Anna's family

By Otar3000

1.6K 100 15

A new interesting chapter in Anna's life. Takes place after Frozen 2 and "The Passsage" More

Trust your heart
No matter what ever it takes
Family Lost Lineage
Guilt of heart
A mother's heart
I am with you
On the way
Arendelle, Welcome??
I want to know
Enter Olaf
Unmeltable Me
Busy Time
A hidden plot
A story teller
Play Night
Heated debate or Legislative Violence?
A visit
Wolf Encounter
A stained memory
Trio of stages
Hell, Raid Aftermath
Make it out
Tough rock on wind
Promise to keep
Fiery Flames
Dangerous waters
Seeking the truth
Calm before storm
Something's Coming
Trouble's coming up
Chapter 33
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Cyclone πŸŒ€
Memory Witch
Rain and Sea/Drops and Waves
Justified Worries
Nobles vs Pirates
Cold Shoulder
future concerns & dangers
Everyone has a burden
Out of cold
Dugaag meets KΓΆnigin
Tarzel GesprΓ€ch
Hans the 13th/The Broken Bridge - Adultsupervision
hold on for your dreams & beyond!
is it a good time??
All in it's time - Happy 10 years
Free Fall
Olaf piratin tales
All is NOT well
Protect (not project) your tomorrow
voice of unheard or unrest?
memory of the brave
Beauty and Bravery
Mouse & Wolf
Heart is Pain
pain warp personality - CHROMASTORM CRISIS
Anna of Ark

Secret Passage

15 1 0
By Otar3000

It's been a day and a half after the council meeting

All the council members went their own ways

After that, it was generally well arond the castle.

The same can't be said about the storm outside, and it's quite wide.

Olaf is looking through the glass window, feeling bored

"Ouh now that's a bummer. It could've at least stopped for a little so that we could have some fun skating"

Olaf looks at Tarzan who was listening along

"Come to think of it, you'll probably be great at it...Sora did so I bet you'll will even better"

Jane rolled her eyes unsurprised at the statement and comments while reading a book

"Well what can you's not up to us to control the weather"

Olaf "Hehe then you'll have your jaws on the floor when Elsa comes here. She's is the mistress of wintertime"

Tarzan gets a feeling that the more he learns about his sisters, the more he thinks on professor saying 'there's so much in the world to learn'

"Where is she by the way?" Tarzan asks curiously

"I'm not sure. I mean, Anna sent her a letter so she should come any minute I think. Unless something happened-" Olaf sees a familiar book in Jane's hands

"Heeey that's my favourite book The Little Mermaid! It's very fun and interesting!" Olaf commented

Jane however gave an uncertain look

"I don't know. This one seems to be redone by someone, I remember when I read this it had a quite different ending than this"

Olaf "Well Elsa told me they rewrote it after readng it when they were kids"(refers to The Perfect Night events)

Tarzan wonders about the end

"Wait if that's true...then what happened at the original ending?"

Jane didn't think telling was a good idea so she simply responded

"Well let's just say it wasn't as pretty. Most of it was the same though"

Olaf draws a mermaid with a smile on his body befroe erasing it "Well last time me and Anna met her she seemed pretty fine to me. Also Sora did say she was good last time he seen her."

Jane "Wait you've seen the real mermaids?!"


Tarzan thinks to himself as he looks at Olaf's drawing. 'Could've that person I saw at seas been a mermaid then?'

Olaf "That sometimes makes me wonder if other tales are true like The Sea Beast... But aside from that..." Olaf looks around eyes narrow but still smiling while whispering "Hey listen. Why not we go to our secret room?"

Tarzan"What secret room?"

Olaf explains of the secret "You see one day years ago before me and others were on our way to the north, Elsa went to the library to read and chill out...Royal duties you know"

Tarzan again understood the responsebilty royalty actualy holds as Olaf continues

"...Anna then goes to comfort her there just like she does in the bedroom sometimes when she had some weird or bad dreams. During the conversation something happened and the door to the secret room opened"

Olaf gone on his fours and ran to the room before telling the two "C'mon follow me!"

Jane looks amused "He learned it quite well don't you think?"

Tarzan simply smiled as he grabbed Jane and took her with him.

"Here we are!" Olaf says pointing at the bookcase, guarded by the statue of a horse, the Water Nokk to be exact.

Jane "And where is that room?"

Olaf "If it were so easy to find it wouldn't be a secret room. Tarzan move that candle please"

Tarzan grabbed a candlestick off the wall and then the bookcase behind the statue had swung open wide with a loud creaking sound, revealing an arched passageway beyond which dead-ended into a dark, small, windowless room with a table in the center.

Tarzan "Wooow"

Jane "Look at all of this..."

Tarzan "I AM looking"

The room was dark but was clean. Seems Anna didn't let it to rot away.

Oalf "Anna prefers to keep the place just in case we ever need an escape route"

Jane "You don't say"

There were alot of things in there including a fireplace and some old books.

