The Strongest Wizard: Rejecte...

By shadowenclave47

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Just before defeating Moro, Goku wishes to have him reincarnated into, hopefully, a good guy, so that he can... More

Chapter 1: A New Beginning
Chapter 3: Revenge Plans
Chapter 4: Change in Attitude

Chapter 2: Training & Discovering New Powers

4.2K 72 84
By shadowenclave47

Emerald Forest

"Holy shit! Its Vegeta!" You shouted in surprise as Vegeta chuckled in amusement.

"Heh! That's right boy! And don't you forget it." Vegeta replies.

"Of course i won't. You guys are the main reason why i want to become a powerful warrior and wizard. Although, most people, myself included sometimes, doubts that i could ever become powerful like you and the other Z-Fighters." You admitted with a frown as Vegeta rose an eyebrow before remembering what Dende told him earlier.

"I'm already informed about the bullying you have received from the other students and teachers from this school. And i must say, they are all a bunch of idiotic FOOLS! None of them have any idea of who and what you really are, and the potential that you have. If they did, they would all be begging for mercy and forgiveness right now." Vegeta growled as you stared at Vegeta in disbelief. Shocked that you received praise from one of your heroes. Granolah rose an eyebrow.

"Bullies, huh? I hate bullies. Say, would you like for me to eliminate those bullies for you? I am a bounty hunter and one of the best snipers in the universe. It will be very quick and easy." Granolah offered in a dark tone as everyone felt uneasy.

"N-No thanks. Besides, i want to exact vengeance on them myself." You replied as he nodded.

"I see. I understand your sentiment. If i was in your position, i would rather enact vengeance myself as well." Granolah replied.

"Yeah. By the way, who are you? I know all of the Z-Fighter's, but i have never seen you before." You curiously asked.

"My name is Granolah." The man with green hair replied.

"Most of you don't know this, but after Moro was defeated, we encountered beings even more powerful than him. Granolah is one of them." Vegeta stated, much to everyone's shock and surprise.

"Wow! So you're one of those super, ultra powerful guys too?! That's awesome!" You shouted in excitement.

"Sorry to interrupt, but what did you mean when you called {Y/N} the reincarnation of Moro?" Liko suddenly asked as you rose an eyebrow, remembering what Vegeta said.

"Yeah, i would like to know that too." You said.

"Exactly what i said. Right after Kakarot defeated Moro, he made a request for him to be reincarnated into an Earthling. That Earthling, or Faunus in this case, was none other than {Y/N}." Vegeta dropped the bombshell information, as everyone jaws fell to the floor. "{Y/N}, you have inherited his power, abilities and potential." The Saiyan prince finished.

"But how? From what i heard, Moro was a powerful and evil wizard that you guys barely managed to defeat. I'm just a weakling that has no magic or ki potential." You doubted.

"Stop doubting yourself!" Vegeta shouted. "You just haven't unlocked your true power/potential yet, but judging by what you just did to those monsters earlier, you are already off to a good start. I am here to help you further unlock more of your hidden power and abilities. To be honest, i believe that your growth have been stunted by the fools of this academy!" Vegeta stated.

"Do you know anything about the ability i just used on those monsters?" You asked as Vegeta nodded.

"Yes. That ability you used earlier was actually Moro's signature magic ability: Energy Absorption. Although, Moro was also able to do it from a distance. You'll likely need more practice before you will be able to do it yourself. Whatever energy/power that you absorb is added to your own power. Once you're proficient enough with the ability, the power that you'll absorb could probably multiply your power." Vegeta explained.

"Shall we test the boy, Vegeta?" Granolah suggested as the two veteran warriors exchanged smirks.

"Sure. And what better opponents to test his strength on than the monsters that are still standing around here in the forest." Vegeta stated.

"So, what do you want me to do?" You asked.

"I want you to use your power to absorb and eliminate every single monster here in this forest." Vegeta replied.

"Every single monster? There has to be at least over hundreds of monsters here." Senkou stated.

"This is a tall order indeed." Gekkou added as Vegeta rose an eyebrow at the two before remembering another important power that Moro possessed and wondered if it carried over into this new life, since it was originally 7-3's power, but Moro took it when he ate 7-3.

"Hold on, {Y/N}! Before we send you to fight those monsters, there is something else that i want to test out!" Vegeta said as everyone, including Granolah, rose an eyebrow. Vegeta looked over at Senkou and Gekkou.

"Huh? What do you need?" You asked.

"I want you to grab their necks." Vegeta instructed, pointing at Senkou and Gekkou, as you, Senkou, Gekkou and literally everyone else gave Vegeta a confused look.

"Wait, why?" You asked.

"Just hurry up and do it already!" Vegeta shouted. "There's another power that Moro had, which involves grabbing the necks of his opponents. Although, im not entirely sure if you have it, since it wasn't originally Moro's power. But, i want to test out to see if you have it." Vegeta explained, as everyone nodded in understanding.

