Missed You || Yoongi (Suga) Au

By SugarYonnie7

1K 113 34

Everything was going great for Y/N and Yoongi, the two children were inseparable and were together ever since... More

Omegaverse intro
Characters intro
1- I lob u yoonie hyungie
2- Always be with you
3- She is an Omega
4- My demon
5- Burnt
6- Wake up
7- White Omega
8- Dream
10- Sweety
11- Lost friendship
12- Celebration
13- friendship feelings
14 - The past
15- History repeated
16- Scared
17- Poor soul
18- Pack merge
19- Beginning of friendship
20- Mission
21- Room
22- back like childhood
23- morning
24 - Defending force
25 - fun fire
26 - darkness
27 - scars guard
New Book
28 - Pledge revenge
29 - shit!
30 - coward
31 - no way!
32 - Scars
33 - horny
34 - meeting
35 - hot
36 - Gaeji
37 - vanilla
38 - Please My Love
39- Biased....
40- mark
41- EXO
42 - Make you happy
43- fill me up

9- Smile

30 4 2
By SugarYonnie7

Coconut and vanilla
Blue eyes

These information were simple
but to Yoongi they were huge, he
longed to know them for more than 12 years now.

Standing there at the healing den
door, watching as jimin nursed
Y/n with a smile, Hoseok walking
around grabbing things jimin
asked him to bring to him, Jundo
standing with the other Omega,
who's name was now known to
be Taehyung, grabbing clothes
suitable for y/n's small frame.


He still can't believe she is laying there right infront if him, just a 2 meter distance between them, her
eyes were closed and lips slightly
agape as she breathed through her
My God she looked ethereal.

When y/n opened her eyes, her eyes
were tired and unfocused, she
stared at jimin not knowing who
he is, her pheromones that showed
sickness had slight panic now,
everyone caught the distressed
pheromones and gathered around
her bed as jimin smiled at her.

Her eyes shifted between all of them in fear till it landed on Taehyung, she whimpered and tried to speak but her voice was hoarse and her throat was soar, she coughed alittle and jimin looked worriedly at her, when he tried to whip the sweat on her forehead she flinched away.

Taehyung looked at his friend and caressed her cheek feeling the heat in them, he smiled at her sadly and he could tell that y/n's panic was rising, y/n couldn't focus and her fever didn't help her to try calm down.

Taehyung tilted her head
backwards looking at the Alpha
sitting at the far corner watching
with a worried frown, Tae left
Y/n's bed and went to Yoongi
standing infront of him, he crossed his arms over his chest and stared at the Alpha.

"If you are done with your shock state please go calm my friend she is panicking over there" Yoongi snapped his head upwards surprised and stared at Tae, he got up and moved slowly toward the bed, y/n's breathing was getting heavier and her destressd pheromones raked the room, Taehyung leaving her to go talk to Yoongi sent her to a full panic mood.

Everyone got out of the way for
Yoongi, y/n's eyes were closed
tightly as hee tears streamed down her pale cheeks, Yoongi stared at her in awe, he touched her cheeks softly and y/n flinched, Yoongi increased his scent to calm her, and just like their childhood days Y/n calmed down immediately.

Y/n's breathing calmed as she
opened her eyes slowly, Yoongi
was setting next to her on the bed
and bending over her slightly, his
palm was cupping y/n's cheek
softly, they stared into each other
for a whole minute, their minds
still processing the fact their skin is touching once again after so many years of loneliness and longing.

Y/n's face broke into a smile, eyes turning crescents moon shape, small dimple forming on her cheek, bright white teeth, nothing changed, Yoongi smiled too with his gummy smile

(A/n: just look at his smile dude😍)

Hoseok swore he doesn't remember the last time he saw the Alpha smiling like this.

Yoongi bent down kissing the
Omega's forehead noticing her
fever calming down, y/n basked
in the cinnamon scent she longed
and waited for so long time now.
The group left the room to give
them a moment of privacy.

Yoongi connected their foreheads
and closed his teary eyes, both of
them started to giggle which soon
turned to laughter of joy and relief.

"Missed you", they both said at the same time, opening their eyes staring to each other, they didn't say anything else, Yoongi noticed y/n's naked shoulders and how the Omega was shuddering alittle bit.

He kissed the Omega's nose earning a giggle before getting up to grab the youngers' clothes, y/n whines when Yoongi moved away making Yoongi smirk remembering how she used to do
this when they were toddlers.

He gave y/n a plain white shirt
that was actually his own shirt and grey sweatpants that was his too, he turned around setting on the edge of the bed waiting for
y/n to put on her clothes.

Once she finished y/n pulled
him to lay next to her, there was
small distance between their
bodies that neither of them liked
but both were shy and hesitating
about moving closer fearing
that the other might not be

They layed there in comfortable
silence, their hands were slightly
touching on the soft mattress
as both of them started to have flashing memories of their
childhood together at each slight

Soon they drifted off to sleep with
a smile on their faces, they both
didn't notice how Yoongi's arm
wrapped around the Omega's small
waist pulling her closer, they
didn't notice y/n moving closer
nuzzling her nose into the Alpha's
neck over his scent gland inhaling
his scent deeply, they didn't notice
their legs tangling together, their
scents mixing and breathing
calming to one harmony rhythm.

They might be hesitant in their
twenties stage after such a long

but their inner child form was so
familiar, comfortable and loving
toward each other.


Hello! I hope u like this chapter.

Sorry yesterday I didn't get time to update😬 because of exams.

So today there will be double update yeahh😆

Swagyswagy loves you~💜

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