The Dragon Legacy

Oleh JaneHunt5

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#1 The Dragon Legacy series 'When emotionally fragile Fleur Curwen decides she wants excitement in her borin... Lebih Banyak

The Dragon Legacy - Excerpt

176 7 0
Oleh JaneHunt5

A thousand years ago in the English Lake District.

The dragon lord's golden eyes focused on the grey sky above the rock-strewn hills. Dawn mist hovered around the summit like a silken web. It drifted through the rocky outcrops until it reached the valley where he stood alone.

The elusive turquoise-scaled dragons appeared through the haze. Their minds united by a single aim: the dragon egg's safety, the reason they risked exposure to the human world. He chose the secret hideaway with care, a valley nurtured with spiritual and physic power.

His fiery dragon's breath blazed across the morning sky and scorched the earth in front of him. The dragon lord hid the egg below the dark earth. Their quest completed, the dragons disappeared as one into the mist. A faint smell of sulfur lingered.


Present day 2013

Lukas found the crowded bus from Penrith a hindrance to quiet reflection. He shut down his senses and blocked out extraneous distractions. Within his circle of protection, he meditated on how he could stop his old adversary.

A burst of psychic energy distracted him. Intrigued, he tracked its source. To his surprise, it originated from the woman who sat across from him. Her aura was a dichotomy of strength and vulnerability. She appeared human, yet...

Fascinated, he watched her as she read with her head bent in concentration; he admired the delicate curve of her neck. Her bow-shaped lips murmured the occasional word as she ran her elegant fingers through the soft, silkiness of her dark blonde hair. His gaze feasted on her silken tresses, shot through with highlights of copper, gold, and platinum. Lukas forced his mind back to his mission.

He studied his murder mystery character profile. His fellow participants mustn't find out his identity. Or the real reason for his presence at Hallows House. His character traits memorized, Lukas' attention returned to his mystery woman. She'd finished reading. Now she stared at the misty scenery through the steamed-up window. He settled back and enjoyed the view.


Frustrated with the slow bus journey from the market town of Penrith, Fleur peered through the dirty window. Ice covered the road. Mists floated across Lake Ullswater and cloaked the twisty lanes in an impenetrable shroud. She'd studied the details of her character for the weekend's event. Fleur smiled at the irony. She knew all the nuances of Megan Wilde, so different from herself. At twenty-four, her life lacked the direction and excitement of her murder mystery character.

"Next stop, Glenhows."

Fleur gathered her bags from the floor. The bus skidded. The sudden jolt catapulted her into the opposite, occupied seat. Hard muscular arms closed around her. Her rescuer, obviously male, pulled her even closer. The rumble of his deep voice vibrated through her body.

"Are you okay?"

Her mind struggled to understand his words. A monosyllabic answer was all she could manage. "Yes." His body pressed against hers. The intimacy comforted her until their gazes locked. She froze, mesmerized like a wild animal caught in a car's headlights. Her face heated. "I'm so sorry. Did I hurt you?"

Something flashed in her rescuer's expression. Laughter, then it vanished. A darker, sensual look appeared. "No. Keep still." His obvious arousal pushed hot and insistent against her.

"Oh!" she gasped her lungs devoid of oxygen. A fiery red blush stained her neck and face. Her body trembled under his arrogant scrutiny.

"Is this your stop?" Her rescuer's drawl penetrated her dazed state.

The blush staining Fleur's cheeks deepened. She scrambled about in her unhelpful brain for a coherent response. She needed to get off the bus if her treacherous body would cooperate. Back in control, she pushed against his strong arms. "Sorry, I need to get off here." He let her go without demur. Desperate to get away, she gathered her scattered bags. "Thank you." She walked towards the bus' open door and freedom.

Fleur headed for the lake shore. The wake of the lake steamer created gentle waves on the water, which soothed her frazzled nerves. She breathed in through her nose, the hammer of her heartbeat softened. Calmer, she pictured her unusual rescuer. Arousal turned his green eyes a hypnotic golden color. Shaky fingers combed through her silky hair; no sign of a bump from the fall. She shuddered.


The young woman stared across the lake. When she didn't turn round, he shrugged his wide shoulders, retrieved his luggage, and crossed the road. He needed a taxi.

