Xiao X Reader One-Shots ♡

By xiaos_waifu

43.1K 887 924

A random assortment of x-reader one-shots with Xiao from Genshin Impact! Xiao will obviously probably be out... More

Bliss 🍈
Apocalyptic (AU)
Apocalyptic (AU Part 2)
Sacrifice Pt. 2
Apocalyptic (AU Part 3) 🍋
Protective 🍈
Change of Heart (Modern Vision Bearer AU) 🍋
Eternal Blue
Sweetly Broken 🍋
Eternal Blue (Part 2) 🍋

Love Sick

3.5K 85 66
By xiaos_waifu

"Xiao? What are you doing here?"

Should he tell the truth? He honestly didn't expect to run into anyone here, with how they're usually all gone protecting Liyue, the building was usually empty unless they came back to rest.

Much like his base of operations in the Wangshu Inn, Y/N also had one of her own, which was just a small village with a market. There were people of all ages there, including elderly and children, so naturally of course she gravitated towards there, always having a soft spot for them especially.

The people welcomed her with open arms, beyond happy to have the protection of one of Liyue's better known Adepti, no doubt one of the few remaining ones who actually still enjoyed living among human kind.

Xiao never quite understood it, but she had a love for humans and a much deeper understanding of them than he ever did, but eventually he just saw it as her having a huge heart. She was so compassionate and empathetic, always putting herself last and putting everyone else above herself. A heart made of gold, if you would.


He hadn't even noticed that he'd forgotten to reply, his mind far too lost in the past, in her.


Can I really tell him the truth? And just embarrass myself like that? He'd surely think I'm just some love-sick puppy, chasing after the one I let get away.

"You're here to check on her, aren't you?"

Whelp, he's smarter than I thought.

A smile played at the man's lips, gazing on at the mighty Conquerer of Demons stood before him, unable to admit that he'd come to spy on his ex-lover.

Xiao's arms crossed as he let out a huff of frustration, unsure what to say now as he cast his gaze out toward the sky, assuming she wasn't even here at the moment anyway.

"You can admit your true feelings, you know? Just because you're both Adepti doesn't mean you two can't love each other."

What was he going on about? Xiao didn't love-

okay. Yes he did. He just knew if he admitted it aloud, that it could never be taken back. What would that mean? Is it so bad to experience such a human and mortal emotion? In all his years, he never had. He believed he wasn't capable of such a thing.

Maybe he was wrong after all.

Or maybe this human was just full of shit.

"You're her advisor, are you not?" Xiao eyed the man skeptically, wondering why such a normal and boring man like him had been tasked to serve as her closest informant of the village, keeping tabs on everything going on around it and updating her as was necessary.

"Indeed, sir. I don't think we've formally met before. Takemura, sir." The human extended his hand to Xiao, a very mortal custom that he also never understood, but decided to be cordial either way, taking the man's hand and giving it a quick shake.

Obviously, Takemura had seen Xiao around when he used to be joined at Y/N's hip, so he felt it pointless to introduce himself again, especially since he'd already spoken his name.

Does that mean she talks about me to them? To the humans? Did she like me that much?

Xiao exhaled deeply, deciding he might as well just admit it anyway considering this human had guessed his intentions either way.

"Is she here?" The Adeptus questioned quietly, almost embarrassed by it.

Takemura's smile widened at this, but it seemed genuine.

"Last I saw her was early this morning, I believe she said there was some negative energy nearby the village. She said it was far too close for her liking and noted that it was odd for them to be so close without her noticing sooner. She's seemed a little... distracted lately."

Was it because of me? Have I been that heavy on her mind?

"It seems like she let one slip by too." Xiao's eyes fixated a few feet away, watching intently as the demon simply waltzed around like it owned the place, not a care in the world or even noticing their presence.

Sure, they were on the outskirts of the village near the entrance, so it was still a good ways away before it was near harming anyone, but still surprising on how it managed to get so close without being detected by two separate Adepti.

Were these a new breed of demons? Did they possess some different type of negative energy that was harder for them to detect? Or did it just manage to slide under the radar because the both of them are so distracted over each other?

The break up had been quite messy.

Just as the raven-haired Adeptus uncrossed his arms, preparing to manifest his spear, a bright flash of lightening shot across the field, slicing the demon in two as it disintegrated into ash.

She always did have a flair for the dramatic.

Her back was to the two men, flipping her sword around in her hand masterfully before it disappeared into thin air.

Amber eyes admired her bare upper back, her black and white kimono hanging off her shoulders. It ended higher up on her upper thighs, accompanied with skin tight booty shorts and thigh highs.

