Brute Raptor Love (human Echo...

By Mintyy77

19.9K 255 34

Nate was a short, shy and meek boy who was picked on his whole life but all that changed when he gets a Job a... More

Character looks and details
First Day And I'm Already Scared
Well This Is New
Some Unexpected Help
Dammit Stop Saying I Like Him
Why Am I Feeling Like This
Out Of The Cage Finally
There Gone
A Bad Day
Final fight
Getting used to human society
Your the one im meant for
Quick update

Confection And A Heart Racing Night

1.7K 25 11
By Mintyy77

That night Nate found it hard to sleep. Ever since he got news about that hybrid escaping and attacking He was worried for his brother who he last saw going into the jungle to look for Blue. Nate managed to get 6 hours of sleep that night so at least he didn't feel like garbage the next day. During the day half way through his shift he got good news. He got a text from his brother that read "hey lil bro I just wanted to let you know I'm alright, don't tell anyone but I managed to find Blue, she'll return to the paddock later on tonight". Nate was good at keeping secrets and since it was his brother he didn't tell anyone like he was told. Nate still felt worried however, he wondered who it was he was worried for until he finally realized it, he was worried for Echo.

-3 hours later-

Nate's shift was done now, he got in the jeep and began driving off. As he was driving to the hotel a blur shot past his car. Nate slammed the breaks on the jeep and got out. He saw that the blur went into the jungle. He was a little afraid but decided to investigate. As he walked into the jungle he was beginning to realize how dark it was, that's when he heard a voice behind him.

Echo: what's someone like you doing in a place like this?

As she spoke Nate felt her breath on the back of his neck which made Nate feel tingles and the hairs on the back of his neck stood up. Nate turned around and jumped as he let out a scream.

Echo: hey! hey! hey! Quit it with the screaming please

Nate: s-sorry.... about that but-.... Echo! Your alright!

Echo: uhh yeah of course I am

Nate: when I heard about that hybrid escaping I got worried for you!

Echo: wait... you did?

Nate: mhm!

Echo: ...ok then

Nate: oh and again sorry about screaming... but you honestly shouldn't be sneaking up on people like that

Echo laughed a little before beginning to walk.

Nate: you were the one who ran past my jeep right?

Echo: yup

Nate then began to follow her. He noticed what looked like an empty post card and pencil in her hand.

Nate: are you writing something?

Echo: why do you want to know dweeb?

Nate: uh n-no reason

Echo: hmmm well I snatched these things from one of those things that you humans call a shop, I want to practice writing something

Nate: like what?

Echo then turned around.

Echo: why are you asking so many questions?....... *sigh* you know what, what ever

Echo then noticed a tree right beside them. She sat down leaning her back up against it, Nate sat beside her.

Echo: you seem pretty afraid, why don't you go back to your jeep and go home or something

Nate: um well..... I mean...  

Echo: let me guess, your too scared to go back on your own?

Nate hesitantly nodded.

Echo: hahahahaha

Nate could've sworn he heard Echo say under her breath after laughing "oh my gosh your so cute". This made Nate uncontrollably blush.

Nate: w-what?!

Echo: what? I didn't say anything!

Nate then noticed Echo writing a love letter.

Nate: you w-writing a love l-letter?

Echo: yeah what about it? I heard humans share their feelings like this sometimes if their to shy-

That's when Echo realized she spoke too much. She slowly looked over at Nate who was staring at her.

Nate: d-do you like someone?

Echo: uh..... n-no...... I'm uh just practicing for when I do.....

Nate: oh..... well I hope you find someone

Echo's mind: how can you be so oblivious!


Echo just realized she spoke too much again.

Echo's mind: damn my mouth and temper!

Nate: w-what do you mean you already did

Echo: *sigh*........ ok fine! I'll admit it!....... actually j-just read the letter

Echo then handed Nate the letter. Nate's heart began to beat fast as he read the letter. The letter read "every time I see you I feel warm inside, when you look up at me with those big helpless eyes my heart can't help but melt."

