, I'd let them know that you're back..."

"Wait, stop, what do you mean school? You just took them all. And what do you mean come back I've never been here." I say.

The doctor looks at me quizzically.

"Tommy...maybe...for the maze?" Say Newt softly.

I look at him.

"Stiles are you all right?" asks the doctor.

"What's a Stiles?" Newt asks again. But this time out loud

"He. It's his name" he says pointing at me.

"Okay I don't want the rest of the pack to explain all this too. I don't want them all separately anyway, that way we're an easier target. Hang on," I tell the doctor.

"Hey I don't care what you're doing right now but I want you all here." I say in my head.

"Tommy..." Newt says, tapping me gently whiff sign of disagreement.

"What have you do-..." before the doctor can finish his sentence, screams are heard throughout the hospital. I sit down and Newt does the same. The doctor jumps out of his chair and wants to run for the door.

"I wouldn't if I were you. Just sit down there's nothing wrong," I say.

He looks at me for a moment, then sits down again. Within a minute, the whole pack is behind me and Newt.

No one dares to enter the room, except a lady.

"Stile?" she says as she enters.

"Okay, great! You knew me too? You can come in, the rest can leave. If anyone dares to warn some Scott or Liam, I'll kill you. Well, leave us alone." I say, pushing the woman in and closing the door.

"You, tell me what you know about me."

<time skip>

"Okay. So you know about the supernatural. Scott and I were best friends until I disappeared. And now it's 4 months later?" I ask for a summary.

"I don't know much, but we've been gone much longer than 4 months," Gally says.

"Shut up." I say.

"But Stiles I still don't get it, what happened?" asks the woman named Melissa.

"Okay, this is what I'm going to tell you, the rest you don't need to know. Our memories have been erased. We have no memory of our old life. Experiments have been done on us, through those experiments we are now supernatural," I say fast.

"Well, Scott could use some reinforcements in his pack," she says.

I hear a few growls of protest behind me and I lift my hand to cut it off.

"That's not going to happen, Scott is not our alpha," Minho says.

"But Scott is the strongest supernatural there is, he can protect you," says the other doctor. He's Liam's father, someone from Scott's pack.

I hear a few mocking laughs.

"Better no pack than that we have to be protected by that loser. If he had to protect us, we'd be dead long ago," Brenda says.

"And by the way, we have a great alpha," Newt says. When the rest of the pack nods, I feel a warmth flow through me.

"We're done here, where's that house you were talking about?" I ask Melissa.

<time skip>

When we stand in front of the house I am impressed. It is more of a villa than a house.

I walk in and the pack follows me. I see some going upstairs and Frypan walking to the kitchen.

"Tom I want to stay here," Teresa says.

"Fine, the princess wants to stay. Well, I think it's settled." I say in a teasing tone.

She looks dirty for a while but then continues on.

"Ummm Stile- I mean Thomas," I hear a voice say behind me.

Newt and I and turn around.

"Hi? Who are you?" Newt asks kindly.

"Ummm I'm Deton I'm a specialist in the supernatural. Could I have a word with you?" he says.

I do not trust him. I can hear his heart beating normally, but he smells restless.

"I'll come with you if Newt can come too." I say. Newt gives me a doubtful look.

"Everybody listen! Newt and I will go with this man. If we call you drop everything and come after us. I don't know what's up, but we'll find out soon. If not, I'll rely on Minho. " I say.

Not even a second later I hear screams of protest.

"NO Tom", "Don't think about it", "I'm coming", "Me too"
"You don't go alone", comes from all sides.

"No discussion." I say. Everyone goes silent but it is clear to see that they do not agree.

"If there's really something wrong, you'll know we're sounding the alarm." Adds newt.

We close the door behind us and walk towards Deton.

"Why did they react so late?" He asks.

"Why, so late?" Ask Newt curiously.

"I had finished talking for at least a minute before they responded." he says back.

I chuckle a little.

"But they had more to listen to." I say.

He doesn't seem to understand, but doesn't ask anything more.

When we get to a vet, he walks in. I stop right in front of the door. I stop Newt with my arm. He looks at me surprised.

"He doesn't need to know that mountain Ash has no effect on us." I say in my head.

"Aren't you coming?" He asks too innocently.

"We'd love to, but you'd have to break the Mountain ash first," I tell him.

He seems a little more comfortable and lets us in.

"Minho, only you and Newt hear this, don't let the other notice. I expect a trap or something like that, he deliberately put Mountain ashes by the door to test if we could get through. Make sure as soon as one of us gives the signal that you're Ready to go," I say as we follow the doctor.