"You're Mr. Draco," Jasmine said.

Lukas eyed the ancient truck and its much younger driver with undisguised interest. "Yes. Is this a taxi?"

The young titan-haired beauty smiled. "I'm Jasmine from Hallows House, the venue for the murder mystery weekend."

"Good to meet you."

"I can give you a lift if you like?"


"Your bags can go here." Jasmine indicated the tarpaulin-covered back of the truck. Lukas lifted his luggage under the tarpaulin and walked towards the truck cab's open back door.


Fleur pushed her anxiety away. She admired her surroundings. The inhospitable weather enhanced the uniqueness of Glenhows, nestled in a valley alongside the southern tip of Lake Ullswater with the mountainous Helvellyn as its backdrop, a hub of civilization amid the wildness of Cumbria. The insistent noise of a car horn interrupted Fleur's muse. A young woman stood by an old truck, her pretty face framed with striking auburn, wavy hair.

"Are you Ms. Curwen?"


"Hi, I'm Jasmine. Do you want a lift to Hallows House?"

Relieved she didn't have to walk far with her heavy luggage, Fleur smiled back. Case stowed, she turned round. Her body hit a solid wall of muscle. Arousal flushed her skin and pebbled her nipples. No, not again. Hands reached to steady her. A familiar voice, full of laughter, added to her embarrassment.

"Falling for me again?"

"I..." The impact forced the breath from her body.

"What's your name, dizzy lady?" Their gazes clashed and confirmed what her body knew, the man from the bus. Help. Jasmine stepped forward.

"Why don't I introduce you? Fleur Curwen, meet Lukas Draco, another murder mystery participant."

"I'm pleased to meet you, Fleur." Lukas' wicked grin, coupled with his heated stare, negated his formal greeting. A shudder escaped as he lifted her small, delicate-boned hand and enclosed it in his.

"Hi, it's good to meet you too, Lukas," Fleur smiled. Introductions completed, Lukas still held her hand in his possessive grip. Her face heated.

"Have you two met before?" Jasmine's voice breached their sensual haze.

Lukas chuckled, a dark rumbling sound, and Fleur's response intensified. A shaft of awareness hit her. It radiated from her hand, still captured in his. She licked her lips in a vain attempt to bring moisture to her parched mouth. Her voice sounded husky when she answered Jasmine. "Yes." Lukas' eyes betrayed his arousal as they darkened from green to burnished gold.


Fleur's tongue caressed her full bottom lip. The faint rasp in her voice incredibly sexy, Lukas' shaft hardened as he imagined her tongue there. He focused on Jasmine and elaborated, "We bumped into each other earlier on the bus." Fleur's bow-shaped lips curved in amusement as if they shared a private joke.

Jasmine smiled. "Let's go."

Lukas released Fleur's hand. "Ready?" He indicated the truck.

"Yes, lead the way."


Fleur walked around the truck. Lukas leaned across the seat and opened the rear passenger door from the inside. She considered the front seat next to Jasmine. His hot look dared her, take a risk. She climbed inside next to him. His slight smile warmed her; she had passed his unspoken challenge.

Jasmine started the engine and maneuvered the ancient vehicle into a clear pocket of road. They turned away from the main street onto a much quieter lane and climbed the scenic hills into the wildness. "It's about a five minute drive from here."

Fleur stole a sideways glance at Lukas as he conversed with Jasmine. His impressive physique exuded an aura of power personified by a fit, muscular body and long, lean limbs. Filled with suppressed sexual excitement, she half closed her eyelids, leaned back against the headrest, and continued her secret study of him. His face was the epitome of masculine beauty, characterized by well-defined angular cheekbones, covered with pale, almost translucent skin. Its apparent delicacy did not detract from his masculinity; he looked like a fallen angel. A tell-tale blush stained her cheeks rosy. A rush of heat pooled between her legs. Fleur shuddered. Shocked at her impulsiveness, she sat on her hands and admired the sleekness of his fashionable long, straight hair, which looked like silk. Neediness overpowered her cautious nature as her gaze feasted on its remarkable black color, reminiscent of an exotic bird or reptile with highlights of metallic turquoise and blue woven through it. Fleur stole another glance at Lukas from under her lashes. He stared back. Horrified, she blushed unable to avoid his inquisitive gaze. She waited for the smug look or the double entendre. Lukas' smile hid a myriad of emotions. The fire in his heated look betrayed him, luminescent and golden, in stark contrast with the dying afternoon light.