Xiao's mind drifted, reminded of the countless night's they'd been in bed together. Of how soft her skin was beneath his finger tips, of her delicious scent, the way she moaned his name.

It almost made him feral, although he'd never admit it aloud.

He craved her in every way.

How stupid it was of him to break things off. He thought it would be for the best, worried the weight of his karmic debt would be even too much for her to bear. Sure, she wasn't human, but he still found himself taking the blame for every little bad thing that happened to her.

Despite how much she disagreed, saying she didn't care, that his karma couldn't effect her any worse than her own did, and begged him not to leave, yet he did anyway. He truly thought he was doing what was best for her and being selfless, but as the days passed, he couldn't get her off his mind. She showed up even in his dreams, and now, with her standing before him, he couldn't even find words.

She left him completely breathless.

Xiao hadn't planned on running into her at all, he just wanted to show up and sort of casually stalk her from afar, just to see how she was doing.

But of course, her annoying advisor somehow instantly found him as if he'd set off an alarm, and the icing on the cake was a demon showing up right next to them of all places, luring her straight to him.

"My lady, welcome home." Takemura gave a respectful bow, even though her back was still to the both of them.

"Thank you, Takemura." Y/N had yet to turn around, now being distracted by the furry feline friend purring at her feet as it rubbed against her legs, greeting her as well.

She'd bent down to give the cat some pets, always having a soft spot for animals as well, and they adored her. Xiao had never see a cat or dog that didn't love her and practically follow her around.

He remembered this one's name specifically, it being a village stray that refused to leave once Y/N had showed up to help watch over the town. Yato, she'd named it, and ever since, it was practically always following behind her, and she often let it sleep or stay in her house in the village with her.

So she essentially adopted the stray, and wherever she was, it was never far behind.

"I'll leave you two be." Takemura bowed again, this time more toward Xiao as he cast him a quick smile before turning away and taking his leave.

Y/N knew Xiao was there, she was just giving him the cold shoulder. Last time they'd spoke, it ended in a lot of tears and unspoken words. Clearly, that left her with a sour taste in her mouth as she proceeded to ignore his very existence.

"It seems Yato still adores you. I'm not surprised."

Archons, how he hated small talk, but he had to break the awkward silence somehow. He knew how she got, she'd give him the cold shoulder and act all closed off and distant, like she was angry at him when in actuality, it was the opposite.

She didn't want to admit how much he'd broken her. How distraught she'd been these past few weeks without him, and now he had the nerve to practically show up at her doorstep, seeking her attention again.

"Why are you here, Xiao?" Y/N exhaled deeply as she stood to her feet, leaving the cat below her to meow in protest, obviously wanting her attention too.

That's how it always had been. Anyone who had the pleasure of knowing Y/N simply loved being around her, she was just a positive light in a world so cold.

This is what he had expected. Her to be angry and distant, trying to keep him away. After all, he'd been the one who had forced her to learn how to live without him.

She spun around to face him, her H/C hair swaying with the force, her usual soft and gentle eyes now glaring at him sharply.

Her hand sassily rested on her hip, eyeing him with a raised eyebrow as she awaited his response impatiently.

It had been a long day of demon slaying for her, and she didn't have the time or patience to deal with more heartbreak.

"Are you hurt?"

For a moment, the words caused her icey stare to melt, until she realized he meant physically.

His eyes were wandering down her legs, lingering on the few injuries she'd sustained that were still bleeding a tad.

"Let me walk you to the town medic." Xiao urged softly, trying to ease down her walls.

He knew he couldn't just come out and blurt about how much he missed her and how he'd made a mistake, she'd likely just walk away.

"I'm fine, thank you." Y/N's voice held an edge, much unlike her usual tone which flowed across the breeze like silk, sweet music to his ears that could easily sing him to sleep.

Either way, it was foolish. She was an Adeptus as well, and possessed advanced healing just as he did. There was little need to get such minuscule injuries worked on by a medic, it would only waste valuable resources and time that could be saved for other mortals in the village instead.

It was obvious that she wasn't going to budge.

"Y/N, please-" Xiao gave in, knowing he wasn't going to get anywhere unless he was just brutally honest. Hopefully this wouldn't come back to bite him.

The call of her name caused her sharpness to falter, dropping immediately as he closed the large gap between them, coming up to gaze intimately into her beautiful eyes.

The eyes that he admired so dearly. His favorite sight in the entire world.

"I miss you," He admitted sheepishly, his gaze falling as he found it increasingly difficult to hold eye contact with her and still keep his thoughts coherent.

