Retribution: A 13 Reasons Why...

Od espinosa1989

126 1 1

It all leads to this. 2 Years have past since Hannah Baker's death. Almost a year since the murder of Bryce... Více

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14

Chapter 3

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Od espinosa1989

The city of Gotham is holding a benefit at the Gotham City Museum. Mayor Hill, Commissioner Jim Gordon, & Gotham's finest are all in attendance. Barbara Gordon & Hannah Baker arrive to the museum all fancy out as they enter the building.

Hannah Baker: So what's the point of this party again?

Barbara Gordon: It's a benefit for the museum. This place has been hit a lot by criminals like Penguin, Joker, & Riddler. This benefit is to help out the museum.

Hannah Baker: How many times has this museum been hit?

Barbara Gordon: A lot.

Harvey Bullock: Hey, Barb!

Detective Harvey Bullock approached them as he gives Barbara a hug.

Barbara Gordon: Hey, Harvey. I heard about the promotion.

Harvey Bullock: That's right. Lieutenant. So it's Lt. Bullock now. You staying out of trouble kid?

Hannah Baker: Yes.

Harvey Bullock: You don't smile a lot, do you?

Hannah Baker: Haven't smiled in 2 years.

Harvey Bullock: I get you. Just stay out of trouble. I'm gonna get me a drink.

Harvey Bullock leaves as he heads for the bar.

Hannah Baker: Will Tim, Damian, or Jason be joining us?

Barbara Gordon: No, they're patrolling Gotham. They have hit on Two-Face.

Hannah Baker: How often do they escape from Arkham?

Barbara Gordon: Very often.

Everyone now gathers around as Mayor Hamilton Hill is at a podium for a speech.

Mayor Hill: Thank you all for coming. For years this museum has brought us lots of historical artifacts. Unfortunately, it has also been a target for criminals here in Gotham.

Hannah Baker: Is it just me or did it get chilly in here?

Barbara Gordon: You're right, it did get chilly.

Mayor Hill: Brrrrr, I think you might've cranked up the A.C. a little too much. He he.

Barbara then notices that the room is staring to be covered in ice.

Hannah Baker: Hey, Barb.

Barbara Gordon: I see it.

Mayor Hill: What in blazes?

Then the entrance doors get blasted as Mr. Freeze now makes his way inside the museum.

Barbara Gordon: Freeze.

Mr. Freeze: Nobody move.

The police officer who were there on guard duty take out their guns, only for Mr. Freeze to freeze them with his freeze gun.

Mr. Freeze: As I was saying...

Mayor Hill: What do you want?

Mr. Freeze: The diamond behind you, Mr. Mayor.

Mayor Hill turns around and sees a large diamond on display.

Jim Gordon: We're not letting you take that diamond, Freeze.

Barbara quietly takes out her phone and sends a signal to the Robin's & Red Hood as Jim Gordon & Harvey Bullock take out their guns. Freezer freezes their guns.

Mr. Freeze: Don't try to stop me.

Freeze now makes his way towards the diamond as Bullock tries to stop him but he gets frozen by Freeze's gun.

Jim Gordon: Harvey!

Gordon goes to check on Bullock as Freeze now approaches the diamond.

Hannah Baker: (Whispering) Barb, we have to do something.

Barbara Gordon: (Whispering) I've already called the guys.

Hannah Baker: (Whispering) Aren't they busy with Two-Face?

Barbara Gordon: One of them has to come.

Mr. Freeze has now claimed the diamond as he now makes his way out. As Barbara goes to check on Harvey Bullock, while Hannah sneaks off and follows Mr. Freeze. She sees Freeze climbing on board a armored truck as she takes out a Battracer from her purse and throws it at the truck. As Freeze drives away, Hannah heads back inside as Commissioner Gordon calls for help.

Jim Gordon: Freeze just hit the museum benefit. I've got police officers and Lt. Bullock frozen solid. We need heaters here, now!

Hannah Baker: Are they going to be alright?

