Bell in freya familia

By BellCranel1234

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Bell will join the freya familia. He will meet freya before hestia. There will be no Syr. Anya is still in fr... More

My Goddess
Guild and Dungeon
My Home and Familia
Night in the dudgeon and New Weapons
Armor Shopping and Silverback
New magic
Saving Lili
Meeting Aiz Wallenstein.
Bell Vs Minotaur
Level 2 and new partner
First Trip To The Middle Floors
Floor 18
Rivera And A Date
Bell VS Mord
Going to the 59th Floor
Fight against Demi-Spirit
Apollo's Party
War Game Conditions.
Hestia Familia and Bell Vs Apollo familia
Level Up and Dark Spears's Powers
Casino Heist
Bell VS Ishtar Familia
The Fall Of The Ishtar Familia
The Arrival Of The Princess Of Beltane
Ladari Vs Bell, New Upgrade To The Strongest And Birthday
End Of IKELOS FAMILIA And Xenos VS Loki Familia
Plan for Return


1.5K 21 5
By BellCranel1234

Bell Pov

Currently Bell, Welf, Lili, Karen, Hurumine and Mikito who had joined the group not too long ago. Had arrived at Babel due to the request of Jhon, Mark, Will, Max Airmid had asked Bell to meet them outside the dungeon with his equipment.

(If you don't remember Jhon is the captain of the Hestia familia while, Mark, Will and Max are the level 2s of the Hestia familia.)

Jhon: Thanks for coming.

Bell: No problem I owed you one anyway after all that War game was the reason I leveled up.

Jhon: There was no need for that after all you saved all of us by taking our side so we are very grateful for that and now even coming here after our request was so sudden.

Bell: You told me this is something that you can only do with my help so I had no choice. So what are we supposed to be doing?

Airmid: I needed help in getting some materials and there is a sale on them on the 18th floor. SO I need to be escorted there. I am readfy to give you all 3 high class potions right now.

Lili: Ok we will take that.

Airmid gives everyone in Bell's group the potions since she had already given them to Jhon's group.

The group easily makes their way down to the 18th floor due to having 1st and 2nd rate adventurers.

Just when they were about to return the group was asked to do a mission by Bors.

Bell: What is the mission?

Bors: Well there are a lot of irregular monsters appearing and we were asked to ask every strong adventurer for help. So you guys have to help us kill the fire birds that are appearing in hordes on the 19th floor.

Jhon: I would love to help. *the other Hestia familia members also agreed due to this*

Airmid: I can spare some time its better than having people injured.

Bell: I haven't really explored the 19th floor since the last time I was there I was in mind down and the other time I was in a hurry to go to the 59th floor. So this should be a good experience.

Bors: Thank you. By the way do you need extra members for more help?

Jhon: No we should be fine your party is pretty strong already.

Lili: One more thing what are the rewards for completing this quest Bors? *regular scheming face*

Bell: Lili doesn't that seem a bit rude we are only doing this for the adventurers to be safe there is no reason for him to reward us.

Lili: Master Bell you don't understand anything he is trying to just use us. When we complete the mission he will take your reward for himself.

Bors: I promise I wasn't going to do that. *nervous*

Bell: Just so you know lying to me is the same outcome as lying to a god. But even if I didn't have this skill I probably could have told you were lying.

Bors: Fine you guys can have the rewards they were just salamander coats anyway that's all the guild had offered anyway.

Lili: Ok give them to us right now and we also want a million vails for you lying to us.

Bors looks at Bell for help but Bell only looks at his hands like they were much more important.

Bors then seeing no way out gives them all a salamander cape that had burn resit.

The group headed to 19th after floor dividing themselves into 2 groups one which was Bell, Karen, Jhon and Airmid that were going to go first and the second group where the rest of them were from behind to take care of any monsters left behind by the first group.

Jhon then creates a plan for the first group.

Jhon: Ok here is the plan-

Bell: Kill them all. *cutting a firebird in half with his ax and then throwing his dark spear at another one which starts to consume it*

Bell then makes his spear  through the firebird and hit another one that was right behind it.

Bell: That's what you call killing 1 birds with 1 spear.

Jhon: Pretty sure that's not the saying. BUT MORE IMPORTANTLY YOU NEED TO START LISTING TO MY ORDERS THIS ISN'T EVEN THE FIRST TIME! *screaming the second part angrily*

Bell: Sorry but orders are too boring to pay any attention especially orders from you.

