Terror of the Seas

By N7Captain

48.4K 668 331

What if a battleship from an alternate dimension came over? What if this ship was the strongest anyone had ev... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6

Chapter 7

2.7K 55 12
By N7Captain

Here we are. The final chapter for this book. Well, that's a lie, this will have an Epilogue after this chapter, but I do plan on writing a sequel to this at some point. Im ending it here mainly because I've run out of ideas for it. Anyway, onto the story!

Kaiser was currently sitting in the bridge of his ship, waiting for Nagato's reply.

Fortunately, he didn't have to wait long. A member of the British ground forces came up to him with a letter.

"For you, sir." He told Kaiser.

Kaiser nodded in thanks and took the letter. The man saluted and left. Kaiser opened the letter.

As he was reading it, the Commander, Bismarck, Friedrich, Enterprise, and Queen Elizabeth (BB) entered his bridge.

"How unfortunate." He said, looking over the letter one more time.

"What is?" Bismarck asked.

"It seems that the Sakura Empire has declined our offer of a peaceful surrender. Looks like we'll need to persuade them to reconsider." Kaiser smiled.

He got up from a chair he was sitting on, and walked out the bridge.

"Get everyone ready. I have some preparations to make." He said as he left.

A few hours later, everyone was ready for the massive assault on the Sakura Empire.

In front of the massive fleet was the IronBlood girls that still resisted Kaiser's rule. They would lead the charge against the Sakura Empire's defenses.

"Alright. Let's get this done and go home. We all will need a rest after this battle." Kaiser told everyone over their radios.

All of the resisters had their riggings out and were ready to charge. The only noticeable difference on their riggings were collars on the riggings. These collars ensured that the resisters wouldn't turn their guns on Kaiser, because if the did, their riggings would be destroyed with a push of a button.

Since none of the girls wanted that, they would reluctantly do as he asked. The girls then got into position, the rest of the Kansen forming up behind them.

"Alright you dogs, sic'em!" Kaiser told the prisoners.

And with that, a full scale war between Kansen and mass production ships took place.

It was hell, mass production ships were destroyed, Kansen were greatly damaged, and Sakura Empire ground forces were being wiped out.

Kaiser himself destroyed many mass production ships and injured many Sakura Kansen on his own. He leisurely sailed up to the shore, hands behind his back with a small smile on his face.

Many Kansen tried to stop him, but ultimately found themselves being blocked by the Kansen of the combined nations.

As he made landfall, a Sakura Empire soldier ran at him with a knife.

Kaiser just stood there and smiled at the man. The soldier stabbed Kaiser, but the blade merely broke off, not doing any damage.

The soldier looked at the blade, before looking at Kaiser.

The male Kansen smiled, before backhanding the man away, bisecting the man.

His upper half flew and landed in front of Yamato, while his lower half stayed standing for a half second, before falling to the ground.

"Ah, I see you finally decided to join us! How lovely." Kaiser smiled.

Yamato gritted her teeth and charged the man, not bothering to say anything.  She went to slash at him with her sharp claws, only for Kaiser to step to one side.

Once she registered that the attack missed, Kaiser had already attacked with his own claws, slashing at Yamato's face, leaving a deep gash over it.

"A shame. You had such a beautiful face too, oh well." Kaiser shrugged.

Yamato growled and lunges once more, except this time, she spun around and slapped Kaiser with her tails, hoping to disorient him with it.

Kaiser jumped back from the attack, but was caught in a kick from Yamato.

"Not bad. It seems like you might actually give me a hard time. Let's see what you can do, Yamato!" Kaiser gave her a manic smile.

He charged at her, which caught her off guard, and punched her square in the stomach. She spit up saliva, and blood. She was launched a few feet away.

She looked up and saw Kaiser reach behind him. She watched as he brought out massive claws that attached themselves to his original ones.

She weakly stood up just as a stray battleship shell impacted close by, destroying some military vehicles, which set off a chain reaction, causing fire to spread around the two Kansen.

Yamato tried to take a step forwards, but fell to her knees. That punch seemed to take a lot more out of her then she expected.

"Such a disappointment." She heard Kaiser say.

She looked up, only for Kaiser to grab her throat and lift her up into the air. She tried clawing his hand, but he wouldn't let go, so she simply held his wrist and squeezed with all her might, hoping that a would do something instead.

It didn't.

"I had high hopes for you. I thought you were smarter than this." He told her.

"All of this death and destruction could have been avoided if you just surrendered, but no, you just had to decline the offer. No matter, I'll see to it that the Sakura Empire thrives. Don't worry, I'll keep your wisdom cube and summon you after this battle." He said.

Kaiser plunged his claw into her chest and out her back, her blue wisdom cube in his hand.

"NO?!" A voice shouted.

The anguish that the voice held seemed to carry throughout the battle field, causing human and Kansen alike to stop fighting and see what was going on.

All of the Sakura Empire's forces gasped and stared in horror at their now dead leader in the hands of someone wearing IronBlood colors.

In his hand was a wisdom cube, most likely Yamato's. The man looked over and saw that Musashi was the one to scream.

Once everyone got a good look at his face, many of the Sakura Kansen saw that it was the visitor they had.

"W-What? No way, you-?" Nagato whispered.

Kaiser looked at her and smiled.

"My apologies for lying about who I was, but that is neither here nor there." He said.

"Allow me to properly introduce myself. I am KMS Kaiser, H-44, of the H class battleships." He bowed his head.

"I'll kill you!" Yamato's sister shouted, cutting off any other words that were about to be said.

Kaiser started to laugh at that declaration.

"You? Kill me? How adorable." Kaiser smiled.

His smile seemed ten times as scary with the fire glowing behind him. He casually tossed Yamato's body to the left and started to walk towards Musashi.

She charged. Once she was in range, she slashed at him with a katana that she had on her. Kaiser merely grabbed the blade in his hand.

"Nice knife." He said, and crushed the blade.

He then kicked her in the chest and away from him.

Once she landed, Kaiser gave her no chance to get up, for he immediately ran towards her and put a foot on her back.

"Is this really all you had? What happened to the oh so powerful Yamato class? Such disappointments." Kaiser scoffed.

Musashi tried to get up despite the foot on her back, but Kaiser merely kicked the back of her head.

"Don't try it." He told her.

He leaned down and picked her up by the back of her neck.

"Today is a new day, a new era for the Sakura Empire." He told everyone.

Then in the blink of an eye, his hand shot through her back and out her chest, wisdom cube in hand, just like her sister.

He tossed her body aside and started walking up to a severely damaged Shinano and Nagato. He raised a clawed hand, preparing to strike them down.

"W-Wait!" Nagato shouted, thrusting a hand out. "We surrender! Don't kill us please!"

Kaiser then started laughing.

"Hahahahah! Surrender accepted. You heard her! The Sakura Empire has surrendered!" Kaiser told everyone.

After that, many Sakura Empire forces laid down their weapons and surrendered.

Much like what had happened with the IronBlood girls, the Sakura girls were all stripped of their riggings and were being watched by the combined Azur Lane forces.

Kaiser would let Nagato keep being the surrogate leader until they resummoned Yamato and Musashi.

Now all that was left was to build up their forces and wait for the Sirens to make their move.

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