total drama island x male rea...

By oranged1

60.2K 788 315

23 unsuspecting teenagers compete insane challenges and try not to get voted of by there teammates and the wi... More

character bio
not so happy campers part 2
the big sleep
not quite famous
the sucky outdoors
phobia factor
up the creek
paintball dear hunt
you can't take the heat
who can you trust
no pain no gain
search and do not destroy
Hide and be sneaky
That's off the chain!
Hook, line and screamer
Wawanakwa gone wild!
Trial by tri armed triathlon
Camp castaways
Are we there yeti
I triple dog dare you
the very last episode, really
total drama drama drama drama island

not so happy campers part 1

11.2K 83 66
By oranged1

Chris: yo where coming at you live from camp wawanakwa, somewhere in muskoka ontario i'm your host Chris Mclean dropping season one of the hottest new reality show right now. Here's the deal 23 campers singed up to spend 8 weeks right here at this crummy old summer camp. They'll compete in challenges against each other then have face the judgement of there fellow campers. Every three days one team will either win a reward or watch one of there teammates walk down the dock of shame take a ride on the loser boat and leave the total drama island for good. There fate will be decided here at the dramatic campfire ceremonies where each week all but one camper will receive a marshmallow. In the end only one camper will be left standing and will be rewarded with cheesy tabloid fame and a small fortune which they'll probably blow in a week to survive they'll have to battle black flies, grizzly bears, disgusting camp food and each other. Every moment will be caught on one of the hundreds of cameras situated all over the camp who will crumble under the pressure find out here right now on total drama island. Alright it's time to meet our first 11 campers we told them they'd all be staying at a five star resort, so if they seem a little t.o.ed, that's probably why. Alright our first camper is (y/n).

(y/n): hey man is this the right place wheres the hotel

Chris: this is where you'll be staying

(y/n)*sigh* great

Beth: our next contestant is Beth whats up

Beth: it's so incredulous to meet you, wow you look much shorter in real life

Chris: um thanks

Chris: Dj

DJ: yo Chris Mclean hows it going? hey you sure i got the right place here? wheres the hot tub at?

Chris: yo dawg this is it camp Wawanakwa

DJ: looked a lot different from the application form

Chris: hey Gwen

Gwen: you mean where staying here

Chris: no your staying here my crib is an air stream with a.c. that way

Gwen: I did not sign up for this

Chris: Actually you did 

He pulls out Gwen's contract but Gwen just ripped it up

Chris: the great thing about layers is they make lots of copy's

Chris: I am not staying here

Chris: cool, i hope you can swim though because your ride just left.

Gwen: jerk

Geoff: Chris mclean it's an honor to meet you man.

Chris: the Geoff-ster welcome to the island man

Geoff: thanks man

Gwen: if they say man one more time i'm gonna puke 

Chris: everybody this is Lindsay

as the camera slowly goes to her feet from her face Chris said to the camera not too shabby.

Lindsey: hi okay you look so familiar

Chris: i'm Chris mclean the host of the show

Lindsey:oh that's where i know you from

Chris: heather

she just walked past Chris

and Beth introduced herself while spitting at her in the process, hi looks like were gonna be your new friend's for the next eight weeks

they then hear music in the distance

Chris: Duncan, dude.

Duncan:i don't like surprise 

Duncan:yeah your parole officer warned me about that. he also told me to give him a holler any time and have you returned to juvie

Duncan:okay then

Duncan:meet you by the campfire gorgeous.

Heather:drop dead you goof, i'm calling my parents you can not make me stay here 

Chris just pulls out a contract

the next contestant was water skiing 

Chris:ladies and gentlemen Tyler

but he slipped  and fell right into the luggage and one of them fell into the water splashing heather in the process

Chris: wicked wipe out man

hey man you alright (y/n) helping Tyler out of the luggage

Tyler:thanks man

Chris notices breathing and it's the next contestant

Chris: welcome Harold

Harold:so you mean the show is at a yucky summer camp and not on some big stage or somehing?