"And I know you probably despise me- you should. But hell, I miss you so much and I made a mistake. I can't stop thinking about you. The only reason I wanted to break things off was because I thought it would be best for you. The weight of my karmic debt along with your own is more than you deserve to bear, but I didn't stop to think about how you would feel. I'm sorry, Y/N." Xiao's eyes drifted down to watch as Yato attempted to comfort him, now rubbing up against his legs and purring, encouraging him to speak his true emotions.

It's almost as if the cat knew.

Y/N's gaze drifted down to Yato as well, unable to keep the smile from cracking on her lips as she let out an irritated laugh.

Not the reaction he'd expected or desired.

"Do you know how much you broke me?" Glossy eyes now met his own, obviously struggling to keep from crying all over again at the memory.

"You broke my heart, left me completely alone to pick up the pieces and now you think you can just waltz back in and I'll forgive you?" She spat, a single fear falling down her porcelain cheek.

Unknown to him, she was conflicted. Part of her wanted to fall back into his arms and cry tears of joy, but the other part said to run. That she didn't need someone who would disregard her feelings so easily and leave her in the ashes of what was left, all alone.

But as much as she hated to admit it, she understood him. She was also an Adeptus and knew the effect her karma had on others, which was another reason she was very careful with how much time she spent around the humans and in the village. Nobody wanted to put the ones they loved at risk, that was a burden she understood all too well.

"I'm not asking for forgiveness. I just felt the need to tell you that I'm sorry." Xiao spoke grimly, knowing there was no way she'd give him another chance and he understood, but hating knowing the reality of the situation.

He'd ruined yet another good thing in his life, and now there was no turning back time.

"You're lying, or you wouldn't have said you missed me." The flatness in her tone caused him to meet her gaze again, not expecting her to be so forward about it.

And she was right, the words had kind of just accidentally slipped out during his apology. He hadn't planned to say it, that part he was going to keep to himself.

Xiao exhaled deeply, not wanting her to think he was trying to manipulate her or play mind games, but he couldn't lie and say he wouldn't love for her to give him another chance.

As always, she saw right through him, but she wanted him to be honest and speak his emotions, so she'd decided to put him on the spot and call him out on it.

"Of course I would like nothing more than to be with you again, but I don't want you to think I'm manipulating you."

"I would never think that of you."

Her soft voice had returned, tone as light as a feather, practically yanking his heart strings.

"Do I think you're a stubborn idiot? Of course, but I don't think you would ever intentionally try to hurt me." Y/N's expression was so soft and loving as she laughed, the beautiful look he'd fallen so deeply in love with.

Xiao smirked along with her, not disagreeing whatsoever.

She knew his heart, the deepest parts of his mind that he tried so desperately to keep hidden. She knew the depths of his love, how kind and gentle he really was beneath his stern expression and cold exterior. She'd been the one that had managed to break through it, after all.

"Would you give me the honor of having another chance with your heart, Y/N?" Xiao extended a gloved hand toward her, his palm up, hoping she would give him one more try.

Her eyes flicked from his open palm back up to meet his eyes, displaying some unknown emotion that almost worried him, at least until she rested her own hand delicately within his own, gently lacing her fingers between his like she always used to.

"Only if you admit to coming here originally just to stalk me." Y/N snickered as his cheeks began to turn red, knowing Takemura might have caught him in the act, but not thinking she'd caught on too.

Her giggling worsened, the sound warming his heart even if it was because she was currently teasing him.

"You didn't even plan to actually confront me, did you?" She continued to toy with him as he pulled her into a hug, trying to hide his face in her hair.

"Not today, no. I just wanted to at least see you." Xiao mumbled out quietly as he gently kissed along her shoulder and neck, eliciting that adorable little giggle to escape her lips as it always used to, knowing it was better if he just did his best to be more vocal about his emotions from now on.

He was perfectly okay with her teasing him, especially if it meant she was his again.

He'd never let her go again.

"You know, Yato started coming with me to fight demons... Turns out, he's able to sniff out anything that I accidentally miss sometimes. So, you have him to thank for leading me back to you."

That little-

Xiao glared daggers down at the cat still at their feet, meowing and purring, clearly happy at the sight of the two hugging and speaking kindly to each other again.

"Thank you." Xiao mouthed silently to the feline below, earning another loving head butt and some more loud purring.

Yato had always had an affinity for him too. Maybe the feline felt the negative energy between the two, and tried his best to push them back together again.

Did I get outsmarted by a cat?

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