New life at the McU

By MarcRios6

431K 8.4K 3.5K

Spider man has had enough then he decide it was time to leave to a better universe More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43

Chapter 5

14.7K 255 111
By MarcRios6

Peter was waking up from a relaxing nap

Peter looked around and saw he was laying on a chest

Peter looked were head was and saw his aunt may

Aunt may:Um peter....i can feel my legs
Peter:Oh wait*realizing*Sorry

Peter got off of her

Aunt may:you know you been so huggy and so there something wrong

Peter:No nothing

Aunt may:Peter you can tell me anything

Peter:well its just that i realized how important you are to me

Aunt may:Aww Peter*hugging him*Your so sweet

Peter:thanks may

Aunt may:Oh yea tony called saying you and him have plans with him

Peter:He said that(Oh great)well i guess i should get going

Aunt may kissed his cheek

Aunt may:Go on and have fun your young make the most of it and more importantly have enough webs in your shooters

Peter:Thanks may*smiling*
Spider man was swinging towards avengers tower

Spider man then got a call from mj

Spider man:Hey Michelle

Mj:Hey peter are you going to talk to the avengers

Spider man:Of course i mean i have to

Mj:Listen were sorry for the incident at the park we are just worried about worried about you

Spider man:I know and i really appreciate you ill just go to the avengers towers sort this thing out and we can go on our date this Saturday

Mj:sound like a plan

*Hangs up*

Spider man lands on the avengers landing bay and enters

Spider man:Hello....trick of treat

???:Treat...treat us with some information

Spider man saw nick fury

Spider man:Fury...Good to see you

Fury:Hmmm...your tell me what has been happening and don't dare lie to me

Spider man:ok....i have going trough puberty

Iron man:and it came with new fighting style?

Captain America:We want answer son

Then 2 people who came out who he instantly recognize

Spider man:Ned?....mj?

Ned:sorry dude

Mj:Listen im really sorry...we are just worried

Spider man:*sigh*alright...ok listen all of you might wanna sit down

Black widow:Now a couple of days you have had a new attitude a new style and new maturity

Spider man:Is that wrong

Black widow:its how fast 2 weeks ago shy and quiet now you know well my stealth

Captain America:You caught my shield with no hesitation

Wanda:You knew about my powers

Hawkeye:You know were i was

Iron man:and to top it off you called me tony

Spider man:Its that not your name

Iron man:You called me mr stark

Spider man:Well ok let me tell you this...but you might need a scientists

Fury:Banner get over here

Spider man felt heavy steps coming towards him


Spider man:Whoa!!

Banner:Is he alright

Fury:We just want answers

Spider you know the the theory of the multiverse

Banner:Yes of course everyone is ask that theory

Spider man:What if i tell you its true

Banner:What do you mean are you saying your from another dimension

Spider man:Well its see i em older there and more mature

Fury:Ok now the big question why did you leave

Spider man:well actually a women told me to leave there

Fury:Why what did you do

Spider man:Before you say anything just i em innocent

Fury:Tell us why happened in your universe

Spider man:Ok is simple we lived in a world were is practically the same but the only difference is that good fucked it up

Fury:Do tell

Spider man:Well they send me here because i needed to be protected

Fury:From what

Spider man:Lets say the heroes and villians


Spider man:Well the villain because there villains and heroes well its see some want power..some what to save people while others have it a different way like improving humans

Iron man:Keep going

Spider man:Ok here is

Iron man:me?

Spider man:You...are messed up

Iron man:How

Spider man:Ok first you were an alcoholic...then wore became a dictator forcing people to sign a law...made a huge organization that nearly killed the world....fights with the x men

Fury:X men?

Spider dont have them here

Fury:so from your dimensions it is horrible....what about me

Spider man:Your gone and your white

Fury:Sorry about that*hugging him*

Spider man:I was sent her to basically remake my life cause well bad luck

Maria:What happened

Spider man:*Whistles*Here goes

    2 hours later

Everyone was silent and quiet Feeling like crying

Wanda:I did that to you

Peter:Yea you shifted reality and made it your way and it messed people up

Natasha:I left you with a broke heart and all you did was support me

Captain America:What!!!are you kidding me

Hawkeye:Are you serious....that is way in hell

Iron man:My god!!!What the hell is wrong with them

Maria:There is no way im that bad

Fury:Maria we may need to talk

Banner:So one man messed it up with a mind swap

Mj:What the hell....all that stuff sound cool...but im a red head?....pfft no way

Ned:Bro how are you not drunk end depressed

Peter:Guess that the best thing about me being different well basically weird...and there is one more thing that is very important


Peter:Do you know the legend of Anansi

Fury:Yea a man who weaved the universe together or something

Peter:Yup its real and called the web of life and destiny


Banner:Its real!!!

Fury:ok and he hold it right

Peter:Yup but he died...but long in the future he has representation and guess who it is*extending his arms


Peter:Yup and trust me there is more

Fury:Enough for today

Peter:Im still the same peter just more skilled and more intelligent

Fury:You suffered enough welcome home

Peter:Thanks now if you excuse me*carrying ned and mj*im going home and being with my friends

Fury:See you around spider man

Peter jumped out the window

Banner:My god i meet Anansi representation

Natasha:Poor peter all the things he went trough why does it happen to him

Wanda:I hope we can all help him

Fury:We will

Spider man left off ned at apartment

Ned:See you at School peter

Spider man:Your not awkward and confused

Ned:nah your still my best bud

Spider man and ned did there hand shake and continued swinging towards mj house

Mj:So my alternate versions is called mary jane

Spider man:Yup

Mj:and those things happen

Spider man:Well...we stop it

Mj:Serious do a model and a movie actress....boring

Spider man:What would you want

Mj:Something exciting

Spider man:I know you have something

Mj:Well im smart

Spider man dropped off mj

Spider man:I hope me and you can still go on

Mj lifted up his mask and kissed him

Mj:You may be smarter...tougher....mature...responsible...but your still my peter

Peter smiled and kissed mj more

Mj:Be on time on our date dork

Spider man:Yes ma'am

Spider man jumped and swung home


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