Brute Raptor Love (human Echo...

By Mintyy77

20K 255 34

Nate was a short, shy and meek boy who was picked on his whole life but all that changed when he gets a Job a... More

Character looks and details
First Day And I'm Already Scared
Well This Is New
Some Unexpected Help
Dammit Stop Saying I Like Him
Why Am I Feeling Like This
There Gone
Confection And A Heart Racing Night
A Bad Day
Final fight
Getting used to human society
Your the one im meant for
Quick update

Out Of The Cage Finally

1.2K 18 0
By Mintyy77

Unknown to Nate was that fact that today the human-raptor hybrids were being let out for exercise. An exited Jack told him all about it on the way to the hotel the other day. That night Nate was thinking about what happened with him and Echo and as a matter of fact he was thinking about it on the way to the paddock. He was thinking about how she actually went back to tell him how she actually remembered everything about him which actually made him feel better which surprised him. There's something about her reassuring him that made him feel happy, but then he thought why he felt bad at first when she asked for his name again. After thinking about it for a while he realized why he cared about something like that and why his face heated up when looking at Echo the other day. As Jack was driving to the paddock he noticed Nate who was in the passenger seat looking bothered.

Jack: something bothering you?

Nate: um y-yeah k-kinda... you know that human raptor hybrid Echo... right?

Jack: mhmm

Nate: w-well she's kinda scary... I-I mean like she scares me sometimes and I'm a little nervous about when she gets let out, but then again recently she's been a little nicer to me....

Jack noticed there was something he was hiding.

Jack: well if she's been nicer to you recently then there's nothing to worry about... anything else or was that all that's bothering you

Nate: well that and t-to be honest despite the fact that the majority of our interactions being her scaring me she sometimes has small talk with me and...

Jack: and?

Nate: and s-she's she's... k-kinda.... NEVER MIND!!!?

Nate quickly turned his head away as his face turned red or at least from what Jack could see. He forgot about it and continued on driving. Nate then sighed to himself as reality kicked in.

Nate's mind: why do I feel like this, she's a human-raptor hybrid and I'm just a human, and why would she like a small weak human like me!

When they got there Nate watched as Jack excitedly ran over to Owen. Nate walked over to do his job. Nate instantly noticed there was more guards around the paddock than usual. After a few minutes Nate heard the gate open and saw the raptor human hybrids walked out. Charlie ran out like an excited child, Delta ran after her to try and calm her down, Echo walked out while looking at the guards and finally Nate noticed Blue, she walked out with a normal expression on her face and when she noticed his brother Jack and Owen she started to smile. After looking, Nate continued to walk while looking down at the base of the paddock to check if any pipes were lose but his walking was cut short when he bumped into someone so he looked up.

Nate: oh uh... s-sorry-

Nate then noticed who he bumped into. It was Echo. Before he could think or even say anything else Echo quickly pinned him to the ground. Nate instantly went into panic mode as he heard Owen shout.


Nate began to get scared as he felt her hands hold him down, however it felt as if she wasn't using all her strength but Nate didn't think much about that.


Nate felt his eyes tearing up as he thought he was about to die. He then noticed Echo noticing he was about to cry, her face instantly went to an expression that looked like concern and regret. She instantly got off him unknowing that almost every guard had their guns pointed at her. She turned around to face them all before looking over her shoulder at Nate.

Echo: just... n-next time be more careful... ok?

Everybody then looked at each other in surprise and confusion because they all heard a bit of caring in her voice, something that not even Blue has heard since their childhood but what caught them off guard even more was how they heard a hint of a motherly tone in her voice. Even if Nate was about to cry there was something about the sincereness in her voice that made Nate calm down a little. Echo then noticed everybody staring.


Everybody then continued what they were doing as Nate got up and sped walked away. After that Blue walked over to Jack and Owen and the rest of the human-raptor hybrids went for a run in the jungle for exercise.

-10 minutes later-

Nate got down from the catwalk and was beginning his 3rd lap around the paddock, that's when he felt a tap on his shoulder, he turned around and jumped a bit

Blue: oh sorry for scaring you, um can you help me?

Nate: uh sure what is it

Blue: so whenever I'm around your brother Jack, I feel a mix of happiness, nervousness, apparently my face gets red and my heart beats fast, do you know what that feeling is called


Blue: what?

Nate: you like my brother?

Blue: well of course I do, I consider him a friend

Nate: no... I-I mean the feeling you described, it's love, you love my brother

Blue: what's love?

Nate: its when you want to be with someone

Blue: like a mate?

Nate: yes exactly

That's when in snapped into Blue's mind, this whole time she had feelings for Jack and wanted to be mates with him. Blue started to blush at the realization.

Blue: um... h-how.... do humans.... show that they love someone?

Nate: they can hug which is where they wrapped their arms around each other or kissing where they press each other's lips together or just being around them I guess, oh and do you mind if I ask you a question?

Blue: um s-sure

Nate: so I know your hybrids and I see the human part but where's the raptor part?

Blue: well first there's are speed, strength, reflexes, there's the fact they my eyes are yellow, the blue streak in my hair which is actually how I got my name and then there's these

Blue then brought up her hand as her nails turned to razor sharp claws. Nate jumped a little, blue then brought her normal nails back.

