Battle of Overlords

By sharpeyes123

149K 5.8K 4.1K

following the fight against the hero and the third ranked, just when accelerator was about to finish off misa... More

Chapter 1: A Brand New World?✔
part 1 - first battle
part 2 - experiment
part 3 - different view
Chapter 2: The true Dragon Lord ✔
part 1 - slane theocracy
Part 2 - confrontation
part 3 - the black scripture vs dragon lord
part 4 - a catastrophe accelerator
part 5 - accelerator vs zesshi
chapter 3: The science kingdom ✔
part 1 - the contract
part 2 - funds
part 3 - replica
part 4 - a normal day in science
Chapter 4: Awakening ✔
part 1 - new ally?
part 2 - Accelerator vs Cocytus
part 3 - Accelerator vs Cocytus II
part 4 - important meeting
part 5 - Envoy from the sorcerer kingdom
Chapter 5- A Declaration Of War ✔
part 1- a new target
part 2 - preparations
part 3- preparations II
part 4 - preparations III
part 5 - strengths
Chapter 6: Science vs Magic ✔
part 1- awaited battle
part 2- true form
part 3 - wild magic
part 4 - reawakening of a monster
part 5 - you win some you lose some
part 6 - psychopath
part 7 - It wasnt you
part 9 - man vs monster
Chapter 7 - Conquering The Great Tomb ✔
part 1 - The second floor
part 2: the seven star sisters
part 3: unshakable presence
part 4: bird's eyeview
part 5: the 5th floor
Chapter 8: Magic War✔️
Guess whos back???
Clarifications for Chapter 8
Part 1- ainz ooal gown vs the platinum dragonlord
Part 2- the tide of the war
Part 3- A touch of reality
Part 4- Change
Part 5- The Road To Victory
Part 6- Existential crisis

part 8 - Ainz Ooal Gown

2.9K 107 77
By sharpeyes123

      "Du verlierst..."


        ~ before the war ~

      Throne room / 3rd pov

From atop his majestic throne, ainz pondered.

In front of him kneeled the nine guardians of nazarick alongside some other individuals such as the Pleiades and the eight edge assassins.

On the podium stood the overseer of the guardians, albedo.
As well as the head intelligence of nazarick, demiurge.

The two of them were to explain the overall plan to the rest of the guardians as instructed by ainz.

Ainz instructed this to make sure everyone understood the plan, and no other reason...

"Now then, as already stated, albedo and Pandora's actor, disguised as ainz-sama, will engage in a battle against accelerator." Demiurge says while fixing his glasses.

"Kuku, indeed. Human or not, he uses a form of magic which isn't known in either yggdrasil nor this world. That alone makes him interesting enough to capture alive."

"It is as you say."

" Pandora's actor, you will be the main star or this plan, so these instructions are mostly for you." Demiurge says.

" judging off of cocytus's battle with him, his notable defenses includes that invisible shield which couldn't be breached even with his strenght."

"Is that right, cocytus?" Demiurge asks the insectoid.

"That. Is. Correct."

"Hmph, Disgraceful." Albedo whispers as she makes a distasteful face.

Demiurge once again fixes his glasses before continuing...

"The main thing to worry about would be the black wings he manifested. According to cocytus and mare, he didn't appear to be in his right state of mind, so we can assume he doesn't have full control of it."

"Most likely, he must be the result of an interracial relation. Likely, an angel and a human, I would say."

"I have a question!"

Aura Bello fiora was the one to ask.

Also another guardian of nazarick, she shares the duty of overseeing the 6th floor of nazarick alongside her twin brother, mare Bello fiore.

"So you're basically saying one of that guy's parents Is from yygdrasil, right? Like that elf king guy?"

"At least, that's the hypothesis we were able to come up with." Demiurge answers.

"Furthermore, if our understanding proves to be true, then that means creating a new form of magic altogether could be possible using selective breeding." Albedo added.

"Goodness, it's quite fascinating isn't it?" Demiurge says to no one in particular.

It's without a doubt that the current situation interested demiurge the most.

As the head intelligence of nazarick, he was tasked with coming up with new ways to better benefit nazarick by using the resources of this new world.

And one of the things which had caught his attention was interracial breeding.

The idea and phenomenon of breeding two different races together and the thrill of not knowing what's to result from it was something that wholeheartedly delighted the Demon so.

In his recreation facility known as the happy farm, he has already ran countless breeding experiments using various races, including: humans, elfs, orcs, beastmen, and even using various of his own summonings.

Oh, but don't misunderstand. Those lots were certainly happy! It is the called "The happy farm" afterall.

Though the experiments all ended in failure,
These many creatures worthless lives were given meaning in the form of having served nazarick.

Their cries of pain and constant begging for death brought the archdemon much pleasure, which in turned gave him even more strength to continue on with his experiment.
So In a way, whether directly or indirectly, those cattles certainly lived a life of purpose by helping in benefiting nazarick.

Tell me, Could there be no greater happiness for creatures of such inferiority?

"Pandora's actor's job will be to push him to his limit. Disguised as ainz-sama, he will push him to use those wings he displayed in the previous battle. We will await here in standby and observe the battle from the eyes of a magic item."

"Once his wings manifests, we will take over. Immediately, we will arrive via a dimensional portal, in which mare will quickly surround the area in an antimahic barrier."

Demiurge once again fixes his glasses.

"No matter what type of magic it is he uses, so long as it's magic then it can be negated by the effects of mare's barrier."


"Whats wrong, mare?" Demiurge asks the shy dark elf.

"Um...yes, I was just there any need to do all of that? Even if he is a level 100, if we just all attack him. Then we can beat him for what I'm thinking..." he says while shyly looking down.