Lukas slanted a glance at Fleur. The look of rapt absorption on her face stilled his breath. She looked at him hungrily, as if he was a delicacy she would love to taste. His blood echoed in his head as it thundered through his arteries. Arousal exploded in every inch of his body, highlighted by the uncomfortable tightness of his designer jeans, a testimony to his body's readiness to act. He stopped talking in mid-sentence. Jasmine looked at him through the rear view mirror. His body leaned into Fleur's, attuned to her hot gaze's invitation. No. He couldn't, not here or anywhere, with her. Lukas sensed the exact moment Fleur noticed him. He disguised all signs of his arousal. He hoped his expression revealed none of his inner turmoil. The truck turned into a concealed driveway. Calmer, he resumed his light conversation with Jasmine, who didn't remark on his recent distraction. Fleur stared through the window. Moments later, the truck stopped with a shudder. Lukas smiled at her hasty retreat. He sighed as the truck door shut behind her. His lack of control bothered him. His mission needed all his attention. A dalliance with a pretty human was not on his agenda. It would jeopardize the dragon egg's safety.


"Welcome to Hallow House." Jasmine walked around the truck for their luggage.

The grey, windswept house stood hidden among the hills. Paint peeled from the window frames and moss grew along the grey stone walls. A wave of coldness swept through Fleur. She shuddered. "It's so atmospheric, perfect for a murder mystery." She looked across at Lukas. He seemed preoccupied. A woman appeared at the house's front door. Lukas' face lost its shuttered look. He smiled.

"It's lovely to meet you both. I'm Grace."

"It's lovely to meet you too," Fleur smiled at the older woman, reassured by her kind smile.


"I'm delighted to meet you." Lukas shook Grace's hand.

Her gaze widened as their psychic auras merged. Lukas controlled his response; his face remained devoid of expression. Jasmine frowned and touched her mother's shoulder. With one last puzzled look at Lukas, she said, "I'll show you to your rooms. Afternoon tea is at three. The conservatory is at the back. You'll have an opportunity to meet the other guests there."

Lukas smiled. He sensed her interest and strength. They'd met once, years before. She owed him, and he needed her help now.


Fleur unpacked her bags in her shabby-chic room. Her mind strayed to Lukas' surprising effect on her. Vivid recollections of his strong embrace and the hardness of his muscular body bombarded her. She splashed cold water on her face in an attempt to cool the burn from her inner heat. Why did she crave this man's touch? Intimate images danced through her confused mind. She sprayed perfume on her heated skin. Nothing in her life prepared her for this tangle of conflicted emotions.

Perhaps she'd hidden away too long? She needed excitement. Her ex lover didn't understand her grief after the premature deaths of her much-loved parents. Instead, he chipped away at her self-esteem. Lukas saw through her layers of self-protection. He noticed her. The heat in his stare scorched her deep inside. She needed this man. She blushed at her wickedness. The alarm on her mobile sounded, almost three; time to go. She took a deep breath, determined to dampen her aroused state. With a final check of her appearance, she retrieved her bag and headed downstairs.

Fleur stood inside the conservatory until her eyes adjusted for the brightness. She walked further into the room and scanned the occupants for Lukas, but he wasn't there. Disappointed, Fleur looked around the room. Jasmine's companions drew her gaze. Something set the unusual men apart from the other people there. She saw a familiar face. Grace was deep in conversation with two of the older guests. She looked busy, so Fleur didn't disturb her. The designer clad men recaptured her interest. The dark-haired man appeared fascinated with Jasmine. His face darkened as Jasmine interrupted his diatribe. "You'll have to excuse me. I need to welcome Fleur." Jasmine headed in her direction.

Without Jasmine's vivacity, the conversation between the two high powered men lapsed into silence. The younger man looked bored and distracted. The delicate rose-patterned china tea cup appeared awkward in his large strong-boned hands. He ran his long fingers through his shaggy, platinum blond, almost silver, hair. It masked the paleness of his silver-colored eyes. He looked handsome. Fleur waited to see if her heart flipped. It didn't. Her stomach lurched at the implications of her discovery. Her attraction to Lukas was based on something deeper than eye candy. Fleur's stomach rumbled. She spotted two tables laden with food. Her stomach growled again as she hadn't eaten since breakfast. She reached for a sandwich.