"Ok, but is this ability deadly to me or my friends?" You asked, concerned about Senkou and Gekkou. Vegeta realizes this and smirks proudly.

'I see. He's worried about hurting his friends. His abilities are the same as Moro's but his personality is very different.' Vegeta thought before speaking. "No. There is no risk involving this ability. All you have to do is touch their necks." Vegeta explained as you nodded slowly.

"Alright... if you say so..." You said as you approaches the two female shinobi. "I know this is a bit weird, but do you two mind if i test out Vegeta's theory?" You asked as the two sisters nodded.

"Don't worry, we'll be alright." Gekkou reassured.

"Besides, Vegeta said that it won't harm anyone, so why not." Senkou stated as you nodded.

With that you softly placed your hands around the twins necks for a few seconds before letting go.

"So, do you feel any different?" Vegeta asked.

"Hmm... No, i don't think i-" You was suddenly interrupted when you felt a rush of memories enter your brain, causing your eyes to widen as you felt... different. You didn't know how to explain it. "On second thought, i do feel different. In fact, i feel like i could perform the Shinobi Tenshin transformation, and use Senkou's and Gekkou's techniques." You stated as the twins and the other students grew even more confused, while Vegeta crossed his arms and smirked.

"I guess my hypothesis was correct." Vegeta said. "Well, if you feel like you can do these things, why not try it out now?" Vegeta said.

"Ok. Shinobi Tenshin!" You shouted.

What happened next shocked all the students as your clothes underwent a similar change that the shinobi's does when they transform. Your normal clothes became something more akin to a ninja (I can't think of a design, so i'll let you guys decided on what your shinobi form should look like).

"W-What? H-How is this even possible!?" Senkou questioned in pure shock.

"Good question. What exactly just happened? {Y/N} doesn't even use shinobi/ninja techniques and has never trained in that field either. Yet, he easily use the shinobi transformation like it was nothing." Rias said.

"To answer your question, Moro has another power that allows him to copy the powers of anyone he grabs the neck of. It seems that this power has also carried over to {Y/N}." Vegeta explained as Granolah along with the students eyes widened in surprise.

"Wait a second! Isn't that 7-3's ability?" Granolah asked as Vegeta nodded.

"Indeed it is. However, Moro manged to gain his abilities when he devoured 7-3, and unlike 7-3, who could only keep his copied powers for a limited amount of time, Moro's version was permanent. And from the looks of it, {Y/N}'s version is also permanent." Vegeta stated much to everyone's further shock and surprise.

"S-So does this means that {Y/N} can just go around and grab everyone's necks and amass a large arsenal of transformations, abilities and techniques?" Mirai asked curiously as Vegeta smirked before nodding.

"Yes. However, i suggest that you don't rely on this too much like your previous incarnation did, which was his ultimate downfall in the end, since his body couldn't handle the angel powers of Merus. For example, it wouldn't be wise for you to grab mine or Granolah's necks at your current power level, since your body probably won't be able to contain our power without the proper training." Vegeta warned as you nodded.

"Understood, Vegeta. But, can i use these abilities on those bullies and mean teachers of Union Academy?" You asked as Vegeta rose an eyebrow.

"Sure. I doubt any of those fools would possess power that your body wouldn't be able to handle. Otherwise, we would have sensed it by now. So feel free to go wild against them." Vegeta approved as you pumped your fist in excitement.

"Yes! I got Vegeta's approval! I can't wait to get back at all of those bullies and make Diana, Weiss and Yang regret talking down on me." You said with a dark grin while Vegeta grew curious.

"Who are those people, and what did they say to you?" Vegeta asked as you and your friends sighed heavily, which Vegeta and Granolah noticed. Something tells them that they weren't going to like the answer. They had no idea how right they were.

"Its a long story, how i'll keep it short. There were a few girls that i had a crush on in this school. Their names were Ruby, Yang, Weiss, Blake, Akko, Sucy, Lotte, Diana and Ursula. I confessed my feelings to these girls earlier today. All of them rejected me." You stated as Vegeta and Granolah visibly flinched. "I don't mind them rejecting me, but what i do mind was what Diana, Weiss and Yang said about me after they rejected me." You explained.

"So, what did they say?" Granolah asked as you sighed since their words still cut you deeply.

"Yang said that i was scrawny weakling and wasn't manly enough, and that she only likes strong guys. Weiss basically belittled me for being a faunus. And Diana, said that we were wolds apart in power and stature and boast about how she came from a long, prestigious family of witches that date back to 1,500 years ago." You told them as they nodded.