Minho signals that he has heard me and Newt nods lightly.

"What did you want to discuss?" I ask.

"Just some little things. For example, what are you?" he asks innocently.

"None of your business," Newt says surprisingly quickly.

"Melissa said you're more powerful than Scott... that would only be possible if you're a true alpha with a fixed degree," he says.

"Wow you're serious...well doctor I'm a real alpha. And I've got my mate." I say without emotion.

He looks surprised.

"But Stiles, ummm Thomas, you weren't even supernatural when you left here. How can you be a real alpha then. And who's your mate?"

"You know doctor I don't feel like having this conversation... I think we're going," I say.

"Watch out, here we go, react surprised," I say to Newt.

I'm about to start walking when Deton yells, "NOW!"

Some teenagers jump out, throwing Mountain ash on the ground. It forms a circle around us. I expected something like this but not the 3 werewolves Weerkaote, Kitsone and Banchy.

"Hey, it is indeed a trap. Don't panic. I want you all to come to the vet. Don't attack! Have people at the door and people at the windows. I want to know a little more first come before you do anything," I say to the whole pack.

"Okay Tom, we're ready to go, we'll be there in 5 minutes," Minho says back.

"Tommy stop doing that. You know what happens if you do it too often," Newt says sharply.


"What are you talking about?" Says a boy with black hair. I can tell he's the alpha, so this must be Scott.

"So you're Scott?" I ask.

"Yes Stiles, how do you know who I am? They said you forgot everything," he says hopefully.

"Sorry Scotty but I can't remember you. But you are the alpha and the alpha would be Scott so..."

"How do you know he's the alpha?" asks. A werewolf in a leather jacket.

"Very simple you smell it. And of course his aura. And the way you stand," I say simply.

I hear Newt chuckling.

"What's so funny blondie?" asks a girl with short brown hair.

She shouldn't have said that. Growls can be heard from all sides. Fortunately, that is drowned out by me. Now I know the pack is there. And that wasn't 5 minutes, so they probably had already followed us when we just left.

A werewolf in the back of the corner looks around. He seemed very surprised. He pushes Scott aside and comes to stand in front of me.

"Thomas, Stiles, whatever your name is, do you know this mark?" He lifts his T-shirt and a mate mark is visible.

"Yes I know that, then you must be Peter?" I say curtly.

"What is that?" asks a girl who looks like Minho.

"It's a mate mark," says Peter.

"Once you've found or chosen your mate, you'll both get an identical mark. This won't go away unless your mate dies." As I say the last sentence, I squeeze Newt's hand briefly.

"But if you're Peter, you know W.I.C.K.I.D."

"You know W.I.C.K.I.D?" he asks surprised.

"Yeah, you could say we know W.I.C.K.I.D. Let's just say W.I.C.K.I.D didn't really know what they were doing." I say. Newt chuckles again.

Peter's face turns pale.

"Don't say they executed their plan."

"Oh yes, but the people they tried it on had other plans." Now there is also a chuckle from outside. But the MCcall pack doesn't hear it again. But Peter does.

"Are you... are you.... you are HIM, aren't you?" he asks stuttering.

"The one and only," I say.

The pack looks at us strangely.

I see Peter's gaze go to Newt.

"you should be dead. How..." he begins. The rest of his sentence is drowned out by the growl coming from all sides.

Peter looks at us with terror. and falls to his knees.

The MCCALL pack stares at him. I've heard that Peter is very steadfast and has also been an alpha. So that he is now on his knees in front of me must be a very strange sight to them.

"Peter, your mate is here, I can call him if you promise to join us." Before he can answer, I feel a bond forming between us.

"Don't be scared," I tell him.

He turns pale when he hears my voice in his head.

"Jorg, I have a surprise for you, stand at the entrance"

"Peter, walk out the front door. He's waiting outside," I tell him again

Everyone looks up when Peter gets up again.

"Thank you," he says and walks away.

"Where is he going?" asks the werewolf in black again.

"To his mate, he's part of our pack now," I say.

"Your pack? Stiles what? You're in the pack with us," Scott says surprised.

"Oh, sorry Scotty but I'm afraid that won't work. I'm happy with my pack. And by the way, 2 alphas aren't doing very well." I say with a grin on my face.

"What a shank, Minho what about Jorg and Peter?"

"Okay. We had to pull them away from the entrance. Then they were together in a bush somewhere. I just sent them back I didn't want them to go into the bushes here-"

"Minho we get it, if there is something now, you pass it on to me and not to Tom anymore," Newt says.

"What why?" I respond out loud again.

