If Destiny Allows

By Mystericalhope

764 91 53

One fateful night, two strangers and a missed metro. Destiny has already decided its pawns' destination. All... More

Peculiar ways of life
To reach an understanding
The secret
'A Ray of Sunshine'

The fest

156 21 24
By Mystericalhope

The whole venue was buzzing with happiness, excitement, and loads of energy. The nervous participants, the intrigued freshers, the stressed volunteers, the dazzling lights, and the loud music all these were the indicators of the liveliness that the fest brought.

Noor and I were sitting at a far-away distance from the stage, avoiding the overexcited crowd, discussing the performances, arrangements and what not, but in all honesty it was her who was discussing. I was lost- lost in finding someone. My eyes were roaming all around the venue just to find one glimpse of that stranger yet not stranger guy, the guy whom I met just for an hour or something.

"Anthika, who do you think will win the dance battle this year? I mean, earlier the title was reserved for Yug Deshmukh but I heard he won't be participating this time."

And for the first time in this particular evening, Noor's voice was able to catch my attention.

"Are you- Are you sure he won't participate? I mean how do you know? He isn't from our college." I questioned, worried if it was true.

Noor shrugged. " Heard his college mates talk about it but they were kind of vague so I am not exactly sure."

I nodded "Hmm"

"Achha...leave this..omg omg Anthika. I started watching this new series named Baht oyunu and I am so hooked...the actors, their chemistry, everything is so damn good. I am addicted."

And I lost her again.

There was sudden hollering and I returned my eyes back to the stage. The host announced the beginning of the dance performance.

"Hellllllo, Guys and Girls !! Are you ready for the most awaited evening of the year? "

An ear splitting cheer roared across the ground.

"Yeyhhh.. looks like Josh is in the air ! So without any delay let's begin the celebration with some thunderous dance performances, awesome music and loads of craziness."

Several colleges' participants participated one after the other but there was no sign of him. I stood up and decided to end my stupid misery. Man, Do I sound desperate? But I just... I just want to know what he decided about his dance career. It's not like I am crushing on him or anything..haha that would be stupid.

Behind me Noor was shouting questions but I kept moving, gesturing a quick apology to her.

I went up to one of the volunteer, also a good friend of mine. "Hey! Jiya!" I shouted over the loud music.

"Hiya Anthika!" She shouted back. I showed her my phone and gestured to the messaging app.

She nodded understandingly.

I was about to message her, but the announcement of the host halted my fingers. Someone else was participating from Yug's college, disappointed I turned away and made my way out of the crowd and left the venue.

Letting out a deep sigh, I somehow managed to put a smile on my face. I am happy for him,and I hope he is happy too, at the end of the day, that is the only thing that matters.

Strolling around the campus with my earplugs on, life seemed to be okayish. Though it seemed like I was forgetting something yet I continued my mindless strolling.

"There you are !"

I swirled around and came face to face with the guy I have been waiting to see.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

His lips formed a pout and he replied to me in a cute sad voice. " And here I thought you would be happy to see me." He panted.

I narrowed my eyes. "And how would you know anything about my presence?" "And wait, why are you sweating so much?" I asked worriedly.

"And I thought you were smart. Put two and two together, woman. A guy who danced continuously for 10 minutes is bound to sweat a little. And about knowing your presence, manly instincts." He ended with a wink.

I blinked at him. And the moment his words registered in my mind. I shrieked and hugged him. "You frickin 'danced. Yesss!!"

He gave out a hearty laugh and hugged me back.

"Yes, I did." He answered looking deep into my eyes. His onyx eyes were bewitching. The kind of eyes which makes you want to stop time. The kind of eyes which makes you feel at home. The kind of eyes where you can find your solace.

Realizing that I was still hugging him, I stepped back.

"Wait, so you convinced your parents? How did it go? Were they angry? Is everything alright at your home? Are you alright?" Before I could continue with my non-step questions Yug interrupted me.

"Ohho. Stop the rambling, miss. Let me explain. Well, I gave everything a thought and as you said I can't let bitterness enter my life. As for my parents it was tough but they understood. So yeah as they say, all's well when ends well."

"So the title of Dancing heartthrob of DU still belongs to Yug Deshmukh. Huh?" I questioned with a wide grin plastered on my face.

"Hmm, it seems so but I am craving something else today." He replied with a mischievous smile.

I raised my eyebrows and gave him a questioning look. "And what's that?"

"Women and their problem of forgetting promises. You promised me that the next time your 'destiny' allows us to meet we will have Chandni chowk paranthas." He replied, shaking his head disappointedly.

I gasped, my eyes narrowing. "The audacity. When did I promise anything like that?"

"Now you accuse me of lying. Didn't they teach you anything in your books? I expected so much better from you. You were able to uplift my mood on my saddest day but look at you now."

I rolled my eyes. "I never expected you to be this dramatic.If you want to ask me on a date just do so."

With an alluring smirk, he took a step forward making me lose all my senses. "Do you want me to ask you on a date?"

"Do you not?"I replied back.

Twirling a strand of my hair with his finger, he whispered. " Aren't you quite straight forward?"

With a small smirk I whispered back. "Is it a bad thing?"

He shook his head in denial. "I kinda like it. So do you want me to go on my knees or asking you to please go on a date with me is enough, My lady?"

"Oh, good sir. I would have loved the former proposal but for now I shall be fine with a mere request."

With a wide grin he forwarded his hand towards me, and I eagerly rested my hand on his, not just for now but for forever.


Author's note:

If you have reached this far, you must have liked something about this story. Right? So, please do leave a feedback. It would make me really happy. Your comments and votes are always appreciated. Thank you so much for giving this story a chance.

Lots of love💚

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