"I see. I don't know who this Yang girl is, and from what i am hearing, she's probably not important for me to care. However, i HAVE heard about Diana and Weiss family. And to be honest, i am not impressed with either of their families. I met Weiss father once, and i wanted to Hakai him immediately! Luckily for him, Bulma managed to convince me not to. As for Diana, her family history with magic is insignificant compared to your history with magic due to the fact that you are the reincarnation of Moro. You have at least over 10 million years of magic knowledge within you." Vegeta stated with a smirk. "Anyway, i can't really help you with your girl problems. However, i can almost guarantee you that they will change their minds real quick once you train under me, because i am going to turn you into a badass warrior, and they'll change their minds even quicker once they find out what you really are and the power and potential that you truly possess." Vegeta reassured.

"Don't forget about me. Like i mentioned earlier, i am a bounty hunter, and by the time im done with you, no one will cross or bully you again." Granolah stated with a smirk as the grin on your face grew wider. You have had a mostly bad day today, but looks like things are changing for the better now.

"Alright, that's enough chitchat for now! Its time for you to begin your first stage of of training and get rid of these nuisance." Vegeta told you, pointing at the monsters as you nodded before turning back to face the army of Grimm, Yoma and Noise in the forest.

"Yes sir! I'm going to start things off with a blast!" You shouted excitedly as you curled your fingers and placed both of your hands together. Vegeta immediately noticed the stance that you was taking and watched with interest as a small purple energy sphere formed in your hands. "Galick Gun!" You shouted, firing a purple beam at the monsters, completely annihilating around two dozen of them.

"I'm curious. When did you learn my signature move, {Y/N}?" Vegeta asked, almost demanded as you rose an eyebrow.

"Uhh... from watching you." You stated. "Ever since i was little, i considered you to be my idol along with the rest of the Z-Fighters, so sometimes, when i am training my ki, i would try to imitate the techniques that you guys use. Although, i had varying levels of unsuccessfulness. What you saw just then was the very first time i had actually pulled off the Galick Gun successfully." You finished with a grin.

"Hmph! I see. Well, don't get comfortable. You still have a long way to go before you can master this technique. In the meantime, just keep on practicing. You'll get there eventually." Vegeta replied.

"Alright! I'll continuing practicing until i am as good as you are with this technique." You declared as Vegeta smirked.

"Don't just aim to be as good as me. Aim to surpass me!" Vegeta encouraged as you blinked in surprise before nodding.

"Right. Got it." You answered before turning your attention back towards the monsters with a sinister grin on your face as you held your hands outwards. You was about to go on a power absorption spree, and the Grimm, Yoma and Noise were going to be your victims. "Lets get this show on the road!" You said in a menacing tone, as you eagerly rushed into the fray.

You immediately grabbed the first two monsters that you saw by the necks and immediately copied their abilities while absorbed their life force completely before tossing them aside and moved on to the next one. While you were fighting, you noticed that you wasn't really gaining much knowledge, skills or techniques copying the powers of the monsters, so you switched to exclusively absorbing their energies instead. You weren't really surprised by it, though. These monsters are barbaric and are lacking in skills. Either way, they are good fodder for making yourself stronger.

Meanwhile, your friends watched with wide eyes.

"Wow! He's really into it, huh?" Isami said.

"Yeah. I've never seen him this excited to battle before." Senkou admitted.

"Shouldn't we help him, though?" Kotoha questioned.

"I guess, but does he even need our help at this point?" Rias asked. "I mean, he's getting stronger and stronger with each and every Grimm, Yoma and Noise that he absorbs. With the vast amount of monsters in the area, he'll surpass us all by the time he's done." She stated.

"That may be so, but i don't want to stand around and do nothing and let {Y/N} hog all the fun." Senkou said as the others agreed. Vegeta overheard their conversation and smirked.

"If you all want to assist {Y/N}, then go right ahead and do it. I know im not the right person to be saying telling you this, since im stubborn and prefer to do things on my own as well. But there may be times where {Y/N} will need the help and support of his friends, even if its not combat/battle related." Vegeta told them as they nodded.

"That's right. After all, we can't do everything by ourselves." Granolah added as your friends smiled.

"YAAAY! Come on, guys! Lets go and help {Y/N}!" Mirai shouted energetically.

"D-Don't rush. Wouldn't want to do anything reckless." Liko chastised. "Besides, we should all transform so that we will have an easier time with all these monsters." She finished.

"Yeah, you're right." Mirai replied. "Lets do this, Mofurun, Liko, Ha-chan!" She shouted as the team nodded and with the help of Mofurun and the Diamond linkle stone, the 3 instantly transformed. Mirai became Cure Miracle, Liko became Cure Magical and Kotoha/Ha-chan became Cure Felice.

"Sis, maybe we should follow suit and transform into our ninja forms?" Gekkou suggested.

"Right." Senkou simply replied.

"Shinobi Tenshin!" The twins shouted.