Echo: like I said two days ago, I'm not all that good with showing my emotions y'know...... sure when it comes to our interactions where I scare you and pin you against something it's easy but when it comes to saying those things it's...... hard

Echo then brought her hand close to Nate's head. Nate began to flinch a little.

Echo: don't flinch, relax, I'm not going to hurt you

Echo began to give Nate head scratches which Nate actually found relaxing.

Echo: can you give me the note, I want to write something

Nate then put the note in his pocket.

Nate: I-I want to hear you say it

Echo: um..... o-ok

Echo then began to blush as she got close to Nate's ear and whispered.

Echo: I think your really cute, and I really like you, I-I had the biggest crush on you since I laid my eyes on that cute little face, I-I guess I didn't realize it until I really thought about it, at first I thought you wouldn't like me back because I'm half raptor but when I saw you blushing at me every now and again I realized maybe I did have a chance

Echo then brought her face in front of his.

Nate: but why, why do you like me, I mean I'm barely a man at all, I'm week, I'm short, I get scared easily and I'm ultra shy, I-I'm not that masculine, I mean that's why all the girlfriends I've had either left me or cheated on me

Echo noticed he looked a little sad so she continued to give him head scratches to make him feel better.

Echo: awwww, all those downsides you say about yourself is exactly why I like you... I like you just the way you are cutie!

Echo noticed Nate seemed sad as if there was another reason.

Echo: is that all the reason's why they left and cheated on you?

Nate: well.... Another reason was b-because I didn't want to.... d-do it with them.....

Echo: mean mate?

Nate nodded.

Nate: I-I want to save myself for marriage... I want to share my first time with the person I'll be with for the rest of my life....

Echo: so let me get this straight, your previous girlfriends left and cheated on you because you wouldn't mate with them?

Nate nodded again.

Nate: I never felt like I was loved, it's like all they cared about was that

Echo noticed Nate looking depressed so in response Echo hugged Nate as she tried to make him feel better.

Echo: hey hey i-it's ok, it's ok

Nate: it was to the point where they would even get mad at me sometimes...

Echo: its alright hey it's ok it's ok..... can't believe they got mad over something like that.... Such a stupid and trivial thing to get mad about...

Echo then put her hand on Nate's chin and raised it so he was looking at her.

Echo: don't worry Nate... I'm not like that

Nate: r-really?

Echo: of course.... In fact what you said about saving yourself for marriage I 100% agree with, by the way just to make sure, marriage is a human ceremony where two mates seal their bond right?

Nate nodded.

Echo: well don't worry, trust me I'm never gonna get mad over something as stupid and trivial as mating, no matter how in the mood I am if you don't want to then I'll instantly get rid of the feeling, trust me when you've lived a life of 0% alone time you get perfect self control, that and come to think of it your the only thing I've ever been attracted to in my life... hell even if you say yes to my feelings for you and we end up getting married I'll still stay true to what I'm saying right now...

Nate: really?

Echo: of course Nate, if I was to ever mate with someone then I would want it to be you, not alone and definitely not with another person and I will never get mad, frustrated, unpleased or impatient with you, especially when it comes to something like that and don't worry I would never get bored of you and buy what you humans call... I think it's a kind of toy used for mating pleasure... like really?! Things like that exist?! Jeez humans are more pathetic than I thought!

The sincerity in her voice made Nate feel warm inside and helped him feel better.

Nate: you m-mean it?

Echo: every word of it...

Echo continued to calm Nate down until he was 100% alright.

Echo: there there it's ok, your alright...

The slight motherly tone in Echo's voice made Nate feel shy and nervous and Echo noticed this

Echo: *giggle* are you nervous?, don't be scaaared-

That's when Nate probably did the most bravest thing in his life, he kissed Echo on the lips, Echo was completely shocked but eventually melted into the kiss, then Nate parted from her lips.

Echo: I-I-I didn't say s-stop

The toughness from her voice was completely gone and her voice was now filled with love and caring. Nate then began kissing Echo again. They then parted again.

