You Don't See Me (Now You See...

By zeldalove18

234K 5.3K 2.7K

"The closer you think you are, the less you'll actually see." Celine Rose Williams is nothing special. She se... More

Immediate Disclaimer
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Final Chapter
Final Author's Note
Bonus Chapter 1
Hey There Guys
Sequel Announcement

Chapter 1

31.1K 612 408
By zeldalove18

Hey there. So my name is Celine. Apparently, that's a French name relating to "moon". Nice to meet you.

        And...well... I'm the type of person who doesn't stand out at first glance. My looks are nothing special (though not hideous I like to hope), I'm not tall, I'm not particularly famous yet, I'm not loud no matter how strong I feel about my opinion, I'm just...bland.

       At first glance.

      But there are things people notice when they look closely.

      Because no matter how many people tell you that "the closer you look, the less you see", well that applies to the bigger pictures of life. Not specifics, the fine print, the unnoticeable ones. Those you do have to look almost microscopically close to even notice.

       I'm unnoticeable, or at least I use to be. I have friends, don't get me wrong. I have a job, a life, fun, and all of the above. But I couldn't truly be called famous or say that I have men falling at my feet, or anything else along those lines.

Me...I stay behind the scenes, occasionally drawing attention to myself, but even then I go by a different name, become someone I'm not.

I prefer the arts to truly talking to people, prefer night to day. And no, I'm not a vampire (but I feel like one [points to who understands that]). I'm not a huge crowd person, and performing, while I seemingly do it confidently...well it sort of terrifies me an insane amount.

Nonetheless, I deal with the stage fright quite regularly. See, I have my day job, but in the evenings...well I'm a street magician.

People know me by Celine Rose, Rose being my middle name. Others refer to me as "The Nightly Flower", as Celine means moon, therefore the night, and rose...well you understand I'm sure.

Are you disbelieving that a female is a successful magician? That I can make enough money to get by on my tricks alone and without my day job? know what? You have every right to be.

And you know what I say to your blatant sexism and disbelief? Fuck. You.

Yeah. Like I said. I stay under the radar. But that does not for one minute mean I'm incapable, sweet, innocent, unsuccessful and a complete pushover, thank you very much.

I have a mind, a personality, opinions. I'm not some chick who'll be pushed around and controlled, put down and ridiculed.

Not anymore.

My name is Celine Rose Williams. The Moon. A magician.

And you don't see me.

This is the story of how I found myself, clarity...

...and cringe-worthy enough, him. The one who changed my views on love, on myself, on the world...



Or maybe I should say them. Yeah...them is less disgusting.

**************************************** ************************************** ******

My day started out pretty average, relatively speaking.

       See, I was on a train, a train to Toronto to be exact. The "big city" of Canada, you could say.

I wasn't wearing anything too strange compared to the others on the train *cough* the stoner in the back *cough*, decked out in a black t-shirt, red female blazer, black pants and heels with a black and red fedora on my head.

The train was pretty empty at the moment considering the time, where most people should be travelling home from work. But that didn't exactly matter at the moment, as my stop was approaching soon along with most of the others on the train. I spotted a couple sitting side by side playing on gaming systems (from what I could tell a 3DS and a PSVita) and I was dying to say something. Then again, I wasn't an obvious geeky person at first glance, so I withheld my urges.

Instead, I sat here, looking either like an average white girl with my brown hair curling around my face while I Tweet, or maybe an angry businesswoman sending an angry email. Either way, both are wrong.

I was on my way to a gig, I guess that's what you could call it. That is if performing magic tricks and getting pretty damn nice cash out of random people on the streets of Toronto a "gig".

So it was a normal night as I was perched on a corner near the CN Tower and making surprising amounts of cash with simple coin and card tricks. It's amazing what playing with peoples' minds (and some flirting while doing so) can get you.

"And now my lovelies," I called out to the crowd, "time for my finishing act." I peered out, glancing at each person in the crowd and wondering who I'd sucker into helping me. Luckily for me, I found a cute nerdy looking guy, with short brown hair that stuck up and thin-framed glasses, wearing a...Christ was that a Nintendo sweater? Just my type.

"Hey, you!" I called out, "Mr Nintendo Sweater! With the glasses-" he met my eyes in surprise. "Yeah, you. The cute one...your name is...let's see. A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J...Jared...James! James right? Come on up love."

The man approached me warily and I grinned. "So it is James. And no worries, I don't bite...without your consent that is." The audience laughed and he gave me a smile.

"So James. I am going to flip through this deck, and you're going to pick a card and picture it in your head. Okay?" He nodded, and I gave a half-smile and flicked through the deck. "Did you see a card?" Of course, he did. 9 of Spades.

"Yeah," he replied.

I fanned the cards out before me, taking care to hide the one I knew that would've been seen. "Do you see your"


I pretended to look crestfallen. "I that case," I tossed the deck of cards in the air, watching them flutter in the wind and looked up to the tall skyscraper. Dylan don't fail me now bud I showed you how to do it...please come through with the...lights!

The minute I had the thought the side of the skyscraper lit up carefully, showing the card of the 9 of Spades. The crowd went insane and I grinned.

"Ladies and gents that'll be all. Have a nice night and remain to be the sexy folks you are today! Goodnight!" I waved to the people and bounded off.

I went in the direction of Union Station, ruffling through my bag for my ticket when a voice made me pause.

"Celine! Miss Celine!" I turned around to see that James guy running towards me.

"James-y boy. What can I do for ya?"

"Umm..." he started to stutter, making me 'awhh' slightly. "Well...I-I was just wondering maybe if you wanted to hang out sometime? J-Just if you wanted of course I mean you don't need to feel pressured...I" James finished and passed me a slip of paper before I lost him in the crowd.

I looked down to see his number scrawled messily on it.

"Hmm..." I hummed, before shrugging and turning to place it in my bag and finally get the ticket. If I miss my train for this guy I swear-...what's this?

I pulled a card that hadn't been in my bag before until this moment. A tarot card...Hmm...I used to deal with these. It was The Moon, a familiar photo of a wolf and a dog howling at a frowning moon.

"How fitting," I chuckled to myself.

I slowly turned the card over and raised an eyebrow in surprise.

"March 29th, 4:44 pm, 45 East Evan Street, NY, NY...?" I whispered quietly before looking around. Who put this here? And who wants me in New York? And most I go?

I mean clearly, this person spent a lot of time and effort contacting me if they come from the New York area...Ah if only I knew what they wanted! Maybe it was something to do with my performances as it was written on a tarot card...ugh who knows?

Well...what's the worst that could happen?

" It's a strange group that kidnaps you, tortures, possibly rapes and kills you after ruining your life in every way possible."

Thank you, rational Celine. Thank you.

                But...well... the possibility of being murdered or not...New York would be pretty awesome...

                ...Oh, fuck it. Let's rock this thing.

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