"Because otherwise your nose will start bleeding again and I'll have to take care of you all the time tomorrow," he says.

"Oh come on, you like it when you have to take care of me," I say again in his head to tease him.

"Shut up" he says as he turns red.

"Auuuwwwwww is Newt grumpy <3 ?" I say.

"Yeah, I do enjoy taking care of you because you're such a baby when you're sick," he retorts.

I gasp excessively as if I was shocked.

"What are you doing?" asks Deton.

"Oh, we had a conversation," I say back.

"Whatever, we heard almost nothing," says the girl who looks like Minho again.

"Oh yes, that was the intention."

"Can you at least do a name round?" Newt asks calmly.

"Ummm okay? I'm Scott this is Malia, Kira, Derek, Lidia and Liam."

"So you're Liam," Newt says.

"Hey Tom, Newt, more people are coming in, what do you want us to do?" Minho suddenly asks.

"How much?" asks Newt


"Don't do anything yet, but see if they lock the door with Mountain ashes," Newt responds again.

"And who are the people at the door?" I ask.

"Stiles!" an elderly man yells. He half runs towards me.

He walks through the Mountain axis without any problems. So he is human. He wraps his arms around me. I freeze. I have no idea who this is. If he doesn't let go after a minute, I start to feel uncomfortable. I see that Newt is also starting to feel a little uncomfortable with my reaction. When he senses that I could start growling at any moment, he intervenes.

"Umm sir? May I ask who you are?" Newt asks subtly. As Newt expected, the man let go of me.

"Sorry. I'm Noa Stilinski, Stiles' father."

I stare at him. He is my father! I always thought my father was dead. I step back in shock.

"The Mountain ashes! It's broken they can get out!" Liam yells.

"This is enough for tonight. Let's go," I say.

"No, you're staying here," Malia says.

"I said this is enough. WE GO!" The latter words are more grunts than words.

Everyone does and step back. Except Malia, Scott and Liam. Scott turns to see Derek stepping back too.

"You..." he says, while he continues to stare at me.

"Yes, you can still go. I'll tell them you belong to Peter, but you don't want to join the pack. Not yet," I say, as if I already know his next words.

"Okay as soon as I give a signal I want you to give a warning. And loud enough so they know they're surrounded. The one walking out now is Derek, he belongs to Peter."

"Shank!" Suddenly I hear Newt yell. And I feel him tap me on the neck.

"I said I'd do that from now on," he says annoyed.

"Sorry..." I say but I can't suppress a small smile.

"Okay, Scott, Noa, Malia, Kira, Liam, Lidia. Nice to see you all, but we gotta go."

"STOP THEM!" shouts Malia.

Noa is pulled from the Mountain ashes and Deton closes it again.

"You really are a bunch of shanks," I say with a sigh.

"get out of here then ." Say Malia haughtily.

"Oh, come on," I say. While I roll my eyes

Newt and I simultaneously step forward and step over the Mountain axis.

Everyone stares at us.

"H-it's true," Deton says. He also gets down on his knees.

"Sorry, sorry, you are free to go," he says.

"NOT REALLY." Scott says and he puts a had on my shoulder.

Not even a second later, growls are heard from all sides.

Everyone looks around wildly and Scott immediately withdraws his hand.

"Let's go," I say, wrapping an arm around Newt and leading him out.


As I follow Stiles and the blond boy, I see people and a few wolves appearing from all sides. They all join the duo who walk into the woods. Quickly counted, it is more than 20 people.

I quickly walk back inside.

"They're walking into the woods. It can be dangerous there. We have to go after them," I say.

Deton looks at me.

"Scott, they are the dangerous..."

"W-what the hell?"

"How many was it?" he asks as he puts down a large book.

"I think around 20," I say again.

"Okay, listen up. I don't know what he is, but there are very few things that can walk through Mountain Ash."

He mentions a few things but nothing seems to get through. Everything he mentions has a problem. either it takes a lot of effort to get through or they have to transform. But Stiles and that boy did it effortlessly.

Finally, Lidia says something.

"umm Scott, can I go home?" She seems nervous at her question.

"I want you to go home right away." She nods and walks, almost running, out of the veterinary clinic.

"But Deton it seemed like you knew exactly who they were. You even went down on your knees before Stiles," Malia says.

"It's Thomas now, I want you to do everything in your power to either stay as far away from them as possible or become best friends, they are some kindof experiment. " he says.

"But I don't get it? Why? I mean if they're really a bedrijging, we can always ask for another pack to help us chase them away."

"Scott, you can never handle them. Never. They are too many. And their bond is too strong. Not to mention their intense strength."

