The Assassin's Cupid {Under E...

By YourAcetylCholine

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"I don't care if you do proms or not. I'm not missing my last high school prom. You're going to prom with me... More

You're so sus
Memory wipe.
Change of plans
Wrong answer
Mop stick
Death of Dickhead
Rage and Trust
Oreos + Candy
Tell Mum
No Escape
Bloody Motherfucking Asshole
Island girl
No Fucking Way
Bad Guy
Promises and Swears
Crazy But Perfect
Tough Night
Way Too Nice Assassin.
My Cupid
You're Amazentastic ❤️


22 13 4
By YourAcetylCholine


"¶And in that hole,
¶there was a tree,
¶the prettiest tree,
¶that has ever been seen,
¶with the hole in the ground and the tree in the hole,
¶and the green grass grows—"

"Would you two shut the fuck up?" Lyrik said in a low tone, cutting Kyan and I off our song.

Kyan scoffed.

"Sadist." kyan said, making Lyrik shoot him a glare from the rear view mirror that made me laugh.

We were still on the road to wherever we were going. I was trying to lighten everyone's mood so when I started singing, Kyan joined in, but then Lyrik just had to be Lyrik.

I was at the passengers seat, Lyrik was driving and Kyan was at the back with Cruella and Villain.

Soon we arrived at the area. It was an empty road with dark buildings on either side of the street and the full moon's light Illuminating the street.

"Okay. We're here because of fucking Alexander... again." Lyrik clarified, bringing the car to a halt.

"Can this guy just die already?" Kyan said and Lyrik agreed.

It had me thinking what exactly initiated their war with Alexander.

They both got out of the car and just as I was about to do the same, Lyrik appeared on my side and shut the door back.

I gave him a puzzled look and he sighed.

"Doce, You're not coming." He said, seriously.

"Uhm..are you crazy?" That was the only question I could think of at this point.

Jaxon literally said I could go with them.

"You and I both know you're not ready for this." he said, resting his hands, close to mine on the windowsill, causing his rings and fingerless gloves to brush my skin.

"Yes I am." I argued.

"No you're not. Your training is not even complete, And if you come, you're going end up dead." He said, pessimistically.

I was sick of hearing this from him.

"Why can't you just trust me for once?" I found my voice rising with annoyance. "Why won't you just believe in me?"

He stared back at me for an entire minute, before licking his lips nervously. "I'm.......... sorry. I just can't put your life at risk." He managed to force out and I knew it was because of his inability to consider people's feelings.

And if you ask me, that's....weird.

I rolled my eyes at that and rested back on the seat.

I was quiet and he was too.

"Stay here and don't move." he suddenly stated and I looked at him with narrowed eyes.

He rolled his eyes. "Please?" He added, reluctantly.

I turned away from him still not wanting to be left here.

From the windscreen, I saw Kyan waiting in front, while using his phone.


"Fine, whatever." I said, playing with my gloves.


"Yeah. Now get out before I change my mind and argue until you agree."

I heard him chuckle at that.

And that, for some reason, brought a small smile to my face.

"Thanks, Doce."

Momentarily, they left with Villain, leaving Cruella and I with the car key.

I sighed, frustrated, hating myself for even getting myself into this mess in the first place.

Minutes after they left, I called Lyrik. I just wanted to make sure they were fine.

I don't even know why I felt bothered, they're professionals at stuff like this.

"Hey, is everything alright out there?" I asked when he picked up.

"Doce, it's been barely twenty minutes since we left." he said in an obvious tone.

"I know. I just wanted to make sure—"

"Yeah..okay..uhm..I'm losing you." he interrupted me and I heard poor connection sounds which I was certain he faked before the line went dead.

He hung up on me on purpose, I was sure.

Forgive me for trying to check up on the dog, ass-wipe.

Having nothing better to do, I snuggled with Cruella and told her stories about Levi and I when we were younger.


It's been an hour and thirty minutes since Kyan and Lyrik left and I've been awake through out, not being able to even nap.

As if on cue, I noticed them heading this way from the rear view mirror, just as a black Chevrolet Silverado ranch sped past me as fast as light.

I stared still at the Chevrolet Silverado ranch before worriedly shifting my gaze back to Kyan, Villain and Lyrik.

Thank God they're okay.

I took Cruella back to the back seat and got into the driver's seat and started the ignition just as they arrived.

They were panting extremely when they got in with Villain and I took it as a perfect chance to yell at him, the warning of his life.

"Don't ever tell me to wait in the car!! Ever—"

"Okay, okay. Just drive." He threw his hands up in surrender, interrupting me anxiously as I hit the acceleration and followed the Chevrolet.


News flash,

We lost them and right now, we were in the car, in front of Xely. kyan and Lyrik were arguing about whose fault it was and blaming themselves.

And this has been going on for 25 minutes.

"Keep your manners away from me. You should have just taken the shot immediately!!" Lyrik yelled.

"Well, that's what you ended up doing and look what happened!!" Kyan yelled back.

"All because you pissed them off in the first place. How many times do I have to tell you, Dialogue doesn't mix with assassination!!"

"And how many times do I have to tell you, think before taking a fucking shot!!!"