Echo: h-how can you just do that? I mean not even I could do something like that, back when I pinned you on the ground my mind was just telling me do it! Kiss you on those dumb stupid cute lips..... but I would just let the moment pass and plus you were about to cry and I didn't want to make you cry

Nate: I-I did it because I l-love you to

Echo: you-you love me?!

Joy just filled Echo as she hugged Nate.

Echo: I'm sorry for all those times I bullied you

Nate: I-I forgive you

Echo: I-I know I'm not good with showing my emotions but I want to try for you, from now on 

After the hug Echo stroked Nate's hair.   

Echo: aww your so handsome

Nate: w-well my mom always said I was the most handsome

Echo: so, you're a moma's boy, huh?..... (in a flirty voice) I'll be your mommy

Nate quickly got all flustered and his face went completely red.

Nate: *nervous giggling*

Echo: ok calm down, no need to get so flustered *giggle*... oh by the way if your wondering about that night that you can't remember... I-I escaped that night and I was going to confess to you there but I accidentally scared you and you ended up hitting you head which knocked you out

Nate: so the person who brought me to my room and put the bandages on my head and left that note was-

Echo: me, yup it was me

Nate: so.... You don't care that I'm not that strong or really masculine or I guess what my ex's called an... alpha male?

Echo: HAHAHA! Oh please, why would I believe in a disproven chain to describe the hierarchy for dogs! Besides your just how I like em, soft, small and adorable!

Nate blushed as Echo gave him a hug and gave him some head pats.

Echo: hey by the way... you really don't care I'm a raptor hybrid?

Nate shook his head.

Nate: nope, I don't care one bit, in fact I like that about you

Echo: y-you do?

Nate: yup, also I find your raptor like amber eyes... b-beautiful

Echo: y-you do?!..... aww come here!

Echo then hugged Nate. After the hug they both got up and Nate pointed to his jeep.

Nate: here come with me

Echo nodded and followed Nate to the jeep. Nate got in the driver seat and Echo got in the passenger seat. They drove to the hotel and as they entered the hotel Nate got an idea.

Nate: h-hey Echo

Echo: hmm? What is it baby?

Nate instantly melted at hearing Echo call him that.

Echo: *giggle* you ok?

Nate: y-yes... I-I was wondering since it's not that late... I was wondering if you wanted to go on a date?

Echo: yeah I think I know what that is, sure I would love that

Echo then looked at her outfit.

Echo: however I don't believe I'm properly dressed for a date

Nate handed Echo some money.

Nate: uh here, you can buy yourself an outfit if you want

Echo: uh... you sure?

Nate: mhm!

Echo: ok if your ok with it

Echo took the money.

Echo: I'll go to a clothing store and get an outfit, I'll meet with you at your room ok?

Nate: ok!

Echo walked off as Nate went to his hotel room. When he got there he picked the most fancy looking clothing he had packed which was a white buttoned up shirt, a dark green coat and some dark grey dress pants. He got in the shower and washed himself. When he got out he dried himself and got dressed. Just as he finished he got a knock at the door.

Nate: I'm coming!

Nate opened the door to see Echo with a shopping bag.

Echo: you look cute! So is that what your wearing to our date? You look adorable!

Nate got flustered as Echo walked in and closed the door behind her.

Nate: y-you can get dressed in the washroom

Echo: ok, I think I'm gonna clean myself as well

Nate: ok do you know how a shower works?

Echo: uh.... No

After showing Echo how the shower worked Nate closed the door to give Echo privacy. After 10 minutes Echo walked out the washroom wearing black boots, sleeveless black form fitting shirt and grey dress pants. Nate's face went red at the sight.

Echo: it was a little difficult to find these in my size because of my muscles-

Nate: y-you look beautiful!

Echo: r-really!? I've never been called beautiful...thanks Nate, it means a lot to me... and you look adorable!

Nate: *giggle*

Echo: oh and I also got you something

Nate: y-you did?

Echo: mhm!

Echo reached back in the washroom and pulled out a greyish olive green scarf.

Nate gasped as Echo handed him the scarf.