"But we've fought very dangerous creatures before, why are they different?" asks Kira.

"Because they were trained for this. They were made as weapons. And in the end they got so strong that they made all the people who made them a head smaller. You have to understand, they  don't know rest. They live in the here and now. Because they don't know what danger drenkt tomorrow. It's also a pack of everything: Werewolves, Kitsone, Banchy, Weercayote, Kenema and I don't know what Thomas is. But he's not a normal werewolf."

"And now?" I ask.


When we get home, everyone goes back to what they were doing.

"I'm really a shank...," I say to Newt.

He jerks around and tails at me. When he sees my nose is bleeding, I hear him sigh.

"Glad you said so yourself," but I can hear the smile in his voice.

We walk to the kitchen together. When my nose stops bleeding I walk to the living room.

Teresa is in Brenda's arms and Sonja, Harriet and Aris are around them. They all watch a TV? I'm just about to ask what they're watching when there's a knock on the door. Everyone turns around at once.

I walk carefully to the door and open it.

"Lidia? What is it?" I can tell she's nervous.

"Uhm Thomas can I come in it's kinda cold," she asks shaking.

I can see she's shivering. I notice she is alone and let her in.

"Frypan make a cup of hot coco. And someone give her a blanket," I shout.

I lead Lidia to a couch by the fireplace. I extend my hand and place it on one of the logs. I close and concentrate on my hand, when I feel it getting warm I open my eyes again. I open my eyes and see that the fire is now on.

"Imagine if you can lie against that when it's -5." Says Newt. While giving a blanket to Lidia.

She smiles at his comment and thanks him for the blanket.

A moment later she is sitting opposite me and Newt with a hot cup of coco. With the rest of my pack and Newt behind me, except for Jorg and Peter.

"What's up Lidia, I don't know why but I feel like you have something to say." I tell her.

She looks at her coco as she starts talking.

"Thomas? Do you remember what Scott was like before he left?" she asks.

I can hear her heart beating faster and she smells very stressed.

"Sorry Lidia, I don't remember anything."

"Oh, okay. May I explain a little bit what he was like. And you were?" she asks in a trembling voice.

"Tommy, I think she's afraid of us..." I hear Newt say in my head.

I nod in response to Newt.

"Hey, I think she's scared of us, you can go. Sonja and Harriet can you stay here? You're also Banchys, so if she has any questions about that, you're already around," Newt tells me.

Lidia looks startled as the pack starts to move. When she sees them all leaving, she seems to calm down a bit. Sonja and Harriet sit on the floor by our feet.

"Lidia, this is Sonja and Harriet, they are the 2 banchys in our pack," says Newt.

Her eyes widen as she stares at the two girls.

"I noticed you weren't comfortable with the whole pack," Newt says again.

Now she looks at him. I see a smile come to her lips.

"Thank you... uhmmm... sorry but I can't remember your name," she says, bowing her head.

"Oh how awful of me. Lidia this is my mate, Newt," I say exaggeratedly.

"The pack's mom," Sonja says, looking at her brother (or so we think).

"Ha ha funny," he says, poking her.

"Thank you Newt. Stiles was also our pack mom. He was always there for Scott. When any of us doubted areself, he was always there to reassure us, and when Scotts was busy with other things, he was the one to make sure everyone felt comfortable But everything changed when Stiles was attacked And when he defended himself he accidentally killed whoever attacked him When Scott found out he was furious He immediately threw you out of the pack. When he calmd down He wanted to make it right, but when he got to your house you were gone We searched for days But no one knew what had happened.

After a month we stopped looking. Soon arguments started to arise until it became too much. Scott totally freaked out. He was so angry that he hit Kira. And since then if we don't do exactly as he says, then... then...."

she starts to sob.

Sonja and Harriet immediately sit next to her to reassure her.

She soon calms down.

"Lidia what do you know about pack tires?" I ask subtly.

"Sniff* yes *sniff yes, I know a little about that, but not much," she says.

"Okay, do you know if Scott feels when someone leaves his pack?" I ask.

"Should you be able to feel that? Isn't it just some sort of agreement that you're a pack?" she asks.

I chuckle briefly without emotion.

"No, Lidia, this says enough. Your pack band is weak. If you have a strong bond with your pack, you can feel how someone feels because of the band. And also whether people are joining or leaving. Those bonds can arise in three ways:

1) You ask if you can join and the alpha can say yes or no.

2) The alpha gives you the choice of whether you want to be in his pack. If you don't really want to be there, there will be no bond.