Chris:you got it

Harold:yes this is so much more favorable to my skills

Chris:contestant number nine is Trent 

Trent:hey good to meet you man i saw yo on that figure skating show nice work.

Chris:hey thanks man i knew i rocked that show

Trent: so this is it alright then 

Trent then walks next to Gwen and smiles at her but she turns away then looked at him and smiled

Bridget: hey whats up 

Chris: alright our surfer chick Bridgette is hear

Duncan: nice board this ain't malibu honey said Duncan

Bridget: i thought we where going to be on a beach.

Chris: we are

(y/n): but nobody said it was going to be a good beach 

Chris: alright that makes - suddenly Chris gets whacked by Bridget's surfboard ow darn it, that hurt

Chris:our next camper is Noah

Noah: did you get my memo about my life threatening allergies?

Chris: i'm sure someone did

Noah: good is this where we're staying 

Duncan: no it's your mother's house and where throwing a party 

Noah: cute nice piercings original do them yourself

Duncan: yeah you want one?

Noah: no, thank can i have my lip back please? thanks

Leshawna: what's up ya'll Leshawna's in the house 

Harold: *gasp*

Leshawna: yo baby how you doing, hows it going

Leshawna: feel free to quit now and save yourself's the trouble cause i came to win.

Leshawna: oh whats up my brother give me some sugar baby 

Harold: iv never seen a girl in real life before

Leshawna: excuse me

Harold: your really big and loud

Leshawna: what did you say to me oh no you didn't you have not seen anything yet i'll show you big baby.

Leshawna:  oh yeah you want some of this well come on then

Chris: alright campers settle down

Chris: ladies Sadie,Katie welcome to your new home for eight weeks

Katie: oh my gosh Sadie look it's a summer camp

Sadie: okay i always wanted to go to summer camp

Chris: Ezekiel whats up man

Ezekiel: i think i see a bird

Chris: okay look dude i know you don't get out much been home schooled your your whole life,raised by freaky prairie people just don't say much and try not to get kicked of too early okay.

Ezekiel: yes sir

Chris: Cody the code-ster, the code-meister

Cody: dude psyched to be here man i see all the ladies have already arrived all right.

Leshawna: save it short stuff 

Chris: Eva nice glad you could make it 

Cody: OW whats in there dumbbells 

Eva: yes 

Duncan: shes all yours man

Owen: Chris whats happening this is awesome

Chris: OWEN! welcome

Owen: awesome to be here man yeah, man this is just so

Gwen: awesome 

Owen: yes awesome are you gonna be on my team

Gwen: oh i sure hope so

Chris: you about finished?

Owen: sorry dude i'm just so sicked

Chris: cool and here comes Courtney

Courtney: hi you must be the other contestants it's really nice to meet you all

Owen: how's it going i'm Owen

Courtney: nice to meat you o.... wow.

Chris: this is Justin welcome to total drama island

Justin: thank Chris this great 

Chris: just so you know we picked you based entirely on your looks

Justin:i can deal with that. 

Owen: I like your pants

Justin: thanks man

Owen: cause they look like there all worn out, did you buy them like that?

Justin: uh, no just had them for a while

Owen: oh! cool stupid!

Chris: hey everyone it's Izzy

Izzy: hi Chris hi,hi oww ,izzy hit her head and fell in the water

Tyler: ooh that was bad 

(y/n): okay i can't tell if your messing with me 

Courtney: guys she cold seriously be hurt

Izzy: that felt so ... good except for hitting my chin this is summer camp that is so cool do you have paper mache here are we having lunch soon

Owen: that is a good call 

Chris: first things first we need a group photo for the promos everyone on the end of the dock

Chris: alright everyone say wawanakwa

everyone: Wawanakwa AAHH suddenly the dock breaks

Chris: okay guys dry off and meet me by the campfire pit in 10


campfire pit

Chris: this is camp wawanakwa your home for the next eight weeks the campers sitting around you will be your cabin mates, your competition and maybe even your friends the camper who manages to stay on total drama island the longest will win $100,000