"And of course we have thought of that. It's true that he is no match for the might of nazarick, but if we use that strategy it could end up backfiring." Demiurge explains.

"The goal is to capture him. If we were to attack him all at once, there is the possibility that he would withdraw before we could accomplish our objective. On the other hand, with albedo and pandoras actor, we can make him think that he holds some sort of fighting chance, which we can then catch him by surprise and seize him."

"And Naturally, albedo will be there to make sure the plan runs smoothly and no one interferes."

"Kukuku, naturally." She comments.

"I see, overall it's a foolproof plan. Just like stated, he's powerful as a magic caster, but if we just take away that magic from him, then we can overwhelm him with Brute force." Ainz thought to himself.

"But still..."

He wouldn't say it out loud, but he personally didn't approve ofbthe plan.

The idea of using the guardians as bait to lure out the opponents power was something that didn't sit right with him.

Nonetheless, this was something both albedo and Demiurge came up with themselves.

He had already denied their plan during the scandal with shalltear, he shouldn't restrict them too much.
Not to mention, right now he is supposed to act like he was already caught up with the plan.

Anything else would be unruly.

"I do believe that completes everything, ainz-sama."


Ainz looked over to demiurge who was happily wagging his tail while awaiting his response.

"Uh, right..."

Standing up from his throne, ainz addressed the crowd.

"Listen! The first part will be the decisive moment to win this war!"







"And including myself, we four shall be the ones to follow in after albedo and Pandora's actor!"


"Demiurge and aura, you will stay behind and guard nazarick."

"Understood." They respond while bowing.

"Sebas, alongside the Pleiades, im leaving the defending of the sorcerer kingdom to you."

'Now then...let us begin..."



         ~the present~

"So what the hell had happened?"

In the near distance, a <gate> opened, and out of it walked out the Supreme being of nazarick, followed by his 3 guardians.

The ruler of the sorcerer kingdom...

The real...

Ainz ooal gown.

"I see you have been taking good care of my subordinates, accelerator."

Still unable to move from the strain he sustained, accelerator could only watch from the ground at the four individuals that walked out of that portal.

"The plan was for us to jump in as soon as he went berserk again. But not only was t
he  communication magic dispelled, but something was even preventing us from opening a gate to the area..."


"While I could believe that those things he manifested was what got rid of the information spell, he couldn't have been the one who restricted the teleportation spell. Restricting it over such a wide area coverage could only be done by the work of an item, and considering we were only able to break through it after equipting ourselves with world items, thst would mostly likely be the case..."

"Someone else did this..."


"Oh I see..."

"So this is your doing..."

As if reacting to ainz's words, a silver sword went speeding past, splitting the wind in its path and heading towards the undead at full speed.


The weapon was easily repelled by shalltear who had jumped in to intercept the attack.

She was already in her battle armor and on her right hand, wielded her spuit lance.

"...the platinum dragon lord."

From the sky descended a silver armored individual.

His movements looked controlled, almost puppet-like.
Like wings, various weapons floated behind him.

"Ainz-sama, allow me to quickly take care of this Lowly pest."

shalltear was the strongest guardian in nazarick, and without significant prep time, one couldn't hope to even match her in a 1v1.

So although she could easily beat that dragon lord, that wasn't what they were here for.

"No,We're retreating for now. open a gate and transport him to nazarick. Have him sent over to kyohoukou on the 2nd floor. "

"Yes, ainz-sama."


Accelerator was blacking in and out of consciousness.
His vision becoming more hazy and blurry by the second. The last thing he could barely make out was the figure of shalltear walking towards him, before he completely blacked out.

As shalltear attempted to grab the esper and launch inside the gate, her hand was repelled.

Confused, she attempted a few more tries with similarly no luck.
Eventually, she just moved the teleportation gate under him and let him fall into it.


Zohak wasn't in any better condition.

Ainz walked over to albedo and picked her up bridal style.

Pandora's actor, who could still move, had already retreated due to ainz's orders.


"Shh, don't talk right now. Sorry I took so long, but Here now."

It didn't seem like it at first glance, but the undead was furious beyond words.
Unfortunately, or perhaps fortunately, the undead are creatures which aren't allowed such meaningless emotions.

From within the undead, a green light embraced him, seeping away his clouded thoughts and bringing his irrational mind back into rationality.

Another gate manifested next to ainz and he was ready to walk into it.

"You won't escape!"

The armor of the platinum dragon lord rushed towards them, launching all its weapons at them.

A giant wind vortex created by mare's staff blew away the dragon lord, alongside his weapons.

"Hmph. I have no time to waste on you. We too have sustained considerable damage, so we must retreat as of now. Farewell." Ainz says as he dissapears into the portal.

All of ainz's forces dispersed as they retreated, temporarily ending the war.

But that was fine.

They had achieved their objective.

Accelerator had been captured.

And now, he would be enslaved in undeniably the hardest dungeon in yggdradil.
Filled with raid bosses guarding each level.

An impregnable and impenetrable dungeon one couldn't hope to successfully raid even with hundreds of players.

Accelerator would now be imprisoned in such a place.

For the glory of nazarick,

escape was now impossible.

A/N: sorry this took so long, I've been really busy with my PSAT.
For those who don't know what a PSAT is, it's basically a state practice test for the SAT which greatly impacts your GPA and college efficiency.

But well, enough about that.

So, accelerator got captured and imprisoned within nazarick. The structure of nazarick contains around 10 layers, starting from bottom to up, with each guardian guarding their respective floors.

For accelerator to escape he would have to reach all the way up to the 10th floor where ainz resides, but in order to do that, he first needs to clear all the floors and their raid bosses, sounds interesting right? Hehe.

Not gonna spoil too much, for now...


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