Jim Gordon: If we don't get them thawed out quick, they won't be.

Barbara wheels herself away as Hannah follows her.

Hannah Baker: I was able to get a tracer onto a vehicle he got on. It looked like a armor truck.

Barbara Gordon: Good work. Let's head out.

They leave the museum and head off to Barbara's van. With no one around, Hannah gears up in her Batgirl suit. Barbara calls Red Robin.

Barbara Gordon: Tim, we've got a problem. It's Mr. Freeze, he attacked the benefit we went to, froze some officers & Bullock, and he stole a huge diamond.

Red Robin: Red Hood is on his way to your location. Me & Robin have our hands tied with Two-Face.

At that moment, Red Hood arrive to their location on his motorcycle.

Red Hood: What happened?

Hannah Baker: Mr. Freeze showed up, froze some cops, & stole a huge diamond. I manage to put a trace on his vehicle.

Barbara Gordon: You guys go. I'm headed to the Watchtower.

Hannah climbs behind Red Hood on his motorcycle as they drive off. As Red Hood is driving, Hannah takes out a tracking device as she monitors Mr. Freeze's location.

Red Hood: Where is he going?

Hannah Baker: Looks like he's heading for Gotham Docks.

Red Hood: The docks?

Red Hood & Hannah soon arrive to Gotham Docks. Barbara has arrive to her apartment and goes up to the Watchtower.

Oracle: Oracle here.

Hannah Baker: Oracle, we tracked Freeze to Gotham Docks.

Red Hood: The place looks empty.

Oracle: I'm looking through surveillance from the docks. I found him. He's on board a ship, The Zeus.

Hannah & Red Hood make their way to the docks and find the only ship that's docked, The Zeus. They both climb onboard and search around the ship. They now make their way inside the ship as they follow the cold breeze.

Red Hood: Where it's colder, that's where he'll be.

They follow the cold breeze as they find a laboratory with the ship. They find Mr. Freeze next to a chamber pod with a woman frozen inside.

Hannah Baker: (Whispering) He has a woman frozen in tube?

Red Hood: (Whispering) That's not just any woman. That's his wife, Nora Fries.

Hannah Baker: (Whispering) His wife?

Red Hood: (Whispering) She suffers from a terminal illness and is kept cryogenically frozen until a cure can be found. Freeze is hell bent in finding a cure.

Mr. Freeze begins to chip off pieces of the diamond as he picks up the pieces and puts it on his suit.

Red Hood: (Whispering) He needs diamonds to power up his suit.

Hannah Baker: (Whispering) Because he needs to be in sub-zero temperatures.

Mr. Freeze: Soon, Nora. Soon you will be cured and you'll finally be free.

Red Hood: (Whispering) It's now or never.

Red Hood & Hannah now make their presence known to Mr. Freeze as Red Hood takes out his pistols.

Red Hood: Freeze, Freeze.

Hannah Baker: Really? Ice pun?

Mr. Freeze: How did you find me?

Hannah Baker: Put a tracer on your truck.

Mr. Freeze: I've come this far! You're not going to stop me!

Mr. Freeze takes out his freeze gun and begins firing it at both Red Hood & Hannah as they dodge out of they way. Red Hood tries shooting his pistols at Mr. Freeze but he counters it with his freeze gun as he freezes Red Hood's guns.

Red Hood: Crap!

Mr. Freeze: You shouldn't have come.

Hannah throws her Batrangs at Freeze's gun, knocking it out of his hands. She goes in for the attack as she strikes at Mr. Freeze and also begins to dismantle his cryogenic suit. Hannah then begins punching at the glass window on his helmet as she breaks through it and knocks out Mr. Freeze.

Red Hood: Nice punch.

Hannah Baker: Thanks. Oracle, we have Freeze and apparently his frozen wife.

Oracle: Alright, I'm contacting GCPD.

Red Hood: Any word from the Robin's?

Oracle: They can use a hand.

Red Hood: I'll go. Batgirl, stay here with them.