Bell: Opps. *realizing what he just said*

Jhon: Now you really done it. *Jhon then holds his fist up and covers it with ice and a tiny blizzard*

Bell terrified of what was about to happen flew away full speed and Jhon chased him to give him a real good beating.

In the end the 2 split up from the group and lost.

Bell: Looks like we are lost. *panting*

Jhon: You think? *tired*

Bell: Either way this was fun I can't remember the last time something like this happened. *smiling despite being hurt*

Jhon: You are definitely a different type of human. *sigh*

Bell: Hey come on there is no difference between us.

Jhon: Other than the fact that you are completely crazy, careless are far too used being in the center of all trouble to be normal... *keeps going*

Bell: *starts to get annoyed*... Ok that's enough I know that I am a bit troublesome but it is really annoying to hear that from someone else.

Jhon: hahahaha so even you get annoyed huh? *laughs*

Bell: I am human after all.

Jhon: Questionable hmm?*putting his fingers under his chin*

Bell: Hey!

Jhon: Come on, come on. You really need to learn how to take a joke.

Bell: *looks away in anger* He who is that? *shocked that it looked like there was a injured person*

Jhon: Doesn't matter lets go help that person. *Bell and Jhon then run in the direction of the person*

Jhon: What in the World is this thing? *shocked*

When Bell and Jhon were about 10 meters away from the person they saw its wasn't a mortal at all in fact it was actually a injured monster.

Bell: Doesn't matter this is what we usually do we kill the monster. *Bell then calls his spear ready to kill*

Bell was about to throw his spear at the monster but lowered his weapon and stopped when he saw the monster shed some tears about of fear and sadness. This had shocked the 2 a lot and almost made them feel guilty.

Bell: Sorry I can't kill it. *disappointed deforms his spear*

Jhon: I absolutely hate all monsters for what they have done. But I know why you can't do it and even with all my hate towards monsters I doubt I could kill it... But what do we do now? *bit confused*

Bell: Lets just leave. I don't know what we are supposed to do we are here to kill monsters so even if we can't kill it its not on us if it survives.

Jhon: Right.

Bell and Jhon then turn in the other direction and were about to leave  until they saw a horde of firebirds that were about to shoot the monster.

Jhon and Bell: {Blizzard Tsunami} {Atlantis}

Bell stops the fire attacks from hitting the monster while Jhon uses an enormous amount of ice in the shape of a wave of a Tsunami that easily kills all the monsters on the floor other than the one they were protecting.

Jhon: Why did you save that monster? *tired*

Bell: I can ask you the very same thing.

Jhon and Bell: *sigh*

Bell: Looks like we can't leave this monster behind anyway.

Jhon: Yep, if we keep it here it will definitely die.

Bell: Well then if that is the case should I heal it?

Jhon: Go ahead, it will make it easier to travel.

Bell: Ok. *Bell then starts to walk towards it but as he does so he hears a large groups footsteps and covers the monster with his salamander wool cape*

Gran: Hey you 2 kids have you seen a Vouivre around here it escaped from our group. *arriving with other members of the Ikelos familia*

Jhon: No we haven't and even if there was one here it probably would have been killed with the magic I just used.

Gran: I see kid so it was you who used that ice and snow, that had actually hurt now I will make you pay for it. *tightening his grip on his sword*

Jhon: If you think you can even touch me then come on already. After all you are still a level 3 aren't you Gran of the Ikelos familia while I am a advanced level 4. *grin* *taking his sword off his back*

Gran: I will show you what power means you brat. *charges towards Jhon*

Jhon: Go ahead and try all you want. *grin* *does the same*

But as expected by Jhon he clearly blocked Gran's sword and kicked him into a tree nearby.

Jhon: Oh my my is that all you can do what happened to all that talk about showing me true power and all. *grin* (What's happening he is supposed to be a level 3 but that power is one of a mid-level 4. if I wasn't careful he would have definitely hit me that time. *confused*) (Wait a second I get it now he was probably hiding his true level he must have leveled up a while back. But if that's the case I must end him quickly.)

Gran: You brat I will definitely make you pay for that. *Gets up* I don't care anymore I will kill you. *very mad*

Jhon: Well then let's finally fight till we kill each other. *then a blizzard suddenly forms around the area where Jhon and Gran were* If you leave this place then it will instantly kill you remember that. So the only way to deactivate this is to kill me. Now let's fight to our deaths already. I will even give you the first move.