Once transformed, the sisters followed the Mahou Precure team into the battlefield.

"Well, we don't exactly have any transformations to show off... yet, but we make up for that with our devil magic." Rias stated. "Lets go team!" She shouted as she and her peerage headed into the battlefield.

Vegeta and Granolah stood back and smirked. This was going to be entertaining.

Elsewhere In The Forest

"Hmm. I sense large magical power nearby." A man who resembles a bat stated.

"Not only that, but their power seems to be constantly increasing by the second. Just who could it possibly be?" A woman that resemble a spider added.

"I don't know who it is, but i would love to fight them." A man who resemble a turtle said with a vicious smirk.

"At the rate they're going, their power will become a threat to our own, and maybe even our master. We should eliminate him now." The bat-like man said as the 3 headed to where this vast magical power was located.

Meanwhile - Union Academy - With Ruby

Team RWBY, along with Akko, Lotte, Sucy, Diana and Ursula were walking around Union Academy, looking for {Y/N} so that they could comfort him and make Yang, Weiss and Diana apologize to him. However, they could not find him even after searching the school for the past hour.

"Where is he?" Ruby asked with a frown.

"We've already searched everywhere on campus and still can't find him."Ursula stated.

"He's gotta be here somewhere." Yang said in frustration.

"Maybe he left the school?" Blake suggested.

"What!? No way he would do that!" Lotte protested.

"Yeah! He wants to achieve his dream of becoming a powerful wizard. He wouldn't leave us... right?" Akko added, as even she slowly began to doubt her own words.

"To be fair, Blake's conclusion is understandable. I mean, {Y/N} has been getting bullied a lot ever since attending this school. Not to mention that he was betrayed by Asuka. The harsh rejection from Yang, Weiss and Diana doesn't help either. We all should have done more to prevent the bullying and bad treatment that {Y/N} has received thus far." Ursula stated as everyone felt horrible for not doing enough to help you.

"Calm down everyone. Lets just ask around. I'm sure some of the other students might have an idea on where he is located." Diana reassured.

Just as she said that, they saw a group of 3 girls walking down the hallways nearby. They recognized them as the Delicious Party Precure. They were the newest Precure that have been discovered, and were also the newest students.

"Hey! You three!" Diana called out, startling the 3 as they slowly turned their attention towards the group.

"A-Are you referring to us, Diana...?" Yui Nagomi, the leader of the Delicious Party Team, asked nervously.

"Yes. You three." Diana stated. "Have any of you seen {Y/N} around here lately? We've been looking for him, but can't find him anywhere." Diana finished as the 3 girls rose an eyebrow in confusion.

"Huh? {Y/N}? I thought he was with you guys." Kokone Fuma replied as they shook their heads.

"He was with us, but he left after what we said to him." Weiss admitted as they rose an eyebrow, curious.

"Huh? What happened? What did you say to him?" Ran Hanamichi asked, almost demanded.

Diana and the others sighed before telling them the full story about what happened earlier. To say that the Delicious Party Team was shocked and angry would be an understatement. Due to being fairly new students, they didn't know {Y/N} for too long, but he seemed very friendly and they were always on friendly terms with each other. Hearing about what Yang, Weiss and Diana said to him made them angry.

"Wow! How rude and cruel!" Kokone said.

"Yeah! How could you three say such horrible things to him like that!?"Ran shouted.

"I know, i know. What we said was wrong.That's why we are searching for him so that we can properly apologize to him." Diana told them as they nodded in understanding.

"I see. Unfortunately, we haven't seen {Y/N} around lately." Yui replied honestly as Ruby, Akko and the others frowned until they suddenly heard a voice on the intercom.

"Attention! May every student and staff in the school please report to the headmasters office immediately! This is an emergency!" The girls heard Genjuro's voice shout out urgently before shutting off the intercom, leaving a confused, curious and scared group of girls.

"Huh? That's odd. Why are they calling every single student and teacher into the headmasters office? Has this ever happened before?" Ran asked as Ursula shook her head negatively.

"No. This is new to me as well. Also, i have never heard Genjuro sound so panicked before." Ursula admitted.

"I'm getting scared." Lotte began to panic herself.

"Lets go everyone! Lets go see what they want." Ruby said as they slowly nodded.

"Right. Besides, we wouldn't want to be late." Diana added.

Timeskip - Headmasters Office

Once the group of girls made it to the headmasters office, they noticed that they were the first group of students in the room, while All Might, Kakashi, Glynda, Port, Oobleck, Finnelan, Badcock and all the other teachers were already present in the room. They noticed that Jiraiya was standing in the center of the room. After a few seconds, the rest of the students came rushing into the room until the room was suddenly filled up. All the headmasters sat in their usual seats. The only headmaster that wasn't present was Ragyo Kiryuin, which was basically par for course at this point.

