Lilac is my favorite color |...

By chuiena_

71.5K 2.3K 1.9K

Y/n Kawata, sister of Nahoya Kawata and Souya Kawata. Y/n was walking on the park with her ice cream in her h... More

5 (this is just some gc's)
17 (โš ๏ธsmut,lemon!! โš ๏ธ


3.1K 134 182
By chuiena_

-The next day-

It's lunch time and I'm here eating with Takemichi and his friends, or can I say, our friends?

We eat here in our usual spot and now their talking about me being Toman's princess while I just listen to them

"Y/n! Being Toman's princess is so cooool! Congrats!" Yamagishi beamed and I just nodded while eating my origini

"Yeah! Congrats y/n!" Mokoto said

"Congrats Y/n" Yamamoto said being sweet, calm and kind as always

"Congrats Y/n" Akkun said

"Thank you guys" I said as I look up at them and give them a cheekily smile


School is over and now I'm waiting outside of Akkun's classroom since their still chatting about some project that their teacher gave them

I peek at the door and one of the student saw me

"O-ohh... K-kawata-san... What are you doing here? Are you here for someone?" The boy ask enough for everyone inside the classroom to hear, everyone started whispering 'cause they know that my brothers are delinquents and some of the boys are whispering about the most popular girl in the school is in front of their classroom

"Ohh... I'm here for Akkun" I said as I give him a cheekily smile which hit him hard

''O-ohh... I'll call him... AKKUN!" He shouted then Akkun look at the door where In standing and I give him a small wave

"Oh, Y/n!" He said and smile back at me, he took his bag and walk towards the door looking at me

"Let's go" He said then we walk out of the school and head home.

While we were walking I can feel that someone is following us and I feel uncomfortable, I look behind me many times and j can see that Akkun is getting worried

"Is something wrong Y/n?" We ask me in a worry tone which caught my attention so I look back at the road in front of me and try my best to smile

"Ohh, it's nothing" I said as I look at him and give him a bright smile, he look at me and give me a worried smile


It's already 5:30 pm and I need to get ready for the meeting

I got up from my bed and go to my closet to find some cloths to wear

I found a black overall then a black and white oversized shirt


I finish changing then I go downstairs to see my brothers with their Toman Uniform which is my first time to see that on them

They both drive to the shrine where everyone will be meeting with me on Souya's back

We arrive just in a minute because they were driving so fast.

We met everyone there and even Hina and Emma we're there

"Emma! Hina!" I call out and both of the girls waving my hand which caught their attention. They wave their hand back at me and slowly walk towards me

(Btw, the scene that Hina beat up Takemichi is over and let's just say that Hina didn't left and stay, just ignore Takemichi)

"Y/n! Your here!" Emma said and Hina nodded

"Yeah... I have to..." I said scratching the back of my head

"So what's the meeting about?" Emma ask

"I heard that it's about the fight against Meobuis" Hina said as I just listen to her not wanting to tell them about the whole meeting

"Yeah... I heard that too..." I said. Everyone got in position while me Emma, and Hina we're just sitting on a nearby bench, and me waiting for Mikey to call out my name

"And I announce to you our new member!  Toman's Princess! Respect her like how you respect us, don't mess with her unless you want to end up dead..." We heard Mikey said as whispers began


"A girl?"

"We're gonna have a new member?"

"It's going to be a girl?"

"A girl? Who is it?" Emma ask as she look at me then Hina

"WELCOME HER! Y/N KAWATA!" Mikey shouted my name and everyone's eyes was on me even Hina's and Emma's

I stood up and walk towards Mikey while all of the member give way for me. As I reach Mikey, I saw his face, it was scary and serious, he look down at me because he was standing on the stairs

He quickly change his emotions and plastered on a smile, "stand beside me Princess" he said and I obeyed. I walk up and stand beside him

"Starting now on, she'll be third in command!"

"Th-third in command?!" I whisper yelled looking at Mikey, he look down at me and smiled, eyes closed

"Don't worry princess-chin, it'll be fine"

"K-kei-chin, I'm not ready! I don't even know how to fight!" I whisper yelled again and he patted my head and just keep smiling

"Trust me Y/n, I'll help you train, I'll teach you things you need to learn" he said assuring me, I just nod slowly and look down

"That's settled then... And one more thing, it's about meobuis... We're going a war against them" Mikey said as he go back on being serious


"After the meeting I notice that Pah is not being himself this time, I saw him bully Takemichi with Peyan, after they left I approach Takemichi who is with Mitsuya and Draken

" Kenny-chan..." I call out for Draken and he look at me annoyed, "what?" I ask

"What's with the nickname?!" He ask getting irritated while I just look at him and blink my eyes several times before answering

"You should know that I'm great in giving nicknames" I said as I turn my back on him and cross my arms on my chest pouting

I heard Mitsuya chuckle so I turn and look at him, "hmm?" I questioned and he slowly calm down

"Your so cute" he said, I can feel my cheeks burn up

'How can he said that without stuttering? He looks so calm while I'm here frozen in my place! Wait, does he remember the kiss? Like... Does he like it? Why am I even thinking about that?!!!'