Echo: here, try it on

Nate put the scarf on and instantly melted into the soft fabric of the scarf.

Nate: I love it!

Echo: that makes me glad, it looks good on you

Nate: I love it! I'll wear it on our date!

Echo: *giggle* you look so pretty... in a good like guy way of course

Nate: *giggle*

Echo: so wanna go on our date?

Nate nodded excitedly.

Echo's mind: awww how cute!

Nate and Echo left the hotel and went to find a restaurant to eat at. That's when Nate noticed he forgot his face mask.

Nate: oh no!

Echo: hmm? What wrong?

Nate: I forgot my face mask, when Im in a public area I get shy, I put a face mask on to feel more confident

Echo: are you worried about being stared at?

Nate nervously nodded

Echo: aww well don't worry, I'll make sure no one stares at you ok?

Nate: ...ok

After a few minutes Nate and Echo decided to go to a steakhouse. As they sat down at the table Echo saw something that made her do a double take. She saw her sister Blue and Nate's brother Jack leave the restaurant together.

Echo's mind: d-did I just see that?....... Was that Blue and Ja-

Echo's thoughts were interrupted by a waiter handing her and Nate two menus. After a few minutes Nate and Echo decided what they wanted to order. Nate got a filet mignon while Echo got a normal medium rare steak. It took some time but after watching Nate use his utensils and getting a little help from him Echo figured out how to use utensils.

-20 minutes later-

After paying for the food Nate And Echo left the restaurant.

Echo: that food tasted great! Far better than the shit we get back at that cage!... so what else you wanna do?

Nate: hmmmm...... have you ever went to an arcade- wait never mind of course you haven't

Echo: *giggle*

Nate: so you wanna go to one?

Echo: sure what is an arcade?

Nate: it's a place where you can play video games, here I'll show you!

Echo watched the excited look on Nates face.

Echo's mind: awww what a cutie!

Nate excitedly led Echo to the arcade. When they got there Nate showed Echo how to play on the arcade consoles.

Echo: rrrr! These freaking ghosts! I'll kick ur asses!

Echo was playing Pac-Man while Nate was watching her play at her side.

Nate: watch out the pink ghost is behind you!

Echo: got it!

Echo pressed left on the joy stick but it was too late, the red ghost got her on her right. Echo watched as Pac-Man shrunk and died on the screen.

Echo: dammit!

Nate: *giggle* wanna play another game?

Echo: sure

-30 minutes later-

It was beginning to get really late as there weren't that many people out. Nate and Echo were overlooking the view by the water that had the mosasaurus.

Echo: hmmmm... you know the island certainly looks beautiful when your not behind bars!

Nate: mhm! Yeah, it sure is

Echo noticed Nate looking a little shy.

Echo: hey what wrong honey? You look shy

Nate: mmm.... C-can I-..... y-your muscles..... c-can I feel them a little? .....

Echo: *giggle* of course you can baby

Nate gently felt Echo's right arm. Echo couldn't help but lightly smile at how cute Nate looked while feeling her muscles, he looked so shy and his face was so red.

Nate: you.... Have...r-really nice muscles

Echo: aww thank sweetie! And if you want I could carry you with them

Nate blushed a little more as Echo giggled.

Echo: wanna go back to the hotel?

Nate: yeah sure!

-10 minutes later-

When they got to the hotel they were stopped by three drunk men.

Drunk guy #1: hey babe what are you doing with that guy, leave that little pussy and come with real men like us

Echo: ew, no thanks, I'll pass

One of them then gabbed Echo's arm.

Drunk guy #2: what was that bitch!

Echo: if you want to keep your arm then I suggest you let go of me!

Nate: l-let go of her!

Drunk guy #2: shut up pussy!

He then back handed Nate, that was the final straw. Echo used her raptor strength to grab the man and throw him at the other guy.

Drunk guy #3: you bitch!

The final guy was about to punch Echo but she dodged and threw the guy at the other two who were getting up.


The three men then ran away as Echo walk over the Nate, dropped to a knee and put her hand on Nate's cheek.

Echo: aw how could they hurt a little puppy like you?