"Is everyone here?" Ozpin asked.

"No! {Y/N} still isn't here!" Ruby announced as many students started laughing.

"Ha! What a failure." Hannah snickered only for her laughter to come to a halt as she found herself under cold hard glares form the students that were friendly towards {Y/N}.

"The Mahou Precure team isn't here either!" Manatsu, the leader of the Tropical Rogue Precure team shouted.

"Rias and her peerage are missing." Sona said.

"Senkou and Gekkou are also absent." Hibari stated.

"What? Where could they be?" Genjuro asked.

"I think i know where they are." Hibiki Tachibana suddenly said, as everyone turned their attention on her. "I overheard them mention about training in the Emerald Forest earlier. So that's probably where they are located." Hibiki stated.

"Should we wait for them?" Genjuro asked, as Jiraiya shook his head.

"Sorry, but i don't have much time. I'm a busy man, you know." Jiraiya stated as Tsunade rolled her eyes.

'Yeah right. You just want to rush off so that you can go peek at girls in the hot springs again.' Tsunade thought.

"In that case, we'll just have to fill them in on the details later." Azazel said.

"By they way, why is every student and teacher being called here? Did something big happen?" Ursula asked.

"No. At least not yet." Jiraiya replied before getting serious. "I was talking to the Great Toad Sage about his prophecies earlier, he gave me some good news and some bad news. Which one do you all want to hear first?" He asked in a serious tone.

"Umm... can you tell us the good news first?" Izuki said.

"Well, the good news is that there is a new ninja has emerged. They wield similar power to that of Asuka, Homura and their groups. The other good news is that a male Precure will be born today." Jiraiya stated as everyone looked at him as if he was insane. Some of the teachers and headmasters did a spit take.

"I-Impossible! I thought that only females could become Precure!" Kouchou said in pure shock and surprise.

"Haha! Yeah. I had the same reaction when the Great Toad Sage told me that." Jiraiya replied.

"So who exactly is this male Precure?" Danzo asked, almost demanded. This was starting to pique his interest, as he wanted this power under his thumb.

"We don't know his name, but according to the Great Toad Sage, he is currently attending this school, so finding him shouldn't be too difficult." Jiraiya stated as both Danzo and Dogen had sinister smirks.

"That's excellent news." Dogen said.

Meanwhile, all the Precure teams and some the students were overjoyed.

"Hmm...  I wonder what he looks like?" Manatsu said to herself out loud.

"I hope he's a handsome stud." Yang said as the girls gave her a deadpan look.

"Well, regardless of what he looks like, i hope that we can become friends with him." Manatsu said as the other Precure, the Symphogear wielders, along with Team RWBY, Team Red and Diana nodded in agreement.

"So...what's the bad news, then?" Ryuko suddenly asked as Jiraiya sighed as his face become very serious.

"The bad news... is that Moro, the Eater of Worlds, is back!" Jiraiya dropped the bombshell as everyone gasped in shock and horror.

"WHAT!? But how!?" Ozpin shouted in disbelief.

"The Great Toad Sage told me that Moro was reincarnated into a Faunus right after his death. He has been walking among us in this world for around 16 years new, and none of us knew about it." Jiraiya stated. "The prophecy says that he will soon awaken his true power and will come to Union Academy tomorrow and unleash that power on those who has wronged him in the past." Jiraiya finished as almost everyone had looks of pure terror on their faces.

"What!? That doesn't make any sense! No one here has even met the reincarnation of Moro, so why would he target the people of Union Academy?" Glynda asked.

"Y-Yeah. If he's back for revenge, then doesn't that mean that he should be targeting the people who defeated him? Such as Goku or Vegeta?" Finnelan said as Jiraiya shook his head.

"No. The reincarnation of Moro has no memories of his previous life. He wants revenge against those who has wronged in his new current life." Jiraiya explained as everyone's heart sunk in horror.

"So is he a bad guy?" Hibiki asked.

"The Great Toad Sage describes him as a once kind boy who was eventually pushed to the edge and now desires vengeance." Jiraiya told them.

"I see.... That's it! I've decided! I'm going to try and become friends with him!" Manatsu shouted as everyone looked at her like she was crazy. Little did she know, she was already friends with him.

"And why exactly would you want to do that?" Weiss asked.

"Well, according to lord Jiraiya's description of him, he sound like someone who was treated very badly by those around him. It just feels like the right thing to do." Manatsu replied.

"Yeah. I understand what you mean. This guy probably just needs friends to quell his anger and rage." Miku added.

"Yeah, when he arrives, we should try to become friends with him,not fight him." Hibiki said as basically every Precure agreed with her.

"HA! What a bunch of fools!" Cardin shouted as the girls glared at him. "He's a monster that deserves to be destroyed. And i will be the one to kill him." Cardin said arrogantly.

