Chaos Theory

By irot9791

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A Weilan collaboration. Warning: This work is from a collection of lunatics... I mean talented writers, wonde... More

Chaos Theory
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6, Final Chapter

Chapter 1

266 22 40
By irot9791

Betad by priya_yilong and Mumuksh

As bar fights went, he would rank it among his top 10 easily, maybe even top 5. While it wasn't the first one that Zhao Yunlan had started, and he was sure it wouldn't be the last one either, it was probably the wildest one yet. It also wasn't his first time waking up next to a stranger afterwards, showing off his fighting skills tended to have a certain effect on people. However, being fully clothed and handcuffed to said stranger, that was new, not the handcuffs mind you, just the clothing.

He took mental tally of the bumps and bruises that he was too hyped up, or maybe a little too drunk to feel last night. Busted lip, bruised jaw, torn knuckles, several small cuts under his hair from a broken beer bottle or two, and at least 3 bruised ribs along with a dislocated knee. Nothing too unusual for him, the bruises would fade, the cuts would heal, the dislocation would be a bit harder to deal with, not like it's the first time he had to put a joint back in its socket. Luckily, he had learned a few tricks to help damper the pain, thanks to 'Daddy Dearest', if Da Qing hadn't smoked it all up by now that is.

If he had, well, Yunlan was just going to make him get the good stuff as repayment, this was all his fault anyways.

Damn fatty just had to go out and celebrate/cry over his newfound freedom after his third girlfriend of the year had broken up with him. He was better off without her anyways, how stupid did she have to be to give the "It's me or him." ultimatum when they had only been dating for 3 months? In comparison to a friendship that had been going strong since before Zhao Yunlan and Da Qing had moved on from diapers, what did she think was going to happen? She defiantly wasn't the brightest crayon in the box.

It had only taken 2 hours, 20 shots of Baijiu (mostly Yunlan), 1 mild case of alcohol poisoning (all Da Qing), and 2 boxes of tissues, before Yunlan called it a night for the both of them. Yunlan had only stepped outside for a couple minutes to find a quiet place to call a taxi, but when he stepped back inside, he was greeted by the site of some overly pretty suit walking towards the door with a half conscious Da Qing tucked under his arm.

Zhao Yunlan, being the good brother that he is, punched the bastard right in his overly pretty face.

The chain reaction set off by that one punch was far more than Yunlan had expected. Before he could grab Da Qing and keep his limp form from hitting to the ground, the suit had already crashed into the table behind him, causing the occupants to rush back to avoid the spilled drinks and shattered glass, only for them to knock into those on the dancefloor behind them.

This sent a wave of people falling to the floor and grabbing for each other to try and stay upright. Which in turn caused at least one woman's, in what Yunlan would, if he was generous enough to call the scrap of cloth she wore as a dress (he was not), to be pulled off, leaving her in only a thong and a pastie push up bra that did nothing for her, to scream like a banshee. This caused her steroid infused dance partner to grab the closest body, regardless of guilt, and throw them into the crowd.

At the same time, there was a flash of white and a fist shot in from Yunlan's left, connecting beautifully with his jaw, sending him careening towards the line of customers waiting to get their drinks from the bar. Suffice it to say, chaos ensued and the cops were called. Unfortunately for Yunlan, when you're 15 shots deep, a police officer looks just as punchable as everyone else.

Which would probably explain why he is now waking up to a lovely view of barred windows and the scent of stale beer, vomit, and blood assaulting his nose. In the half laying half sitting position he knows his back and neck will not be thanking him for later, he can see that at least half the bar is there in various stages of drunk and disorderly, all handcuffed to one or more partners. You know it's a good night when the cops run out of cuffs.

The warm weight of the body on top of him shifting brought him to his own partner. Well now, things were starting to look up, he was afraid he might have been shackled to the steroid king or the guy that looks like the comic book guy from The Simpsons, not what was hands down the hottest guy he had ever seen. The overly pretty suit, having must have lost his jacket and a few buttons at some point during the fight, laid out on his lap like an exquisitely presented feast.

With sweet pink peach blossom lips, velvet smooth skin, perfectly sculpted brows, and sweeping lashes that should be illegal on a man, he looked like he belonged on the runway, or better yet, in Yunlan's bed, the handcuffs can stay but the clothes have to go.

Yunlan, being the eternal pervert that he is, just couldn't help but to reach down to tease at the lips with hip thumb, they were even softer than they looked. A slight wrinkle formed between the man's brows and his lips pushed into a pout as he shifted again, making him the most adorable of creatures, Yunlan had to resist the urge to push his thumb in the rest of the way, maybe next date.

The man's eyes fluttered open to reveal beautiful deep brown eyes, lifting his chained hand, he blinked at it in confusion as if trying to decide whether he was awake or not.

Yunlan put on his most charming and non-creepy smile. "Good morning gorgeous, if you like those, you'll love the ones I have back at my place. How about we ditch the riffraff and I show you my collection?"

As soon as those beautiful doe-like eyes focused on him, Yunlan knew he messed up. He had never seen anyone go from calm to homicidal rage so quickly, and having broken up with a lot of exes, he was a bit of an expert at getting that reaction. Lightning quick, the man shot up and straddled Yunlan's lap, grabbing 2 fistfuls of hair and pinning his head to the wall, which was honestly hot as hell.

In hindsight, it probably wasn't the best idea to say that out loud, but Yunlan was never known for thinking these things through. The foul words spilling from those sexy lips, and the possible minor concussion from his head hitting the wall a few times, were worth it though. He wondered what kind of filth he could wring out of him in a more private setting.

A loud "Ahem!" brought him from his musings as he turned towards the sound and saw Da Qing standing on the other side of the bars with another man. A perfect copy of the one in his lap, if you ignore the bent glasses and black eye that is.

"Either it's my birthday or I need to go to the hospital." Yunlan looked back and forth between the two perfect specimens. "How do you guys feel about threesomes? If you aren't into that, how about you just let me watch."

Until he locked eyes with glasses, Yunlan hadn't realized that death glares were his kink, but hey, you learn something new every day.

"Yunlan, this is my Forensic Psychology Professor, Shen Wei. Professor, this is my idiot roommate, Zhao Yunlan."

"A pleasure, I'm sure. I see that you've already met my brother Yezun, he will be my lawyer in the assault case I will be bringing against you."

"Oh." Well, that didn't go as planned. 

JigyasaSharma2 you're next, good luck! Embrace the Chaos! See you in 1 week!

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