Four Weekends & a Photograph...

By wrenlo

4.2K 182 49

A Wayhaught love story based loosely on Four Weddings & a Funeral. More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40

Chapter 2

100 7 0
By wrenlo

Let's be completely honest here, I didn't need to know the guy's name. All I wanted was for Nicole to realise I wasn't gay, not entirely sure why, or with Chrissy, or that I had a sudden and deep desire to see her in a bikini. Not that this was what I usually did, let any guy kiss me. His tongue was inside my mouth before I could reply. Or, maybe he did tell me his name. Whichever, I now had to endure several minutes of some random banker attempting to locate my tonsils.

The look he gave me when I pushed him away. He didn't stick around long, or offer to buy us drinks. So much for being an investment banker. She continued to look over, Wynonna talking to her. She laughed at something my sister said, nodding, raising her glass in our direction. The heat returned to my cheeks, realising I now looked like the cheapest pick-up in the place, allowing a stranger to play tennis with my tongue. Not only had I not succeeded in proving I was not interested in her, I had demonstrated I went with anyone who so much as looked at me. Was she looking at me?

"Where's she sleeping?" Chrissy said. "Thought she was coming at the weekend."

"No idea. There's not enough room where we are for all of us."

Wynonna sauntered over. "I've one more hour on my shift. We could go to the club after."

"I'm exhausted," Chrissy said. "Calling it a day."

"Nicole's in party mode. Waves keep me company."

Chrissy calling it a night appealed. A full day's sunbathing on the beach, followed by a long, leisurely meal overlooking the harbour, and several hours of drinking made me also crave our bed. "I'm in. I'll need to walk Chrissy back first."

"Hotpants can go with you. Make sure you don't get into trouble."

"Where's she staying?" I mentioned, casually.

"My place for now. Until you leave."

"Thought you said it's a studio apartment."

"Double bed."

Given the way she grinned, Wynonna must have seen the surprised look on my face at the mention of shared sleeping arrangements. Maybe Chrissy was right, maybe they had, you know, maybe that's how they connected at university. There was no way I could bring myself to ask Wynonna outright had she and the American done anything together, in a bed, with those long legs of hers. It was one of those questions where I wasn't sure I wanted to know the answer. Who am I kidding? I was desperate to know if they had been an item. I could see them together, although at the same time I always assumed Wynonna was into guys. It didn't matter if they had. Kind of made it easier if the American had slept with my sister. It would put her completely out of reach.

The laugh I let out was purely involuntary. One of those nervous reactions to Wynonna's mention of the double bed. Also, my assumption someone like Nicole was even within my reach, or interested for that matter. What was I thinking? Beyond stunning, could easily get anyone in the bar where we were drinking, and was currently flirting with one of the other women serving. Damn. Although, if that was her type I was in with a chance. Girl, get a grip. This was Wynonna's foreign friend, who may, or may not have seen her naked.

Wynonna patted Nicole on the butt. They've definitely done it. Got to have done it. You wouldn't pass up an opportunity like that, if it was offered, not with legs like those. Wynonna must have said something to make her look over again. And laugh. Again. Chrissy pulled me by my hand, this time towards the exit, only just managing to put my glass down on the counter in time. We made it outside, the air cooled by the sea, soft music spilling from the bar, the hypnotic clickety clack of small boats tied up for the night. Such a beautiful location, so romantic, the sort of place you could stroll hand in hand with a loved one and feel all the problems of world floating away. Two guys were relieving themselves of several pints of beer against the harbour wall. Why couldn't they use the restroom like everyone else?

"Wait up," a voice said behind. "New here. Which way?"

Chrissy squeezed my hand as I tried to remove it from her grip. "Straight," hearing Chrissy snort. "Up. Ahead. Straight ahead. Then a right. Left, sorry. Straight up, left. Not far. You don't have to come if you don't want to. I mean if you want to come..."

My best friend was shaking in silent laughter, me making the face everyone makes to tell their best friend to behave. "What?" she said, composing herself. "What she means is, you can come with us. You'll need to see where you'll be sleeping when we leave."

We walked in silence, the three of us, no one else around, the narrow streets lit by strings of white lights draped along the sides of houses, as if someone had forgotten to take down Christmas once it had passed. As I said, all very romantic if you ignore the puddles of pee. Chrissy refused to let go of my hand, the joke having long worn off. As we reached the place where we were staying Chrissy finally let go, the three of us standing in the doorway. "Did you want to come up?" I offered. "It's not much."

"Nah. I'll see it soon enough."

"I won't be long."

She shrugged, hands deep in the pockets of those extremely short shorts. I must have been staring too hard at them to notice what Chrissy noticed. "Oh. My. God. She so checked you out," Chrissy said, closing the door to the bedroom. "I mean, full body scan."

"I think she and Wynonna."

"You said they hadn't."

"I said I didn't think they had."

"Well, have they?"

"How should I know? I'm not my sister."

"Are you sure you want to go clubbing? She looks like she might..."

"Might what?"

"Do an investment banking number on you. What was it with that guy?"

"Fancied him."

Chrissy poured herself a large glass of water. "You so didn't. I saw the look on your face."