3) You are herded together and overnight you are suddenly a tight pack. No fussing about leaders or anything; it just happened. That's how it went with us and this also makes for the strongest bond, because you can't survive without each other," I say.

"Oh I didn't know that...," she says.

I know what she wants to ask now, but I'm not going to offer it to her or I'd take 2 people out of Scott's pack. If she wants to join the pack she has to ask.

"Uhmmm Thomas..? Can I join your pack?" she asks shyly.

"Welcome to the pack Lidia" and as soon as I say the last word I feel the band forming.

Everyone smiles when they feel the bond too.

"Hey Lidia, do you know Tommy and I were having a really weird conversation?" Newt says with a playful grin.

"Yes??" she asks questioningly.

"This is also an advantage of a strong pack band," he says. I notice that Sonja, Harriet and Lydia have heard it all.

She gasps. We all start laughing at her reaction.

"Go upstairs and share your experiences. I know being a banchy can be really awful sometimes, but now you can be there for each other," I say to the three girls.

Once they're gone, I'll turn to Newt. He also looks at me and understands what I mean. He carefully climbs onto my lap. I place my hand on his hips and he put his in my hair. Just as I want to press my lips against his, he pulls back.

He has a confused look on his face and he frowns slightly, staring into my eyes. He looks unbelievably cute.

"Tommy? How long has it been since you shed?" He asks.

shit! That must have been about 3 months ago now.

I moan loudly and let my head fall against his chest.

"I don't want to..." I complain to him.

"You'll have to," he says, laughing at my childish behavior.

"MINHO, Lydia come over here," Newt yells.

When he wants to get off my lap, I wrap my arms around him like a vice.

"No," I say.

"Tommy..." he says as he tries to wriggle free.

"No," I say again.

"Jo Newt what is it?" Minho says.

"First of all you can help me, Tommy won't let go again," he says.

I hear Minho sigh loudly.

"Tom, let go of your princess," he teases.

I hear Newt growl softly at Minho's comment.

I let him go, but only because Lidia is coming.

"Thank you," he says, climbing off my lap.

"Minho, you're in charge Tom is going to shed," he says.

"Oh, oh, yes fine," he says.

"Lidia, do you know of a big cave around Becon Hills or in the woods?" he asks her.

"Um, yes, there is a very large one, deep in the woods. And some smaller ones here just at the edge of the woods. Why if I may ask?"

"Tommy is going to shed," Newt says simply.

I come up behind him and put my hands around his waist. I hide my head in his shoulder as he begins to explain what he means.

"Look Tommy is a dragon hybrid. That means he can turn into a dragon. Just like werewolves on a full moon, But he has to molt every 3 months. And that wouldn't be such a problem if he stayed human." he says.

"Oh, and how do you know he's going to molt?" she asks curiously.

I hear Newt chuckle, "His eyes."

And at that exact moment I look at Lidia. She takes a step back. When I start to shed my whole eyes turn black. They indicate how fast it goes. If they are completely black I can transform at any moment, but before that they gradually become a bit blacker. If they're just starting, I've got one more day. But because of today's crowds, nobody noticed so now they are already halfway.

"Oh, yes," she says.

<Time skip>

When we enter the cave, it is cool and damp.

"This is just right. Enough sharp rocks for you to rub against," I hear Newt say as he slides his hands over the rocks.

"Newt...," I exclaim.

"Yes?" he asks surprised.

"I love you" I say.

I can just see a smile on his lips before I feel my body being ripped to pieces.

○●POV Scott●○

I don't trust it at all. Stiles with his new pack. Deton, Peter and Derek are afraid of him but that is really nonsense. I know Stiles he's weak. He's probably not even supernatural. That would explain why he could step over the Mountain axis so easily. It was probably all an act.

And that boy, what has me with the boy? And why did Peter say he must be dead? Probably all bullshit.

I am pulled out of my thoughts by a deafening roar. It seems to come from the middle of the forest.

WTF! Honestly, I'm curious what that roar was. It sounded like a very big beast. I walk into the woods and walk in the direction of the sound.

After about 10 minutes walking I arrive at the entrance of a very large cave. I know this, this is where Satomi's pack was hiding.

I carefully walk in. We haven't really been friends with the Satomi's pack since Stiles left.

I smell some fire. Probably a campfire for warmth.

But that can't be a normal campfire, I can feel the heat out here.

I look into the cave and I feel my mouth drop open.

The blond boy radiates a blue light. It looks very strange. I see how his hair floats? It looks like he's underwater because of the way his hair moves.

When I look closer, I can see that he is leaning against something. It looks like a very large boulder. But with a dark red glow and in some places a purple glow. I'm just about to emerge as the boulder moves.