Gran: (You have to be kidding me how am I supposed to fight him. He completely overpowers me. The aura that he is giving off right now is the same as a monster looking at a human he will kill.) (This is bad really bad I need some way to run away from this monster.*terrified*)

Bell: Can you 2 stop fighting already have you forgotten we need to get our comrade some help? By anyway you guys don't have any potions on you right now do you?

Gran: (This is my chance to escape.) First let me out of this thing already then I have a plan.

Bell: Jhon?

Jhon *sigh* *then turns off his brizard cage and puts his sword back on his back*

Gran: Now I will be leaving. If I stay here then we will only get in the way. I also don't have any potions on me and even if I did I still wouldn't give them to you kids. Remember this that just this once I am letting you guys go because your combrate is in trouble but next time I won't be so nice.

Jhon: If that is the reason then I even though our comrade is hurt I can still spare some time to beat you up to a pulp. *cracking his knuckles*

Gran: Shut up! We are only leaving since we need to be somewhere. *runs away with his group*

Jhon: Why did you let them go we could have easily killed every last one of them without trying if we wanted to.

Bell: Because among them there were no level 1s and most were level 3 and don't you think it would attract too much attention if a bunch of level 3s with multiple level 2s and 4s suddenly were found dead on the 19th floor after all there were about 20 to 30 of those guys? So it would have given Orario a scare.

Jhon: Fine. I guess even you can use that stupid brain once in a while.

Bell: Hey! Why do even your compliments should like dises?!

Jhon: That was a dis you idiot.

Bell: Right. *feels that a arrow hit his heart* Well then I guess we should heal this thing now. *points his palms towards the monster and*{Angel heal}

Jhon: Now come with us you Vouivre and make sure to keep that cape on so no one can see you.

Bell and Jhon start to walk but then they notice that the Vouivre was still sitting on the ground.

Jhon: What are you doing can't you understand what I am saying? *but then the Vouivre goes back in fear*

Bell: Hey now there is no reason to be scared of us we won't hurt you. *sitting down on the ground hear the Vouivre*

Jhon: Yea, I wasn't meaning to scare you either.

Bell: You can trust us we won't do anything bad ok? *lends his hand*

The Vouivre while shaking accepts.

Jhon: Well then now let's meet up with the others.

Just then Mark, Will, Max Airmid, Lili, Karen, Hurumine and Mikito come there.

Bell: How did you guys find us?

Max: We just followed the direction which the captain's attack came from.

Bell: I guess that make sense.

Karen: Either way who exactly is that? *looking at the Vouivre*

Bell: (Oh no what do we tell them.)

Jhon: She was a person that got injured due to the firebirds we saved her and treated her wounds so in the end we decided to let her come with us to the surface.

Lili: Well then shouldn't we look for her combrates?

Jhon: No there is no need they all died due to a Vouivre that escaped from the Ikelos familia.

Bell: (Man I can't believe he came up with that on the spot. *amazed*)

Lili: I see I am sorry for your loss.

But there was no response from the Vouivre.

Bell: Lili let's not say anything to her for the moment after all she just lost her combrates it must be really hard for her to do anything so she probably doesn't want to talk. (I am a genius *proud*)

Airmid: Right now lets head back. The Ice Prince's magic has already taken care of our mission.

Bell: Even you have a really cool alias. *compiling3v433ewsf*

Jhon: You will get one yourself soon enough don't worry.

(I doubt it.)

Bell: Do you really mean that? *happy with sparkling eyes*

(Of course not.)

Jhon: Of course.

The group then heads back to the 18th floor and decides to stay for the night and enjoy it with the best things. The only reason Lili agreed to the cost was that Bors had to pay all the money for the groups space for the night, entertainment and food. While the Vouivre stayed in one of the rooms they booked.

Bors: Just how many vials are you guys going to make me spend. *sad*

Jhon: This is your punishment for lying to us before. *eating a chicken leg* *chough* *chough* I am fine now.

Bell: This is why you shouldn't talk while eating.

Jhon: Shut up your the last person in the World I want to hear that from!

Bell: So cruel *cries in a corner*

After the group decides to head to the surface.

They were making their way through all the monsters very quickly in fact they had already reached the 6th floor in half an hour.

But just then a War shadow was born near the Vouivre and scratched her.