Duncan: excuse me what are the sleeping arrangements be because i'd like to request a bunk under her 

he say's pointing at heather

Heather: there not co-ed are they said heather

Chris: no girls sleep on one side of each cabin and dudes get the other

Lindsay: excuse me Kyle can I have a cabin with with the lake view since i'm the prettiest

Chris: okay you are but that's not really how it works, and it's Chris

Katie: I have to live with Sadie or i'll die

Sadie: and i'll break out in hives, it's true

Gwen: this cannot be happening

Owen: aw come on guys it's like a big sleepover 

he say's as he hugs Gwen and Tyler

Tyler: at least you don't have to sleep next to him

he points to Duncan who's giving a deer a noogie

Chris: here's the deal were gonna split you into two teams if i call your name out go stand over there

Chris: Gwen,Trent,heather,Cody,Lindsey,Beth,Katie,Owen,Leshawna,Justin and Noah from this moment on you are officially known as the screaming gophers

Owen: yeah i'm a gopher wooo!

Katie: wait what about Sadie?

Chris: the rest of you over here Geoff,Bridget,DJ,Tyler,(y/n), Sadie, Izzy, Courtney, Ezekiel, Duncan,Eva and Harold move move move 

Sadie: but Katie's a gopher! I have to be a gopher!

Courtney: Sadie was it come on, it'll be okay

Sadie: no it won't! I miss you Katie!

Katie: I miss you too!

Chris: you guys will be officially known as the killer bass 

Harold: it's awesome it's like amazing 

(y/n): i'm pretty sure you would've said that with any name he picked 

Chris: alright campers you and your team will be on camera in all public areas during this competition 

Chris confessional: you will also be able to share your inner most thoughts on tape with video diaries any time you want let the audience at home what your really thinking or just get something off your chest

Gwen confessional: okay so far this stinks

Lindsay confessional: I don't get it where's the camera

she says as she was facing the other way

Owen confessional: hey guys I got a really important message to say *farts* hahaha

Chris: alright lets find your cabins gophers your in the east cabin bass your in the west 

Geoff: hey Chris are there any chaperone of any kind in this facility 

Chris: your all 16 years old as old as a counselor in training in a regular summer camp so other than myself you will be unsupervised you've got half an hour to unpack and meet me back at the main lodge

suddenly we all hear a scream coming from the gopher cabin

Leshawna: oh man that white girl can scream

Lindsey: what is it kill it

it was a cockroach and  DJ got so  scared he jumped on Gwen's bed and as everyone tries to kill it Duncan shows up with an axe and chops it in half

Gwen: well that's one way to kill a cockroach

Tyler: if you ever see one of those again just let me know okay because i can do that to ,he said that to Lindsey

Duncan: they always go for the jocks


Chef: listen up i serve it three times a day and you'll eat it three times a day grab your tray get your food and sit your butts down now said chef hatchett

Beth: excuse me will we be getting all the major food groups

Harold: yeah cause I get hyperglycemic real bad if I don't get enough sugar


Owen: have a cow

chef: what was that come closer big guy I didn't hear you!!

Owen: um I didn't really say anything important

chef: i'm sure you didn't

Owen then left and chef looked at Noah

chef: hey scrawny kid give me your plate

he puts extra slop on his plate

next in line is Leshawna and Eva

Leshawna: wassup girl

Eva just stairs at her and walks away

Leshawna: oh it's gonna be like that is it?

chef: NEXT!!


Lindsay: excuse me my nutritionist say's I shouldn't eat any white sugar, white flower or like dairy

Gwen: I don't think that's gonna be a problem

Lindsay: cool

she then walks off

Gwen:  okay I don't mean to be predictable and complain on the first day but I think mine just move

chef then hits her food with a mallet

Gwen: right okay then


Chris: welcome to the main lodge 

Geoff: yo my man can we order a pizza

suddenly chef throws a blade at the wall

Geoff: whoa it's cool G brown slop is cool right guys

Chris: your first challenge begins in one our 

Katie: what do you think they'll make us do 

DJ: it's our first challenge how hard can it be 

the camera then shows them on top of a cliff

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