Broken Armageddon

By AGhostandAWriter

399 55 26

Humans were not alone, never have been in this infinite universe. Ignorance and self importance blinded them... More

Important Information.
1.The Priest
2. Truth and Lies
3.Keep Moving
For Heart and Home (i)
For Heart and Home [Final]
4.The Voyberg Pact
6.Within the Iron City
7.Plvdeniy Kino (Centre Stage)
8.Memories of a Distant Past
Voja II : Farewell to the Old Girl
9.Final Melody (Lodwy Mrzka)

5.Hidelburg - The Iron City

14 3 5
By AGhostandAWriter

The group of hamlet dwellers led by Father Paul and Karl trudged through the woods along with their injured military companions, dry leaves crunching beneath their feet; treading with little care.

Up ahead was a clearing which Stronzko, the de facto leader, immediately pointed out to Karl who was by his side.

They could hear chatter, human voices and the rumbling of vehicle engines mixed with marching of footsteps on a solid asphalt road.

Rushing out through the clearing, they emerged from the forest only to be greeted by the barrel ends of rifles from perimeter guards.

"Stand down, men. They're one of us! ," an officer commanded the guards who looked rather uneasy. Perhaps, they had come across infiltrators, collaborators or worse, fellow men who lost all hope and had turned to banditry just to find a sense of purpose and fulfillment.

The officer, a Captain, approached the group and went up to Karl recognising his stern face thus coming to a conclusion that he was in charge.

"I apologize about that. We've been dealing with attempted sabotages and night raids by the Tengu for three days, " said the Captain pointing at a pile of dead bodies which belonged to the Tengu invaders laying in varying degrees of death; limbless bodies, spilled entrails, and missing heads.

The stench was sour, piercing through their olfactory incurring a gagging reflex in all of them except Karl and the soldiers.

Quickly, Paul told the children of their group to cover their eyes and nose.
When asked why by the innocent young chaps, he told them with a wide smile that the devil had appeared and would whisk away anyone that saw or sensed his rotten scent.

A disgusting sight indeed, made even more so when they saw the injured army soldiers writhing in pain while walking past the medical tents.

"Don't look. ," said the officer leading them when passing by one particular tent where an emergency operation was being performed on a severely wounded fighter.

Shaking hands, Karl jokingly thanked her for not shooting at them after which he asked, " My group is tired and we'd be happy if you could help us get to Hidelburg as soon as possible."

After listening to his request, the female officer immediately pointed them towards a tent surrounded by machine gun posts and mortar pits.

"You'll find Major Ievanic inside, he might be able to arrange a mode of transportation. ," she informed, a light smile forming upon her face.

Unknowingly, Karl gave her a bear hug which startled the troops around them at first but then chuckled after realising what it was.

"Can't... breathe... ," uttered the Captain tapping on Karl's shoulder who then released her.

"S-sorry about that. Well, uh, we must be going now."

"It's fine, sir and goodluck."

With his weary group, they marched towards a tent covered in camouflage nettings.

"Sir, we have a civilian who wishes to see you. Shall I let him in ?," informed a guard through the intercom.

"No,tell him and whoever he is with to wait. Crucial meeting. , " replied Major Ievanic who was busy planning out a defensive strategy with the staff.

"Roger that, " responded the guard turning to inform Karl who was stood in front of his post with a withered look upon his weary face.

The information seemed to annoy him but nothing could be done about it. So, with no choice left they dragged their feet away from there however, fate played its hand through their military companion - Lance Corporal Sokoly Svitmir.

Calling his men who dragged their injured comrades on wooden sleighs, he alongwith them reported themselves to the guard who then promptly informed Major Ievanic.

"Let them through. , " said the Major.

The electrified gate swung open to let the Sokol and his soldiers in. Turning back, he gave his assurance to Karl and his group that no matter what he would convince Ievanic to give them safe passage to Hidelburg.