Jasmine reached the buffet table as Fleur finished her first sandwich. "Shall I introduce you to the other guests?"

"Please." Jasmine's social skills helped Fleur overcome her shyness and converse with the other guests without any obvious effort. "I'm never going to remember everyone's murder mystery character."

"Don't worry. That's all of them."

"You haven't introduced me to those two."

"Sorry, who do you mean?"

"The two gorgeous men you monopolized earlier."

"Oh, you mean Zane Loup and Xavier Serpente?"

"The dark-haired one stared at you for ages."

Jasmine shuddered. "He's sexy but arrogant."

"Interesting, introduce me anyway."

Xavier Serpente clenched his manicured nails into his expensive Italian silk trousers, amazed Jasmine dare leave him in mid-conversation. She didn't realize his importance. He mentally ticked off his attributes. Successful Milanese financier and good looks guaranteed him the undivided attention of most beautiful women. He also possessed the fast car, city penthouse, and lakeside retreat associated with his ilk. The threat of danger, which simmered under the surface of his urbane respectability, was his greatest attraction. All women acquiesced when they fell under the spell of his midnight black gaze. Except Jasmine; she intrigued him. Her potent aura represented a source of usable power. Fleur's importance to her troubled him. Xavier let his gaze roam over the slender blonde-haired woman across the room. The innocent, vulnerable aura she projected didn't fascinate his jaded palate.

Paranormal energy diverted his attention. Someone pushed at his mind's periphery. He didn't recognize the energy source. Waves of unease ruffled his calm exterior. He detected a paranormal aura, masked before he could determine its origin. Anger flared in his obsidian gaze.


A bell rang. Conversation ceased as Grace broke the silence. "Welcome everyone. It's time to go through the weekend's events."

A buzz of conversation resumed. Everyone rummaged in pockets and bags for their event program. Grace waited for the room to fall silent again. "Chairs are behind the buffet tables."

"I'll introduce you to Zane and Xavier after this," Jasmine said to Fleur

Everyone's attention focused on Grace. Fleur looked for Lukas, still absent, among the guests. She controlled her frustration and concentrated on Grace. The conservatory door opened. The charged air around her crackled with static electricity. She shuddered, and her skin covered with goose bumps as her spine tingled with sparks of awareness. She couldn't breathe. Be calm. It can't be him. But no one else would cause this violent a physical reaction. She straightened her back. The heat spread to all her body's secret places. Her agitated movements disturbed Jasmine. She mouthed, you okay? Before Fleur could answer, the cause of her inner distraction sat next to her. Lukas. Their gazes clashed. Heat radiated from him in waves. She glanced round the room. Xavier looked bored. Zane smiled at her. Everyone else focused on Grace. No one witnessed her meltdown.


Lukas settled back into his chair. He opened his mind. Despite his long, turbulent history with the demon, Lukas didn't know how it looked in this world. His late arrival should pique the demon's interest. A subtle intrusion at the periphery of his consciousness alerted him. He sensed waves of dark paranormal energy, withdrawing when he focused on them. Disappointed, Lukas drew a protective cloak around his own aura. He sensed malevolent energy. Somewhere in this room, the demon hid behind a human mask. Lukas looked at Zane. His gaze flickered with recognition. A slight movement at Zane's side drew Lukas' attention. A dark stranger stared in his direction. Unsettled, Lukas glanced at Fleur. A powerful aura shone around her. Its potency pulled him towards her with the force of a powerful magnetic field. Lukas concentrated all his psychic energy to pull away. Why did Fleur have such a powerful aura, and why did it attract him? The click of Fleur's bag as she closed it interrupted his muse. The plan of activities rested on her lap. Lukas smiled. His gaze registered her rose-blush cheeks. Her nipples pebbled under her thin mesh top as his gaze rested there. Shallow breaths made her breasts push against the neckline of her top. She shifted in her seat. He withdrew his gaze. His arrogance was satisfied by her obvious arousal.