"Oohh, look at our Princess, couldn't even say one word, I bet when she talks again, she'll stutter for sure" Draken said in a teasing tone and smirking

"I-i...wont" I said defending myself, 'gosh, why did I even stutter?!!!!!!!!!!' I scold myself inside my head as I bit my bottom lip

Drake gasp covering his mouth like a girl who was shocked, "you just STUTTER!!!"

"I DIDN'T!!!" I yell defending myself while he just laugh walking away

"Bye-bye lovebirds!!" He said while waving his hands at us

I look at Mitsuya who was smiling and I can see that his ears are red

"U-uh... M-mitsuya?" He didn't answer, pretending like he didn't hear anything

"Mitsuya?" I called out his name again, still no response

"Mitsuya!?" I called out again almost shouting, but still no response

'Is he mad at me?' I thought to myself, 'maybe there's something wrong... Should I try calling him names?'.

"A-ashi...chin?" I said as I slowly look up at him

"Yes?" Finally, he answered, he had a big grin on his face and I return it

"Ano...i got a question..."

"What it is?"

'Should I ask him? What if he said he doesn't remember? That'll be embarrassing!! But it's worth a try....'

"Uhh... Do you remember the...uhh..." I said trying to find words

"The what?"

"The one, the other night?" I ask hoping he would get it

"The other night? What's with the other night?"

"Ohh, nothing... Forget that I ask that..." I said as I smile at him, after a while, he said something

"I remember..." He said, does he know what his talking about, maybe I should act like I don't know what he's talking about

"The other night... The kiss..." He just said it, doesn't he feel shy? He seems so calm saying that thing!! What's wrong with him?!!

"Sorry..." He added

"For what?" I ask not knowing what he's sorry for

"Sorry... I didn't meant to do that... To kiss you..." He said looking away, I can feel my cheeks heat up

"A-ah, it ok, don't worry about it... Hehe..." I said as I looks away

"So... Is it ok if I do that again?" He said, 'is he serious?! I mean like I don't mind but, is he teasing me? Or is this real?! I can't help but think about things!!!'

Then I heard him laugh all of a sudden, I look at him in a questioning look

"Sorry!..." He said in between his laughs

"Y-you should look at your face! " he said as he continue to laugh

"T-that wasn't funny!" I exclaimed turning my back at him and cross my arms under my chest

"Sorry..." He apologize to me, I look back at him, and saw that his sincere. He look down at his feet with a sad face

"A-ahhh! It's ok! It was funny, actually!! So don't cry, omg! What am I going to doooooo!" I panic as I hold his hands, he slowly look up at me and saw my panic face

"W-wait, are you crying?" He ask me

"I'm not! What makes you think I am?!" I exclaimed

"Well, you look like your going to" we both end up laughing so hard, after we calm down a bit I started asking question

"Ashi-chin... What happened to Pah? He's not acting like himself now..."

"That's because his bud got beat off by Meobuis, and after that they took all of his money then rape his girlfriend and after that, they hurt his family..." Mitsuya explain to me and I can feel warm water coming out from my eyes

"Y/n, are you ok?" He ask me, I look up at him and nodded making my tears flick

"Your now, your crying" he cup my face and wipe my tears using his thumb, while I just watch his handsome features

"Why are you crying? Do you feel bad for Pah, and his bud, and his bud's girlfriend?" He ask me and I nodded my head and bite my bottom lip to stop my lips for shaking

"It's ok, we're working on it now, so don't worry" he said as he spread his arm wide for me to hit him

I quickly jump on him and wrap my arms around him and he did the same. I feel at ease now... I feel protected


I walk toward Pah hoping that he wouldn't shut me out, he's sitting in a bench, alone.

I slowly approach him and I can tell that he knows my presence

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE YOU-" He didn't finish his sentence when he look up at me, he quickly soften his face and look down on his feet

"Sorry Y/n... I didn't meant to yell at you.." He apologize to me, I wish I could help him... But all I can do is talk and do some comfort

"It's ok Pah, I understand you, you can tell at me when ever you want" I said as j sat down next to him

"It's just that... It's unfair... Why does Osanai have to do that?! " he exclaimed and I can feel that he cares about his bud

"Pah... There are just people who aren't good, I know how you feel, and I hope that, that Osanai rot in jail. And don't worry Pah, if you need someone to talk to, I'm here, always. " I said as I hug his side and I can hear sobs, I look at him and saw that he was crying

"A-ahhh! I'm sorry, is that too much?!! I'm sorry!! I'm really bad at comforting people so I hope you understand!! Ohh myyyy! W-what should I dooooo!!!???" I yell and everyone look at me, Pah suddenly pull me into a hug, maybe that's what he wanted, comfortation ( I seriously don't know where that word came from🤣)

Pah continue on sobbing on my shoulder, I slowly pat his back and hush him


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