"This isn't a game, Cardin!" Jiraiya shouted in a serious tone. "If the reincarnation of Moro has the same powers that he does from his previous life, then there is absolutely nothing that you or anyone in this school combined can do against that kind of power!" Jiraiya stated.

"Pfft! It doesn't matter what power he has, he still cannot defeat me! I am immortal!" Riser declared in a arrogant tone. Jiraiya shook his head in annoyance. Its like he was dealing with a bunch of retards right now.

"If you provoke the reincarnation of Moro, then your immortality will definitely be tested to its utmost limits and beyond. Being immortal doesn't mean you will automatically win a fight. Especially against someone who is eons above you in power." Jiraiya stated as Riser growled in anger.

"Hey! I got a question!" Katsumi shouted as Jiraiya rose an eyebrow.

"Yes, Katsumi?" Jiraiya replied.

"Can this reincarnation of Moro blow shit up?" Katsumi asked as everyone looked at her as if she grew a second head.

"Uhh... yes? I mean, not only was Moro proficient with magic, he was also a master of ki control, and im sure you all already know what ki can do. So yes, this guy should definitely be capable of 'Blowing shit up'." Jiraiya finished.

"In that case, he's cool in my book!" Katsumi said as everyone gave her deadpan looks.

"Of all the questions you could ask, you ask that!?" Jiro deadpan.

"Oh shudap!" Katsumi shouted as everyone laughed.

Meanwhile the teachers and headmasters where filled with terror and were trying to figure out a way to prevent/avoid this. All except for one.

"Heh! This is most fascinating!" The one teacher that wasn't freaking out said with an excited smirk on her face. Her name was Croix Meridies.

"What are you talking about, Croix!? There is NOTHING 'fascinating' about this!" Finnelan shouted as Croix shook her head.

"I beg to differ. Besides, you guys are supposed to be witches, right? How could you not be excited about this? Don't you want to see the kind of magic that the reincarnation of Moro possess?" Croix asked with a raised eyebrow while Ursula narrowed her eyes at her.

"What are you scheming, Croix!?" Ursula demanded in a serious tone as Croix rose an eyebrow in amusement before shrugging.

"Nothing, really." Croix replied honestly. "If what lord Jiraiya say's is true, then tomorrow, we will bear witness magic of the highest caliber. its a once in a lifetime opportunity, and i don't want to miss it. I thought that the rest of you witches would be excited about this. After all, we all share a common interest towards magic like Moro and his reincarnation most likely does. But, instead, you are all trembling in fear like a bunch of cowards. Pathetic!" Croix replied as she walked away.

"B-But what if you are a part of his warpath?" Ursula asked in shock.

"If i am, then so be it. At least i will meet my end to the strongest magician in the world." Croix gave her final reply before leaving the room. The room soon erupt in chaos once again. Eventually, Ozpin decided to dismiss the students and sent them all back into their dorm rooms until further notice while he and the other headmasters and teachers continue this discussion privately.

Meanwhile - Emerald Forest

"Well, that takes care of that." You dusted your hands off before sitting under a nearby tree to rest, as you stared at the now empty forest, which was previously filled with monsters a few minutes ago.

"Phew! Glad that's finally over." Liko said with a sigh of relief.

"So you finally eliminated all of the monsters, huh? I'm sure that you've accumulated a lot more power from absorbing the life force from all of those monsters just now." Vegeta stated as you nodded.

"Hmm... I wonder how much power you've gained from that?" Granolah said.

"Well, i don't know what your exact power level is, but its definitely far greater than what it was before." Vegeta said.

"Uh... Maybe we could help with that? Our cell phones have been modified by Union Academy to read power levels." Gekkou stated as Vegeta rose an eyebrow before nodding.

"Oh. I forgot that you people have implemented power levels into your system. However, i suggest that you guys don't rely on technology when it comes to detecting power levels. Otherwise, it will bite you in the ass." Vegeta stated.

"Indeed. Its better if you learn to sense power levels for yourselves." Granloah added.

"Noted." You replied as your friends nodded. "That said, i still want to know exactly what number my power level is at right now." You said as Gekkou pointed her cell phone at you to read you power level and gasped in shock at the results.

"A-A power level of 6,000? Incredible!" Gekkou shouted as everyone's eyes widened in shock. Even you was surprised by this increase of power.

"So absorbing the energy of all those fodder monsters brought my power level from 20 all the way up to 6,000?" You asked in disbelief as Vegeta & Granolah smirks.

"In just one fight, you have already surpassed all of us." Rias stated.

"Yes. Now imagine how much power he would gain if he absorbed and copied the power of students, teachers and headmasters that treated him wrong?" Vegeta said as you and the others thought about it for a few seconds and knew that disaster awaits your enemies. Tomorrow was certainly going to be an interesting and entertaining day.