Bell: {Thunder}*kills the War shadow*

Airmid: Hey are you alright it looked like you got a bad injury want me to check it? I can heal it in ju-

Airmid stops talking because due to the attack of the War shadow's attack the cape fell of the Vouivre's face and the group saw that she was a monster the whole time.

Lili was then going to shoot the Vouivre but her arrows were stopped due to a wall of ice Bell created to protect the Vouivre.

Lili: Master Bell what are you doing stop protecting that "thing" if you keep doing this then everyone will think of you as another monster fetish.

Bell: She is not a thing after all she can feel emotions like us and if I get called a monster fetish for protecting a innocent I could care less. 

Airmid: Ice Prince and Heaven Crafter please stop him you are the only 2 are the only  strong enough here to stop golden rabbit.

Jhon: Sorry, but I knew about this the whole time and I am on Bell's side this time as well. *confident*

Airmid: Heaven Crafter? *hoping for some help*

Karen: Even though I am as confused as all of you but I trust Bell a lot and I am ready allow him to explain his actions before anything else happens.

Airmid: Well I guess that can't be all bad. Golden Rabbit you have 1 chance to prove yourself.

Bell: This monster has feelings like the rest of us that reason alone is enough for us to protect it.

Lili: Master Bell what  do you mean it has the same feelings as us its a monster? I am sorry but I will kill that thing its is getting in the way of you making right decisions. *angry*

Vouivre: Bell?

This had shocked everyone there and they all turned to see where the sound came from and saw the Vouivre.

Welf: It actually spoke? *shocked*

Karen: But that's impossible its a monster it. *shocked*

Bell: That's right my name is Bell. What's your name? *As if everything is normal*

Vouivre: My name is Bell.

Bell: No that's not your name that is my name.

Vouivre: Then what is my name?

Jhon: She probably doesn't have a name.

Airmid: I see so we will probably have to give her a name.

Welf: I get how Bell and Jhon are so calm but what's your excuse Airmid?*surprised*

Airmid: A healer must stay calm at all times otherwise her patients may get frightened.

Jhon: Yes but lets head to the surface first.

Basically everyone agrees with Jhon's decision and Lili seeing that there was no point in arguing starts to see that the sadness and fear Vouivre had was like the same one she had when she was in the Soma familia.

Welf: Lili?

Lili: Fine do whatever you guys want. *finally lowers her crossbow* But if she causes and trouble I will shoot her that second. *completely serious*

After the group heads to the surface, then they have a meeting with some gods as well as some executives. They all met at the mansion that Hestia familia won from the Apollo familia. Among them were Freya and all her executives, Talvi, Lili and Haruhime, Aaron and his partners Gobliu with Karen, Hestia and her members that knew about the Vouivre, Takemikazuchi with Okua, Mikoto and Chigusa and also Mitch with Nazza level 4, Daphne and Cassandra both level 3.

(I know that Nazza's level is actually 2 but I increased it because it would look weird if a level 2 was the captain of 2 level 3s to me personally.)

Nazza: I can't do it there is no way. I could ever support a monster.*angry*

Jhon: But-

Nazza: Sorry but I just can't help but I won't tell anyone about this at least. *about to leave*

Mitch: Nazza lets at least listen to them?

Nazza: Ok.

Bell: We know that you hate monster due to what happened to your arm but this Vouivre is the same as the rest of us. Just like us she was also hunted down by monsters even her own kind had completely rejected her and she has no one.

After this Nazza finally accepted helping them.

Nazza: Ok fine I guess I will help. So what's next?

Jhon: We need more information about this kind of monsters but we can't talk to the Guild about this so there is nothing there and the only thing that even comes close to this is the rumors of the armored monsters but there is no information about them either.

Hedin: So we all have to keep our eyes open for any information and if anyone were to find anything then you should report it immediately.

All: Alright.

Ladari: (Man I haven't even been here for long at all. They weren't kidding when they said where ever Bell goes trouble always follows were they? *sigh*)

Aaron: With that aside shouldn't we give that... whatever you want to call it a name?

Bell: Alright I got one-

Hedin: If you are going to say something weird like a name from a story then we are rejecting it already just so you know.

Bell: Fine, I got another one we can just shorten the name I was going to use and call her Wiene.

Hedin: *sigh* You really take stupidity to a whole different level don't you. Well whatever It is just something for us to call it with any way.

After the meeting was finished everyone left and Wiene was taken in with the Freya familia since they were the largest there and due to that there was a higher chance for no one in their own familia to find out about the existence of Wiene.

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