I watch with wide eyes how the boulder 2 huge wings unfolded. The beast stands up.

I press against the rock wall. Please tell me it didn't see me! Fortunately, the beast lies down again. My eyes widen as the beast lays its head on the blond boys lap.

I see the boy run his hands over the dragon's head. When the dragon exhales, a huge cloud of smoke comes out of its nostrils.

I can hear the boy laughing as he waves the smoke away.

It's a scary picture. The Giant Dragon with the Luminous Boy. I need to know what he is. I sneak away from the boy and the dragon.

<time skip>

When I walk into the school I see the pack. My pack.

"Hi Scott, did you hear that yesterday too? Malia asks.

"Yes, a very loud growl?" says Liam.

"Yes I wonder what it was? Kira says.

I'd better say it right away.

"It was a dragon..." I say.

They stare at me.

"I'm serious, I heard it too, so I went to have a look. The sound led me to the cave where Satomi's pack was then hiding.

But when I looked in, I saw that blond boy who was with Stiles. He radiated a light. He glowed. And he just sat calmly against dragon. And to make things even crazier, that dragon put his head on his lap. And that boy didn't seem to mind at all.

That boy is dangerous. He has to get out of here. I say


Honestly I hate being a dragon. In the save haven it was still doable, there I could still fly around a bit, but here I have to hide. I am so thankful for Newt. Not only because he can withstand the heat that I radiate, but also the fact that he doesn't care whether I'm a dragon or just human. I like it when he's with me. Even though I can't say anything, he just keeps talking to me. He usually tells stories. I love to listen to it.

" Tommy, I think your new color is going to be purple?" he says.

I lift my head off his lap and look at him.

He stands up and begins to carefully remove pieces of dead skin. He is so beautiful with the blue glow hanging around him. The only thing I regret is that when he has his force field on his eyes become all luminous and they lose their nice brown color, but otherwise he is still great.

"Hey Tommy I think you're almost done," he says.

I can feel his hands sliding over the scales. When he suddenly places his hand on a certain spot on my neck, a great feeling goes through me. I fall over and roll onto my back. He always does this and he won't explain to me what he's doing.

He laughs again at my reaction.

"I'm serious this will never get boring. A 12-meter dragon that is conquered with one hand.

I growl a little irritated. But he knows I love it when he does that.

He begins to gently clean my stomach.

"I don't know which I like better blue or purple," he says as he sits down next to my head. I roll over so I'm back on my feet and try to scrape off the last bits of skin. If I find that it doesn't work I have another idea. I begin to gently push my muzzle against Newt. If he doesn't move, I know what to do. I open my mouth.

"No Tommy, no! Not again,

AAAaaAAa damn it!"

I lick him like a dog. Only I'm a dragon and I'm a little bigger.

He gets up quickly. He's all wet with saliva. He looks at me very irritated. I start to laugh, at least how well a dragon can laugh.

Until I get a blob of saliva against my head.

Now Newt is the one laughing. He's all clean again. He probably used his shield.

I look at him irritated.

"Just do your thing, I'll wait outside," he says.

When he's outside I start to concentrate. My skin gets scalding hot. I feel myself being squeezed.

I have to do my best not to scream in pain. Another reason why I hate becoming a dragon. The transformation takes a lot of strength and hurts terribly. When I finally stand on two legs again, I immediately fall over.

Obviously, Newt catches me, and puts a blanket over me.

"Thank you."

All the pain immediately disappears as Newt begins to glow again.

"Jesus Tommy, I always forget how much pain your transformation does," he says, pressing me against his chest.

"It doesn't hurt anymore," I say, feeling my eyes close.

"Good," I hear him say just before I fall asleep.

<time skip>

"THEY WANT WHAT?!" I yell over the dining room table. We have a pack meeting and everyone is seated at the long dining room table.

"They want to kidnap Newt to question him about what he is and to find out more information about you," Lidia says again.

"THEY ARE DEAD, piece by piece, I'll kill them if they touch him even 1 finger," I say as I pace.

"I think it's a good idea." Everyone turns their heads to Newt.

"Okay let's think logically; I'll let myself be caught, I'll tell them what it takes, at least enough to scare them off and if there really is something, you're ready to intervene. They can't hurt me anyway," he says he.

I hate the idea, but it makes sense.

"Fine but just know I think it's a terrible idea," I say annoyed.

"We know that Tom," says Minho.

#pov Scott#

We have made a plan; we follow them to their house and as soon as the blond boy comes out we take him with us. It's a big risk, but I forced Lidia to make sure that boy goes out alone.

