The Beautiful Trapped Ghost (...

By KassandraVivu

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Liam left everything that he knew behind, his house, the neighborhood he lived in, and the city that he knew... More

CH. 1 The Move
CH. 2 This can't be real
CH: 3 This can't be
CH: 4 Please understand
CH: 5 Tell me about your best friend
CH: 6 I can't say it
CH: 7 What do you think?
CH: 8 "Well, good night"
CH: 9 The Morning
CH: 11 Things that need to be done
CH: 12 That's Risky
CH: 13 Let's get through the list
CH: 14 This is taking long
CH: 15 Tell me more (Still Liam POV)
CH: 16 At it again
CH: 17 He's Back
CH: 18 What happened to me?
CH: 19 I am bold
CH: 20 The Flower Crown
CH: 21 This is good
CH: 22 If you want to
CH: 23 She's panicking
CH: 24 We'll find her.
CH: 25 What is it that I'm seeing
CH: 26 Just Breathe
CH: 27 He isn't going to let me go
CH: 28 Where is she?
CH: 29 Don't show him fear
CH: 30 My life back plus more
CH: 30 Part 2 Love Making
CH: 31 Happy Halloween

CH: 10 Let's figure it out

1K 108 44
By KassandraVivu

CH: 10 Let's figure it out

(Liam POV)

The people that Faith rejected could be one of the suspects. It could be the one that did this to her.

"So, let's think of them," I said to Faith.

"Okay." She said, tilting her head to the side with a thinking facial expression.

"There was a guy who works at a dealership that would always come by and flirt with me, but I was always polite to him, just also letting him know that I wasn't interested, and he would always say that I was playing hard to get and laugh." Faith said.

"Playing hard to get? What the hell? You just weren't interested in him at all; there was nothing about playing hard to get." I said.

"Yes, which is what I found myself having to tell him all the time when he would flirt with me, ask me out to eat, or offer to get me things." Faith said.

"What was his name?" I asked her. I took out my notebook, which was also in my laptop bag.

"His name is Raymond; he works in a Ford dealership; I can tell you which one because he's told me tons of time." Faith said, telling me which one, and I wrote it down in the notebook.

"Okay, who are the others?" I asked her.

"There is a guy named Carlton; he worked at a bakery and would always bring me, sweets. I knew he must've liked me because he kept getting me sweets and other baked goods from the bakery he works at." Faith said, also letting me know the name of the bakery the man worked in.

"Okay, who's the others?" I asked as I continued to take notes.

"There was a Richard. He was very weird." Faith said with a sour look on her face.

"Really? How was he weird?" I asked her.

"Well, he would just stare at me, especially when I ran into places that he somehow was there; he would just stare at me openly. He wasn't much of a talker, but someone who would just observe me, I guess. He would visit the store and sometimes talk to me; other times, he would just look around, not really saying anything and take glances at me when he does." Faith said.

"That really sounds weird," I said to her; I was honest if I were dead and had no idea how I died, that guy who Faith just described would be on my suspect list.

"Yes, it was peculiar. I found him strange, but I thought he was just different and didn't want to be someone who judged, but now that I am in this situation, I feel like I should have judged the certain people that were interested in me and trying to be around me." Faith said with an angry tone.

"Richard worked in a food market," Faith said letting me know the name.

"I guess sometimes you don't know people's true intentions, I think some of them were just themselves, but others could be a little weird." Faith said, seeming to be in deep thoughts.

"There was another guy as well." Faith said, holding a finger to her chin.

"Yes, you don't know people's intentions sometimes, but don't get angry Faith. We will figure it out, okay? I'm here now, so what was the other guy's name? Did you know it?" I asked her.

"Yeah, his name was Nate. Maybe his full name, Nathaniel. Not sure, I heard that he works at the nursing home that was down the street from my shop." Faith told me, giving me the name of the nursing home.

"Okay, how do you think he came across your shop? Better yet, how do you think any of them came across your shop?" I asked her.

"Nate came across my store because one of the people that he takes care of at the nursing home had quite a bit of thing that they wanted to donate to my store, so Nate was the one who brought them over. It was his first time being at the store, and it was his first time meeting me." Faith said.

She let out a sigh.