Hannah Baker: Okay.

Red Hood now makes his out of Freeze's ship, gets on his motorcycle and rides off to assist both Red Robin & Robin. Hannah stayed behind as she waits for the police to arrive and take Mr. Freeze away. Hannah handcuffs Mr. Freeze onto a pipe on the wall as she goes to check on Nora Fries. Hannah just stares at Nora as she lays in the chamber pod frozen.

Hannah Baker: I don't blame him for turning to a life of crime. The things you do for love.

Mr. Freeze: Have you ever loved anyone...

Hannah turns to see that Mr. Freeze has regained conscience as he sits on the floor while being handcuffed to a pipe on the wall.

Mr. Freeze: That you'll do anything to save them. No matter what.

Hannah Baker: What's wrong with her?

Mr. Freeze: She suffers from an illness known as MacGregor's Syndrome. She has the most advanced stages of the disease. There's no cure. I've devoted the rest of my life to finding one. I found a cure for the 1st stage. But still haven't found the cure for the rest.

Hannah Baker: Do you love her?

Mr. Freeze: You see what I've become and how far I've gone, just to try to cure her. I love her, and she loves me. A beautiful woman like her, in love with a dorky loser like me.

Hearing that reminded Hannah of Clay Jensen.

Mr. Freeze: We meet in boarding school. She found me amusing. She could've had any of the other boys at school, but she liked me for who I am.

Hannah Baker: I know how you feel. I felt the same way about a boy back home, the same way your wife feels about you. He thinks of himself as socially awkward, but I don't think of him that way. He wasn't like any other guy. He's different, good, kind, and decent. But I didn't deserve to be with someone like him.

Mr. Freeze: Why?

Hannah Baker: I would have ruined him. It wasn't him... It was me... and everything that's happened to me.

Mr. Freeze: But you still love him.

Hannah doesn't say anything, but Freeze knows that she does. Hannah looks around the lab and sees all of Freeze's research.

Hannah Baker: Is this everything you have on your wife's illness?

Mr. Freeze: Yes. I have samples of her blood that I took before I froze.

Hannah Baker: Her blood?

Mr. Freeze: Yes, so I can find a cure.

Hannah takes a good thought. She goes up to Mr. Freeze and uncuffs him.

Mr. Freeze: What are you doing?

Hannah Baker: Take my blood.

Mr. Freeze: What?

Hannah Baker: 2 Years ago, I took my own life, suicide. I slit my forearms. 5 Months later I was brought back by the League of Assassins. The put my corpse in something called the Lazarus Pit. It brought me back to life and even healed me up, no scars on my wrist. The Lazarus Pit brought me back, put not without my soul. I was insane. There's still traces of the Lazarus Pit inside me. Maybe my blood can help.

Mr. Freeze gets back up and takes a sample of Hannah's blood. He uses his research as he uses Hannah's blood on Nora's blood. He looks into the telescope.

Hannah Baker: Well...

Mr. Freeze: It's working. It's working! It's curing her blood. Your blood is the cure.

At that moment, the police arrive they enter the lab and surround Mr. Freeze.

Renee Montoya: Hands up, Freeze! You're under arrest!

Mr. Freeze: I surrender.

Mr. Freeze puts his hand up as he looks and smiles at Hannah. Policer officers go on to arrest Mr. Freeze.

Mr. Freeze: Thank you, Batgirl.

The police take Freeze away as they take up and place him in a ice box for him.

Renee Montoya: Why is he thanking you for?

Hannah Baker: We found the cure for his wife.

Renee Montoya: You did?

Hannah Baker: It's my blood. My blood can cure her. You're taking him to Arkham, right?

Renee Montoya: Yeah.

Hannah Baker: Let him finish his research there. He has a sample of my blood, he can cure her.

Renee Montoya: Let's see what the commissioner says.

Hananh & Montoya look on at Nora Fries as she lays inside the chamber pod frozen now knowing that in due time, she will be cure.

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