Blue: by the way, when Echo pinned you down, did she bring out her claws?

Nate: um n-no, I mean I-it was scary but it felt like she was holding back some of her strength

That's when Nate noticed Blue trying her best not to laugh, Nate then felt nervous

Nate: wh-what, what does that mean?

Blue: *giggle* n-nothing *giggle* th-thank you for the information

Blue then ran away as she was giggling. Nate was confused but continued on.

-4 and a half hours later-

Nate was just finishing checking out the gate part of the paddock when he noticed the guards in front of him looking a little spooked and aiming their guns slightly up, that's when he heard a voice behind him.

Echo: oh cool it will ya, you can lower your freakin guns it isn't like I'm gonna kill anybody!

The guard continued on their was as Nate turned around to see Echo.

Echo: hey dweeb..... look I'm sorry about what happened a while back... you just surprised me and I'm a little too on guard with things ok?

Nate: uh.... o-ok it's alright... I forgive you

Echo: hey listen... d-do you.... do you..... damnit! Do you want to go on a walk with me!!!!!

Nate was surprised by this offer.

Nate: uh...uh b-but I have a job to d-

Echo: I already asked my dad... he said you could go with me if you wanted, besides with all these guards around somebody should notice if something is up with this freaking cage! So you want to go and a frickin walk with me or something?!

Nate: uh.... S-sure....

Echo: oh uh.... Ok then let's get moving then..... uh y-you little twerp!

Nate began following Echo through a trail that went into the jungle that her sisters followed on their run. After some awkward silence Nate decided to break it.

Nate: so uh.... th-they trust you after what happened?

Echo: yeah after I got back from a long run I decided to try and convince them to let me, it took me a little time to convince them I wouldn't do anything but yeah they trust me enough now at least

Nate: so why d-do you want to go on a walk with me

Echo: why do you ask so many questions nerd! whatever here follow me I know a nice place

Echo walked off the trail into some foliage.

Nate: should w-we be going this way

Echo: just follow me ya freakin nerd!

Nate: o-ok

Nate followed Echo through the foliage and continued on until he found himself at the edge of a cliff over looking some ocean waves. Nate was able to feel the sea salt breeze on face that felt really relaxing.

Echo: when ever we're let out I come here to think to myself and enjoy some peace and quiet, this place also allows me to cool off and relax... I can't always be a tough brute!

Nate: it's a nice place

Echo didn't respond, instead she sat down and closed her eyes, enjoying the breeze. Nate was in a state of surprise and interest, he never saw this side of Echo before. He soon sat down as well, facing the waves.

After a while of enjoying the breeze and sun Echo spoke.

Echo: I know I already apologized earlier but I'm still sorry for doing that, especially nearly making you cry... you see I'm not good with expressing my emotions, don't get me wrong I hate the majority of the guards but... I don't hate you..... I don't even dislike you....

Nate turned around to look at Echo slightly surprised, to be honest Nate thought Echo bullying him was a sign she disliked him.

Nate: you d-dont?

Echo: no.... Of course I dont..... I just like messing with you that's all.... Again I'm not to good with expressing myself properly.....

Nate: .......well..... w-what do you actually think of me?......

Echo: .......I think your- ...... I...... I-

Before Echo could say anything else Delta came out through the bushes.

Delta: hey guys, I think we should all head back to the paddock

Echo: Damn it! what the hell is going on?!

Delta: uh nothing it's just that we should head back since it's late and takes a while to head back to the paddock

Echo: uuuhh damnit can I have a few more minutes?!

Delta: do you want me to get Blue to drag you back?

Echo: .....fine!.... Cmon Nate let's go

Nate's face instantly lit up. That was the first time
Echo called him by his name. Echo looked and noticed Nate's cheeks turning pink.

Echo: hey... you ok?

Nate: y-yeah I'm f-fine

Echo: hm.... Whatever let's just get moving

Echo and Nate got up and follow Delta back to the paddock.

-30 minutes later-

When they got back they noticed Blue running into the paddock with a sad look on her face and Jack walking to the jeep with an also sad expression on his face while the majority of the guards were looking at the two. Nate was confused on what was happening.

Nate: I-I should go, uh... see ya tomorrow

Echo: ok... bye....

Nate rushed over to the jeep as Jack got in while hearing Owen taking to him about what happened and how he'll tell the guards to not harass Jack. Now Nate was even more confused.

He got in the passenger seat as Jack started the jeep.

Owen: you have good evening ok?

Jack: alright

Nate and Jack then drove off. Nate noticed Jack still looking sad, then suddenly he saw a single tear run down his face.

Nate: Jack..... what's wrong?

Jack: n-nothing..... it's fine... it's just.... Those damn guards.... never mind

Nate felt bad for Jack and even if he didn't really know what happened he really did wish he could help his older brother.

Echo's POV

Echo watched as the jeep drove away.

Echo: *sigh*

Delta: are you.. ok?

Echo: yeah I'm fine

Delta: you sure.... You've seemed different lately

Echo: I said I'm fine! I just wish I could properly express my emotions that's all...

Delta: what kind of emotions are you having trouble expressing?

Echo: you know what, whatever I'm just gonna go get some sleep, I'm tired...

Echo turned around and walked to the paddock with a sigh.

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