Karl nodded in acknowledgement and guided his people away from that place to take rest under the shade of a nearby grove of apple trees at the edge of the outpost perimeter.

They did not have to wait long because an hour had barely passed and he was woken up by a smiling Sokoly who held in his hand a piece of paper which had been stamped and signed.

"Get up, my friend. Take this and show it to the officer near the motor pool. , " he told Karl who couldn't help but feel elated upon hearing it.

Parting ways, both of them wished each other farewell and goodluck. Sokoly was being reassigned to a new regiment and Karl with his people were on trucks heading towards Hidelburg ; their long journey was at an end, or so it would seem.

As they rode on the bus, Karl overheard a conversation though a bit muffled due to the wooden board between him and them between the driver and the guard who sat in co-driver seat as they talked about the current state of things and rumours of forced conscription.

His mind wanted to dismiss it as merely baseless gossip.
"Why would the government," ever pass such a law he thought to himself ; Vistulionir's had the largest voluntary army at a million strong.

"But Vegran, isn't it a waste, sending those ill trained young lad into combat ?," the driver said to the guard who replied after putting the magazine of his rifle in its well, " It certainly is a waste, Rezy but I think of it this way - sometimes quantity is superior to quality and with that being said, please concentrate on your driving my friend else the passengers will have sore asses, haha!," he said with a laugh.

The driver shared a chuckled at the comment from his dear friend and guard, Rezy.

It was pleasent night when they arrived at the outskirts of Hidelburg lined with electrified fences and concertina wires with automated turrets keeping a watchful eye on the pitch black darkness of night.

Four guards pulled over the truck and
Rezy reached into his pocket, sliding out a folded piece of document which he gave to the captain in charge of the checkpoint who stood outside next to him.

"Refugees transport eh? , best get these poor lads inside and park the vehicle at depot six next to the infirmary building. ," said the captain shining his flashlight away, "Infirmary has a big red crescent on it."

"And the evacuation zone ?," asked Rezy

"Go straight. Turn left at the Little Kaiser restaurant and keep walking till you see a pill box."

"Much thanks, Captain."

The gates parted open and powerful search lights illuminated their path across the broken asphalt road.

Knocking at the side of his truck, Rezy told his passengers to pack their belongings and start heading towards the reception area which had been setup inside a marketplace.

"Wish you a safe journey, people. ," said Vegran slinging his rifle around his shoulders.

"Thanks, and to you fellows as well. ," responded Karl in gratitude.

Both Vegran and Rezy perhaps caught sight of a passing by fast food vendor and immediately like children drawn to a pierogi truck chased after it.

"What the hell did I just witness ?," silently remarked an amused Karl looking at the two grown men chasing after the poor fast food stall.

"Oy! Karl, you coming or what ?," called Paul a few distance away.

"Oh, wait up! ," answered the Ursavan man jogging towards them.

Following the directions which Rezy, their driver had told them, they soon arrived at a pill box which had huge machine guns sticking out of it.

A squad of soldiers emerged from within the surrounding building; all armed to the teeth with the latest hardware - powered exoskeletons, electromagnetic rifles and capes that resembled a burnoose which made them invisible.

It was clear that this unit was not from either of the Corps. They were the elite military troops who had been sent here to help assist Hidelburg's Reservist IV Corp alongside regular military forces.

"Stand down. We have refugees. ," the officer, a Lance Corporal, commanded his men upon seeing the traumatized faces on the children; these people were not enemy infiltrators.

"Children to the front. Adults to the back, please. Your cooperation is appreciated. ," announced an automated message through a public address system for the group of refugees.

The Lance Corporal approached Karl and Paul to apologize, " Take the kids inside. There's hot food and fresh clothes but before that report to the officer in charge to record your names. ," he added.

Walking through the checkpoint, Karl and his people couldn't help but shed a tear of relief and were feeling overwhelming elation and joy.

"Alleluija!," shouted Father Paul joined by the children who laughed and smile; tasty food and perhaps toys awaited them inside.

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