Lukas' attention focused on Grace. He discovered his character in the murder mystery event a philanthropist who would be the host of the house party, a party given as a reward to Nathan Ryder's friends and supporters of his homeless trust. Grace cast herself as his mother and hostess, which increased the probability of a private conversation this evening. The other characters' names and roles held no significance for him.


"So who might you be in this little intrigue?"

Fleur turned to face Lukas. His hand brushed hers where it rested in her lap. Startled, she resisted the urge to move her hand away. It didn't mean anything. Why draw attention to it? Fleur's gaze followed his fingers as he caressed the delicate skin of her inner wrist. Lukas' troubled gaze met hers. The sensations he aroused captivated her. Her knees trembled. Heat pooled between her thighs. His touch stripped her of her usual self-control. She remembered he'd asked her a question. "I'm Megan Wilde, a successful business woman. I own coffee shops and devour admirers like after-dinner mints, if I recall the details of my character." Her voice sounded soft and husky even to her own ears.

"Ah! And do you?" Lukas held her gaze.

She wanted to look away, but refused to show any weakness. "Do I what?"

Lukas smiled. His golden gaze danced with secret amusement. He irritated her. "Do you devour your admirers?"

Fleur touched her warm cheeks, rattled by his hot looks. Determined to keep her emotions hidden, she held his gaze. "No. I'm not like Megan Wilde."


Her wistful reply touched him. Fleur affected him in unexpected ways and his sudden emotional involvement bothered him. He pushed his worries aside when he saw Jasmine accompanied by two men. "Jasmine, it's nice to see you again." His urbane tone brought Fleur out of her dazed state. "I see my business partner has introduced himself."

"Hi. You know Zane, of course, Lukas, but do you know Xavier?"

Lukas' fires burned deep within him. He stiffened his body, brought it under rigid control. Xavier stood a little closer to Jasmine than social etiquette allowed. Her gaze betrayed her discomfort. She hid it well under a veneer of social politeness. Xavier's empty, inhuman eyes drew his attention. His senses sharpened and the fire within bubbled close to the surface. He shook Xavier's hand. His mind probed. A dark presence, heavy with malevolence, met him. He shuddered. The creature didn't have a human soul. Lukas recovered his composure. "No, we haven't met." He ignored the malicious smile on Xavier's face.

"No?" Xavier challenged. "More importantly, who are you, mio bella signora?"

Fleur blushed. Xavier's charm overpowered her. Good manners ensured she smiled politely and shook his hand. "Hi, I'm Fleur Curwen." Xavier held her hand. In a parody of old fashion gallantry, he raised it to his mouth and kissed it.

"I'm delighted to meet you, bella."

Fleur hid her distaste well. Lukas saw her wipe her hand on her clothes when he let it go. His attempts to ignore the demon's actions failed. He wanted to step between Fleur and Xavier. Instead, he feigned disinterest until Fleur's dislike of Xavier ruptured her thin veneer of politeness. "I'll walk you to your room, Fleur."

Fleur shot a glance at Jasmine who nodded and smiled. "Fine with me, I've introduced you to everyone. I need to finish here and prepare for this evening's cocktail party."

Fleur smiled. "Thanks, Lukas. I'll see you later, Jasmine?" She smiled at Zane and Xavier and rested her hand on Lukas's arm.

"She's out of your league, Zane." The younger man whistled as his gaze followed Jasmine across the room. "Xavier," Lukas made sure it sounded like an afterthought. He looked at Fleur. "Let's go." Lukas noted the blush on her cheeks as they made their way through the small groups of people still around. He smiled at her unusual naivety.


Lukas and Fleur climbed the stairs to their rooms. She liked the hardness of his muscular arm under her fingertips and let her mind wander. Xavier's attractiveness didn't arouse her. His cold lips froze the skin on her hand. If Lukas kissed her hand, it would be different. Unbidden, her heated imagination conjured an image of Lukas naked in the shower with water droplets on his muscular body. She pushed it away, but not before the dull ache in her lower abdomen intensified. She gave herself a mental shake, appalled by her lovesick teenage behavior. Lukas broke into her muse.

Copyright © 2013 by Crimson Frost Books

If you liked this excerpt of The Dragon Legacy it's released by Crimson Frost Books on all major eBook outlets.

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