Echo noticed Nate looked a little scared.

Echo: aww don't be scared, those guys couldn't take me away from you even if they tried, I'm never gonna do any of those horrible things your previous girlfriends did to you, no one will ever take me away from you, I'm loyal to you and you alone

Nate calmed down as he felt better.

Echo: now c'mon! Let's go!

Echo picked Nate up bridal style which made him blush hard. Echo lovingly kissed Nate on his forehead and carried him to the hotel. After going through the lobby and up the elevator they went into Nate's hotel room. Echo closed the door behind her and laid Nate on the bed where he sat up. Nate changed into some pyjamas while Echo changed into her original outfit. As Echo put her shirt on she remembered when Nate got flustered when she said "I'll be your mommy", Echo then looked over at Nate.

Echo: hey Nate

Nate: yeah

Echo: remember when you got really red when I flirted with you saying "I'll be you mommy"

Nate got nervous.

Nate: uhhh... y-yeah

Echo: do you like it when I refer to myself as "mommy" or do you like to call me that?

Nate's face went red as he looked even more shy.

Nate: I don't know why but.... i-it makes me feel safe, like a comfort thing.....

Echo: aww, well you can call me that all you want ok?

Nate: ok.....m-mommy

Nate looked so adorable to Echo that her heart couldn't help but melt.

Echo: awwww! Your so adorable baby boy!

If Nate wasn't melted already he melted even more as his face went a deep read after hearing Echo call him "baby boy". Echo walked over and held Nate into an embrace. Nate nuzzled into Echo which made her smile.

Nate: hey Echo....c-could we watch a scary movie together?

Echo: hmm? What's a movie?

Nate: it's like story but recorded so you can see it whenever... I've always wanted to watch a scary movie with my partner

Echo couldn't help but melt at the excited look on Nate's face.

Echo: aww, sure thing sweetie!

-1 hour 30 minutes later-

Echo and Nate we're watching Halloween (1978). They were at the scene when Laurie was telling the kids to call the cops and that she killed the boogeyman. Just then one of the kids Tommy screamed and Laurie turned around to see the boogeyman or Micheal Myers standing behind them at the top of the stair with a kitchen knife. Nate jumped as his arms which were around Echo's waist got a little tighter and his head which was on her chest nuzzled in her chest further. Echo found this really cute.

-10 minutes later-

Nate was stretching a little after watching the movie.

Echo: that was a pretty good movie, thanks for showing me, I can't wait to watch more with you!

Nate: oh I'm glad you liked it!

Nate then noticed Echo staring at Nate with a smile.

Nate: hmm? What's up?

Echo: you look so lovely baby boy!

Nate blushed as Echo walked up to him. Echo gently caressed his cheek as Nate melted into her hand. Echo smiled as she gently raised Nate's head so he was looking up at her. That's when Echo passionately kissed Nate with a little tongue. Nate blushed as hard as he ever had in his life. Nate wrapped his arms around Echo as she did the same. After 30 seconds of making out Nate and Echo parted. Echo noticed how much of a blushing mess Nate looked.

Echo: *giggle* I think we'll call it a night

After a minute after the kiss Nate laid on the left side of the bed while Echo laid on the right side. Echo then held out her arms towards Nate.

Echo: here, come cuddle with mommy!

Nate blushed a lot after hearing that. Nate nuzzled his head under Echo's neck as she wrapped her arms around him.

Echo: *giggle* good boy

Nate blushed even harder after being called that as he snuggled Echo more and made some cute little sounds.

Echo: *giggle* awww, your so cute... I'll wait till you wake up tomorrow so you won't wake up alone, after that I'll go back to the paddock

Echo then stroked Nate's hair with her right arm while Nate wrapped his arms around Echo.

Echo: hmhmhm a little weak short soft shy cutie and a tall strong brute *giggle* such a strange couple, don't worry.... I'll protect you and keep you safe, good night kitten

Nate: goodnight m-mommy, I love you

Nate fell asleep as Echo hummed him to sleep and Echo fell asleep only seconds after.

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