"He could have at least bought us drinks."

"You didn't give him a chance. Don't be too late. Or, too drunk. I'm in the same bed as you, remember."

I saluted. "A few drinks and I'll call it a night."

"Get someone to walk back with you, okay."

That's why I brought Chrissy on holiday, her genuine concern for me being out. She would normally keep me company, but I think she guessed I would be alright for one night with my big sister and her friends. Nicole had found a wall to wait on, her heels tapping against the whitewashed stones, smiling as I approached. "Sorry, had to use the bathroom. Shall we?"

"Great place."

"Wyn likes it. Says it's what she needed. Opposite of the rat race."

"Where you headed?"

"After here? Not sure. Chrissy's got one more week. Spain. Italy. Haven't decided."

"Your sister said you're travelling for a year."

There were lots of places I could go. Money permitting. Pops had given me enough to pay for the basics, travel, cheap accommodation, plus a spare credit card, for emergencies only. I fancied visiting India next, Australia appealed, as did Thailand. It was all down to stretching my limited coffers, and whether I could stand my own company for long periods of time. Some friends were already in Bali, so that was a possibility.

"That's right. Before I start my course."

"Wise move. Wish I'd done that. Guess I did moving to England."

"I thought American universities were the best."

"Wanted to spend some time getting to know the place."


"I've family there. Dad moved back after the divorce."

"So that's why. Your accent. Makes perfect sense now. Will you stay?"

She gave me a look as if to suggest she would consider the question and get back to me. "Where's this club?"

Her ring caught my attention, wanting to ask who she belonged to, but that would be impolite. If she had someone that also made everything easier. Perhaps now would be a good time to tell you my secret. I've not even told Chrissy, and she knows pretty much all there is to know about me. Except this. It wouldn't be a secret otherwise. Here goes. Deep breath.

I had the biggest crush on one of my teachers at school. Sports teacher to be precise. There was something about her in an overly-tight uniform which made me go weak at the knees, and other places. And, I hate sport. Can't throw a ball, or catch one. Not even sure I can hold one properly. I tried for the athletics team, only to come last. Chrissy made it onto the team, the only time I felt jealous watching her get to be with Miss Edgar.

The benches beside the running track became my second home, wishing I was part of the team. Miss Edgar's muscular arm over Chrissy's shoulders, offering words of encouragement, Chrissy red in the face from having sprinted several circuits of the running track. Not a great look, let me tell you. Night, after night I would dream about coming first in a race and Miss Edgar congratulating me with a hug, suggesting we go take a shower. Alone. Coconut body wash. It would had to have been coconut body wash. The smell still does things to me. Miss Edgar offering to lather my back, her hands gently caressing my skin, all the way down to my thighs, turning me to face her, letting her hands linger over me.

Fuck! She had red hair too. Well, strawberry blonde. Short, with a natural wave, brushed back off her face, her toned body in that uniform. Slender legs. Maybe that's why Nicole made me feel those feelings, the ones I'd suppressed around Miss Edgar. Maybe I didn't fancy the shorts off her. Maybe I was merely projecting unmet needs from my school days onto a perfect stranger. Maybe every attractive redhead who crossed my path would send my arousal levels into the stratosphere. Mister Freud eat your heart out.

We made it to the club in under ten minutes. Wynonna had said she'd meet us there after her shift ended, which according to my phone was in half an hour. Room 52. Not the trendiest nightclub. Not that I had been to many nightclubs. It happened to be the only one in Preveza, so choice didn't factor into the equation. Lively enough to be enjoyable, the music of a questionable quality, Wyn seemed to know everyone who went there. The looks we, correction Nicole got as we entered, the new girl serving behind the bar making it very obvious she was interested.

Two beers served, Nicole spent the next few minutes chatting up the woman without introducing me. The usual crowd was in that night, several groups of men in loud shirts revealing just enough of their sunburned bodies to not be appealing. I spotted investment banker talking to another girl in the corner, leaning against the wall the way some men do to show their dominance. From a distance, he wasn't so unattractive for me to justify having locked lips with him earlier. Slightly embarrassing, however, was the fact he was fawning over another. Still, at least I didn't have to put up with his beery breath, and cheesy chat-up lines. "Hey babe, come here often? Wanna see my place? Great tits."

"Cheer up," someone said beside me.

Another investment banker no doubt. I provided him with the requisite smile, swivelling on my seat to face Nicole who was now swapping phone numbers with the girl behind the bar. Great, she's been here five minutes and she's scored. "This is Waverly," I heard her say. "I'll ask her. Lexi's brother runs the diving club. You in?"

"What now?"

As the words left my mouth I wanted the dance floor to open up and consume me whole, the pair staring before bursting into laughter. "Yes, now," Nicole said. "Night diving's the best. Tomorrow's good too. What about Chrissy?"

I was still screaming internally at having said something so stupid. No one dives when they've been drinking. Or, at that time of night. Why, oh why do I do this? Why can't I be cool like my sister? "I think she'd be up for it."

"Great. I'll book us all on it."

Wynonna had arrived, accompanied by a full bottle of champagne from her bar. It was going to be a long night.

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