"We're Assassins, we're meant to carry out our work immediately and leave and not have a fucking conversation with the  fucking enemy."

"Says the—"

"Okay, shut up!!" I yelled, shutting them up instantly and interrupting kyan "You're both at fault." I said, making them narrow their eyes at me in confusion.

I pointed to Lyrik. "You're at fault for not letting me come with you guys—Clearly, you guys are a mess without me— and you," I pointed to Kyan, "you're at fault for not convincing him to let me come with you guys. Obviously, you needed my help." I concluded in a duh tone before unbuckling my seatbelt and leaving the car.

I went into the building and straight for the conference where Jaxon and Julian were.

Shortly, Kyan and Lyrik joined me there.

When we told Jaxon about how the mission turned out, the conference was like a graveyard. It was so quiet, you could literally hear a pin drop.

No one said anything, not Julian, not Jaxon, not Lyrik and Kyan, and definitely not me.

But it was obvious that Jaxon was disappointed.

And I'm sure they all saw it too.

"So you're telling me that Alexander was nowhere around the scene?"

"Yup. Just his guys." kyan said, raking his hands through his hair.

"That's...weird." Jaxon said, rubbing his lips with his thumb as he leaned on a work table.

"Exactly." Lyrik said and turned to Julian. "Your info was partly bullshit!!" he stated harshly before turning on his heels and storming out of the conference room.

He's been acting a bit weird since after the mission and no one knows why but I was definite that it wasn't because of the way the mission turned out.

Jaxon looked at me the moment Lyrik left and I knew he wanted me to check up on him.

So I gave him a small nod before leaving the conference too, to find Lyrik.

I found him in one of the bedrooms on the second floor.

I opened the door and saw him laying face up on the bed, with his beanie in one hand.

I had ditched my beanie the second we got back.

He looked distressed.

When he saw me, he sat up and raked his hands through his hair and threw the beanie against the table.

I knew he was trying to cover up any trace of emotion on his face.

And he succeeded.

Because now, the look of distress was gone.

How on Earth does he always do that?

I certainly have no idea. I can't hide any of my emotions. They're always too visible but this guy is a pro.

I sat down beside him on the bed and thought of what to say to him.

He just stared straight ahead, not saying anything either.

So I decided to speak.

"It's okay to cry."

I mentally face palmed myself.

Really? 'its okay to cry?'

Smart Alec.

He looked at me with this puzzled expression."What?"

I couldn't blame him. Even I was confused by why I decided to start a conversation like that.

But I knew what I meant.

I made direct eye contact with him.

"Yes, it's okay to cry. No one's expecting you to always be a tough rock. Everybody goes through various phases from time to time." I said to him.

He turned to face me squarely on the bed and raised an eyebrow.

"Where the fuck is all this coming from?" He said in his usual calm tone with slight amusement on his face.

"Well..." I looked down at my gloved hands, "I just happened to notice your quick change of emotions when people are around. Sometimes, I swore to myself that I saw an undercurrent of a different emotion but you quickly covered it up and it's gone before I could get to it." I admitted.

It was quiet at first, then I heard a deep chuckle from him.

"So you do observe me." He stated more than asked and I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Great. Now let's watch your ego explode." I said sarcastically and he laughed.

We fell into a comfortable silence for some minutes before I decided to go on.

"Now, I'm not asking you to always spill your guts to a random girl you kidnapped—FYI, that random girl is me—, but you have great friends you can always confide in and who I'm sure are always ready to listen to you." I said and waited for his response.

Few seconds passed before he looked at me.

"That..." he started. "Was really cheesy." He finished before bursting out with laughter.

My jaw dropped in shock.

"Did you really just belittle my entire speech?" I asked, getting up and cracking my knuckles, glaring daggers at him.

He laughed harder as he started backing away from me, still on the bed.

"Yup." He answered in between laughter

And that did it.

I lunged at him and pinned him, face down on the bed.

I sat on his back and bent his arm backward, such that it hurt.

"That's what you get for belittling my amazing pep talk." I said in a victorious tone,

Well, until he turned to his side and pulled me down on the bed, gaining the upper hand.

He held my both hands above me, pinned against the bed then started tickling me and I shrieked with laughter, being the over ticklish person I was.

How he got the upper hand?

I had no idea.

I struggled to free myself from his grip, still laughing hard.

I tried begging him to stop but each time I was interrupted by my own laughter.

Then after what seemed like forever, he stopped tickling me but still had me pinned on the bed with his right hand.

His electric blue eyes locked with my hazel green ones and I felt queasy inside, my laughter dying down as his left hand dropped from my ribs to my waist.

His multiple rings made me shiver as his fingers alongside his gloves grazed my bare skin.

His eyes flickered to my lips for a quick second before they went back to meet my gaze.

I swear, I noticed an iota of emotion in his eyes but it only lasted for a picosecond and then it was gone.

"Nevertheless, it made sense and was worth it." He said, referring to the speech but I think I already forgot how to breath due to the contact his skin made with mine.

He gave a really cute grin, "Thanks."



Don't forget to Vote and Comment how you felt while reading this chapter.

I love you, Amazen Nation


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