The shelves were covered in old yet clean objects that clearly hadn't been used for years: glass beakers, silver scales meant to weigh small things, dusty vases filled with dried-up flowers. And books. So many books.

Jane looks at ione of the books which reads "Magical Arts : Dangers of Dark Magic" and also "The runes of the Magical"

Olaf " By the way it's here that Anna and Elsa found their...I mean your mother's red shawl right there"

Olaf points towards the worn suitcase which was similar to the one in Tarzan's house. It seems their parents made that one from this very structural design.

I was surprised as I looked up from floor to ceiling at the seemingly endless rows of books lining with a painting of stars on the ceiling

Also there was a rickety old table in the center of the room. It was covered in scrolls among which were piles of old maps with drawings of foreign lands and sea monsters scrawled across their pages.

Tarzan wonders 'Hmm sea monsters. So it COULD have been a mermaid'

Then he turned and sees a portrait on the side wall of a woman wearing a crown. 'And who is this?'

Jane "And how many know of this place?"

Olaf "Well some of the castle's staff like Kai, and even Mattias..."

Olaf then takes a more rougher voice " if you'll excuse me, I shall head back to her majesty and see if there's any news on Elsa"

Jane "hehehe you are adorable. Sure you can go now"

Olaf then salutes them and leaves the room

Tarzan searches through the writings, some hooked up fish which had a rotten smel.

Also a series of journals and diaries

Some of them belonged to Iduna where she written her personal thoughts. One about her first seeing Agnarr at the forest

"Since that very first day he arrived in the Enchanted Forest. When I'd seen the wonder in his eyes as he stroked the baby reindeer."

Next was her meeting with Agnarr at the orphanage, then her apprenticeship to an inventer Johan who she helped with windmills before going on a rough side

As well as her pilgrimiges each fall and spring alongside Agnarr, to the gray mist on far north which ended with a rather sour notes with her calling it a fool's errand

One of them was with a blue painting of a little girl who seems to have a fiery hands

"It seems they were writing down Elsa's powers in here" Tarzan points out as Jane reads

"I can find no record of a human with powers like hers...but for the ancient myths..."

As Tarzan finishes "...With their tragic fates"

Many old names were mentioned to possess such elemental gifts. There was a changeling named Quasimodo who possessed the powers of rock and earth, and possibly was the one responsible for the rock trolls creation.

There were also others like Joan of Arc who had been burned alive, convicted for being a heretic when in reality she was a sorceress with a sight of what's yet to come. Not to mention a legend of Mor'du who was once a wise king of DunBroch beloved by his people before being blinded by pride and turned himself into an evil demon.

Jane heard of most of the names mentioned in the journal as her mother's family comes from the French land but until now she believed those details to be just vague rumours

Jane "Hmm the next pages are also on english metioning a strange healing flowers...the next one though, it seems are..."

Tarzan "Northuldrian language. Anna said those people of the sun were hated for many years after what grandfather... after what Runeard did"

Jane "...Tarzan he may betrayed eveyone but he is still your grandfather"

Tarzan look at her "Jane, while I am an understanding person but like in the case of with Tublat, I do not forgive as easily when it comes to it"

Jane "But you did manage to get close to leopards too. Remember that little one?"

Tarzan "Yeah but like I said, that didn't come out easily"

Tarzan then goes through the next lines "Whatever evil my people did... Whatever darkness still roams our forest... I can no longer turn my back to the past."

"So she couldn't even speak her natural language without fearing of everyone possibly killing her in the process" Tarzan's tone wasn't exactly kind now

"They died because of what he did and he did what it just becase of their ways of life"

"Tarzan?" Jane tries to comfort him as ahe tris to keep his composure

"Sorry...Jane you once said I should respect traditions and ways of other people"

Jane "Yes I did and so?"

"I've been wodnering for a while now, but what if Anna would want me to stay here?"

Jane "You want to leave?"

"I love Anna, and I like everyone here but I'm not sure if I wanna live here for too long...but if I go, I don't want to upset her, especially after everything her and Elsa were going through"

Jane "And especially when she wants her children to meet with their aunt and uncle"

Tarzan is reminded of the child that's about to be born which only added more to his reluctance.

Jane gives it a thought and sighs "Look why not stay for a little longer, and after everything is done we'll just try to explain it to her and hopefully her and Kristoff will undertand"

Tarzan agreed noding his head

And just then Kai appears in the entrance to announce "I've been looking for you. Her majesty wold like to see you at once"

I seen the deleted scenes of Frozen 2 and I decided to implement the secret room sequence into the mix here. I would also beleive it is a good place to be a hiding spot. Also yes as you (maybe) already guess, my story ties in to the events of Dangerous Secrets

Note : Joan of Arc and Quasimodo are ancestors of our arendellian siblings so yeah quite the family tree. With Mo'rdu? Surprisingly, it's connected to a certain brave-frozen-war theory

Btw, among the powers I believe Elsa has, I'd like to think she can see the future in some ways if she uses such an ability. However I'm not sure she'd use it many times because it can be very taxing...mentally.

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