"I still remember the day I first met him; I smiled at him politely and asked him if there was anything I could do for him; I remember noticing some of the antiques he had, and I immediately jumped with joy because they were in great shape and good ones. The look on his face when I made eye contact with him was a look of someone being awestruck." Faith said, shaking her head.

"It's okay for someone to be interested in someone, but Nate wasn't really a talker, more of a person who looks but did not talk a lot, a little similar to the previous guy I mentioned Richard, but somewhat different as well." Faith said.

"Yeah, he's definitely going on the list," I said, writing his information down.

"Okay, the others," I said.

"Jimmy was an older guy who kept trying to flirt with me." Faith said.

"Uh, how old are we talking?" I asked her.

"Jimmy was fifty-eight. I know this because one day when he kept flirting with me, I finally decided to ask him his age because I was curious on why a man in his age would think a woman like me would be interested in him." Faith said, causing me to let out a little laugh.

"And what did Jimmy say?" I asked Faith.

"He said that he could help me pay for my bills, take care of me and treat me well, that I deserved to be treated well, and it seems like I wasn't because here I was working in an old fashion store." Faith said.

"Oh wow, did he not know you were the owner of the store?" I asked her, and Faith shook her head.

"No, he didn't; it was after he was done saying all those things that I decided to tell him that I was the owner of the old fashion store that he was talking about and that everything in the store was something that other people found intriguing including me." Faith said, causing me to give her a nod.

"Good for you!" I said to her.

"Thanks, and I thought what I said would get him to leave me alone and not visit the store anymore, but instead he came back to the store and told me that he's never had a woman talk to him like that, and he's finally found his soul mate and that it was me." Faith said, sticking her tongue out in disgust.

"That is very creepy and gross," I said, writing the information about Jimmy down.

"It was, also. He works as a pharmacist and has a pharmacy." Faith said, telling me the name of the pharmacy and where it was.

"Wow, any others?" I asked Faith.

"No, my other customers were normal." Faith said, letting out a laugh.

"Well, normal than those I just named." She said; I nodded my head understanding what she meant about that.

"Now that I named them all out, I never really overthought into how many creeps I attracted." Faith said, tugging some of her hair.

"Sometimes beautiful people attract crazy people to them," I said to her.

Faith stared at me and smiled.

"You think I'm beautiful, huh?" She asked, letting out a small laugh.

"I don't think you're; I know you're. I am staring right at you." I said to her; I watched Faith's eyes widened, she looked away from me.

I guess I shouldn't have said that.

I probably made it awkward after all.

"I think you're handsome. You have nice eyes." Faith said, turning her attention back to me.

"I feel like anyone could get lost in them." She said.

"Would you?" I asked her.

"Would I what?" She asked me with a confused expression.

"Would you want to get lost in them?" I asked her.

"Yes." She said.

"I think if you came to my store before, I was a ghost. I would have definitely would have openly allowed myself to get lost in them." Faith said, smiling softly.

"But now, I can only imagine." She said.

She stared at me for a few minutes and then cleared her throat.

"I'll try to remember if there is anyone else that I am missing, so what are you going to do with the information I gave you." Faith said.

Part of me wanted to go back to what we were talking about because I am sure that Faith just said if she was alive and had met me before, that she would have followed her interest in me.


That had to be what she meant?

Was she confirming that she is interested in me or would be?


I can't think straight.

"Liam?" Faith called my name out.

And the way she says my fucking name just drives me crazy.

"Sorry, I was lost in my thoughts for a second. I am going to investigate them." I said to her.

"Investigate them? Um, how? Liam, don't do something dangerous, okay?" She said, staring at me with concern.

I looked at her gently.

"Worried?" I asked.

"Yes, as you said, this house doesn't need two ghosts haunting it, so I want you to be careful." She said in a serious tone to me.

"Don't worry; I will," I said to her.

She let out a sigh and leaned back on the chair.

"Okay, so what are you going to do?" Faith asked me as she stared at me.

I stared at her back, smiling at her, hoping it would ease her worries.

One thing I know for sure, that it would be easy for someone to fall for Faith.

(*Kassandra Speaks*)

Oh my, oh my. We have some flirting starting to happen.

I wonder how far it will go.

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-Kassandra Vivu

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