And at the appointed time the door of the house opens and the blond boy walks out. This time he is normal again. He looks like an ordinary person, but he is something dark. When he walks past us, we jump at him. Malia puts her hand over his mouth as I pick him up. He struggles, but we take him with us without any problem.

When we arrive at Derk's shed we let him go.

He quickly gets up and focuses on us. At the same time, Deton pokes a needle into his neck.

"What, what is that.....?

Kenema poison, really?" he says. And then he falls over.

"To be honest, I expected something more creative," he says relaxed.

We lift him up and put him in a chair.

"What are you and what is your name?" I ask.

"Jesus, hello too Scott, but I'm Newt. And what I am? You tell me," he says.

"I'd go talk, because that Kenema gif is not nothing, I think you'll be stuck for the next hour," Malia says.

But he pays no attention to her words. He stares at Kira.

"Was it Kira? It's just a question but have you ever had a younger brother? And did he suddenly disappear about 4 years ago?" he asks her.

"How do you know that?" she says, staring at him.

"You look like Minho. Are you a Kitsone too?" he asks again.

"Yes, but my brother's name was Kevin."

He pauses for a moment and stares straight ahead. Then he suddenly starts laughing.

This boy is crazy.

"Yes, I think they're right," he says aloud.

"Why? who's right?" asks Liam.

"It's time for the games to be finished," he says simply.

"Games?! This isn't a game. We kidnapped you." Malia says.

"Come on! You didn't think Tommy would leave me alone? And that I would be kidnapped so easily?"

"W-what? But how did you know about our plan?" I say surprised.

"Oh come on, you're not going to tell me you thought Lidia would still be in the pack with you? After all you've done to her? She's loyal to our alpha," he says.

"What! Betrayal!" Malia shouts.

"I don't know Scott, but I think you're a bad alpha," he says without emotion.

"How's that?"

He starts laughing. "Because you don't even realize you're missing one of your pack members."

"I know Lydia is gone," I say sharply.

"My God, you're even worse than Lydia told you. Hey Scotty, where's your girlfriend?" He says.

I look around wildly and indeed Kira is gone too. She was here 10 seconds ago, how did he manage that?

"You know? You guys are so stupid," he says, sitting up and rubbing his hand over the spot where Deton injected the poison.

"What? how?" Stalks Deton.

"Very simple, Kenama poison has no effect on me, or Banye tears or electricity or extreme heat. Basically anything that should hurt me," he says with a laugh. He stands up and stands behind the chair.

"Well what was so urgent that you had to kidnap me?" He asks.

"I'm going to say this once: We're going to give you a chance now to get away with that dragon of yours or else we'll attack you," Malia says.

He stares at us for a full second. And then he starts laughing really hard.

○● POV Newt

"O.M.G. Tommy I can't anymore. These are real first class shanks"

"Newt focus, or I'll come get you," I hear Thomas in my head.

"Yeah, I know, but let me have some fun with these shanks. They can't hurt me anyway. How's Kira?" I ask.

"Okay, Kira was very surprised, but she's talking to him now."

I focus again on the McCall pack. I start to walk around a bit. I can see them moving closer together.

"So what is this?" I ask.

"My house," Derek replies, I think.

"Oh wonderful that space," I respond.

"But to be honest, I'd rather sleep in my littel dragon's arms." I say teasingly.

I know the McCall pack is afraid of Tommy. And I know Tommy hates it when I call him "my little dragon."

"That's it! I'm coming for you," I hear Thomas say.

"Okay? in what form?" I ask him.

When he stops responding, I sit down in that chair in the middle of the room again.

"Sometimes it's so easy," I say with a grin.

"What?" asks Derk.

"To bore him," I say again.

They all look at me weird. I sigh and shake my head.

"You know? Before you threaten us, maybe you should know who you are threatening," I say.

Now they look really weird to me. I bring my hand to my mouth, but before I can whistle my fingers, I see something coming towards me out of the corner of my eye.

I turn just in time to see Malia running toward me before my force field kicks in. She hits it and falls to the ground. I see her lip starting to bleed.

"Oh shit, sorry," I say, walking quickly towards her. I hate it when I accidentally hurt people.

Minho once wanted to scare me by attacking me (I know, not very smart but Minho thinks it's funny to attack people from behind). Before he had time to touch my finger, he was already 5 meters away with a nosebleed. I'd apologized so many times, but then you shouldn't attack someone with a built-in shield.

"Stay away from her!" Scott shouts.

But I'm not listening. I sit next to Malia who seems frozen with fear or surprise.

