A Servant for a Mate - Mature...

By TessaT

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Caden has a darkness only his mate can soothe. When he finds her accidentally at a ball, she is torn from him... More

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Chapter 4

321 11 2
By TessaT

Chapter 4 – Claudia

Over the years, I've watched him grow into a strong young adult who makes mistakes and learns from most of them. The one he hasn't realized is foolish and disgraceful.

I know for a fact that Nik has told Caden that I might be watching him. Apparently, that doesn't mean anything to him. It's the reason why I've stayed away since his eighteenth birthday. For four years, I've learned to love myself and grow into a woman that I can be proud of.

If I wanted to live on my own, I could with all the money I've saved up over the years of working. But the empty feeling inside of me is what keeps me here in the castle. His intoxicating scent drives me to madness and doing stupid things. It's why my family helps me stay away. Nik informs me where Caden is when he is able to do so.

Breathing deeply, I try to catch a hit of my own personal drug. Receiving a tiny morsel, I sigh with a hint of pleasure. I've loved his pine and fresh-cut grass scent since I first learned he was my mate. There is just something about it that draws me in. The stupid bond, probably.

When I was younger, his scent felt like a security blanket wrapped around my shoulders, but now...well, if I'm not careful it will drive me to jumping Caden. That wouldn't be a smart idea on my part.

Of course, these sexual feelings didn't manifest until my sixteenth birthday. I didn't act on them then, and I won't for a long time. Seeing your mate sucking face with a lady of the court kind of kills any cravings you might have.

Do I still have doubts of staying here and not running? Definitely, but I can't leave my family to deal with the repercussions of my actions. Once Caden's wolf feels my heat start, the book will tell them who was born on my birthday eighteen years ago. They will check every single female, and when they come to find me gone, a manhunt will be issued. My face will be on every wall, television, and milk bag. I'm not one to let others be blamed for my mistakes. Which is why I hate that Nik is going to be taking part of the blame in a week's time.

Another reason why I don't wish Caden to find me is the female in his arms at this exact moment. One of his many mistresses. Jessica Lawerence believes Caden is going to pick her as his queen, which is stupid as she can't give him heirs. Though after being in his bed for over a year, everyone thinks he is going to mate with her.

The reason why, is that after a prince turns twenty-five, he is allowed to find a female to be his future Queen if his soulmate has either died or won't show herself. Of course if she does show herself, he can mate and bond with her, but then he'd have two queens and that wouldn't go over too well with either female. Thankfully, he turned twenty-two today and not twenty-five. Until then, by law he has to wait for me.

I've given him multiple chances to meet with me; leaving love notes on his bed for the past four years is one of them. Knowing he doesn't bring his mistresses into his own bedroom, there is no way he isn't opening and reading them. He sees them and discards them. Why? I've no idea, and it crushes me.

Each night, I would sneak into the secret tunnels and walk my way towards his bedchamber. The creator of the tunnels had peepholes and entrances built into each room. It's just a matter of finding them. Most are hard to open as they've been unused for centuries it seems.

Caden's peephole is above his king-size bed. Placing a kiss on the seal, I would toss the letter on his pillow, praying he would respond to at least one of them.

For four solid years I've waited silently for a reply. To my heart's horror and devastation, I haven't received even one.

Nik has tried to explain it away, saying Caden's never found a single one of my letters, that they are being stolen before he comes back to his room. We've tried to find out who, but it normally occurs when I'm working, which means I'm shit out of luck on figuring out who the culprit is.

I know the truth, though. On the outside, Caden appears to have grown into this well-respected and caring man–besides the multiple mistresses–that will go the extra mile to help out any wolf in need. In private, he doesn't give a damn about my feelings. How could he when he sinks his cock into as many women as there are days of week?

Over the years, I've noticed his type of female looks nothing like me. Big breasts, a nice plump ass, and the face of a goddess. Not one of those resembles how I'm described. It's one more reason to stay away. He will no doubt be disgusted with how I look. Flat chest, a little pudgy in the middle, no ass to keep my pants up, even with all the workouts Nik's put me through.

It all leads to the big question: will he keep his mistresses after he finds me in a week? That is what has always stopped me from moving forward. I won't allow it. If he does, I'll chop his nuts and cock off after I become pregnant. Then he won't be able to pleasure anyone. It will serve him right for his hideous crimes against me.

"Ladies and gentlemen, if I may have your attention, please," the voice of King Luca rings throughout the ballroom, drawing everyone's attention, including mine. "It is time for the royal run. First off, has the prince selected his partner for the run?" All eyes turn to Caden and Jessica, who is beaming like a lunatic with all the eyes on her.

"I have, Father." He nods his head as he grasps Jessica's hand tightly in his. The look he gives her shatters my heart. The rumors are true; he is planning on giving my title to Jessica.

I don't know how I feel about this turn of events. Depressed, furious, and heart broken.

"Excellent! If the females will please head out to the forest to change, the males will follow directly behind. The run will begin once Prince Caden and his partner reach the front line. Be safe and enjoy the night!" Ending his speech, the King throws his son a smile before taking a seat next to his Queen.

The females giggle and laugh as they race out of the castle, leaving the males to mingle with excitement.

One takes her time in leaving after Jessica, running her hands up and down Caden's chest before whispering in his ear. She receives a wicked grin from Caden before he gives her a love tap on her ass to make her leave.

Out of the corner of my eyes, I notice Nik eyeing me up and down, checking to see how I'm doing. Well, he must know I want to stab a bitch. What else is there for me to do?

Caden clearly doesn't care about me, so why the hell should I introduce myself when he's been all over other women tonight? No way in hell am I that desperate.

Nik gives me a tender smile before walking his way towards Nik and Jason.

Apparently on Caden's fourteenth birthday, it was Nik who I pulled down on top of Caden. Nik informed me that later that night when Caden was in a rage from losing me, he hunted Nik down and beat the ever-living shit out of him. Nik didn't fight back, even though he could have as he's three years older than Caden.

"She is going to be a nice bang tonight, Caden. I bet she has a little something planned for you once you take her to one of your spare bedrooms." Jason smirks wickedly while punching Caden in the right arm, though his face dims in an instant. "This night needs to be over as I'm already missing my mate underneath me."

"You know the reason she occupies my bed, Jason. Not one of us is thick enough to not see through her lies. Jessica and Irena both want a crown on their head in three years," Caden's musical laugh slashes straight through my heart, leaving it bleeding on the floor.

Is he going to give it to her?

"Everyone knows if you are to give the royal crown to anyone, it's going to be Jessica as you've had her in your bed for the past year. All the others are weekly or daily fucks. Never more than that. I'm honestly surprised how long you've kept Irena around. Haven't you seen the jealous looks from all the other unmated females around you? They loathe both Irena and Jessica. It wouldn't surprise me if they weren't fighting outside right now over who gets to become your princess." Jason is right as they are constantly fighting over Caden. It's disgusting.

Catching Nikolai's eyes, I shake my head sadly. I knew it was too good to be true. The search for a servant mate lasted two years until he gave up the fact that no servant would stay hidden from a prince.

Wiping the lone tear away with the palm of my hand, I force myself to walk away from my possible future. There is no need to suffer further tonight.


Would you go to him or just wait until your 18th birthday?

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