"Yeah. That's good and all, but im still not strong enough to face some of the teachers and headmasters in direct combat, even with the Shinobi Tenshin power." You stated.

"Well, at least you surpassed Asuka, Homura, Yumi and Miyabi power level when they are using their limit breaking power. So that's something, right?" Isami added while Vegeta rose an eyebrow, curious.

"Wait a second. There are people in your school with Limit Breaking powers?" Vegeta asked. "Tell me more about them." He demanded.

"Well, Asuka has Deep Shadow Mode, Homura has Crimson Mode, Yumi has Ice Queen Mode and Miyabi has Abyssal Mode. There is also Ruby Rose, the girl i told you about earlier, who has Silver Eyes." You explained as Vegeta nodded in understanding.

"I see. However, these powers are nothing compared to my Ultra Ego or Kakarot's Ultra Instinct power, which are considered Super Limit Breaking powers." Vegeta stated as you had a knowing smirk.

"Ultra Ego? Ultra Instinct?" Kotoha said in a questioning voice. Seeing her confusion, you decided to explain.

"For those of you who aren't aware, Ultra Ego is a transformation that Vegeta uses. The color of his hair and eyes changes to purple and allows him to use his destruction powers to its fullest. Whenever Vegeta takes damage in this form, he grows even stronger." You stated as Vegeta smirks proudly. "Ultra Instinct, on the other hand, is a form that Goku uses. It turns his hair and eyes silver and it allows him to avoid almost all attacks, even ones that may seem impossible to dodge. Both are classified as the strongest Limit Breaking powers that we know of." You explained.

"Hmph! You sure know your stuff, kid." Vegeta said. "When you're stronger, i might actually teach you Ultra Ego." Vegeta finished with a smirk.

"Woah! You really planning on teaching the boy that technique?" Granolah asked in shock.

"Of course. However, as he is right now, he isn't ready for it, but its certainly possible for him." Vegeta replied before turning to face you. "That said, i should warn you not to try and copy Super Limit Breaking powers right now. After all, it didn't end well in your previous life." Vegeta stated as you nodded.

"Ok... then what about the regular Limit Breaking powers that Asuka and the others have?" You asked.

"You mean the inferior Limit Breaking powers? You should fine copying them." Vegeta replied as he glanced over at Granolah, who silently nodded as the two could sense evil energy signatures nearby.

"Awesome! Tomorrow is going to be the ultimate-" You immediately cut yourself off as you quickly turned your head upwards, staring at the sky.

'Looks like he noticed it too.' Vegeta and Granolah smirked.

"I know you're there! Show yourselves!" You shouted as your friends grew confused.

"I'm impressed that you were able to detect your presence." A female voice said.

"Indeed. According to our info, you are supposed to be a talentless loser. But seems that our information is wrong or outdated." A man voice said.

"Either way, i want to fight and defeat him in combat!" A second man shouted.

The 3 slowly walked out of the shadows to reveal themselves. You and the Mahou Precure growled in annoyance upon seeing them.

"Ugh! Not you guys again!" Cure Miracle shouted.

"We don't have time to deal with you guys right now!" Cure Magical added.

"So please go away!" Mofurun said.

"Who are these freaks?" Granolah asked.

"They're agent of Dokurokushe! Basically, they are evil magicians. They must be here to steal  Emerald stone from Ha-chan." You told them.

"On the contrary. We are not here for the Emerald stone this time, we are here to investigate on where all of this magic power was coming from. We didn't expect it to be coming from you." Batty said as you rose an eyebrow.

"Why exactly are you here for {Y/N}?" Cure Felice asked curiously.

"He is a major threat to our plans. Even more so than you Precure! Therefore, we must eliminate him!" Sparda shouted.

"Don't take it personally, but we are just doing our job. I would like to see what your true strength is like before we annihilate you." Gamettsu said.

"Magic infused! Come forth! Yokubaru!" The 3 evil magicians shouted in unison as they summoned a monster by combing a tree in the forest with a random pair of boxing gloves laying around on the ground, creating a weird moving tree that had gloves at the end of its branches.

"Yokubaru!" The monster shouted loudly as you and your friends gritted their teeth, while Vegeta and Granolah stayed back and watched, waiting to see what you will do. This fight would also count as good training as well.

"Careful guys! This Yokubaru is way stronger than the ones we normally fight against." Cure Felice stated.

"Tch! They're really serious about this, huh? Well, i won't be going down without a fight!" You said as you took a stance.

"Don't forget about the rest of us!" Cure Miracle said as she and the rest of your friends stood beside you, ready to aide you in your upcoming battle.

"Yeah. These guys are as much as our problem as it as yours." Cure Magical added.

"That's right!" Cure Felice said as your eyes widened.