"It's okay, I'm not going to hurt you," I say kindly.

But just before I can place my hand on her cheek to heal her, she clamps her claws around my neck. She pulls me up and pushes me against a wall. I must use all my strength to keep my shield inside me.

"Malia, I don't want to hurt you. I want to help you. Please," I exclaim. Her hand isn't annoying or anything. But her claws that cut into my skin are less fine. But not so bad that I can't heal it in a minute.

"Malia, let go of me. I won't hurt you, even if you deserve it," I say through clenched teeth.

But just when I think I've warned enough, the door opens.

Thomas and the pack are in the doorway. I see his eyes go to Malia who has me by the throat. I see his eyes change even from this distance.


There's a huge bang in space as I finally let go of my shield. Malia flies backwards against the wall, on the other side of the shed.

I rush to Thomas. He's all shaking.

"Hey. Hey. Tommy, I'm safe. Hey she didn't hurt me. Tommy you focus on me," I tell him as I put my hands around his face.


"Newt... I... can...," Thomas stammers.

"Okay if I have to," I say softly to him.

"EVERYONE AGAINST THE WALL!" I yell at everyone.

"Wait for my sign Tommy," I say in his head.

Once everyone is up against a wall. I feel my feet lift off the ground and my eyes begin to glow. I focus all my energy on my hands.

When I think it's enough I land on my haunches. The whole room is filled with a thick fog. And I hear Thomas transform behind me.

The fog is really just so not everyone has to see his transformation. To be honest, it's pretty intense.

As soon as I hear Tommy's heat and heavy breathing, I get up and immediately the fog disappears as well.

I can see the MCCALL pack stiffen to Tommy's tail. As our pack comes to us.

"Jesus, Newt you weren't exaggerating when you said he's grown," Aris says.

"Oh purple looks great on you," Teresa says.

And so some comments are made.

"Focus" we hear Tommy's voice in our head.

We're all focused on the MCCall pack again. But they're focused on Malia still light on the ground and not moving.

"Shit, Shit, Shit," I say softly as I start to panic. I must help her, it is my scculd that she is lying there now.

When I want to walk up to her to help her, I notice that hands grab me.

"Let go of me," I say urgently.

"We can't, Newt, we have to go," Minho says.

"It's her own fault," Brenda says, as they stop me.

"Tommy?" I beg him.

"Sorry Newt," he says.

"No!" I now react angrily.

"Newt!" he says warningly.

"No, Tommy get mad at me later," I say.

I know he can't stay mad at me for long, but if I ignore his direct orders it will make him mad. But I don't care. I can save her.

"LET ME GO!" I growl at Minho and Brenda.

If they don't, I'll let go of my shield for a moment. This is enough so that they let go of me, but not that it hurts them.

I run to Malia.

"Stand aside," I say to the MCCALL pack.

Everyone leaves except Scott, he stays faithfully next to her.

"You don't touch her anymore," he says with tears in his eyes.

"Nice to know you're still human," I say to Scott as I sit on the other side of Malia.

"I said you don't hit her-" he falls silent as I take her hand.


When all the fog suddenly disappears again. There is a huge purple dragon in the shed. And normally I wouldn't pay attention to anything else, but Malia still hadn't moved.

I run to her hair. I kneel down next to her and take her hand. She is still breathing, but very heavily. What did that boy do to her? I hear something that sounds like a struggle. Until the blond boy tells us to leave.

"You don't touch her!" I yell at him. He's done enough already. Doesn't he see that? But he doesn't listen.

"Nice to know you're still human," he says as he sits down across from me.

"I said you don't touch her-" I fall silent as he takes her hand the same way I do.

I slide back as it starts to glow. He has his eyes closed and clamps his fingers around Malia's hand.

After a minute her eyes fly open and she shoots up. He immediately releases her. I wrap my arms around her. He gets up and walks past me.

"I get that you were broken when Stiles disappeared, but you also have to understand that he's not the same person now. He's been through too much to ever be this carefree again. But you still see Stiles in him. Maybe as you're nice, and then really nice, he might let you back into his life and get to know Thomas," he says softly. Then he walks to his pack.

I see the great dragon glare at him. He places his hand against the dragon. The fog appears and disappears again. And Stiles is human again. They embrace and the boy begins to glow again. When they let go, they turn to the door.

"Newt! Thank you," I call out to him.

The whole pack turns to me. It's so special. They really are a whole.

"No problem Scott," he says back. And then they walk out the door.

I hope they still want to be friends after all we've done. It will take time. But I'm going to do my best to be there for them.

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