
By Hobbit6688

19 1 0


a l w a y s s t a r t i n g o v e r

19 1 0
By Hobbit6688

I stand in front of my mirror trying to pick out the perfect outfit. I'm not really sure what Broadway people wear to rehearsal, but I assume it's something comfortable that you can move in. I hope that everyone else is as new to it all as me.
"Willow, rehearsal starts in an hour so come downstairs soon for breakfast! I want to get there early!" my mom yells from downstairs.
"Be right there!" I yell back. I select a tribal, floaty tank top and black leggings. I pull my long brown hair back into a high ponytail and head downstairs.
"Hi honey," my mom says, greeting me with a smile and chocolate chip pancakes.
"Hi mom," I say.
"Are you excited?" she asks.
" Yeah I guess."
"Are you nervous? I bet you're nervous!" my little sister Autumn asks.
"Well now I am," I grumble.
"Autumn, don't stress her out!" my mom says sternly, "and Willow, I know your stressed, but please try to be nice."
"Fine," I murmur.
I stand outside the glass door and feel my stomach flip.
"You'll be fine, honey" my mom says, sensing my stress."
I don't respond and just keep looking at nothing, my eyes glazing over.
"I love you honey," my mom says, giving me a big hug, "I'm so happy that I made a Broadway star! I'm so proud!"
"Mom!" I yell.
She laughs, "I'm embarrassing you," she says giving me another hug.
"It's fine," I say while hugging her back.
"No, it's okay. I have to go anyways so Autumn doesn't burn the house down," she says.
"Okay," I say, "I love you."
"Break a leg!" She yells as she walks towards the subway.
"Thanks," I yell back. I then slowly inhale and head through the doors. I step into the lobby of a fancy building and walk towards the front desk and walk up to the woman sitting there.
"Where is the Roundabout rehearsal studio?" I ask.
"Floor 2," she tiredly says while examining her nails.
"Thanks," I say and head towards the elevator. Standing in front of the elevator, I see a boy about my age.
"Hey," he says, his big blue eyes smiling at me, "are you here for 13?"
"Yeah," I say, "are you?"
"Yup," he says and then pauses. A long and awkward pause. He runs his hand through his shiny dirty blonde hair, and then finally he speaks again, "ever been on Broadway?" he asks.
"Nope," I say, "have you?"
"Well I was in Matilda for about a year, but then I got into this and I decided to do this one instead," he responds.
"That is amazing!" I exclaim, "I love Matilda! I sang Quiet for my audition song for this!"
"Really?" he asks, his eyes gleaming, "did you know it takes them almost a week to teach that to the kid who's playing Matilda? It's such a hard song!"
"No I didn't know that but that's so cool!" I exclaim while stepping into the elevator, "who are you playing in this?"
"RJ, how about you?" he says while stepping off the elevator. I realize it's the second floor, our stop, so I get off too.
"Really? That's awesome! I'm playing Charlotte." I  say, "and hey I almost forgot, what's your name?"
"Charlie," he said, his perfectly white teeth smiling at me, "you?"
"Willow," I say, smiling back.
"Nice to meet you Willow," he said, smiling at me. He linked his arm in mine, "I think we'll be good friends." And with that we entered rehearsal.

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