"These guys pose a huge threat to us all and potentially everyone on the planet with their dark magic. This isn't something that we can simply ignore." Rias added.

"I am mainly assigned to fight against monsters like Grimm, Yoma and Noise. I'm not well versed in fighting these creatures that they summon." Senkou said.

"Don't worry sis. All we have to do is beat it down enough for Mirai, Liko and/or Ha-chan to purify it. Think of it like a pokemon battle where you have to weaken it before catching it." Gekkou stated.

"But... i've never played pokemon before, though." Senkou replied in confusion as you chuckled lightly.

"Alright, alright! We'll fight together guys." You replied with a smirk.

"We'll sit this one out. This should be good training for all of you." Granolah stated.

"We won't directly interfere, but we will provide advice if needed." Vegeta said as you nodded before turning to fave the tree monster.

"Ok guys. Lets go!" You shouted as you charged straight at the tree monster. You reared your fist back and tried to punch the tree, but the creature proved to be faster than you thought and dodged it before countering with a powerful punch of its own as you crossed you arms to block it.

Senkou, Gekkou, The Mahou Precure and Rias Peerage used this opportunity to attack the tree monster while it was distracted, unfortunately for them, the tree creature saw this before breaking through your guard and knocking you down to the ground before turning to unleash a flurry of punches at your friends, knocking them all down to the ground near you.

"Tch!  Damn! Ha-chan was right. This Yokubara is WAY stronger and faster than the ones we normally encounter." You grunted as you stood back up.

"Of course! We combined our dark magic to create this one!" Batty stated with a sneer.

"There has to be a way to defeat it somehow." Cure Magical said.

"Oh! I know! I'll just use my Shinobi Tenshin. Transforming into that should give us an advantage." You said.

"I'm afraid that that won't be enough. That transformation does boost your power level, but it won't be enough to defeat this monster. You're gonna need new power." Vegeta interjected as everyone gave him a questioning look. Suddenly, an idea popped into Cure Miracle's head.

"Wait! I have an idea!" Cure Miracle shouted as everyone stared at her, curious to know what her idea will be.

"Really? What is it?" You asked.

"If they combined their powers to create this monster, then why don't we all combine our powers as well!" Cure Miracle suggested.

"And how should we go about doing this?" Isami asked as Cure Miracle smirks.

"Simple. We'll let {Y/N} grab our necks so that he can copy our powers." Cure Miracle stated as you rose an eyebrow.

"Hmm... That is an excellent idea. If he gains the power of our devil magic and the Precure powers, it should be more than enough to defeat this monster and drive the ones that summoned them out of here." Rias said.

"Really? Are you guys alright with me copying your powers?" You asked. You would eagerly copy the powers of your enemies and those you don't like, but you wouldn't copy your friends powers without permission.

"Of course! Its not like we have much of a choice anyway. At our current power level, this is probably the only conceivable way for us to defeat them." Rias stated as you sighed while Vegeta smirked.

'Heh. It seems that they have found the answer to their problem.' Vegeta thought.

"Ok guys. Here goes nothing." You said as you slowly and gently placed your hand around Cure Miracle, Cure Magical, Cure Felice, along with Rias and her entire peerage necks.

"What the hell are they doing down there?" Gamettsu demanded.

"Does it matter? They're all going to meet their end real soon regardless." Sparda replied arrogantly.

After finishing copying everyone's powers, you closed your eyes as their battle memories flowed into your mind. Once done, you slowly opened your eyes before turning to face the monster that stood before you.

"Alright. Lets do this." You simply said as you began to power up and a blinding orange light enveloped your entire being. "HAAAAAAA!!!" You shouted at the top of your lungs while the ground shook, as your body began to undergo a transformation.

"W-What's going on!" Sparda shouted in a panicking voice.

"Impossible! All of that magical power is coming from him!" Batty said in shock.

"This will be fun." Gamettsu smirked.

Once the light died down, your new form was now revealed to everyone. Your clothes were now replaced with a white/grey armor (i suck at explaining this sort of stuff, but your armor is similar to the ones you see in Saint Seiya... although i haven't seen the show before yet, but that was the first thing that came to my mind *shrugs* lol) while a vibrant orange aura surrounded you.

"Sorry to keep you all waiting. I couldn't think of a tacky new name for this transformation, so just call me Cure {Y/N}!" You declared with a smirk as your enemies were left stunned and scared beyond belief, while your friends had happy/hopeful looks and Vegeta and Granolah simply smirks.

The very first Male Precure was born today.

End of Chapter 2

A/N: So what did you guys think of this chapter? The next chapter you will be fighting off the tree monster and the evil magicians.

Power Levels

ST = Shinobi Tenshin


ST {Y/N}

{Y/N} (Monsters Energy Absorbed)

Tree Yokubaru

Cure {Y/N} (Diamond Style)

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